Fix [#37012] The new export split normal does nor produce correct results.

Was a silly error introduced in algo during optimization, vertices having sharp and smooth edges would only get the first poly's normal for each "smooth loop group".

Also done a (minor) optimization, and some comment fixes.
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2013-10-09 17:48:27 +00:00
parent f43154606a
commit 110b32cf6f
2 changed files with 14 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ void BKE_mesh_calc_normals_tessface(
struct MFace *mfaces, int numFaces,
float (*faceNors_r)[3]);
void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(
struct MVert *mverts, int numVerts, struct MEdge *medges, int numEdges,
struct MLoop *mloops, float (*r_loopnors)[3], int numLoops,
struct MPoly *mpolys, float (*polynors)[3], int numPolys, float split_angle);
struct MVert *mverts, const int numVerts, struct MEdge *medges, const int numEdges,
struct MLoop *mloops, float (*r_loopnors)[3], const int numLoops,
struct MPoly *mpolys, float (*polynors)[3], const int numPolys, float split_angle);
void BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal(
struct MPoly *mpoly, struct MLoop *loopstart,

View File

@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ void BKE_mesh_calc_normals_tessface(MVert *mverts, int numVerts, MFace *mfaces,
* Compute split normals, i.e. vertex normals associated with each poly (hence 'loop normals').
* Useful to materialize sharp edges (or non-smooth faces) without actually modifying the geometry (splitting edges).
void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *medges, int numEdges,
MLoop *mloops, float (*r_loopnors)[3], int numLoops,
MPoly *mpolys, float (*polynors)[3], int numPolys, float split_angle)
void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, const int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *medges, const int numEdges,
MLoop *mloops, float (*r_loopnors)[3], const int numLoops,
MPoly *mpolys, float (*polynors)[3], const int numPolys, float split_angle)
#define INDEX_INVALID -1
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *med
* sharp edge: < 0 (INDEX_INVALID || INDEX_UNSET),
* unset: INDEX_UNSET
* Note that currently we only have two values for second loop of sharp edges. However, if needed, we can
* store the negated value of loop index instead of INDEX_INVALID to retrieve th real value later in code).
* store the negated value of loop index instead of INDEX_INVALID to retrieve the real value later in code).
* Note also that lose edges always have both values set to 0!
int (*edge_to_loops)[2] = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int[2]) * (size_t)numEdges, __func__);
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *med
/* Check whether current edge might be smooth or sharp */
if ((e2l[0] | e2l[1]) == 0) {
/* 'Empty' edge until now, set e2l[0] (and e2l[1] to INT_MIN to tag it as unset). */
/* 'Empty' edge until now, set e2l[0] (and e2l[1] to INDEX_UNSET to tag it as unset). */
e2l[0] = ml_curr_index;
e2l[1] = INDEX_UNSET;
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *med
else if (!IS_EDGE_SHARP(e2l)) {
/* More that two loops using this edge, tag as sharp if not yet done. */
/* More than two loops using this edge, tag as sharp if not yet done. */
/* Else, edge is already 'disqualified' (i.e. sharp)! */
@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *med
* it should not be a common case in real-life meshes anyway).
const unsigned int mv_pivot_index = ml_curr->v; /* The vertex we are "fanning" around! */
const MVert *mv_pivot = &mverts[mv_pivot_index];
const int *e2lfan_curr;
float vec_curr[3], vec_prev[3];
MLoop *mlfan_curr, *mlfan_next;
@ -464,11 +465,10 @@ void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *med
/* Only need to compute previous edge's vector once, then we can just reuse old current one! */
const MEdge *me_prev = &medges[ml_prev->e];
const MVert *mv_1 = &mverts[mv_pivot_index];
const MEdge *me_prev = &medges[ml_curr->e]; /* ml_curr would be mlfan_prev if we needed that one */
const MVert *mv_2 = (me_prev->v1 == mv_pivot_index) ? &mverts[me_prev->v2] : &mverts[me_prev->v1];
sub_v3_v3v3(vec_prev, mv_2->co, mv_1->co);
sub_v3_v3v3(vec_prev, mv_2->co, mv_pivot->co);
@ -479,12 +479,11 @@ void BKE_mesh_normals_loop_split(MVert *mverts, int UNUSED(numVerts), MEdge *med
* given the fact that this code should not be called that much in real-life meshes...
const MEdge *me_curr = &medges[ml_curr->e];
const MVert *mv_1 = &mverts[mv_pivot_index];
const MEdge *me_curr = &medges[mlfan_curr->e];
const MVert *mv_2 = (me_curr->v1 == mv_pivot_index) ? &mverts[me_curr->v2] :
sub_v3_v3v3(vec_curr, mv_2->co, mv_1->co);
sub_v3_v3v3(vec_curr, mv_2->co, mv_pivot->co);