GPU: Vertex Format: ADd function for safe GLSL attrib name

This remove code duplication and use base63 encoding of the hash.
Use mumur hash to have more randomness.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2019-08-14 22:18:47 +02:00
parent 67f49f9c03
commit deb5416a1a
6 changed files with 108 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -1570,23 +1570,17 @@ static void *extract_uv_tan_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, void *buf)
bool orco_allocated = false;
const bool use_orco_tan = mr->cache->cd_used.tan_orco != 0;
/* We use a hash to identify each data layer based on its name.
* Gawain then search for this name in the current shader and bind if it exists.
* NOTE : This is prone to hash collision.
* One solution to hash collision would be to format the cd layer name
* to a safe glsl var name, but without name clash.
* NOTE 2 : Replicate changes to code_generate_vertex_new() in gpu_codegen.c */
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MTFACE; i++) {
if (uv_layers & (1 << i)) {
char attr_name[32];
char attr_name[32], attr_safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
const char *layer_name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, i);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(layer_name);
GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(layer_name, attr_safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
/* UV layer name. */
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "u%u", hash);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "u%s", attr_safe_name);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, attr_name, GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
/* Auto layer name. */
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "a%u", hash);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "a%s", attr_safe_name);
GPU_vertformat_alias_add(&format, attr_name);
/* Active render layer name. */
if (i == CustomData_get_render_layer(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV)) {
@ -1610,11 +1604,11 @@ static void *extract_uv_tan_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, void *buf)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MTFACE; i++) {
if (tan_layers & (1 << i)) {
char attr_name[32];
char attr_name[32], attr_safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
const char *layer_name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, i);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(layer_name);
GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(layer_name, attr_safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
/* Tangent layer name. */
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "t%u", hash);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "t%s", attr_safe_name);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, attr_name, GPU_COMP_F32, 4, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
/* Active render layer name. */
if (i == CustomData_get_render_layer(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV)) {
@ -1687,10 +1681,10 @@ static void *extract_uv_tan_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, void *buf)
if (use_orco_tan) {
char attr_name[32];
char attr_name[32], attr_safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
const char *layer_name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_ldata, CD_TANGENT, 0);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(layer_name);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(*attr_name), "t%u", hash);
GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(layer_name, attr_safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(*attr_name), "t%s", attr_safe_name);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, attr_name, GPU_COMP_F32, 4, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
GPU_vertformat_alias_add(&format, "t");
GPU_vertformat_alias_add(&format, "at");
@ -1779,20 +1773,13 @@ static void *extract_vcol_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, void *buf)
CustomData *cd_ldata = &mr->me->ldata;
uint32_t vcol_layers = mr->cache->cd_used.vcol;
/* We use a hash to identify each data layer based on its name.
* Gawain then search for this name in the current shader and bind if it exists.
* NOTE : This is prone to hash collision.
* One solution to hash collision would be to format the cd layer name
* to a safe glsl var name, but without name clash.
* NOTE 2 : Replicate changes to code_generate_vertex_new() in gpu_codegen.c */
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (vcol_layers & (1 << i)) {
char attr_name[32];
char attr_name[32], attr_safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
const char *layer_name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL, i);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(layer_name);
GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(layer_name, attr_safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "c%u", hash);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "c%s", attr_safe_name);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, attr_name, GPU_COMP_U8, 4, GPU_FETCH_INT_TO_FLOAT_UNIT);
if (i == CustomData_get_render_layer(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL)) {
@ -1804,7 +1791,7 @@ static void *extract_vcol_init(const MeshRenderData *mr, void *buf)
/* Gather number of auto layers. */
/* We only do vcols that are not overridden by uvs */
if (CustomData_get_named_layer_index(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, layer_name) == -1) {
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "a%u", hash);
BLI_snprintf(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), "a%s", attr_safe_name);
GPU_vertformat_alias_add(&format, attr_name);

View File

@ -244,10 +244,12 @@ static void mesh_cd_extract_auto_layers_names_and_srgb(Mesh *me,
for (int i = 0; i < uv_len; i++) {
if ((cd_used.uv & (1 << i)) != 0) {
const char *name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, i);
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(name);
char safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(name, safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
auto_ofs += BLI_snprintf_rlen(
auto_names + auto_ofs, auto_names_len - auto_ofs, "ba%s", safe_name);
/* +1 to include '\0' terminator. */
auto_ofs += 1 + BLI_snprintf_rlen(
auto_names + auto_ofs, auto_names_len - auto_ofs, "ba%u", hash);
auto_ofs += 1;
@ -257,10 +259,12 @@ static void mesh_cd_extract_auto_layers_names_and_srgb(Mesh *me,
const char *name = CustomData_get_layer_name(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL, i);
/* We only do vcols that are not overridden by a uv layer with same name. */
if (CustomData_get_named_layer_index(cd_ldata, CD_MLOOPUV, name) == -1) {
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(name);
char safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(name, safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
auto_ofs += BLI_snprintf_rlen(
auto_names + auto_ofs, auto_names_len - auto_ofs, "ba%s", safe_name);
/* +1 to include '\0' terminator. */
auto_ofs += 1 + BLI_snprintf_rlen(
auto_names + auto_ofs, auto_names_len - auto_ofs, "ba%u", hash);
auto_ofs += 1;
auto_is_srgb[auto_is_srgb_ofs] = true;

View File

@ -396,7 +396,9 @@ void GPU_shader_free_builtin_shaders(void);
/* Vertex attributes for shaders */
#define GPU_MAX_ATTR 32
/* Hardware limit is 16. Position attribute is always needed so we reduce to 15.
* This makes sure the GPUVertexFormat name buffer does not overflow. */
#define GPU_MAX_ATTR 15
typedef struct GPUVertAttrLayers {
struct {

