Improved Collada Armature Import

Collada does not support Bone length. It has only Joints.
This patch tries to improve the necessary "guesswork" for
importing Rigs.

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Gaia Clary 2014-11-29 13:24:26 +01:00
parent e240bd3932
commit 8d42c2f3ea
7 changed files with 331 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "BKE_object.h"
#include "BKE_armature.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "ED_armature.h"
#include "ArmatureImporter.h"
@ -49,7 +50,23 @@ static const char *bc_get_joint_name(T *node)
return id.size() ? id.c_str() : node->getOriginalId().c_str();
ArmatureImporter::ArmatureImporter(UnitConverter *conv, MeshImporterBase *mesh, Scene *sce) :
static EditBone *get_edit_bone(bArmature * armature, char *name) {
EditBone *eBone;
eBone = (EditBone *)armature->edbo->first;
for (eBone; eBone; eBone = eBone->next) {
if (!strcmp(name, eBone->name))
return eBone;
return NULL;
ArmatureImporter::ArmatureImporter(UnitConverter *conv, MeshImporterBase *mesh, Scene *sce, const ImportSettings *import_settings) :
@ -57,6 +74,15 @@ ArmatureImporter::ArmatureImporter(UnitConverter *conv, MeshImporterBase *mesh,
mesh_importer(mesh) {
void ArmatureImporter::clear_extended_boneset()
for (std::map<std::string, BoneExtended *>::iterator it = extended_bones.begin(); it != extended_bones.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second != NULL)
delete it->second;
// free skin controller data if we forget to do this earlier
@ -64,6 +90,7 @@ ArmatureImporter::~ArmatureImporter()
for (it = skin_by_data_uid.begin(); it != skin_by_data_uid.end(); it++) {
#if 0
@ -83,16 +110,17 @@ JointData *ArmatureImporter::get_joint_data(COLLADAFW::Node *node);
void ArmatureImporter::create_bone(SkinInfo *skin, COLLADAFW::Node *node, EditBone *parent, int totchild,
int ArmatureImporter::create_bone(SkinInfo *skin, COLLADAFW::Node *node, EditBone *parent, int totchild,
float parent_mat[4][4], bArmature *arm)
float mat[4][4];
float joint_inv_bind_mat[4][4];
int chain_length = 0;
//Checking if bone is already made.
std::vector<COLLADAFW::Node *>::iterator it;
it = std::find(finished_joints.begin(), finished_joints.end(), node);
if (it != finished_joints.end()) return;
if (it != finished_joints.end()) return chain_length;
// JointData* jd = get_joint_data(node);
@ -143,96 +171,150 @@ void ArmatureImporter::create_bone(SkinInfo *skin, COLLADAFW::Node *node, EditBo
// set tail, don't set it to head because 0-length bones are not allowed
add_v3_v3v3(bone->tail, bone->head, vec);
// set parent tail
/* find smallest bone length in armature (used later for leaf bone length) */
if (parent) {
// XXX increase this to prevent "very" small bones?
const float epsilon = 0.000001f;
// derive leaf bone length
/* guess reasonable leaf bone length */
float length = len_v3v3(parent->head, bone->head);
if ((length < leaf_bone_length || totbone == 0) && length > epsilon) {
if ((length < leaf_bone_length || totbone == 0) && length > MINIMUM_BONE_LENGTH) {
leaf_bone_length = length;
if (totchild == 1) {
copy_v3_v3(parent->tail, bone->head);
// not setting BONE_CONNECTED because this would lock child bone location with respect to parent
bone->flag |= BONE_CONNECTED;
// treat zero-sized bone like a leaf bone
if (length <= epsilon) {
add_leaf_bone(parent_mat, parent, node);
COLLADAFW::NodePointerArray& children = node->getChildNodes();
BoneExtended &be = add_bone_extended(bone, node);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children.getCount(); i++) {
create_bone(skin, children[i], bone, children.getCount(), mat, arm);
int cl = create_bone(skin, children[i], bone, children.getCount(), mat, arm);
if (cl > chain_length)
chain_length = cl;
// in second case it's not a leaf bone, but we handle it the same way
if (!children.getCount() || children.getCount() > 1) {
add_leaf_bone(mat, bone, node);
bone->length = len_v3v3(bone->head, bone->tail);
joint_by_uid[node->getUniqueId()] = node;
be.set_chain_length(chain_length + 1);
return chain_length + 1;
void ArmatureImporter::add_leaf_bone(float mat[4][4], EditBone *bone, COLLADAFW::Node *node)
* Collada only knows Joints, hence bones at the end of a bone chain
* don't have a defined length. This function guesses reasonable
