glTF exporter: Performance improvment on image export

This commit is contained in:
Julien Duroure 2020-01-04 21:15:04 +01:00
parent 73b85949a0
commit 289fb2b8b8
3 changed files with 201 additions and 116 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
bl_info = {
'name': 'glTF 2.0 format',
'author': 'Julien Duroure, Norbert Nopper, Urs Hanselmann, Moritz Becher, Benjamin Schmithüsen, Jim Eckerlein, and many external contributors',
"version": (1, 1, 30),
"version": (1, 1, 31),
'blender': (2, 81, 6),
'location': 'File > Import-Export',
'description': 'Import-Export as glTF 2.0',

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_search_node_tree
from import gltf2_io_binary_data
from import gltf2_io_image_data
from import gltf2_io_debug
from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp import gltf2_blender_image
from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_image import Channel, ExportImage
from io_scene_gltf2.blender.exp.gltf2_blender_gather_cache import cached
from import export_user_extensions
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ def gather_image(
return None
image_data = __get_image_data(blender_shader_sockets_or_texture_slots, export_settings)
if image_data is None:
# The blender image has no data
if image_data.empty():
# The export image has no data
return None
mime_type = __gather_mime_type(blender_shader_sockets_or_texture_slots, export_settings)
@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ def __is_slot(sockets_or_slots):
return isinstance(sockets_or_slots[0], bpy.types.MaterialTextureSlot)
def __get_image_data(sockets_or_slots, export_settings) -> gltf2_blender_image.ExportImage:
def __get_image_data(sockets_or_slots, export_settings) -> ExportImage:
# For shared resources, such as images, we just store the portion of data that is needed in the glTF property
# in a helper class. During generation of the glTF in the exporter these will then be combined to actual binary
# resources.
if __is_socket(sockets_or_slots):
results = [__get_tex_from_socket(socket, export_settings) for socket in sockets_or_slots]
composed_image = None
composed_image = ExportImage()
for result, socket in zip(results, sockets_or_slots):
if result.shader_node.image.channels == 0:
@ -159,44 +159,45 @@ def __get_image_data(sockets_or_slots, export_settings) -> gltf2_blender_image.E
# rudimentarily try follow the node tree to find the correct image data.
source_channel = 0
src_chan = Channel.R
for elem in result.path:
if isinstance(elem.from_node, bpy.types.ShaderNodeSeparateRGB):
source_channel = {
'R': 0,
'G': 1,
'B': 2
src_chan = {
'R': Channel.R,
'G': Channel.G,
'B': Channel.B,
image = gltf2_blender_image.ExportImage.from_blender_image(result.shader_node.image)
target_channel = None
dst_chan = None
# some sockets need channel rewriting (gltf pbr defines fixed channels for some attributes)
if == 'Metallic':
target_channel = 2
dst_chan = Channel.B
elif == 'Roughness':
target_channel = 1
dst_chan = Channel.G
elif == 'Occlusion' and len(sockets_or_slots) > 1 and sockets_or_slots[1] is not None:
target_channel = 0
dst_chan = Channel.R
elif == 'Alpha' and len(sockets_or_slots) > 1 and sockets_or_slots[1] is not None:
target_channel = 3
dst_chan = Channel.A
if target_channel is not None:
if composed_image is None:
composed_image = gltf2_blender_image.ExportImage.white_image(image.width, image.height)
if dst_chan is not None:
composed_image.fill_image(result.shader_node.image, dst_chan, src_chan)
composed_image[target_channel] = image[source_channel]
# Since metal/roughness are always used together, make sure
# the other channel is filled.
if == 'Metallic' and not composed_image.is_filled(Channel.G):
elif == 'Roughness' and not composed_image.is_filled(Channel.B):
# copy full image...eventually following sockets might overwrite things
composed_image = image
composed_image = ExportImage.from_blender_image(result.shader_node.image)
return composed_image
elif __is_slot(sockets_or_slots):
texture = __get_tex_from_slot(sockets_or_slots[0])
image = gltf2_blender_image.ExportImage.from_blender_image(texture.image)
image = ExportImage.from_blender_image(texture.image)
return image
raise NotImplementedError()

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@ -14,122 +14,206 @@
import bpy
import os
import typing
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import tempfile
import enum
class Channel(enum.IntEnum):
R = 0
G = 1
B = 2
A = 3
# These describe how an ExportImage's channels should be filled.
class FillImage:
"""Fills a channel with the channel src_chan from a Blender image."""
