Mesh Selection: Port to batch cache request

This makes it more future proof and remove baked id offset inside the vbos.
Instead we add the offset as a uniform. This makes it possible to reuse
the vbos instead of discarding them all the time.

Also using batch request may reduce batches creation time.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2018-12-22 23:57:12 +01:00
parent 4c0c4e7f9f
commit 55ddb21b7c
3 changed files with 707 additions and 644 deletions

View File

@ -125,11 +125,11 @@ struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edit_loose_edges_nor(struct Mesh *me);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edit_loose_verts(struct Mesh *me);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edit_facedots(struct Mesh *me);
/* edit-mesh selection */
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me, bool use_hide, uint select_id_offset);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_mask(struct Mesh *me, bool use_hide);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_facedots_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me, uint select_id_offset);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me, uint select_id_offset);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_verts_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me, uint select_id_offset);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_mask(struct Mesh *me);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_facedots_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me);
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_verts_with_select_id(struct Mesh *me);
/* Object mode Wireframe overlays */
struct GPUBatch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_wireframes_face(struct Mesh *me);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -190,99 +190,61 @@ bool view3d_camera_border_hack_test = false;
/* ***************** BACKBUF SEL (BBS) ********* */
static void bbs_obmode_mesh_verts(Object *ob, int offset)
Mesh *me = ob->data;
GPUBatch *batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_verts_with_select_id(me, offset);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR_U32);
static void bbs_mesh_verts(BMEditMesh *em, int offset)
static void bbs_mesh_verts(GPUBatch *batch, int offset)
Mesh *me = em->ob->data;
GPUBatch *batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_verts_with_select_id(me, offset);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR_U32);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_SELECT_ID);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "offset", offset);
static void bbs_mesh_wire(BMEditMesh *em, int offset)
static void bbs_mesh_wire(GPUBatch *batch, int offset)
Mesh *me = em->ob->data;
GPUBatch *batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_with_select_id(me, offset);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR_U32);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_SELECT_ID);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "offset", offset);
static void bbs_mesh_face(BMEditMesh *em, const bool use_select)
Mesh *me = em->ob->data;
GPUBatch *batch;
if (use_select) {
batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(me, true, 1);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR_U32);
else {
int selcol;
GPU_select_index_get(0, &selcol);
batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_mask(me, true);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_UNIFORM_COLOR_U32);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "color", selcol);
static void bbs_mesh_face_dot(BMEditMesh *em)
Mesh *me = em->ob->data;
GPUBatch *batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_facedots_with_select_id(me, 1);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR_U32);
/* two options, facecolors or black */
static void bbs_mesh_solid_EM(BMEditMesh *em, Scene *scene, View3D *v3d,
Object *ob, bool use_faceselect)
static void bbs_mesh_face(GPUBatch *batch, const bool use_select)
if (use_faceselect) {
bbs_mesh_face(em, true);
if (check_ob_drawface_dot(scene, v3d, ob->dt)) {
if (use_select) {
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_SELECT_ID);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "offset", 1);
else {
bbs_mesh_face(em, false);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_UNIFORM_SELECT_ID);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "id", 0);
static void bbs_mesh_face_dot(GPUBatch *batch)
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_SELECT_ID);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "offset", 1);
static void bbs_mesh_solid_verts(Depsgraph *UNUSED(depsgraph), Scene *UNUSED(scene), Object *ob)
Mesh *me = ob->data;
GPUBatch *geom_faces = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(me);
GPUBatch *geom_verts = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_verts_with_select_id(me);
DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested(ob, me, NULL, false, true);
/* Only draw faces to mask out verts, we don't want their selection ID's. */
const int G_f_orig = G.f;
bbs_mesh_face(geom_faces, false);
bbs_mesh_verts(geom_verts, 1);
int selcol;
GPUBatch *batch;
GPU_select_index_get(0, &selcol);
batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_mask(me, true);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_UNIFORM_COLOR_U32);
GPU_batch_uniform_1ui(batch, "color", selcol);
G.f |= (G_f_orig & G_BACKBUFSEL);
bbs_obmode_mesh_verts(ob, 1);
bm_vertoffs = me->totvert + 1;
@ -290,15 +252,12 @@ static void bbs_mesh_solid_faces(Scene *UNUSED(scene), Object *ob)
Mesh *me = ob->data;
Mesh *me_orig = DEG_get_original_object(ob)->data;
GPUBatch *batch;
if ((me_orig->editflag & ME_EDIT_PAINT_FACE_SEL)) {
batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(me, true, 1);
else {
batch = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(me, false, 1);
GPU_batch_program_set_builtin(batch, GPU_SHADER_3D_FLAT_COLOR_U32);
const bool use_hide = (me_orig->editflag & ME_EDIT_PAINT_FACE_SEL);
GPUBatch *geom_faces = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(me);
DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested(ob, me, NULL, false, use_hide);
bbs_mesh_face(geom_faces, true);
void draw_object_backbufsel(
@ -311,8 +270,6 @@ void draw_object_backbufsel(
glClearDepth(1.0); GPU_clear(GPU_DEPTH_BIT);
switch (ob->type) {
@ -320,10 +277,30 @@ void draw_object_backbufsel(
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_EDIT) {
Mesh *me = ob->data;
BMEditMesh *em = me->edit_btmesh;
const bool draw_facedot = check_ob_drawface_dot(scene, v3d, ob->dt);
const bool use_faceselect = (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_FACE) != 0;
BM_mesh_elem_table_ensure(em->bm, BM_VERT | BM_EDGE | BM_FACE);
bbs_mesh_solid_EM(em, scene, v3d, ob, (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_FACE) != 0);
GPUBatch *geom_faces, *geom_edges, *geom_verts, *geom_facedots;
geom_faces = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_id(me);
if (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_EDGE) {
geom_edges = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_with_select_id(me);
if (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_VERTEX) {
geom_verts = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_verts_with_select_id(me);
if (draw_facedot) {
geom_facedots = DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_facedots_with_select_id(me);
DRW_mesh_batch_cache_create_requested(ob, me, NULL, false, true);
bbs_mesh_face(geom_faces, use_faceselect);
if (use_faceselect && draw_facedot) {
if (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_FACE)
bm_solidoffs = 1 + em->bm->totface;
else {
@ -334,7 +311,7 @@ void draw_object_backbufsel(
/* we draw edges if edge select mode */
if (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_EDGE) {
bbs_mesh_wire(em, bm_solidoffs);
bbs_mesh_wire(geom_edges, bm_solidoffs);
bm_wireoffs = bm_solidoffs + em->bm->totedge;
else {
@ -344,7 +321,7 @@ void draw_object_backbufsel(
/* we draw verts if vert select mode. */
if (select_mode & SCE_SELECT_VERTEX) {
bbs_mesh_verts(em, bm_wireoffs);
bbs_mesh_verts(geom_verts, bm_wireoffs);
bm_vertoffs = bm_wireoffs + em->bm->totvert;
else {
@ -354,7 +331,7 @@ void draw_object_backbufsel(
ED_view3d_polygon_offset(rv3d, 0.0);
else {
Mesh *me = ob->data;
Mesh *me = DEG_get_original_object(ob)->data;
if ((me->editflag & ME_EDIT_PAINT_VERT_SEL) &&
/* currently vertex select supports weight paint and vertex paint*/
((ob->mode & OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT) || (ob->mode & OB_MODE_VERTEX_PAINT)))