* tail locations for the affected bones (nodes which don't have any connected child)
* Hint: The extended_bones set gets populated in ArmatureImporter::create_bone
void ArmatureImporter::fix_bone_orientation(bArmature *armature, Bone *bone)
LeafBone leaf;
/* armature has no bones */
if (bone == NULL)
leaf.bone = bone;
copy_m4_m4(leaf.mat, mat);
BLI_strncpy(, bone->name, sizeof(;
TagsMap::iterator etit;
ExtraTags *et = 0;
etit = uid_tags_map.find(node->getUniqueId().toAscii());
if (etit != uid_tags_map.end()) {
et = etit->second;
//else return;
BoneExtended *be = extended_bones[bone->name];
if (be != NULL && be->is_leaf_bone() ) {
/* Collada only knows Joints, Here we guess a reasonable leaf bone length */
float leaf_length = (leaf_bone_length == FLT_MAX) ? 1.0 : leaf_bone_length;
float x, y, z;
et->setData("tip_x", &x);
et->setData("tip_y", &y);
et->setData("tip_z", &z);
float vec[3] = {x, y, z};
copy_v3_v3(leaf.bone->tail, leaf.bone->head);
add_v3_v3v3(leaf.bone->tail, leaf.bone->head, vec);
EditBone *ebone = get_edit_bone(armature, bone->name);
float vec[3];
if (ebone->parent != NULL) {
EditBone *parent = ebone->parent;
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, ebone->head, parent->tail);
if (len_squared_v3(vec) < MINIMUM_BONE_LENGTH)
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, parent->tail, parent->head);
else {
vec[2] = 0.1f;
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, ebone->tail, ebone->head);
normalize_v3_v3(vec, vec);
mul_v3_fl(vec, leaf_length);
add_v3_v3v3(ebone->tail, ebone->head, vec);
for (Bone *child = (Bone *)bone->childbase.first; child; child = child->next) {
fix_bone_orientation(armature, child);
void ArmatureImporter::connect_bone_chains(bArmature *armature, Bone *parentbone, int clip)
BoneExtended *dominant_child = NULL;
int maxlen = 0;
Bone *child = (Bone *)parentbone->childbase.first;
if (child && (import_settings->find_chains || child->next==NULL) )
for (child; child; child = child->next) {
BoneExtended *be = extended_bones[child->name];
if (be != NULL) {
if (be->get_chain_length() <= clip) {
if (be->get_chain_length() > maxlen) {
dominant_child = be;
maxlen = be->get_chain_length();
else if (be->get_chain_length() == maxlen) {
dominant_child = NULL;
BoneExtended *pbe = extended_bones[parentbone->name];
if (dominant_child != NULL) {
/* Found a valid chain. Now connect current bone with that chain.*/
EditBone *pebone = get_edit_bone(armature, parentbone->name);
EditBone *cebone = get_edit_bone(armature, dominant_child->get_name());
if (pebone && !(cebone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) {
float vec[3];
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, cebone->head, pebone->head);
* It is possible that the child's head is located on the parents head.
* When this happens, then moving the parent's tail to the child's head
* would result in a zero sized bone and Blender would silently remove the bone.
* So we move the tail only when the resulting bone has a minimum length:
if (len_squared_v3(vec) > MINIMUM_BONE_LENGTH)
pebone->tail[0] = cebone->head[0];
pebone->tail[1] = cebone->head[1];
pebone->tail[2] = cebone->head[2];
if (pbe && pbe->get_chain_length() >= this->import_settings->min_chain_length) {
cebone->flag |= BONE_CONNECTED;
printf("Connecting chain: parent %s --> %s (child)\n", pebone->name, cebone->name);
for (Bone *child = (Bone *)parentbone->childbase.first; child; child = child->next) {
ArmatureImporter::connect_bone_chains(armature, child, UNLIMITED_CHAIN_MAX);
else if (maxlen>1 && maxlen > this->import_settings->min_chain_length) {
/* Try again with smaller chain length */
ArmatureImporter::connect_bone_chains(armature, parentbone, maxlen - 1);
else {
/* can't connect this Bone. Proceed with children ... */
if (pbe) pbe->set_leaf_bone(true);
for (Bone *child = (Bone *)parentbone->childbase.first; child; child = child->next) {
ArmatureImporter::connect_bone_chains(armature, child, UNLIMITED_CHAIN_MAX);
void ArmatureImporter::fix_leaf_bones( )
// Collada only knows Joints, Here we guess a reasonable
// leaf bone length
float leaf_length = (leaf_bone_length == FLT_MAX) ? 1.0:leaf_bone_length;
// just setting tail for leaf bones here
std::vector<LeafBone>::iterator it;
for (it = leaf_bones.begin(); it != leaf_bones.end(); it++) {
LeafBone& leaf = *it;