def __init__(self, image: bpy.types.Image, src_chan: Channel):
self.image = image
self.src_chan = src_chan
class FillWhite:
"""Fills a channel with all ones (1.0)."""
class ExportImage:
"""Custom image class that allows manipulation and encoding of images"""
# FUTURE_WORK: as a method to allow the node graph to be better supported, we could model some of
# the node graph elements with numpy functions
"""Custom image class.
def __init__(self, img: typing.Union[np.ndarray, typing.List[np.ndarray]], max_channels: int = 4,\
blender_image: bpy.types.Image = None, has_alpha: bool = False):
if isinstance(img, list):
np.stack(img, axis=2)
An image is represented by giving a description of how to fill its red,
green, blue, and alpha channels. For example:
if len(img.shape) == 2:
# images must always have a channels dimension
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)
self.fills = {
Channel.R: FillImage(['Im1'], src_chan=Channel.B),
Channel.G: FillWhite(),
if not len(img.shape) == 3 or img.shape[2] > 4:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot construct an export image from an array of shape {}".format(img.shape))
This says that the ExportImage's R channel should be filled with the B
channel of the Blender image 'Im1', and the ExportImage's G channel
should be filled with all 1.0s. Undefined channels mean we don't care
what values that channel has.
self._img = img
self._max_channels = max_channels
self._blender_image = blender_image
self._has_alpha = has_alpha
This is flexible enough to handle the case where eg. the user used the R
channel of one image as the metallic value and the G channel of another
image as the roughness, and we need to synthesize an ExportImage that
packs those into the B and G channels for glTF.
def set_alpha(self, alpha: bool):
self._has_alpha = alpha
Storing this description (instead of raw pixels) lets us make more
intelligent decisions about how to encode the image.
def from_blender_image(cls, blender_image: bpy.types.Image):
img = np.array(blender_image.pixels[:])
img = img.reshape((blender_image.size[0], blender_image.size[1], blender_image.channels))
has_alpha = blender_image.depth == 32
return ExportImage(img=img, blender_image=blender_image, has_alpha=has_alpha)
def __init__(self):
self.fills = {}
def white_image(cls, width, height, num_channels: int = 4):
img = np.ones((width, height, num_channels))
return ExportImage(img=img)
def from_blender_image(image: bpy.types.Image):
export_image = ExportImage()
for chan in range(image.channels):
export_image.fill_image(image, dst_chan=chan, src_chan=chan)
return export_image
def split_channels(self):
"""return a list of numpy arrays where each list element corresponds to one image channel (r,g?,b?,a?)"""
return np.split(self._img, self._img.shape[2], axis=2)
def fill_image(self, image: bpy.types.Image, dst_chan: Channel, src_chan: Channel):
self.fills[dst_chan] = FillImage(image, src_chan)
def img(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._img
def fill_white(self, dst_chan: Channel):
self.fills[dst_chan] = FillWhite()
def shape(self):
return self._img.shape
def is_filled(self, chan: Channel) -> bool:
return chan in self.fills
def width(self):
return self.shape[0]
def empty(self) -> bool:
return not self.fills
def height(self):
return self.shape[1]
def __on_happy_path(self) -> bool:
# Whether there is an existing Blender image we can use for this
# ExportImage because all the channels come from the matching
# channel of that image, eg.
# self.fills = {
# Channel.R: FillImage(image=im, src_chan=Channel.R),
# Channel.G: FillImage(image=im, src_chan=Channel.G),
# }
return (
all(isinstance(fill, FillImage) for fill in self.fills.values()) and
all(dst_chan == fill.src_chan for dst_chan, fill in self.fills.items()) and
len(set( for fill in self.fills.values())) == 1
def channels(self):
return self.shape[2]
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""returns a new ExportImage with only the selected channels"""
return ExportImage(self._img[:, :, key])
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""set the selected channels to a new value"""
if isinstance(key, slice):
self._img[:, :, key] = value.img
self._img[:, :, key] = value.img[:, :, 0]
def append(self, other):
if self.channels + other.channels > self._max_channels:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot append image data to this image "
"because the maximum number of channels is exceeded.")
