Fix T87554 Exact Boolean performance bug.

There was a quadratic algorithm extracting triangles from a coplanar
cluster. This is now linear.
Also found and fixed a bug in the same area related to the triangulator
added recently: it didn't get the right correspondence between new
edges and original edges.
This commit is contained in:
Howard Trickey 2021-05-02 16:37:05 -04:00
parent 52e977d518
commit 28bf1d4037
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 00:29:15 +01:00
Referenced by issue #87554, freezes when entering edit mode with active geometry nodes
Referenced by issue #87505, Point instance with boolean geometry node very unresponsive
3 changed files with 395 additions and 308 deletions

View File

@ -357,6 +357,9 @@ IMesh trimesh_nary_intersect(const IMesh &tm_in,
bool use_self,
IMeshArena *arena);
/** Return an IMesh that is a triangulation of a mesh with general polygonal faces. */
IMesh triangulate_polymesh(IMesh &imesh, IMeshArena *arena);
/** This has the side effect of populating verts in the #IMesh. */
void write_obj_mesh(IMesh &m, const std::string &objname);

View File

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
# include "BLI_math_mpq.hh"
# include "BLI_mesh_intersect.hh"
# include "BLI_mpq3.hh"
# include "BLI_polyfill_2d.h"
# include "BLI_set.hh"
# include "BLI_span.hh"
# include "BLI_stack.hh"
@ -2680,224 +2679,10 @@ static IMesh raycast_patches_boolean(const IMesh &tm,
return ans;
* Tessellate face f into triangles and return an array of `const Face *`
* giving that triangulation. Intended to be used when f has > 4 vertices.
* Care is taken so that the original edge index associated with
* each edge in the output triangles either matches the original edge
* for the (identical) edge of f, or else is -1. So diagonals added
* for triangulation can later be identified by having #NO_INDEX for original.
* This code uses Blenlib's BLI_polyfill_calc to do triangulation, and is therefore quite fast.
* Unfortunately, it can product degenerate triangles that mesh_intersect will remove, leaving
* the mesh non-PWN.
static Array<Face *> polyfill_triangulate_poly(Face *f, IMeshArena *arena)
/* Similar to loop body in BM_mesh_calc_tesselation. */
int flen = f->size();
BLI_assert(flen > 4);
if (!f->plane_populated()) {
/* Project along negative face normal so (x,y) can be used in 2d. */
const double3 &poly_normal = f->plane->norm;
float no[3] = {float(poly_normal[0]), float(poly_normal[1]), float(poly_normal[2])};
float axis_mat[3][3];
unsigned int(*tris)[3];
const int totfilltri = flen - 2;
/* Prepare projected vertices and array to receive triangles in tesselation. */
tris = static_cast<unsigned int(*)[3]>(MEM_malloc_arrayN(totfilltri, sizeof(*tris), __func__));
projverts = static_cast<float(*)[2]>(MEM_malloc_arrayN(flen, sizeof(*projverts), __func__));
axis_dominant_v3_to_m3_negate(axis_mat, no);
for (int j = 0; j < flen; ++j) {
const double3 &dco = (*f)[j]->co;
float co[3] = {float(dco[0]), float(dco[1]), float(dco[2])};
mul_v2_m3v3(projverts[j], axis_mat, co);
BLI_polyfill_calc(projverts, flen, 1, tris);
/* Put tesselation triangles into Face form. Record original edges where they exist. */
Array<Face *> ans(totfilltri);
for (int t = 0; t < totfilltri; ++t) {
unsigned int *tri = tris[t];
int eo[3];
const Vert *v[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
BLI_assert(tri[k] < flen);
v[k] = (*f)[tri[k]];
/* If tri edge goes between two successive indices in
* the original face, then it is an original edge. */
if ((tri[k] + 1) % flen == tri[(k + 1) % 3]) {
eo[k] = f->edge_orig[tri[k]];
else {
eo[k] = NO_INDEX;
ans[t] = arena->add_face(
{v[0], v[1], v[2]}, f->orig, {eo[0], eo[1], eo[2]}, {false, false, false});
return ans;
* Which CDT output edge index is for an edge between output verts
* v1 and v2 (in either order)?