// pointing up
float vec[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f};
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, leaf.bone->tail , leaf.bone->head);
mul_v3_fl(vec, leaf_length);
add_v3_v3v3(leaf.bone->tail, leaf.bone->head , vec);
#if 0
@ -351,21 +433,26 @@ void ArmatureImporter::create_armature_bones( )
create_bone(NULL, *ri , NULL, (*ri)->getChildNodes().getCount(), NULL, armature);
//leaf bone tails are derived from the matrix, so no need of this.
/* exit armature edit mode to populate the Armature object */
/* and step back to edit mode to fix the leaf nodes */
connect_bone_chains(armature, (Bone *)armature->bonebase.first, UNLIMITED_CHAIN_MAX);
fix_bone_orientation(armature, (Bone *)armature->bonebase.first);
// exit armature edit mode
unskinned_armature_map[(*ri)->getUniqueId()] = ob_arm;
//This serves no purpose, as pose is automatically reset later, in BKE_where_is_bone()
//set_pose(ob_arm, *ri, NULL, NULL);
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob_arm->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA);
@ -459,9 +546,11 @@ void ArmatureImporter::create_armature_bones(SkinInfo& skin)
// enter armature edit mode
ED_armature_to_edit((bArmature *)ob_arm->data);
bArmature * armature = (bArmature *)ob_arm->data;
totbone = 0;
// bone_direction_row = 1; // TODO: don't default to Y but use asset and based on it decide on default row
leaf_bone_length = FLT_MAX;
@ -480,20 +569,27 @@ void ArmatureImporter::create_armature_bones(SkinInfo& skin)
// since root_joints may contain joints for multiple controllers, we need to filter
if (skin.uses_joint_or_descendant(*ri)) {
create_bone(&skin, *ri, NULL, (*ri)->getChildNodes().getCount(), NULL, (bArmature *)ob_arm->data);
create_bone(&skin, *ri, NULL, (*ri)->getChildNodes().getCount(), NULL, armature);
if (joint_parent_map.find((*ri)->getUniqueId()) != joint_parent_map.end() && !skin.get_parent())
/* exit armature edit mode to populate the Armature object */
/* and step back to edit mode to fix the leaf nodes */
connect_bone_chains(armature, (Bone *)armature->bonebase.first, UNLIMITED_CHAIN_MAX);
fix_bone_orientation(armature, (Bone *)armature->bonebase.first);
// exit armature edit mode
ED_armature_from_edit((bArmature *)ob_arm->data);
ED_armature_edit_free((bArmature *)ob_arm->data);
DAG_id_tag_update(&ob_arm->id, OB_RECALC_OB | OB_RECALC_DATA);
void ArmatureImporter::set_pose(Object *ob_arm, COLLADAFW::Node *root_node, const char *parentname, float parent_mat[4][4])
@ -538,10 +634,11 @@ void ArmatureImporter::set_pose(Object *ob_arm, COLLADAFW::Node *root_node, con
// root - if this joint is the top joint in hierarchy, if a joint
// is a child of a node (not joint), root should be true since
// this is where we build armature bones from
* root - if this joint is the top joint in hierarchy, if a joint
* is a child of a node (not joint), root should be true since
* this is where we build armature bones from
void ArmatureImporter::add_root_joint(COLLADAFW::Node *node, Object *parent)
@ -785,3 +882,71 @@ bool ArmatureImporter::get_joint_bind_mat(float m[4][4], COLLADAFW::Node *joint)
return found;
* BoneExtended is a helper class needed for the Bone chain finder
* See ArmatureImporter::fix_bone_orientation()
* and ArmatureImporter::connect_bone_chains()
BoneExtended::BoneExtended(EditBone *aBone)
this->chain_length = 0;
this->is_leaf = false;
char *BoneExtended::get_name()
return name;
void BoneExtended::set_name(char *aName)
BLI_strncpy(name, aName, MAXBONENAME);
int BoneExtended::get_chain_length()
return chain_length;
void BoneExtended::set_chain_length(const int aLength)
chain_length = aLength;
void BoneExtended::set_leaf_bone(bool state)
is_leaf = state;
bool BoneExtended::is_leaf_bone()
return is_leaf;
BoneExtended &ArmatureImporter::add_bone_extended(EditBone *bone, COLLADAFW::Node *node)
TagsMap::iterator etit;
ExtraTags *et = 0;
etit = uid_tags_map.find(node->getUniqueId().toAscii());
if (etit != uid_tags_map.end()) {
float x, y, z;
et = etit->second;
et->setData("tip_x", &x);
et->setData("tip_y", &y);
et->setData("tip_z", &z);
float vec[3] = { x, y, z };
copy_v3_v3(bone->tail, bone->head);
add_v3_v3v3(bone->tail, bone->head, vec);
BoneExtended *be = new BoneExtended(bone);
extended_bones[bone->name] = be;
return *be;

