Fix T70259: Hair particle point selection if 'use_fade_time' is set

If fade_time is used, particles would be flagged PEK_HIDE (depending on
time settings), but since this is not respected in drawing in 2.8 yet
the user would have no indication of them keys being hidden.
Also doing this for hair doesnt make much sense anyways...

Reviewers: jacqueslucke

Maniphest Tasks: T70259

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Philipp Oeser 2019-09-26 12:45:11 +02:00
parent 39d855f8f3
commit e02ecd599b
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 06:46:23 +01:00
Referenced by commit 75f82d28e3, Fix T72235: crash entering particle editmode with non-valid PTCacheEdit psys pointer
Referenced by issue #70259, Hair particle selection broken in Point selection mode in specific blend file.
Referenced by issue #69680, Unable to select hair keys in Particle Edit mode after some time of work
Referenced by issue #59583, Hair Dynamics: entering particle edit mode with baked cache crashes blender
1 changed files with 7 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1625,7 +1625,13 @@ void PE_update_object(Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, int usefla
if (pset->flag & PE_AUTO_VELOCITY) {
PE_hide_keys_time(scene, edit, CFRA);
/* Only do this for emitter particles because drawing PE_FADE_TIME is not respected in 2.8 yet
* and flagging with PEK_HIDE will prevent selection. This might get restored once this is
* supported in drawing (but doesnt make much sense for hair anyways). */
if (edit->psys->part->type == PART_EMITTER) {
PE_hide_keys_time(scene, edit, CFRA);
/* regenerate path caches */
psys_cache_edit_paths(depsgraph, scene, ob, edit, CFRA, G.is_rendering);