* \return -1 if none.
static int find_cdt_edge(const CDT_result<mpq_class> &cdt_out, int v1, int v2)
for (int e : cdt_out.edge.index_range()) {
const std::pair<int, int> &edge = cdt_out.edge[e];
if ((edge.first == v1 && edge.second == v2) || (edge.first == v2 && edge.second == v1)) {
return e;
return -1;
* Tessellate face f into triangles and return an array of `const Face *`
* giving that triangulation.
* Care is taken so that the original edge index associated with
* each edge in the output triangles either matches the original edge
* for the (identical) edge of f, or else is -1. So diagonals added
* for triangulation can later be identified by having #NO_INDEX for original.
* The method used is to use the CDT triangulation. Usually that triangulation
* will only use the existing vertices. However, if the face self-intersects
* then the CDT triangulation will include the intersection points.
* If this happens, we use the polyfill triangulator instead. We don't
* use the polyfill triangulator by default because it can create degenerate
* triangles (which we can handle but they'll create non-manifold meshes).
static Array<Face *> triangulate_poly(Face *f, IMeshArena *arena)
int flen = f->size();
CDT_input<mpq_class> cdt_in;
cdt_in.vert = Array<mpq2>(flen);
cdt_in.face = Array<Vector<int>>(1);
for (int i : f->index_range()) {
/* Project poly along dominant axis of normal to get 2d coords. */
if (!f->plane_populated()) {
const double3 &poly_normal = f->plane->norm;
int axis = double3::dominant_axis(poly_normal);
/* If project down y axis as opposed to x or z, the orientation
* of the polygon will be reversed.
* Yet another reversal happens if the poly normal in the dominant
* direction is opposite that of the positive dominant axis. */
bool rev1 = (axis == 1);
bool rev2 = poly_normal[axis] < 0;
bool rev = rev1 ^ rev2;
for (int i = 0; i < flen; ++i) {
int ii = rev ? flen - i - 1 : i;
mpq2 &p2d = cdt_in.vert[ii];
int k = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
if (j != axis) {
p2d[k++] = (*f)[ii]->co_exact[j];
CDT_result<mpq_class> cdt_out = delaunay_2d_calc(cdt_in, CDT_INSIDE);
int n_tris = cdt_out.face.size();
Array<Face *> ans(n_tris);
for (int t = 0; t < n_tris; ++t) {
int i_v_out[3];
const Vert *v[3];
int eo[3];
bool needs_steiner = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
i_v_out[i] = cdt_out.face[t][i];
if (cdt_out.vert_orig[i_v_out[i]].size() == 0) {
needs_steiner = true;
v[i] = (*f)[cdt_out.vert_orig[i_v_out[i]][0]];
if (needs_steiner) {
/* Fall back on the polyfill triangulator. */
return polyfill_triangulate_poly(f, arena);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int e_out = find_cdt_edge(cdt_out, i_v_out[i], i_v_out[(i + 1) % 3]);
BLI_assert(e_out != -1);
eo[i] = NO_INDEX;
for (int orig : cdt_out.edge_orig[e_out]) {
if (orig != NO_INDEX) {
eo[i] = orig;
if (rev) {
ans[t] = arena->add_face(
{v[0], v[2], v[1]}, f->orig, {eo[2], eo[1], eo[0]}, {false, false, false});
else {
ans[t] = arena->add_face(
{v[0], v[1], v[2]}, f->orig, {eo[0], eo[1], eo[2]}, {false, false, false});
return ans;
* Return an #IMesh that is a triangulation of a mesh with general
* polygonal faces, #IMesh.
* Added diagonals will be distinguishable by having edge original
* indices of #NO_INDEX.
