Getting rid of OMP: first usage of new parallel BMesh items iteration instead.

`BM_mesh_normals_update` was converted from OMP to new parallel iterator code,
basic test with heavily subdivided cube (24.5k faces) gives:
    - old OMP code: average 10ms per run.
    - new BLI_task code: average 6ms per run.

So new code seems to be easily 40% quicker, in addition to getting rid of OMP. ;)

Reviewers: sergey, campbellbarton

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2017-11-23 21:21:32 +01:00
parent bc3f0cfd14
commit 43ddf0e9a7
2 changed files with 161 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ set(INC

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_stack.h"
#include "BLI_task.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BKE_cdderivedmesh.h"
@ -42,6 +43,8 @@
#include "BKE_mesh.h"
#include "BKE_multires.h"
#include "atomic_ops.h"
#include "intern/bmesh_private.h"
/* used as an extern, defined in bmesh.h */
@ -318,146 +321,202 @@ void BM_mesh_free(BMesh *bm)
* Helpers for #BM_mesh_normals_update and #BM_verts_calc_normal_vcos
typedef struct BMEdgesCalcVectorsData {
/* Read-only data. */
const float (*vcos)[3];
/* Read-write data, but no need to protect it, no concurrency to fear here. */
float (*edgevec)[3];
} BMEdgesCalcVectorsData;
static void mesh_edges_calc_vectors_cb(void *userdata, MempoolIterData *mp_e)
BMEdgesCalcVectorsData *data = userdata;
BMEdge *e = (BMEdge *)mp_e;
if (e->l) {
const float *v1_co = data->vcos ? data->vcos[BM_elem_index_get(e->v1)] : e->v1->co;
const float *v2_co = data->vcos ? data->vcos[BM_elem_index_get(e->v2)] : e->v2->co;
sub_v3_v3v3(data->edgevec[BM_elem_index_get(e)], v2_co, v1_co);
else {
/* the edge vector will not be needed when the edge has no radial */
static void bm_mesh_edges_calc_vectors(BMesh *bm, float (*edgevec)[3], const float (*vcos)[3])
BMIter eiter;
BMEdge *e;
int index;
BM_mesh_elem_index_ensure(bm, BM_EDGE | (vcos ? BM_VERT : 0));
if (vcos) {
BM_mesh_elem_index_ensure(bm, BM_VERT);
BMEdgesCalcVectorsData data = {
.vcos = vcos,
.edgevec = edgevec
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (e, &eiter, bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH, index) {
BM_elem_index_set(e, index); /* set_inline */
BM_iter_parallel(bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH, mesh_edges_calc_vectors_cb, &data, bm->totedge >= BM_OMP_LIMIT);
if (e->l) {
const float *v1_co = vcos ? vcos[BM_elem_index_get(e->v1)] : e->v1->co;
const float *v2_co = vcos ? vcos[BM_elem_index_get(e->v2)] : e->v2->co;
sub_v3_v3v3(edgevec[index], v2_co, v1_co);
typedef struct BMVertsCalcNormalsData {
/* Read-only data. */
const float (*fnos)[3];
const float (*edgevec)[3];
const float (*vcos)[3];
/* Read-write data, protected by an atomic-based fake spinlock-like system... */
float (*vnos)[3];
} BMVertsCalcNormalsData;
static void mesh_verts_calc_normals_accum_cb(void *userdata, MempoolIterData *mp_f)
BMVertsCalcNormalsData *data = userdata;
BMFace *f = (BMFace *)mp_f;
const float *f_no = data->fnos ? data->fnos[BM_elem_index_get(f)] : f->no;
BMLoop *l_first, *l_iter;
l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f);
do {
const float *e1diff, *e2diff;
float dotprod;
float fac;
/* calculate the dot product of the two edges that
* meet at the loop's vertex */
e1diff = data->edgevec[BM_elem_index_get(l_iter->prev->e)];
e2diff = data->edgevec[BM_elem_index_get(l_iter->e)];
dotprod = dot_v3v3(e1diff, e2diff);
/* edge vectors are calculated from e->v1 to e->v2, so
* adjust the dot product if one but not both loops
* actually runs from from e->v2 to e->v1 */
if ((l_iter->prev->e->v1 == l_iter->prev->v) ^ (l_iter->e->v1 == l_iter->v)) {
dotprod = -dotprod;
else {
/* the edge vector will not be needed when the edge has no radial */
fac = saacos(-dotprod);
/* accumulate weighted face normal into the vertex's normal */
float *v_no = data->vnos ? data->vnos[BM_elem_index_get(l_iter->v)] : l_iter->v->no;
/* This block is a lockless threadsafe madd_v3_v3fl.
* It uses the first float of the vector as a sort of cheap spinlock,
* assuming FLT_MAX is a safe 'illegal' value that cannot be set here otherwise.
* It also assumes that collisions between threads are highly unlikely,
* else performances would be quite bad here. */
float virtual_lock = v_no[0];
while ((virtual_lock = atomic_cas_float(&v_no[0], virtual_lock, FLT_MAX)) == FLT_MAX) {
/* This loops until following conditions are met:
* - v_no[0] has same value as virtual_lock (i.e. it did not change since last try).
* - v_no_[0] was not FLT_MAX, i.e. it was not locked by another thread.
/* Now we own that normal value, and can change it.
* But first scalar of the vector must not be changed yet, it's our lock! */
virtual_lock += f_no[0] * fac;
v_no[1] += f_no[1] * fac;
v_no[2] += f_no[2] * fac;
/* Second atomic operation to 'release' our lock on that vector and set its first scalar value. */