self._img = np.concatenate([self.img, other.img], axis=2)
def __add__(self, other):
def encode(self, mime_type: typing.Optional[str]) -> bytes:
file_format = {
def encode(self, mime_type: Optional[str]) -> bytes:
self.file_format = {
"image/jpeg": "JPEG",
"image/png": "PNG"
}.get(mime_type, "PNG")
if self._blender_image is not None and file_format == self._blender_image.file_format:
src_path = bpy.path.abspath(self._blender_image.filepath_raw)
if os.path.isfile(src_path):
with open(src_path, "rb") as f:
encoded_image =
return encoded_image
# Happy path = we can just use an existing Blender image
if self.__on_happy_path():
return self.__encode_happy()
image ="TmpImage", width=self.width, height=self.height, alpha=self._has_alpha)
pixels = self._img.flatten().tolist()
image.pixels = pixels
# Unhappy path = we need to create the image self.fills describes.
return self.__encode_unhappy()
# we just use blenders built in save mechanism, this can be considered slightly dodgy but currently is the only
# way to support
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
tmpfilename = tmpdirname + "/img"
image.filepath_raw = tmpfilename
image.file_format = file_format
def __encode_happy(self) -> bytes:
for fill in self.fills.values():
return self.__encode_from_image(fill.image)
with open(tmpfilename, "rb") as f:
encoded_image =
def __encode_unhappy(self) -> bytes:
# This will be a numpy array we fill in with pixel data.
result = None, do_unlink=True)
img_fills = {
chan: fill
for chan, fill in self.fills.items()
if isinstance(fill, FillImage)
# Loop over images instead of dst_chans; ensures we only decode each
# image once even if it's used in multiple channels.
image_names = list(set( for fill in img_fills.values()))
for image_name in image_names:
image =[image_name]
return encoded_image
if result is None:
result = np.ones((image.size[0], image.size[1], 4), np.float32)
# Images should all be the same size (should be guaranteed by
# gather_texture_info).
assert (image.size[0], image.size[1]) == result.shape[:2]
# Slow and eats all your memory.
pixels = np.array(image.pixels[:])
pixels = pixels.reshape((image.size[0], image.size[1], image.channels))
for dst_chan, img_fill in img_fills.items():
if img_fill.image == image:
result[:, :, dst_chan] = pixels[:, :, img_fill.src_chan]
pixels = None # GC this please
if result is None:
# No ImageFills; use a 1x1 white pixel
result = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
result = result.reshape((1, 1, 4))
return self.__encode_from_numpy_array(result)
def __encode_from_numpy_array(self, array: np.ndarray) -> bytes:
tmp_image = None
tmp_image =
alpha=Channel.A in self.fills,
assert tmp_image.channels == 4 # 4 regardless of the alpha argument above.
# Also slow and eats all your memory.
tmp_image.pixels = array.flatten().tolist()
return _encode_temp_image(tmp_image, self.file_format)
if tmp_image is not None:, do_unlink=True)
def __encode_from_image(self, image: bpy.types.Image) -> bytes:
# See if there is an existing file we can use.
if image.source == 'FILE' and image.file_format == self.file_format and \
not image.is_dirty:
if image.packed_file is not None:
src_path = bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath_raw)
if os.path.isfile(src_path):
with open(src_path, 'rb') as f:
# Copy to a temp image and save.
tmp_image = None
tmp_image = image.copy()
if image.is_dirty:
tmp_image.pixels = image.pixels[:]
return _encode_temp_image(tmp_image, self.file_format)
if tmp_image is not None:, do_unlink=True)
def _encode_temp_image(tmp_image: bpy.types.Image, file_format: str) -> bytes:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
tmpfilename = tmpdirname + '/img'
tmp_image.filepath_raw = tmpfilename
# NOT A TYPO!!! If you delete this line, the
# assignment on the next line will not work.
tmp_image.file_format = file_format
with open(tmpfilename, "rb") as f: