Curve: Simplify legacy curve conversion to mesh

Build the mesh directly instead of returning arrays which need to be
copied to a new mesh. Also decrease the scope of some variables.
This commit is contained in:
Hans Goudey 2022-08-11 13:09:55 -04:00
parent 2480b55f21
commit 90e027e594
1 changed files with 41 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include "BLI_index_range.hh"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_span.hh"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
@ -54,6 +55,8 @@
#include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h"
using blender::IndexRange;
using blender::MutableSpan;
using blender::Span;
/* Define for cases when you want extra validation of mesh
* after certain modifications.
@ -127,29 +130,28 @@ void BKE_mesh_from_metaball(ListBase *lb, Mesh *me)
* Specialized function to use when we _know_ existing edges don't overlap with poly edges.
static void make_edges_mdata_extend(
MEdge **r_alledge, int *r_totedge, const MPoly *mpoly, MLoop *mloop, const int totpoly)
static void make_edges_mdata_extend(Mesh &mesh)
int totedge = *r_totedge;
int totedge_new;
EdgeHash *eh;
uint eh_reserve;
int totedge = mesh.totedge;
const MPoly *mp;
int i;
eh_reserve = max_ii(totedge, BLI_EDGEHASH_SIZE_GUESS_FROM_POLYS(totpoly));
eh = BLI_edgehash_new_ex(__func__, eh_reserve);
Span<MPoly> polygons(mesh.mpoly, mesh.totpoly);
MutableSpan<MLoop> loops(mesh.mloop, mesh.totloop);
for (i = 0, mp = mpoly; i < totpoly; i++, mp++) {
BKE_mesh_poly_edgehash_insert(eh, mp, mloop + mp->loopstart);
const int eh_reserve = max_ii(totedge, BLI_EDGEHASH_SIZE_GUESS_FROM_POLYS(mesh.totpoly));
EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new_ex(__func__, eh_reserve);
for (const MPoly &poly : polygons) {
BKE_mesh_poly_edgehash_insert(eh, &poly, &loops[poly.loopstart]);
totedge_new = BLI_edgehash_len(eh);
const int totedge_new = BLI_edgehash_len(eh);
#ifdef DEBUG
/* ensure that there's no overlap! */
if (totedge_new) {
MEdge *medge = *r_alledge;
MEdge *medge = mesh.medge;
for (i = 0; i < totedge; i++, medge++) {
BLI_assert(BLI_edgehash_haskey(eh, medge->v1, medge->v2) == false);
@ -157,19 +159,15 @@ static void make_edges_mdata_extend(
if (totedge_new) {
CustomData_realloc(&mesh.edata, totedge + totedge_new);
BKE_mesh_update_customdata_pointers(&mesh, false);
MEdge *medge = mesh.medge + totedge;
mesh.totedge += totedge_new;
EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
MEdge *medge;
uint e_index = totedge;
*r_alledge = medge = (MEdge *)(*r_alledge ?
sizeof(MEdge) * (totedge + totedge_new)) :
MEM_calloc_arrayN(totedge_new, sizeof(MEdge), __func__));
medge += totedge;
totedge += totedge_new;
/* --- */
for (ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh); BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi) == false;
BLI_edgehashIterator_step(ehi), ++medge, e_index++) {
BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &medge->v1, &medge->v2);
@ -180,10 +178,8 @@ static void make_edges_mdata_extend(
*r_totedge = totedge;
for (i = 0, mp = mpoly; i < totpoly; i++, mp++) {
MLoop *l = &mloop[mp->loopstart];
for (i = 0, mp = mesh.mpoly; i < mesh.totpoly; i++, mp++) {
MLoop *l = &loops[mp->loopstart];
MLoop *l_prev = (l + (mp->totloop - 1));
int j;
for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, l++) {
@ -197,25 +193,8 @@ static void make_edges_mdata_extend(
BLI_edgehash_free(eh, nullptr);
/* Initialize mverts, medges and, faces for converting nurbs to mesh and derived mesh */
/* use specified dispbase */
static int mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mdata(const Curve *cu,
const ListBase *dispbase,
MVert **r_allvert,
int *r_totvert,
MEdge **r_alledge,
int *r_totedge,
MLoop **r_allloop,
MPoly **r_allpoly,
MLoopUV **r_alluv,
int *r_totloop,
int *r_totpoly)
static Mesh *mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mesh(const Curve *cu, const ListBase *dispbase)
