Fix T37573: Adding grid primitive slow for many subdivisions

This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2013-11-25 20:34:25 +11:00
parent fb2bc547fe
commit aa3c06b41c
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 11:33:27 +01:00
Referenced by issue #37649, Default UVMap from planes is 90° CW rotated.
Referenced by issue #37573, Adding grid primitive slow for many subdivisions
1 changed files with 34 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -228,67 +228,54 @@ static signed char monkeyf[250][4] = {
void bmo_create_grid_exec(BMesh *bm, BMOperator *op)
const float dia = BMO_slot_float_get(op->slots_in, "size");
const int tot = max_ii(2, BMO_slot_int_get(op->slots_in, "x_segments"));
const int seg = max_ii(2, BMO_slot_int_get(op->slots_in, "y_segments"));
BMOpSlot *slot_verts_out = BMO_slot_get(op->slots_out, "verts.out");
const float dia = BMO_slot_float_get(op->slots_in, "size");
const unsigned int xtot = max_ii(2, BMO_slot_int_get(op->slots_in, "x_segments")) + 1;
const unsigned int ytot = max_ii(2, BMO_slot_int_get(op->slots_in, "y_segments")) + 1;
float xtot_inv2 = 2.0f / (xtot - 1);
float ytot_inv2 = 2.0f / (ytot - 1);
BMVert **varr;
BMVert *vquad[4];
float mat[4][4];
float vec[3], tvec[3];
unsigned int x, y, i;
BMOperator bmop, prevop;
BMVert *eve, *preveve;
BMEdge *e;
float vec[3], mat[4][4], phi, phid;
int a;
BMO_slot_mat4_get(op->slots_in, "matrix", mat);
/* one segment first: the X axis */
phi = 1.0f;
phid = 2.0f / ((float)tot - 1);
for (a = 0; a < tot; a++) {
vec[0] = dia * phi;
vec[1] = -dia;
vec[2] = 0.0f;
mul_m4_v3(mat, vec);
BMO_slot_buffer_alloc(op, op->slots_out, "verts.out", xtot * ytot);
varr = (BMVert **)slot_verts_out->data.buf;
eve = BM_vert_create(bm, vec, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP);
BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, eve, VERT_MARK);
if (a != 0) {
e = BM_edge_create(bm, preveve, eve, NULL, BM_CREATE_NO_DOUBLE);
BMO_elem_flag_enable(bm, e, EDGE_ORIG);
i = 0;
vec[2] = 0.0f;
for (y = 0; y < ytot; y++) {
vec[1] = ((y * ytot_inv2) - 1.0f) * dia;
for (x = 0; x < xtot; x++) {
vec[0] = ((x * xtot_inv2) - 1.0f) * dia;
mul_v3_m4v3(tvec, mat, vec);
varr[i++] = BM_vert_create(bm, tvec, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP);
preveve = eve;
phi -= phid;
/* extrude and translate */
phid = 2.0f / ((float)seg - 1);
vec[0] = vec[2] = 0.0f;
vec[1] = dia * phid;
mul_mat3_m4_v3(mat, vec);
#define XY(_x, _y) ((_x) + ((_y) * (xtot)))
for (a = 0; a < seg - 1; a++) {
if (a) {
BMO_op_initf(bm, &bmop, op->flag, "extrude_edge_only edges=%S", &prevop, "geom.out");
BMO_op_exec(bm, &bmop);
BMO_op_finish(bm, &prevop);
for (y = 1; y < ytot; y++) {
for (x = 1; x < xtot; x++) {
vquad[0] = varr[XY(x - 1, y)];
vquad[1] = varr[XY(x - 1, y - 1)];
vquad[2] = varr[XY(x, y - 1)];
vquad[3] = varr[XY(x, y)];
BMO_slot_buffer_flag_enable(bm, bmop.slots_out, "geom.out", BM_VERT, VERT_MARK);
BM_face_create_verts(bm, vquad, 4, NULL, BM_CREATE_NOP, true);
else {
BMO_op_initf(bm, &bmop, op->flag, "extrude_edge_only edges=%fe", EDGE_ORIG);
BMO_op_exec(bm, &bmop);
BMO_slot_buffer_flag_enable(bm, bmop.slots_out, "geom.out", BM_VERT, VERT_MARK);
BMO_op_callf(bm, op->flag, "translate vec=%v verts=%S", vec, &bmop, "geom.out");
prevop = bmop;
if (a)
BMO_op_finish(bm, &bmop);
#undef XY
BMO_slot_buffer_from_enabled_flag(bm, op, op->slots_out, "verts.out", BM_VERT, VERT_MARK);
void bmo_create_uvsphere_exec(BMesh *bm, BMOperator *op)