View File

@ -54,23 +54,41 @@ extern "C" {
#include "collada_internal.h"
#include "collada_utils.h"
#include "ImportSettings.h"
#define MINIMUM_BONE_LENGTH 0.000001f
class BoneExtended {
char name[MAXBONENAME];
int chain_length;
bool is_leaf;
BoneExtended(EditBone *aBone);
char *get_name();
int get_chain_length();
void set_name(char *aName);
void set_chain_length(const int aLength);
void set_leaf_bone(bool state);
bool is_leaf_bone();
class ArmatureImporter : private TransformReader
Scene *scene;
UnitConverter *unit_converter;
const ImportSettings *import_settings;
// std::map<int, JointData> joint_index_to_joint_info_map;
// std::map<COLLADAFW::UniqueId, int> joint_id_to_joint_index_map;
struct LeafBone {
// COLLADAFW::Node *node;
EditBone *bone;
char name[32];
float mat[4][4]; // bone matrix, derived from inv_bind_mat
std::vector<LeafBone> leaf_bones;
std::map<std::string, BoneExtended *> extended_bones;
// int bone_direction_row; // XXX not used
float leaf_bone_length;
int totbone;
@ -106,13 +124,15 @@ private:
JointData *get_joint_data(COLLADAFW::Node *node);
void create_bone(SkinInfo* skin, COLLADAFW::Node *node, EditBone *parent, int totchild,
int create_bone(SkinInfo* skin, COLLADAFW::Node *node, EditBone *parent, int totchild,
float parent_mat[4][4], bArmature *arm);
void add_leaf_bone(float mat[4][4], EditBone *bone, COLLADAFW::Node * node);
BoneExtended &add_bone_extended(EditBone *bone, COLLADAFW::Node * node);
void clear_extended_boneset();
void fix_bone_orientation(bArmature *armature, Bone *bone);
void connect_bone_chains(bArmature *armature, Bone *bone, const int max_chain_length);
void fix_leaf_bones();
void set_pose( Object *ob_arm, COLLADAFW::Node *root_node, const char *parentname, float parent_mat[4][4]);
@ -137,7 +157,7 @@ private:
TagsMap uid_tags_map;
ArmatureImporter(UnitConverter *conv, MeshImporterBase *mesh, Scene *sce);
ArmatureImporter(UnitConverter *conv, MeshImporterBase *mesh, Scene *sce, const ImportSettings *import_settings);
void add_root_joint(COLLADAFW::Node *node, Object *parent);