MVert *mvert;
MPoly *mpoly;
MLoop *mloop;
MLoopUV *mloopuv = nullptr;
MEdge *medge;
const float *data;
int a, b, ofs, vertcount, startvert, totvert = 0, totedge = 0, totloop = 0, totpoly = 0;
int p1, p2, p3, p4, *index;
@ -257,21 +236,21 @@ static int mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mdata(const Curve *cu,
if (totvert == 0) {
/* Make Sure you check ob->data is a curve. */
// error("can't convert");
return -1;
return BKE_mesh_new_nomain(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
*r_allvert = mvert = (MVert *)MEM_calloc_arrayN(totvert, sizeof(MVert), "nurbs_init mvert");
*r_alledge = medge = (MEdge *)MEM_calloc_arrayN(totedge, sizeof(MEdge), "nurbs_init medge");
*r_allloop = mloop = (MLoop *)MEM_calloc_arrayN(
totpoly, sizeof(MLoop[4]), "nurbs_init mloop"); /* totloop */
*r_allpoly = mpoly = (MPoly *)MEM_calloc_arrayN(totpoly, sizeof(MPoly), "nurbs_init mloop");
Mesh *mesh = BKE_mesh_new_nomain(totvert, totedge, 0, totloop, totpoly);
MutableSpan<MVert> vertices(mesh->mvert, mesh->totvert);
MutableSpan<MEdge> edges(mesh->medge, mesh->totedge);
MutableSpan<MPoly> polygons(mesh->mpoly, mesh->totpoly);
MutableSpan<MLoop> loops(mesh->mloop, mesh->totloop);
if (r_alluv) {
*r_alluv = mloopuv = (MLoopUV *)MEM_calloc_arrayN(
totpoly, sizeof(MLoopUV[4]), "nurbs_init mloopuv");
MVert *mvert =;
MEdge *medge =;
MPoly *mpoly =;
MLoop *mloop =;
MLoopUV *mloopuv = static_cast<MLoopUV *>(CustomData_add_layer_named(
&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_CALLOC, nullptr, mesh->totloop, "UVMap"));
/* verts and faces */
vertcount = 0;
@ -346,7 +325,7 @@ static int mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mdata(const Curve *cu,
mloop[0].v = startvert + index[0];
mloop[1].v = startvert + index[2];
mloop[2].v = startvert + index[1];
mpoly->loopstart = (int)(mloop - (*r_allloop));
mpoly->loopstart = (int)(mloop -;
mpoly->totloop = 3;
mpoly->mat_nr = dl->col;
@ -406,7 +385,7 @@ static int mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mdata(const Curve *cu,
mloop[1].v = p3;
mloop[2].v = p4;
mloop[3].v = p2;
mpoly->loopstart = (int)(mloop - (*r_allloop));
mpoly->loopstart = (int)(mloop -;
mpoly->totloop = 4;
mpoly->mat_nr = dl->col;
@ -458,15 +437,10 @@ static int mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mdata(const Curve *cu,
if (totpoly) {
make_edges_mdata_extend(r_alledge, &totedge, *r_allpoly, *r_allloop, totpoly);
*r_totpoly = totpoly;
*r_totloop = totloop;
*r_totedge = totedge;
*r_totvert = totvert;
return 0;
return mesh;
@ -487,60 +461,12 @@ static void mesh_copy_texture_space_from_curve_type(const Curve *cu, Mesh *me)
Mesh *BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_curve_displist(const Object *ob, const ListBase *dispbase)
const Curve *cu = (const Curve *)ob->data;
Mesh *mesh;
MVert *allvert;
MEdge *alledge;
MLoop *allloop;
MPoly *allpoly;
MLoopUV *alluv = nullptr;
int totvert, totedge, totloop, totpoly;
if (mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mdata(cu,
&totpoly) != 0) {
/* Error initializing mdata. This often happens when curve is empty */
return BKE_mesh_new_nomain(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
mesh = BKE_mesh_new_nomain(totvert, totedge, 0, totloop, totpoly);
if (totvert != 0) {
memcpy(mesh->mvert, allvert, totvert * sizeof(MVert));
if (totedge != 0) {
memcpy(mesh->medge, alledge, totedge * sizeof(MEdge));
if (totloop != 0) {
memcpy(mesh->mloop, allloop, totloop * sizeof(MLoop));
if (totpoly != 0) {
memcpy(mesh->mpoly, allpoly, totpoly * sizeof(MPoly));
if (alluv) {
const char *uvname = "UVMap";
CustomData_add_layer_named(&mesh->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, CD_ASSIGN, alluv, totloop, uvname);
Mesh *mesh = mesh_nurbs_displist_to_mesh(cu, dispbase);
mesh_copy_texture_space_from_curve_type(cu, mesh);
/* Copy curve materials. */
mesh->mat = (Material **)MEM_dupallocN(cu->mat);
mesh->totcol = cu->totcol;
return mesh;