static IMesh triangulate_polymesh(IMesh &imesh, IMeshArena *arena)
Vector<Face *> face_tris;
constexpr int estimated_tris_per_face = 3;
face_tris.reserve(estimated_tris_per_face * imesh.face_size());
for (Face *f : imesh.faces()) {
/* Tessellate face f, following plan similar to #BM_face_calc_tesselation. */
int flen = f->size();
if (flen == 3) {
else if (flen == 4) {
const Vert *v0 = (*f)[0];
const Vert *v1 = (*f)[1];
const Vert *v2 = (*f)[2];
const Vert *v3 = (*f)[3];
int eo_01 = f->edge_orig[0];
int eo_12 = f->edge_orig[1];
int eo_23 = f->edge_orig[2];
int eo_30 = f->edge_orig[3];
Face *f0 = arena->add_face({v0, v1, v2}, f->orig, {eo_01, eo_12, -1}, {false, false, false});
Face *f1 = arena->add_face({v0, v2, v3}, f->orig, {-1, eo_23, eo_30}, {false, false, false});
else {
Array<Face *> tris = triangulate_poly(f, arena);
for (Face *tri : tris) {
return IMesh(face_tris);
* If \a tri1 and \a tri2 have a common edge (in opposite orientation),
* return the indices into \a tri1 and \a tri2 where that common edge starts. Else return (-1,-1).

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
# include "BLI_math_mpq.hh"
# include "BLI_mpq2.hh"
# include "BLI_mpq3.hh"
# include "BLI_polyfill_2d.h"
# include "BLI_set.hh"
# include "BLI_span.hh"
# include "BLI_task.h"
@ -1576,6 +1577,9 @@ struct CDT_data {
Vector<bool> is_reversed;
/** Result of running CDT on input with (vert, edge, face). */
CDT_result<mpq_class> cdt_out;
/** To speed up get_cdt_edge_orig, sometimes populate this map from vertex pair to output edge.
Map<std::pair<int, int>, int> verts_to_edge;
int proj_axis;
@ -1734,6 +1738,32 @@ static CDT_data prepare_cdt_input_for_cluster(const IMesh &tm,
return ans;
/* Return a copy of the argument with the integers ordered in ascending order. */
static inline std::pair<int, int> sorted_int_pair(std::pair<int, int> pair)
if (pair.first <= pair.second) {
return pair;
else {
return std::pair<int, int>(pair.second, pair.first);
* Build cd.verts_to_edge to map from a pair of cdt output indices to an index in cd.cdt_out.edge.
* Order the vertex indices so that the smaller one is first in the pair.
static void populate_cdt_edge_map(Map<std::pair<int, int>, int> &verts_to_edge,
const CDT_result<mpq_class> &cdt_out)
for (int e : cdt_out.edge.index_range()) {
std::pair<int, int> vpair = sorted_int_pair(cdt_out.edge[e]);
/* There should be only one edge for each vertex pair. */
verts_to_edge.add(vpair, e);
* Fills in cd.cdt_out with result of doing the cdt calculation on (vert, edge, face).
@ -1766,6 +1796,10 @@ static void do_cdt(CDT_data &cd)
cdt_in.epsilon = 0; /* TODO: needs attention for non-exact T. */
cd.cdt_out = blender::meshintersect::delaunay_2d_calc(cdt_in, CDT_INSIDE);
constexpr int make_edge_map_threshold = 15;
if (cd.cdt_out.edge.size() >= make_edge_map_threshold) {
populate_cdt_edge_map(cd.verts_to_edge, cd.cdt_out);
if (dbg_level > 0) {
std::cout << "\nCDT result\nVerts:\n";
for (int i : cd.cdt_out.vert.index_range()) {
@ -1802,45 +1836,308 @@ static int get_cdt_edge_orig(
int foff = cd.cdt_out.face_edge_offset;
*r_is_intersect = false;
for (int e : cd.cdt_out.edge.index_range()) {
std::pair<int, int> edge = cd.cdt_out.edge[e];
if ((edge.first == i0 && edge.second == i1) || (edge.first == i1 && edge.second == i0)) {
/* Pick an arbitrary orig, but not one equal to NO_INDEX, if we can help it. */
/* TODO: if edge has origs from more than on part of the nary input,
* then want to set *r_is_intersect to true. */
for (int orig_index : cd.cdt_out.edge_orig[e]) {
/* orig_index encodes the triangle and pos within the triangle of the input edge. */
if (orig_index >= foff) {
int in_face_index = (orig_index / foff) - 1;
int pos = orig_index % foff;
/* We need to retrieve the edge orig field from the Face used to populate the
* in_face_index'th face of the CDT, at the pos'th position of the face. */
int in_tm_face_index = cd.input_face[in_face_index];
BLI_assert(in_tm_face_index < in_tm.face_size());
const Face *facep = in_tm.face(in_tm_face_index);
BLI_assert(pos < facep->size());
bool is_rev = cd.is_reversed[in_face_index];
int eorig = is_rev ? facep->edge_orig[2 - pos] : facep->edge_orig[pos];
if (eorig != NO_INDEX) {