virtual_lock = atomic_cas_float(&v_no[0], FLT_MAX, virtual_lock);
BLI_assert(virtual_lock == FLT_MAX);
} while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first);
static void mesh_verts_calc_normals_normalize_cb(void *userdata, MempoolIterData *mp_v)
BMVertsCalcNormalsData *data = userdata;
BMVert *v = (BMVert *)mp_v;
float *v_no = data->vnos ? data->vnos[BM_elem_index_get(v)] : v->no;
if (UNLIKELY(normalize_v3(v_no) == 0.0f)) {
const float *v_co = data->vcos ? data->vcos[BM_elem_index_get(v)] : v->co;
normalize_v3_v3(v_no, v_co);
bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_EDGE;
static void bm_mesh_verts_calc_normals(
BMesh *bm, const float (*edgevec)[3], const float (*fnos)[3],
const float (*vcos)[3], float (*vnos)[3])
BM_mesh_elem_index_ensure(bm, (vnos) ? (BM_EDGE | BM_VERT) : BM_EDGE);
BM_mesh_elem_index_ensure(bm, (BM_EDGE | BM_FACE) | ((vnos || vcos) ? BM_VERT : 0));
/* add weighted face normals to vertices */
BMIter fiter;
BMFace *f;
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (f, &fiter, bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH, i) {
BMLoop *l_first, *l_iter;
const float *f_no = fnos ? fnos[i] : f->no;
l_iter = l_first = BM_FACE_FIRST_LOOP(f);
do {
const float *e1diff, *e2diff;
float dotprod;
float fac;
float *v_no = vnos ? vnos[BM_elem_index_get(l_iter->v)] : l_iter->v->no;
/* calculate the dot product of the two edges that
* meet at the loop's vertex */
e1diff = edgevec[BM_elem_index_get(l_iter->prev->e)];
e2diff = edgevec[BM_elem_index_get(l_iter->e)];
dotprod = dot_v3v3(e1diff, e2diff);
/* edge vectors are calculated from e->v1 to e->v2, so
* adjust the dot product if one but not both loops
* actually runs from from e->v2 to e->v1 */
if ((l_iter->prev->e->v1 == l_iter->prev->v) ^ (l_iter->e->v1 == l_iter->v)) {
dotprod = -dotprod;
fac = saacos(-dotprod);
/* accumulate weighted face normal into the vertex's normal */
madd_v3_v3fl(v_no, f_no, fac);
} while ((l_iter = l_iter->next) != l_first);
BMVertsCalcNormalsData data = {
.fnos = fnos,
.edgevec = edgevec,
.vcos = vcos,
.vnos = vnos
BM_iter_parallel(bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH, mesh_verts_calc_normals_accum_cb, &data, bm->totface >= BM_OMP_LIMIT);
/* normalize the accumulated vertex normals */
BMIter viter;
BMVert *v;
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (v, &viter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
float *v_no = vnos ? vnos[i] : v->no;
if (UNLIKELY(normalize_v3(v_no) == 0.0f)) {
const float *v_co = vcos ? vcos[i] : v->co;
normalize_v3_v3(v_no, v_co);
BM_iter_parallel(bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, mesh_verts_calc_normals_normalize_cb, &data, bm->totvert >= BM_OMP_LIMIT);
static void mesh_faces_calc_normals_cb(void *UNUSED(userdata), MempoolIterData *mp_f)
BMFace *f = (BMFace *)mp_f;
* \brief BMesh Compute Normals
* Updates the normals of a mesh.
#include "PIL_time_utildefines.h"
void BM_mesh_normals_update(BMesh *bm)
float (*edgevec)[3] = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*edgevec) * bm->totedge, __func__);
#pragma omp parallel sections if (bm->totvert + bm->totedge + bm->totface >= BM_OMP_LIMIT)
#pragma omp section
/* calculate all face normals */
BMIter fiter;
BMFace *f;
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (f, &fiter, bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH, i) {
BM_elem_index_set(f, i); /* set_inline */
bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_FACE;
#pragma omp section
/* Zero out vertex normals */
BMIter viter;
BMVert *v;
int i;
/* Parallel mempool iteration does not allow to generate indices inline anymore... */
BM_mesh_elem_index_ensure(bm, (BM_EDGE | BM_FACE));
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (v, &viter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_inline */
bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT;
#pragma omp section
/* Compute normalized direction vectors for each edge.
* Directions will be used for calculating the weights of the face normals on the vertex normals.
bm_mesh_edges_calc_vectors(bm, edgevec, NULL);
/* calculate all face normals */
BM_iter_parallel(bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH, mesh_faces_calc_normals_cb, NULL, bm->totface >= BM_OMP_LIMIT);
/* Zero out vertex normals */
BMIter viter;
BMVert *v;
int i;
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (v, &viter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_inline */
/* end omp */
bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT;
/* Compute normalized direction vectors for each edge.
* Directions will be used for calculating the weights of the face normals on the vertex normals.
bm_mesh_edges_calc_vectors(bm, edgevec, NULL);
/* Add weighted face normals to vertices, and normalize vert normals. */
bm_mesh_verts_calc_normals(bm, (const float(*)[3])edgevec, NULL, NULL, NULL);