Transform: Use BVH for volume-snap (optimization)

Was performing ray-tri intersection checks on all faces.

Note, this isn't using isect_ray_tri_threshold_v3
which was used to prevent ray-casts slipping through between faces.

Instead we'll move to using watertight intersections by default.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2015-08-20 12:14:02 +10:00
parent 023b1a3843
commit 5b6deea647
1 changed files with 67 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -2056,21 +2056,62 @@ static void addDepthPeel(ListBase *depth_peels, float depth, float p[3], float n
peel->flag = 0;
static bool peelDerivedMesh(Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, float obmat[4][4],
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3], const float UNUSED(mval[2]),
ListBase *depth_peels)
struct PeelRayCast_Data {
BVHTreeFromMesh bvhdata;
/* internal vars for adding peel */
Object *ob;
const float (*obmat)[4];
const float (*timat)[3];
const float *ray_start; /* globalspace */
const MLoopTri *looptri;
const float (*polynors)[3]; /* optional, can be NULL */
/* output list */
ListBase *depth_peels;
static void peelRayCast_cb(void *userdata, int index, const BVHTreeRay *ray, BVHTreeRayHit *hit)
struct PeelRayCast_Data *data = userdata;
data->bvhdata.raycast_callback(&data->bvhdata, index, ray, hit);
if (hit->index != -1) {
/* get all values in worldspace */
float location[3], normal[3];
float depth;
/* worldspace location */
mul_v3_m4v3(location, (float (*)[4])data->obmat, hit->co);
depth = len_v3v3(location, data->ray_start);
/* worldspace normal */
copy_v3_v3(normal, data->polynors ? data->polynors[data->looptri[hit->index].poly] : hit->no);
mul_m3_v3((float (*)[3])data->timat, normal);
addDepthPeel(data->depth_peels, depth, location, normal, data->ob);
static bool peelDerivedMesh(
Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, BMEditMesh *em, float obmat[4][4],
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_normal[3], const float UNUSED(mval[2]),
ListBase *depth_peels)
bool retval = false;
int totvert = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
if (totvert > 0) {
const MLoopTri *looptri = dm->getLoopTriArray(dm);
const MLoop *mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm);
int looptri_num = dm->getNumLoopTri(dm);
const int looptri_num = dm->getNumLoopTri(dm);
float imat[4][4];
float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */
float ray_start_local[3], ray_normal_local[3];
int test = 1;
bool test = true;
invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat);
@ -2087,51 +2128,26 @@ static bool peelDerivedMesh(Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, float obmat[4][4],
test = BKE_boundbox_ray_hit_check(bb, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, NULL);
if (test == 1) {
const MLoopTri *lt;
MVert *verts = dm->getVertArray(dm);
float (*polynors)[3] = dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_NORMAL);
int i;
for (i = 0, lt = looptri; i < looptri_num; i++, lt++) {
const unsigned int vtri[3] = {mloop[lt->tri[0]].v, mloop[lt->tri[1]].v, mloop[lt->tri[2]].v};
float lambda;
int result;
result = isect_ray_tri_threshold_v3(
ray_start_local, ray_normal_local,
verts[vtri[0]].co, verts[vtri[1]].co, verts[vtri[2]].co,
&lambda, NULL, 0.001);
if (result) {
float location[3], normal[3];
float intersect[3];
float new_depth;
copy_v3_v3(intersect, ray_normal_local);
mul_v3_fl(intersect, lambda);
add_v3_v3(intersect, ray_start_local);
copy_v3_v3(location, intersect);
if (test == true) {
struct PeelRayCast_Data data;
if (polynors) {
copy_v3_v3(normal, polynors[lt->poly]);
else {
normal_tri_v3(normal, verts[vtri[0]].co, verts[vtri[1]].co, verts[vtri[2]].co);
data.bvhdata.em_evil = em;
bvhtree_from_mesh_looptri(&data.bvhdata, dm, 0.0f, 4, 6);
mul_m4_v3(obmat, location);
new_depth = len_v3v3(location, ray_start);
mul_m3_v3(timat, normal);
if (data.bvhdata.tree != NULL) {
data.ob = ob;
data.obmat = obmat;
data.timat = timat;
data.ray_start = ray_start;
data.looptri = looptri;
data.polynors = dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_NORMAL); /* can be NULL */
data.depth_peels = depth_peels;
addDepthPeel(depth_peels, new_depth, location, normal, ob);
BLI_bvhtree_ray_cast_all(data.bvhdata.tree, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local, 0.0f,
peelRayCast_cb, &data);
@ -2168,13 +2184,13 @@ static bool peelObjects(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, ARegion *ar, Object *obedit,
if (dob != obedit) {
dm = mesh_get_derived_final(scene, dob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH);
val = peelDerivedMesh(dob, dm, dob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
val = peelDerivedMesh(dob, dm, NULL, dob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
else {
em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(dob);
dm = editbmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, obedit, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH);
val = peelDerivedMesh(dob, dm, dob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
val = peelDerivedMesh(dob, dm, em, dob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
retval = retval || val;
@ -2192,14 +2208,14 @@ static bool peelObjects(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, ARegion *ar, Object *obedit,
if (ob != obedit && ((mode == SNAP_NOT_SELECTED && (base->flag & (SELECT | BA_WAS_SEL)) == 0) || ELEM(mode, SNAP_ALL, SNAP_NOT_OBEDIT))) {
DerivedMesh *dm = mesh_get_derived_final(scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH);
val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, NULL, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
else if (ob == obedit && mode != SNAP_NOT_OBEDIT) {
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob);
DerivedMesh *dm = editbmesh_get_derived_cage(scene, obedit, em, CD_MASK_BAREMESH);
val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);
val = peelDerivedMesh(ob, dm, NULL, ob->obmat, ray_start, ray_normal, mval, depth_peels);