return eorig;
else {
/* This edge came from an edge input to the CDT problem,
* so it is an intersect edge. */
*r_is_intersect = true;
/* TODO: maybe there is an orig index:
* This happens if an input edge was formed by an input face having
* an edge that is co-planar with the cluster, while the face as a whole is not. */
return NO_INDEX;
int e = NO_INDEX;
if (cd.verts_to_edge.size() > 0) {
/* Use the populated map to find the edge, if any, between vertices i0 and i1. */
std::pair<int, int> vpair = sorted_int_pair(std::pair<int, int>(i0, i1));
e = cd.verts_to_edge.lookup_default(vpair, NO_INDEX);
else {
for (int ee : cd.cdt_out.edge.index_range()) {
std::pair<int, int> edge = cd.cdt_out.edge[ee];
if ((edge.first == i0 && edge.second == i1) || (edge.first == i1 && edge.second == i0)) {
e = ee;
if (e == NO_INDEX) {
return NO_INDEX;
/* Pick an arbitrary orig, but not one equal to NO_INDEX, if we can help it. */
/* TODO: if edge has origs from more than on part of the nary input,
* then want to set *r_is_intersect to true. */
for (int orig_index : cd.cdt_out.edge_orig[e]) {
/* orig_index encodes the triangle and pos within the triangle of the input edge. */
if (orig_index >= foff) {
int in_face_index = (orig_index / foff) - 1;
int pos = orig_index % foff;
/* We need to retrieve the edge orig field from the Face used to populate the
* in_face_index'th face of the CDT, at the pos'th position of the face. */
int in_tm_face_index = cd.input_face[in_face_index];
BLI_assert(in_tm_face_index < in_tm.face_size());
const Face *facep = in_tm.face(in_tm_face_index);
BLI_assert(pos < facep->size());
bool is_rev = cd.is_reversed[in_face_index];
int eorig = is_rev ? facep->edge_orig[2 - pos] : facep->edge_orig[pos];
if (eorig != NO_INDEX) {
return eorig;
else {
/* This edge came from an edge input to the CDT problem,
* so it is an intersect edge. */
*r_is_intersect = true;
/* TODO: maybe there is an orig index:
* This happens if an input edge was formed by an input face having
* an edge that is co-planar with the cluster, while the face as a whole is not. */
return NO_INDEX;
return NO_INDEX;
* Make a Face from the CDT output triangle cdt_out_t, which has corresponding input triangle
* cdt_in_t. The triangle indices that are in cd.input_face are from IMesh tm.
* Return a pointer to the newly constructed Face.
static Face *cdt_tri_as_imesh_face(
int cdt_out_t, int cdt_in_t, const CDT_data &cd, const IMesh &tm, IMeshArena *arena)
const CDT_result<mpq_class> &cdt_out = cd.cdt_out;
int t_orig = tm.face(cd.input_face[cdt_in_t])->orig;
BLI_assert(cdt_out.face[cdt_out_t].size() == 3);
int i0 = cdt_out.face[cdt_out_t][0];
int i1 = cdt_out.face[cdt_out_t][1];
int i2 = cdt_out.face[cdt_out_t][2];
mpq3 v0co = unproject_cdt_vert(cd, cdt_out.vert[i0]);
mpq3 v1co = unproject_cdt_vert(cd, cdt_out.vert[i1]);
mpq3 v2co = unproject_cdt_vert(cd, cdt_out.vert[i2]);
/* No need to provide an original index: if coord matches
* an original one, then it will already be in the arena
* with the correct orig field. */
const Vert *v0 = arena->add_or_find_vert(v0co, NO_INDEX);
const Vert *v1 = arena->add_or_find_vert(v1co, NO_INDEX);
const Vert *v2 = arena->add_or_find_vert(v2co, NO_INDEX);
Face *facep;
bool is_isect0;
bool is_isect1;
bool is_isect2;
if (cd.is_reversed[cdt_in_t]) {
int oe0 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i0, i2, cd, tm, &is_isect0);
int oe1 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i2, i1, cd, tm, &is_isect1);
int oe2 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i1, i0, cd, tm, &is_isect2);
facep = arena->add_face(
{v0, v2, v1}, t_orig, {oe0, oe1, oe2}, {is_isect0, is_isect1, is_isect2});
else {
int oe0 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i0, i1, cd, tm, &is_isect0);
int oe1 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i1, i2, cd, tm, &is_isect1);
int oe2 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i2, i0, cd, tm, &is_isect2);
facep = arena->add_face(
{v0, v1, v2}, t_orig, {oe0, oe1, oe2}, {is_isect0, is_isect1, is_isect2});
return facep;
* Tessellate face f into triangles and return an array of `const Face *`
* giving that triangulation. Intended to be used when f has > 4 vertices.
