Fix T46010: Bone offset between Rest Pose and Edit mode.

That one was hairy... To summarize:
* We were setting Bone.head/tail (aka **local** rest location of bone) from EditBone data, using **EditBone's parent computed armature space**.
* We use those local head/tail to define Bone's restpose (in `BKE_armature_where_is_bone()`), using **Bone's parent armature space** (aka parent's arm_mat).
* Because of bone's roll nightmare, the two above parent's matrices will often not be the same.
  In an ideal world, this should not affect locations (head/tail), but in real world of float it does - noticeably, in some extreme cases.

So! This commit cleans up things a bit (`fix_bonelist_roll()` was already doing much more than just fixing roll mess, has been renamed
to `armature_finalize_restpose()`), and ensures we do use (final!) parent's arm_mat local space to compute children's local head/tail as well.
This allows us to avoid too much imprecision here.

Checked the patch also with a complete Victor's rig from Gooseberry, seems to have no nasty side effects - fingers crossed!
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2015-09-04 16:38:24 +02:00
parent c882cbd37c
commit 65a80708d4
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 08:41:41 +01:00
Referenced by issue #46010, Bone offset between Rest Pose and Edit mode
1 changed files with 74 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -477,49 +477,78 @@ EditBone *make_boneList(ListBase *edbo, ListBase *bones, EditBone *parent, Bone
return eBoneAct;
/* nasty stuff for converting roll in editbones into bones */
/* also sets restposition in armature (arm_mat) */
static void fix_bonelist_roll(ListBase *bonelist, ListBase *editbonelist)
/* This function:
* - sets local head/tail rest locations using parent bone's arm_mat.
* - calls BKE_armature_where_is_bone() which uses parent's transform (arm_mat) to define this bone's transform.
* - fixes (converts) EditBone roll into Bone roll.
* - calls again BKE_armature_where_is_bone(), since roll fidling may have changed things for our bone...
* Note that order is crucial here, we can only handle child if all its parents in chain have already been handled
* (this is ensured by recursive process). */
static void armature_finalize_restpose(ListBase *bonelist, ListBase *editbonelist)
Bone *curBone;
EditBone *ebone;
float premat[3][3];
float postmat[3][3];
float difmat[3][3];
float imat[3][3];
for (curBone = bonelist->first; curBone; curBone = curBone->next) {
/* sets local matrix and arm_mat (restpos).
* Do not recurse into children here, fix_bonelist_roll is already recursive. */
BKE_armature_where_is_bone(curBone, curBone->parent, false);
/* Find the associated editbone */
for (ebone = editbonelist->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next)
if (ebone->temp.bone == curBone)
if (ebone) {
/* Get the ebone premat */
ED_armature_ebone_to_mat3(ebone, premat);
/* Get the bone postmat */
copy_m3_m4(postmat, curBone->arm_mat);
invert_m3_m3(imat, premat);
mul_m3_m3m3(difmat, imat, postmat);
#if 0
printf("Bone %s\n", curBone->name);
print_m4("premat", premat);
print_m4("postmat", postmat);
print_m4("difmat", difmat);
printf("Roll = %f\n", RAD2DEGF(-atan2(difmat[2][0], difmat[2][2])));
curBone->roll = -atan2f(difmat[2][0], difmat[2][2]);
/* and set restposition again */
BKE_armature_where_is_bone(curBone, curBone->parent, false);
/* Set bone's local head/tail.
* Note that it's important to use final parent's restpose (arm_mat) here, instead of setting those values
* from editbone's matrix (see T46010). */
if (curBone->parent) {
float parmat_inv[4][4];
invert_m4_m4(parmat_inv, curBone->parent->arm_mat);
/* Get the new head and tail */
sub_v3_v3v3(curBone->head, curBone->arm_head, curBone->parent->arm_tail);
sub_v3_v3v3(curBone->tail, curBone->arm_tail, curBone->parent->arm_tail);
mul_mat3_m4_v3(parmat_inv, curBone->head);
mul_mat3_m4_v3(parmat_inv, curBone->tail);
fix_bonelist_roll(&curBone->childbase, editbonelist);
else {
copy_v3_v3(curBone->head, curBone->arm_head);
copy_v3_v3(curBone->tail, curBone->arm_tail);
/* Set local matrix and arm_mat (restpose).
* Do not recurse into children here, armature_finalize_restpose() is already recursive. */
BKE_armature_where_is_bone(curBone, curBone->parent, false);
/* Find the associated editbone */
for (ebone = editbonelist->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) {
if (ebone->temp.bone == curBone) {
float premat[3][3];
float postmat[3][3];
float difmat[3][3];
float imat[3][3];
/* Get the ebone premat and its inverse. */
ED_armature_ebone_to_mat3(ebone, premat);
invert_m3_m3(imat, premat);
/* Get the bone postmat. */
copy_m3_m4(postmat, curBone->arm_mat);
mul_m3_m3m3(difmat, imat, postmat);
#if 0
printf("Bone %s\n", curBone->name);
print_m4("premat", premat);
print_m4("postmat", postmat);
print_m4("difmat", difmat);
printf("Roll = %f\n", RAD2DEGF(-atan2(difmat[2][0], difmat[2][2])));
curBone->roll = -atan2f(difmat[2][0], difmat[2][2]);
/* and set restposition again */
BKE_armature_where_is_bone(curBone, curBone->parent, false);
/* Recurse into children... */
armature_finalize_restpose(&curBone->childbase, editbonelist);
@ -588,48 +617,29 @@ void ED_armature_from_edit(bArmature *arm)
newBone->prop = IDP_CopyProperty(eBone->prop);
/* Fix parenting in a separate pass to ensure ebone->bone connections
* are valid at this point */
/* Fix parenting in a separate pass to ensure ebone->bone connections are valid at this point.
* Do not set bone->head/tail here anymore, using EditBone data for that is not OK since our later fidling
* with parent's arm_mat (for roll conversion) may have some small but visible impact on locations (T46010). */
for (eBone = arm->edbo->first; eBone; eBone = eBone->next) {
newBone = eBone->temp.bone;
if (eBone->parent) {
newBone->parent = eBone->parent->temp.bone;
BLI_addtail(&newBone->parent->childbase, newBone);
float M_parentRest[3][3];
float iM_parentRest[3][3];
/* Get the parent's matrix (rotation only) */
ED_armature_ebone_to_mat3(eBone->parent, M_parentRest);
/* Invert the parent matrix */
invert_m3_m3(iM_parentRest, M_parentRest);
/* Get the new head and tail */
sub_v3_v3v3(newBone->head, eBone->head, eBone->parent->tail);
sub_v3_v3v3(newBone->tail, eBone->tail, eBone->parent->tail);
mul_m3_v3(iM_parentRest, newBone->head);
mul_m3_v3(iM_parentRest, newBone->tail);
/* ...otherwise add this bone to the armature's bonebase */
else {
copy_v3_v3(newBone->head, eBone->head);
copy_v3_v3(newBone->tail, eBone->tail);
BLI_addtail(&arm->bonebase, newBone);
/* Make a pass through the new armature to fix rolling */
/* also builds restposition again (like BKE_armature_where_is) */
fix_bonelist_roll(&arm->bonebase, arm->edbo);
/* Finalize definition of restpose data (roll, bone_mat, arm_mat, head/tail...). */
armature_finalize_restpose(&arm->bonebase, arm->edbo);
/* so all users of this armature should get rebuilt */
for (obt = G.main->object.first; obt; obt = obt-> {
if (obt->data == arm)
if (obt->data == arm) {
BKE_pose_rebuild(obt, arm);
DAG_id_tag_update(&arm->id, 0);