Nodes: Make method to detect hovered link during transform more predictable/responsive

The old method:
The "old" method used the node dimensions to get a number of lines and checked if they intersect with the node link. Issue with this is that only a small part of the actual node surface is checked, making the method a bit unpredictable or unresponsive.

The new method:
The new method checks for intersections within the entire node surface. If multiple links are intersected, the node with the smallest distance from the *upper left corner* to the link is chosen.

Reviewed by @campbellbarton (tm)
This commit is contained in:
Julian Eisel 2015-08-04 15:25:19 +02:00
parent 07b525ffe2
commit 4041e654cd
1 changed files with 29 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ void ED_node_link_intersect_test(ScrArea *sa, int test)
bNode *select;
SpaceNode *snode;
bNodeLink *link, *selink = NULL;
float mcoords[6][2];
float dist_best = FLT_MAX;
if (!ed_node_link_conditions(sa, test, &snode, &select)) return;
@ -1330,34 +1330,40 @@ void ED_node_link_intersect_test(ScrArea *sa, int test)
if (test == 0) return;
/* okay, there's 1 node, without links, now intersect */
mcoords[0][0] = select->totr.xmin;
mcoords[0][1] = select->totr.ymin;
mcoords[1][0] = select->totr.xmax;
mcoords[1][1] = select->totr.ymin;
mcoords[2][0] = select->totr.xmax;
mcoords[2][1] = select->totr.ymax;
mcoords[3][0] = select->totr.xmin;
mcoords[3][1] = select->totr.ymax;
mcoords[4][0] = select->totr.xmin;
mcoords[4][1] = select->totr.ymin;
mcoords[5][0] = select->totr.xmax;
mcoords[5][1] = select->totr.ymax;
/* we only tag a single link for intersect now */
/* idea; use header dist when more? */
/* find link to select/highlight */
for (link = snode->edittree->links.first; link; link = link->next) {
float coord_array[NODE_LINK_RESOL + 1][2];
if (nodeLinkIsHidden(link))
if (cut_links_intersect(link, mcoords, 5)) { /* intersect code wants edges */
if (selink)
selink = link;
if (node_link_bezier_points(NULL, NULL, link, coord_array, NODE_LINK_RESOL)) {
float dist = FLT_MAX;
int i;
/* loop over link coords to find shortest dist to upper left node edge of a intersected line segment */
for (i = 0; i < NODE_LINK_RESOL; i++) {
/* check if the node rect intersetcts the line from this point to next one */
if (BLI_rctf_isect_segment(&select->totr, coord_array[i], coord_array[i + 1])) {
/* store the shortest distance to the upper left edge of all intersetctions found so far */
const float node_xy[] = {select->totr.xmin, select->totr.ymax};
/* to be precise coord_array should be clipped by select->totr,
* but not done since there's no real noticeable difference */
dist = min_ff(dist_squared_to_line_segment_v2(node_xy, coord_array[i], coord_array[i + 1]),
/* we want the link with the shortest distance to node center */
if (dist < dist_best) {
dist_best = dist;
selink = link;
if (link == NULL && selink)
if (selink)
selink->flag |= NODE_LINKFLAG_HILITE;