View File

@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
#define GPU_VERT_FORMAT_MAX_NAMES 63 /* More than enough, actual max is ~30. */
/* Computed as GPU_VERT_ATTR_NAMES_BUF_LEN / 30 (actual max format name). */
typedef enum {
typedef struct GPUVertFormat {
/** 0 to 16 (GPU_VERT_ATTR_MAX_LEN). */
uint attr_len : 5;
/** Total count of active vertex attribute. */
uint name_len : 5;
/** Total count of active vertex attribute names. (max GPU_VERT_FORMAT_MAX_NAMES) */
uint name_len : 6;
/** Stride in bytes, 1 to 1024. */
uint stride : 11;
/** Has the format been packed. */
@ -117,6 +119,8 @@ BLI_INLINE const char *GPU_vertformat_attr_name_get(const GPUVertFormat *format,
return format->names + attr->names[n_idx];
void GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(const char *attrib_name, char *r_safe_name, uint max_len);
/* format conversion */
typedef struct GPUPackedNormal {

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "GPU_shader.h"
#include "GPU_texture.h"
#include "GPU_uniformbuffer.h"
#include "GPU_vertex_format.h"
#include "BLI_sys_types.h" /* for intptr_t support */
@ -1011,19 +1012,24 @@ static char *code_generate_vertex(ListBase *nodes, const char *vert_code, bool u
ds, "#define att%d %s\n", input->attr_id, attr_prefix_get(input->attr_type));
else {
uint hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(input->attr_name);
char attr_safe_name[GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME];
input->attr_name, attr_safe_name, GPU_MAX_SAFE_ATTRIB_NAME);
"DEFINE_ATTR(%s, %s%u);\n",
"DEFINE_ATTR(%s, %s%s);\n",
ds, "#define att%d %s%u\n", input->attr_id, attr_prefix_get(input->attr_type), hash);
"#define att%d %s%s\n",
/* Auto attribute can be vertex color byte buffer.
* We need to know and convert them to linear space in VS. */
if (input->attr_type == CD_AUTO_FROM_NAME) {
BLI_dynstr_appendf(ds, "uniform bool ba%u;\n", hash);
BLI_dynstr_appendf(ds, "#define att%d_is_srgb ba%u\n", input->attr_id, hash);
BLI_dynstr_appendf(ds, "uniform bool ba%s;\n", attr_safe_name);
BLI_dynstr_appendf(ds, "#define att%d_is_srgb ba%s\n", input->attr_id, attr_safe_name);

View File

@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#define PACK_DEBUG 0
@ -149,9 +151,9 @@ uint GPU_vertformat_attr_add(GPUVertFormat *format,
GPUVertFetchMode fetch_mode)
assert(format->name_len < GPU_VERT_ATTR_MAX_LEN); /* there's room for more */
assert(format->attr_len < GPU_VERT_ATTR_MAX_LEN); /* there's room for more */
assert(!format->packed); /* packed means frozen/locked */
assert(format->name_len < GPU_VERT_FORMAT_MAX_NAMES); /* there's room for more */
assert(format->attr_len < GPU_VERT_ATTR_MAX_LEN); /* there's room for more */
assert(!format->packed); /* packed means frozen/locked */
assert((comp_len >= 1 && comp_len <= 4) || comp_len == 8 || comp_len == 12 || comp_len == 16);
switch (comp_type) {
@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ void GPU_vertformat_alias_add(GPUVertFormat *format, const char *alias)
GPUVertAttr *attr = &format->attrs[format->attr_len - 1];
assert(format->name_len < GPU_VERT_ATTR_MAX_LEN); /* there's room for more */
assert(format->name_len < GPU_VERT_FORMAT_MAX_NAMES); /* there's room for more */
assert(attr->name_len < GPU_VERT_ATTR_MAX_NAMES);
format->name_len++; /* multiname support */
@ -218,6 +220,59 @@ int GPU_vertformat_attr_id_get(const GPUVertFormat *format, const char *name)
return -1;
/* Encode 4 original bytes into 6 safe bytes. */
static void safe_bytes(char out[6], const char data[4])
char safe_chars[63] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_";
uint32_t in = *(uint32_t *)data;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
/* Encoding in base63 */
out[i] = safe_chars[in % 63u];
in /= 63u;
#if 0 /* For when we can use 11chars names. */
/* Encode 8 original bytes into 11 safe bytes. */
static void safe_bytes(char out[11], const char data[8])
char safe_chars[63] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_";
uint64_t in = *(uint64_t *)data;
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
/* Encoding in base63 */
out[i] = safe_chars[in % 63lu];
in /= 63lu;
/* Warning: Always add a prefix to the result of this function as
* the generated string can start with a number and not be a valid attribute name. */
void GPU_vertformat_safe_attrib_name(const char *attrib_name,
char *r_safe_name,
uint UNUSED(max_len))
char data[4] = {0};
/* We use a hash to identify each data layer based on its name.
* NOTE: This is still prone to hash collision but the risks are very low.*/
*(uint *)data = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p_murmur(attrib_name);
/* Convert to safe bytes characters. */
safe_bytes(r_safe_name, data);
/* End the string */
r_safe_name[6] = '\0';
/* TOOD(fclem) When UV and Tangent buffers will be separated, name buffer will have plenty more
* space. In this case, we can think of having ~13 chars for each name which would be enough to
* encode some of the input string along with the hash to reduce colision possibility. */
#if 0 /* For debugging */
printf("%s > %x > %s\n", attrib_name, *(uint32_t *)data, r_safe_name);
/* Make attribute layout non-interleaved.
* Warning! This does not change data layout!
* Use direct buffer access to fill the data.