* Care is taken so that the original edge index associated with
* each edge in the output triangles either matches the original edge
* for the (identical) edge of f, or else is -1. So diagonals added
* for triangulation can later be identified by having #NO_INDEX for original.
* This code uses Blenlib's BLI_polyfill_calc to do triangulation, and is therefore quite fast.
* Unfortunately, it can product degenerate triangles that mesh_intersect will remove, leaving
* the mesh non-PWN.
static Array<Face *> polyfill_triangulate_poly(Face *f, IMeshArena *arena)
/* Similar to loop body in BM_mesh_calc_tesselation. */
int flen = f->size();
BLI_assert(flen > 4);
if (!f->plane_populated()) {
/* Project along negative face normal so (x,y) can be used in 2d. */
const double3 &poly_normal = f->plane->norm;
float no[3] = {float(poly_normal[0]), float(poly_normal[1]), float(poly_normal[2])};
float axis_mat[3][3];
unsigned int(*tris)[3];
const int totfilltri = flen - 2;
/* Prepare projected vertices and array to receive triangles in tesselation. */
tris = static_cast<unsigned int(*)[3]>(MEM_malloc_arrayN(totfilltri, sizeof(*tris), __func__));
projverts = static_cast<float(*)[2]>(MEM_malloc_arrayN(flen, sizeof(*projverts), __func__));
axis_dominant_v3_to_m3_negate(axis_mat, no);
for (int j = 0; j < flen; ++j) {
const double3 &dco = (*f)[j]->co;
float co[3] = {float(dco[0]), float(dco[1]), float(dco[2])};
mul_v2_m3v3(projverts[j], axis_mat, co);
BLI_polyfill_calc(projverts, flen, 1, tris);
/* Put tesselation triangles into Face form. Record original edges where they exist. */
Array<Face *> ans(totfilltri);
for (int t = 0; t < totfilltri; ++t) {
unsigned int *tri = tris[t];
int eo[3];
const Vert *v[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
BLI_assert(tri[k] < flen);
v[k] = (*f)[tri[k]];
/* If tri edge goes between two successive indices in
* the original face, then it is an original edge. */
if ((tri[k] + 1) % flen == tri[(k + 1) % 3]) {
eo[k] = f->edge_orig[tri[k]];
else {
eo[k] = NO_INDEX;
ans[t] = arena->add_face(
{v[0], v[1], v[2]}, f->orig, {eo[0], eo[1], eo[2]}, {false, false, false});
return ans;
* Tessellate face f into triangles and return an array of `const Face *`
* giving that triangulation.
* Care is taken so that the original edge index associated with
* each edge in the output triangles either matches the original edge
* for the (identical) edge of f, or else is -1. So diagonals added
* for triangulation can later be identified by having #NO_INDEX for original.
* The method used is to use the CDT triangulation. Usually that triangulation
* will only use the existing vertices. However, if the face self-intersects
* then the CDT triangulation will include the intersection points.
