Fix T44522: loop remapping between meshes when using 'nearest vert, best matching normal' modes

would fail on coplanar faces (or smooth verts).

Loop remapping is really a tricky topic... For now, we enhance a bit more
our Frankenfunc by using distance between dest and source polygons as
fallback in case we have too much similar normals...

Probably not a perfect solution, but should be robust enough I hope.

One core question remains open though: do we want to stick to 'use only seams
to detect UV islands'? This makes things much simpler, but will obviously fail
in case of actual islands without matching seams. :/
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2015-04-28 15:57:11 +02:00
parent 57a107c7bc
commit 34abe82205
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 09:12:04 +01:00
Referenced by issue #44522, UV Transfer
1 changed files with 52 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -977,6 +977,8 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
float (*poly_nors_dst)[3] = NULL;
float (*loop_nors_dst)[3] = NULL;
float (*poly_cents_src)[3] = NULL;
MeshElemMap *vert_to_loop_map_src = NULL;
int *vert_to_loop_map_src_buff = NULL;
MeshElemMap *vert_to_poly_map_src = NULL;
@ -1012,6 +1014,8 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
int *indices_interp = NULL;
float *weights_interp = NULL;
MLoop *ml_src, *ml_dst;
MPoly *mp_src, *mp_dst;
int tindex, pidx_dst, lidx_dst, plidx_dst, pidx_src, lidx_src, plidx_src;
IslandResult **islands_res;
@ -1089,11 +1093,13 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
edges_src, num_edges_src, polys_src, num_polys_src, loops_src, num_loops_src);
if (use_from_vert) {
loop_to_poly_map_src = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*loop_to_poly_map_src) * (size_t)num_loops_src, __func__);
for (pidx_src = 0; pidx_src < num_polys_src; pidx_src++) {
MPoly *mp = &polys_src[pidx_src];
for (plidx_src = 0, lidx_src = mp->loopstart; plidx_src < mp->totloop; plidx_src++, lidx_src++) {
poly_cents_src = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*poly_cents_src) * (size_t)num_polys_src, __func__);
for (pidx_src = 0, mp_src = polys_src; pidx_src < num_polys_src; pidx_src++, mp_src++) {
ml_src = &loops_src[mp_src->loopstart];
for (plidx_src = 0, lidx_src = mp_src->loopstart; plidx_src < mp_src->totloop; plidx_src++, lidx_src++) {
loop_to_poly_map_src[lidx_src] = pidx_src;
BKE_mesh_calc_poly_center(mp_src, ml_src, verts_src, poly_cents_src[pidx_src]);
@ -1155,7 +1161,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
int num_verts_active = 0;
BLI_BITMAP_SET_ALL(verts_active, false, (size_t)num_verts_src);
for (i = 0; i < isld->count; i++) {
MPoly *mp_src = &polys_src[isld->indices[i]];
mp_src = &polys_src[isld->indices[i]];
for (lidx_src = mp_src->loopstart; lidx_src < mp_src->loopstart + mp_src->totloop; lidx_src++) {
BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(verts_active, loops_src[lidx_src].v);
@ -1199,7 +1205,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
int num_faces_active = 0;
BLI_BITMAP_SET_ALL(faces_active, false, (size_t)num_faces_src);
for (i = 0; i < num_faces_src; i++) {
MPoly *mp_src = &polys_src[tessface_to_poly_map_src[i]];
mp_src = &polys_src[tessface_to_poly_map_src[i]];
if (island_store.items_to_islands[mp_src->loopstart] == tindex) {
BLI_BITMAP_ENABLE(faces_active, i);
@ -1233,10 +1239,14 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
islands_res[tindex] = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(**islands_res) * islands_res_buff_size, __func__);
for (pidx_dst = 0; pidx_dst < numpolys_dst; pidx_dst++) {
MPoly *mp_dst = &polys_dst[pidx_dst];
for (pidx_dst = 0, mp_dst = polys_dst; pidx_dst < numpolys_dst; pidx_dst++, mp_dst++) {
float (*pnor_dst)[3] = &poly_nors_dst[pidx_dst];
/* Only in use_from_vert case, we may need polys' centers as fallback in case we cannot decide which
* corner to use from normals only. */
float pcent_dst[3];