View File

@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ DocumentImporter::DocumentImporter(bContext *C, const ImportSettings *import_set
armature_importer(&unit_converter, &mesh_importer, CTX_data_scene(C)),
armature_importer(&unit_converter, &mesh_importer, CTX_data_scene(C), import_settings),
mesh_importer(&unit_converter, &armature_importer, CTX_data_scene(C)),
anim_importer(&unit_converter, &armature_importer, CTX_data_scene(C))

View File

@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
struct ImportSettings {
bool import_units;
bool find_chains;
int min_chain_length;
char *filepath;

View File

@ -44,13 +44,17 @@ extern "C"
int collada_import(bContext *C,
const char *filepath,
int import_units)
int import_units,
int find_chains,
int min_chain_length)
ImportSettings import_settings;
import_settings.filepath = (char *)filepath;
import_settings.import_units = import_units != 0;
import_settings.find_chains = find_chains != 0;
import_settings.min_chain_length = min_chain_length;
DocumentImporter imp(C, &import_settings);
if (imp.import()) return 1;

View File

@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ struct Scene;
int collada_import(struct bContext *C,
const char *filepath,
int import_units);
int import_units,
int find_chains,
int min_chain_length);
int collada_export(struct Scene *sce,
const char *filepath,

View File

@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ static int wm_collada_import_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
char filename[FILE_MAX];
int import_units;
int find_chains;
int min_chain_length;
if (!RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "filepath")) {
BKE_report(op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "No filename given");
@ -372,10 +374,15 @@ static int wm_collada_import_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
/* Options panel */
import_units = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "import_units");
import_units = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "import_units");
find_chains = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "find_chains");
min_chain_length = RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "min_chain_length");
RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filepath", filename);
if (collada_import(C, filename, import_units)) {
if (collada_import(C, filename,
min_chain_length)) {
else {
@ -395,6 +402,17 @@ static void uiCollada_importSettings(uiLayout *layout, PointerRNA *imfptr)
row = uiLayoutRow(box, false);
uiItemR(row, imfptr, "import_units", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
box = uiLayoutBox(layout);
row = uiLayoutRow(box, false);
uiItemL(row, IFACE_("Armature Options:"), ICON_MESH_DATA);
row = uiLayoutRow(box, false);
uiItemR(row, imfptr, "find_chains", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
row = uiLayoutRow(box, false);
uiItemR(row, imfptr, "min_chain_length", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
static void wm_collada_import_draw(bContext *UNUSED(C), wmOperator *op)
@ -423,9 +441,23 @@ void WM_OT_collada_import(wmOperatorType *ot)
"import_units", 0, "Import Units",
"If disabled match import to Blender's current Unit settings, "
"otherwise use the settings from the Imported scene");
"import_units", 0, "Import Units",
"If disabled match import to Blender's current Unit settings, "
"otherwise use the settings from the Imported scene");
"find_chains", 0, "Find Bone Chains",
"Find best matching Bone Chains and ensure bones in chain are connected");
"Minimum Chain Length",
"When searching Bone Chains disregard chains of length below this value",