* If this happens, we use the polyfill triangulator instead. We don't
* use the polyfill triangulator by default because it can create degenerate
* triangles (which we can handle but they'll create non-manifold meshes).
static Array<Face *> triangulate_poly(Face *f, IMeshArena *arena)
int flen = f->size();
CDT_input<mpq_class> cdt_in;
cdt_in.vert = Array<mpq2>(flen);
cdt_in.face = Array<Vector<int>>(1);
for (int i : f->index_range()) {
/* Project poly along dominant axis of normal to get 2d coords. */
if (!f->plane_populated()) {
const double3 &poly_normal = f->plane->norm;
int axis = double3::dominant_axis(poly_normal);
/* If project down y axis as opposed to x or z, the orientation
* of the polygon will be reversed.
* Yet another reversal happens if the poly normal in the dominant
* direction is opposite that of the positive dominant axis. */
bool rev1 = (axis == 1);
bool rev2 = poly_normal[axis] < 0;
bool rev = rev1 ^ rev2;
for (int i = 0; i < flen; ++i) {
int ii = rev ? flen - i - 1 : i;
mpq2 &p2d = cdt_in.vert[ii];
int k = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
if (j != axis) {
p2d[k++] = (*f)[ii]->co_exact[j];
CDT_result<mpq_class> cdt_out = delaunay_2d_calc(cdt_in, CDT_INSIDE);
int n_tris = cdt_out.face.size();
Array<Face *> ans(n_tris);
for (int t = 0; t < n_tris; ++t) {
int i_v_out[3];
const Vert *v[3];
int eo[3];
bool needs_steiner = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
i_v_out[i] = cdt_out.face[t][i];
if (cdt_out.vert_orig[i_v_out[i]].size() == 0) {
needs_steiner = true;
v[i] = (*f)[cdt_out.vert_orig[i_v_out[i]][0]];
if (needs_steiner) {
/* Fall back on the polyfill triangulator. */
return polyfill_triangulate_poly(f, arena);
Map<std::pair<int, int>, int> verts_to_edge;
populate_cdt_edge_map(verts_to_edge, cdt_out);
int foff = cdt_out.face_edge_offset;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
std::pair<int, int> vpair(i_v_out[i], i_v_out[(i + 1) % 3]);
std::pair<int, int> vpair_canon = sorted_int_pair(vpair);
int e_out = verts_to_edge.lookup_default(vpair_canon, NO_INDEX);
BLI_assert(e_out != NO_INDEX);
eo[i] = NO_INDEX;
for (int orig : cdt_out.edge_orig[e_out]) {
if (orig >= foff) {
int pos = orig % foff;
BLI_assert(pos < f->size());
eo[i] = f->edge_orig[pos];
if (rev) {
ans[t] = arena->add_face(
{v[0], v[2], v[1]}, f->orig, {eo[2], eo[1], eo[0]}, {false, false, false});
else {
ans[t] = arena->add_face(
{v[0], v[1], v[2]}, f->orig, {eo[0], eo[1], eo[2]}, {false, false, false});
return ans;
* Return an #IMesh that is a triangulation of a mesh with general
* polygonal faces, #IMesh.
* Added diagonals will be distinguishable by having edge original
* indices of #NO_INDEX.
IMesh triangulate_polymesh(IMesh &imesh, IMeshArena *arena)
Vector<Face *> face_tris;
constexpr int estimated_tris_per_face = 3;
face_tris.reserve(estimated_tris_per_face * imesh.face_size());
for (Face *f : imesh.faces()) {
/* Tessellate face f, following plan similar to #BM_face_calc_tesselation. */
int flen = f->size();
if (flen == 3) {
else if (flen == 4) {
const Vert *v0 = (*f)[0];
const Vert *v1 = (*f)[1];
const Vert *v2 = (*f)[2];
const Vert *v3 = (*f)[3];
int eo_01 = f->edge_orig[0];
int eo_12 = f->edge_orig[1];
int eo_23 = f->edge_orig[2];
int eo_30 = f->edge_orig[3];
Face *f0 = arena->add_face({v0, v1, v2}, f->orig, {eo_01, eo_12, -1}, {false, false, false});
Face *f1 = arena->add_face({v0, v2, v3}, f->orig, {-1, eo_23, eo_30}, {false, false, false});
else {
Array<Face *> tris = triangulate_poly(f, arena);
for (Face *tri : tris) {
return IMesh(face_tris);
* Using the result of CDT in cd.cdt_out, extract an #IMesh representing the subdivision
* of input triangle t, which should be an element of cd.input_face.
@ -1862,55 +2159,17 @@ static IMesh extract_subdivided_tri(const CDT_data &cd,
return IMesh();
int t_orig = in_tm.face(t)->orig;
constexpr int inline_buf_size = 20;
Vector<Face *, inline_buf_size> faces;
for (int f : cdt_out.face.index_range()) {
if (cdt_out.face_orig[f].contains(t_in_cdt)) {
BLI_assert(cdt_out.face[f].size() == 3);
int i0 = cdt_out.face[f][0];
int i1 = cdt_out.face[f][1];
int i2 = cdt_out.face[f][2];
mpq3 v0co = unproject_cdt_vert(cd, cdt_out.vert[i0]);
mpq3 v1co = unproject_cdt_vert(cd, cdt_out.vert[i1]);
mpq3 v2co = unproject_cdt_vert(cd, cdt_out.vert[i2]);
/* No need to provide an original index: if coord matches
* an original one, then it will already be in the arena
* with the correct orig field. */
const Vert *v0 = arena->add_or_find_vert(v0co, NO_INDEX);
const Vert *v1 = arena->add_or_find_vert(v1co, NO_INDEX);
const Vert *v2 = arena->add_or_find_vert(v2co, NO_INDEX);
Face *facep;
bool is_isect0;
bool is_isect1;
bool is_isect2;
if (cd.is_reversed[t_in_cdt]) {
int oe0 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i0, i2, cd, in_tm, &is_isect0);
int oe1 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i2, i1, cd, in_tm, &is_isect1);
int oe2 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i1, i0, cd, in_tm, &is_isect2);
facep = arena->add_face(
{v0, v2, v1}, t_orig, {oe0, oe1, oe2}, {is_isect0, is_isect1, is_isect2});
else {
int oe0 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i0, i1, cd, in_tm, &is_isect0);
int oe1 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i1, i2, cd, in_tm, &is_isect1);
int oe2 = get_cdt_edge_orig(i2, i0, cd, in_tm, &is_isect2);
facep = arena->add_face(
{v0, v1, v2}, t_orig, {oe0, oe1, oe2}, {is_isect0, is_isect1, is_isect2});
Face *facep = cdt_tri_as_imesh_face(f, t_in_cdt, cd, in_tm, arena);
return IMesh(faces);
static IMesh extract_single_tri(const IMesh &tm, int t)
Face *f = tm.face(t);
return IMesh({f});
static bool bvhtreeverlap_cmp(const BVHTreeOverlap &a, const BVHTreeOverlap &b)
if (a.indexA < b.indexA) {
@ -2126,7 +2385,7 @@ static void calc_overlap_itts(Map<std::pair<int, int>, ITT_value> &itt_map,
* Data needed for parallelization of calc_subdivided_tris.
* Data needed for parallelization of calc_subdivided_non_cluster_tris.
struct OverlapTriRange {
int tri_index;
@ -2203,14 +2462,13 @@ static void calc_subdivided_tri_range_func(void *__restrict userdata,
* r_tri_subdivided with the result of intersecting it with
* all the other triangles in the mesh, if it intersects any others.
* But don't do this for triangles that are part of a cluster.
* Also, do nothing here if the answer is just the triangle itself.
static void calc_subdivided_tris(Array<IMesh> &r_tri_subdivided,
const IMesh &tm,
const Map<std::pair<int, int>, ITT_value> &itt_map,
const CoplanarClusterInfo &clinfo,
const TriOverlaps &ov,
IMeshArena *arena)
static void calc_subdivided_non_cluster_tris(Array<IMesh> &r_tri_subdivided,
const IMesh &tm,
const Map<std::pair<int, int>, ITT_value> &itt_map,
const CoplanarClusterInfo &clinfo,
const TriOverlaps &ov,
IMeshArena *arena)
const int dbg_level = 0;
if (dbg_level > 0) {
@ -2250,6 +2508,54 @@ static void calc_subdivided_tris(Array<IMesh> &r_tri_subdivided,
settings.use_threading = intersect_use_threading;
0, overlap_tri_range_tot, &data, calc_subdivided_tri_range_func, &settings);
/* Now have to put in the triangles that are the same as the input ones, and not in clusters.
for (int t : tm.face_index_range()) {
if (r_tri_subdivided[t].face_size() == 0 && clinfo.tri_cluster(t) == NO_INDEX) {
r_tri_subdivided[t] = IMesh({tm.face(t)});
* For each cluster in clinfo, extract the triangles from the cluster
* that correspond to each original triangle t that is part of the cluster,
* and put the resulting triangles into an IMesh in tri_subdivided[t].