bool pcent_dst_valid = false;
if ((size_t)mp_dst->totloop > islands_res_buff_size) {
islands_res_buff_size = (size_t)mp_dst->totloop;
for (tindex = 0; tindex < num_trees; tindex++) {
@ -1246,8 +1256,8 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
for (tindex = 0; tindex < num_trees; tindex++) {
BVHTreeFromMesh *tdata = &treedata[tindex];
MLoop *ml_dst = &loops_dst[mp_dst->loopstart];
ml_dst = &loops_dst[mp_dst->loopstart];
for (plidx_dst = 0; plidx_dst < mp_dst->totloop; plidx_dst++, ml_dst++) {
if (use_from_vert) {
float tmp_co[3];
@ -1263,6 +1273,7 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
float (*nor_dst)[3];
float (*nors_src)[3];
float best_nor_dot = -2.0f;
float best_sqdist_fallback = FLT_MAX;
int best_index_src = -1;
@ -1279,16 +1290,38 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
for (i = vert_to_refelem_map_src[nearest.index].count; i--;) {
const int index_src = vert_to_refelem_map_src[nearest.index].indices[i];
const float dot = dot_v3v3(nors_src[index_src], *nor_dst);
if (dot > best_nor_dot) {
best_nor_dot = dot;
best_index_src = index_src;
if (dot > best_nor_dot - 1e-6f) {
/* We need something as fallback decision in case dest normal matches several
* source normals (see T44522), using distance between polys' centers here. */
float *pcent_src;
float sqdist;
loop_to_poly_map_src[index_src] : index_src;
mp_src = &polys_src[pidx_src];
ml_src = &loops_src[mp_src->loopstart];
if (!pcent_dst_valid) {
mp_dst, &loops_dst[mp_dst->loopstart], verts_dst, pcent_dst);
pcent_dst_valid = true;
pcent_src = poly_cents_src[pidx_src];
sqdist = len_squared_v3v3(pcent_dst, pcent_src);
if ((dot > best_nor_dot + 1e-6f) || (sqdist < best_sqdist_fallback)) {
best_nor_dot = dot;
best_sqdist_fallback = sqdist;
best_index_src = index_src;
/* Our best_index_src is a poly one for now!
* Have to find its loop matching our closest vertex. */
MPoly *mp_src = &polys_src[best_index_src];
MLoop *ml_src = &loops_src[mp_src->loopstart];
mp_src = &polys_src[best_index_src];
ml_src = &loops_src[mp_src->loopstart];
for (plidx_src = 0; plidx_src < mp_src->totloop; plidx_src++, ml_src++) {
if ((int)ml_src->v == nearest.index) {
best_index_src = plidx_src + mp_src->loopstart;
@ -1488,12 +1521,11 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
if (last_valid_pidx_isld_src != -1) {
/* Find a new valid loop in that new poly (nearest one for now).
* Note we could be much more subtle here, again that's for later... */
MPoly *mp_src;
MLoop *ml_src, *ml_dst = &loops_dst[lidx_dst];
int j;
float best_dist_sq = FLT_MAX;
float tmp_co[3];
ml_dst = &loops_dst[lidx_dst];
copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, verts_dst[ml_dst->v].co);
/* We do our transform here, since we may do several raycast/nearest queries. */
@ -1532,10 +1564,10 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
/* Else, we use source poly, indices stored in islands_res are those of polygons. */
pidx_src = isld_res->index_src;
if (pidx_src >= 0) {
MPoly *mp_src = &polys_src[pidx_src];
float *hit_co = isld_res->hit_point;
int best_loop_index_src;
mp_src = &polys_src[pidx_src];
/* If prev and curr poly are the same, no need to do anything more!!! */
if (!ELEM(pidx_src_prev, -1, pidx_src) && isld_steps_src) {
int pidx_isld_src, pidx_isld_src_prev;
@ -1575,11 +1607,11 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
if (last_valid_pidx_isld_src != -1) {
/* Find a new valid loop in that new poly (nearest point on poly for now).
* Note we could be much more subtle here, again that's for later... */
MLoop *ml_dst = &loops_dst[lidx_dst];
float best_dist_sq = FLT_MAX;
float tmp_co[3];
int j;
ml_dst = &loops_dst[lidx_dst];
copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, verts_dst[ml_dst->v].co);
/* We do our transform here, since we may do several raycast/nearest queries. */
@ -1710,6 +1742,9 @@ void BKE_mesh_remap_calc_loops_from_dm(
if (loop_to_poly_map_src) {
if (poly_cents_src) {
if (vcos_interp) {