... with some addtional changes.

This commit is contained in:
Clemens Barth 2022-01-16 10:50:52 +01:00
parent 7d11bb351e
commit ee7f95212b
2 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -627,13 +627,17 @@ def camera_light_source(use_camera,
# Create x, y and z for the lamp.
object_lamp_vec = Vector((lamp_dl,lamp_dy_right,lamp_dl))
lamp_xyz_vec = object_center_vec + object_lamp_vec
length = lamp_xyz_vec.length
# Eevee
# =====
# As a lamp we use a point source.
lamp_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="A_lamp_eevee", type="POINT")
lamp_data.energy = 100000.0 # Watts
# We now determine the emission strength of the lamp. Note that the
# intensity depends on 1/r^2. For this we use a value of 100000.0 at a
# distance of 58. This value was determined manually inside Blender.
lamp_data.energy = 100000.0 * ( (length * length) / (58.0 * 58.0) )
lamp = bpy.data.objects.new("A_lamp_eevee", lamp_data)
lamp.location = lamp_xyz_vec
@ -655,11 +659,7 @@ def camera_light_source(use_camera,
# tree
lamp.name = "A_lamp_cycles"
# We now determine the emission strength of the lamp. Note that the
# intensity depends on 1/r^2. For this we use a value of 5000.0 at a
# distance of 58 (58x58 = 3364.0). This value was determined only once
# in the Blender viewport
length = lamp_xyz_vec.length
# See above.
strength = 5000.0 * ( (length * length) / (58.0 * 58.0) )
# Now, we create the material
@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ def import_pdb(Ball_type,
mat_P_BSDF = material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF']
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = 0.1
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0.15
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.0
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.05
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Clearcoat Roughness'].default_value = 0.37
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['IOR'].default_value = 0.8
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Transmission'].default_value = 0.6

View File

@ -430,13 +430,17 @@ def camera_light_source(use_camera,
# Create x, y and z for the lamp.
object_lamp_vec = Vector((lamp_dl,lamp_dy_right,lamp_dl))
lamp_xyz_vec = object_center_vec + object_lamp_vec
length = lamp_xyz_vec.length
# Eevee
# =====
# As a lamp we use a point source.
lamp_data = bpy.data.lights.new(name="A_lamp_eevee", type="POINT")
lamp_data.energy = 100000.0 # Watts
# We now determine the emission strength of the lamp. Note that the
# intensity depends on 1/r^2. For this we use a value of 100000.0 at a
# distance of 58. This value was determined manually inside Blender.
lamp_data.energy = 100000.0 * ( (length * length) / (58.0 * 58.0) )
lamp = bpy.data.objects.new("A_lamp_eevee", lamp_data)
lamp.location = lamp_xyz_vec
@ -458,11 +462,7 @@ def camera_light_source(use_camera,
# tree
lamp.name = "A_lamp"
# We now determine the emission strength of the lamp. Note that the
# intensity depends on 1/r^2. For this we use a value of 5000.0 at a
# distance of 58 (58x58 = 3364.0). This value was determined only once
# in the Blender viewport
length = lamp_xyz_vec.length
# See above.
strength = 5000.0 * ( (length * length) / (58.0 * 58.0) )
# Now, we create the material
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ def import_xyz(Ball_type,
mat_P_BSDF = material.node_tree.nodes['Principled BSDF']
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Metallic'].default_value = 0.1
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Specular'].default_value = 0.15
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.0
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Roughness'].default_value = 0.05
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Clearcoat Roughness'].default_value = 0.37
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['IOR'].default_value = 0.8
mat_P_BSDF.inputs['Transmission'].default_value = 0.6