* We have already done the CDT for the triangles in the cluster, whose
* result is in cluster_subdivided[c] for each cluster c.
static void calc_cluster_tris(Array<IMesh> &tri_subdivided,
const IMesh &tm,
const CoplanarClusterInfo &clinfo,
const Array<CDT_data> &cluster_subdivided,
IMeshArena *arena)
for (int c : clinfo.index_range()) {
const CoplanarCluster &cl = clinfo.cluster(c);
const CDT_data &cd = cluster_subdivided[c];
/* Each triangle in cluster c should be an input triangle in cd.input_faces.
* (See prepare_cdt_input_for_cluster.)
* So accumulate a Vector of Face* for each input face by going through the
* output faces and making a Face for each input face that it is part of.
* (The Boolean algorithm wants duplicates if a given output triangle is part
* of more than one input triangle.)
int n_cluster_tris = cl.tot_tri();
const CDT_result<mpq_class> &cdt_out = cd.cdt_out;
BLI_assert(cd.input_face.size() == n_cluster_tris);
Array<Vector<Face *>> face_vec(n_cluster_tris);
for (int cdt_out_t : cdt_out.face.index_range()) {
for (int cdt_in_t : cdt_out.face_orig[cdt_out_t]) {
Face *f = cdt_tri_as_imesh_face(cdt_out_t, cdt_in_t, cd, tm, arena);
for (int cdt_in_t : cd.input_face.index_range()) {
int tm_t = cd.input_face[cdt_in_t];
BLI_assert(tri_subdivided[tm_t].face_size() == 0);
tri_subdivided[tm_t] = IMesh(face_vec[cdt_in_t]);
static CDT_data calc_cluster_subdivided(const CoplanarClusterInfo &clinfo,
@ -2622,10 +2928,11 @@ IMesh trimesh_nary_intersect(const IMesh &tm_in,
doperfmax(2, tri_ov.overlap().size());
# endif
Array<IMesh> tri_subdivided(tm_clean->face_size());
calc_subdivided_tris(tri_subdivided, *tm_clean, itt_map, clinfo, tri_ov, arena);
calc_subdivided_non_cluster_tris(tri_subdivided, *tm_clean, itt_map, clinfo, tri_ov, arena);
double subdivided_tris_time = PIL_check_seconds_timer();
std::cout << "subdivided tris found, time = " << subdivided_tris_time - itt_time << "\n";
std::cout << "subdivided non-cluster tris found, time = " << subdivided_tris_time - itt_time
<< "\n";
# endif
Array<CDT_data> cluster_subdivided(clinfo.tot_cluster());
for (int c : clinfo.index_range()) {
@ -2636,19 +2943,11 @@ IMesh trimesh_nary_intersect(const IMesh &tm_in,
std::cout << "subdivided clusters found, time = "
<< cluster_subdivide_time - subdivided_tris_time << "\n";
# endif
for (int t : tm_clean->face_index_range()) {
int c = clinfo.tri_cluster(t);
if (c != NO_INDEX) {
BLI_assert(tri_subdivided[t].face_size() == 0);
tri_subdivided[t] = extract_subdivided_tri(cluster_subdivided[c], *tm_clean, t, arena);
else if (tri_subdivided[t].face_size() == 0) {
tri_subdivided[t] = extract_single_tri(*tm_clean, t);
calc_cluster_tris(tri_subdivided, *tm_clean, clinfo, cluster_subdivided, arena);
double extract_time = PIL_check_seconds_timer();
std::cout << "triangles extracted, time = " << extract_time - cluster_subdivide_time << "\n";
std::cout << "subdivided cluster tris found, time = " << extract_time - cluster_subdivide_time
<< "\n";
# endif
IMesh combined = union_tri_subdivides(tri_subdivided);
if (dbg_level > 1) {