GPUMaterial: Make Mapping node use UBO storage

This means tweaking parameter is now interactive and does not need to
recompile the shaders.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2018-08-01 19:37:18 +02:00
parent ad64cb6344
commit e8dd5e5cc6
3 changed files with 25 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -238,13 +238,11 @@ void point_map_to_tube(vec3 vin, out vec3 vout)
vout = vec3(u, v, 0.0);
void mapping(vec3 vec, mat4 mat, vec3 minvec, vec3 maxvec, float domin, float domax, out vec3 outvec)
void mapping(vec3 vec, vec4 m0, vec4 m1, vec4 m2, vec4 m3, vec3 minvec, vec3 maxvec, out vec3 outvec)
mat4 mat = mat4(m0, m1, m2, m3);
outvec = (mat * vec4(vec, 1.0)).xyz;
if (domin == 1.0)
outvec = max(outvec, minvec);
if (domax == 1.0)
outvec = min(outvec, maxvec);
outvec = clamp(outvec, minvec, maxvec);
void camera(vec3 co, out vec3 outview, out float outdepth, out float outdist)

View File

@ -253,13 +253,18 @@ void node_shader_gpu_tex_mapping(GPUMaterial *mat, bNode *node, GPUNodeStack *in
float domax = (texmap->flag & TEXMAP_CLIP_MAX) != 0;
if (domin || domax || !(texmap->flag & TEXMAP_UNIT_MATRIX)) {
GPUNodeLink *tmat = GPU_uniform((float *)texmap->mat);
GPUNodeLink *tmin = GPU_uniform(texmap->min);
GPUNodeLink *tmax = GPU_uniform(texmap->max);
GPUNodeLink *tdomin = GPU_uniform(&domin);
GPUNodeLink *tdomax = GPU_uniform(&domax);
static float max[3] = { FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX};
static float min[3] = {-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX};
GPUNodeLink *tmin, *tmax, *tmat0, *tmat1, *tmat2, *tmat3;
GPU_link(mat, "mapping", in[0].link, tmat, tmin, tmax, tdomin, tdomax, &in[0].link);
tmin = GPU_uniform_buffer((domin) ? texmap->min : min, GPU_VEC3);
tmax = GPU_uniform_buffer((domax) ? texmap->max : max, GPU_VEC3);
tmat0 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[0], GPU_VEC4);
tmat1 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[1], GPU_VEC4);
tmat2 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[2], GPU_VEC4);
tmat3 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[3], GPU_VEC4);
GPU_link(mat, "mapping", in[0].link, tmat0, tmat1, tmat2, tmat3, tmin, tmax, &in[0].link);
if (texmap->type == TEXMAP_TYPE_NORMAL)
GPU_link(mat, "texco_norm", in[0].link, &in[0].link);

View File

@ -88,13 +88,18 @@ static int gpu_shader_mapping(GPUMaterial *mat, bNode *node, bNodeExecData *UNUS
TexMapping *texmap = node->storage;
float domin = (texmap->flag & TEXMAP_CLIP_MIN) != 0;
float domax = (texmap->flag & TEXMAP_CLIP_MAX) != 0;
GPUNodeLink *tmat = GPU_uniform((float *)texmap->mat);
GPUNodeLink *tmin = GPU_uniform(texmap->min);
GPUNodeLink *tmax = GPU_uniform(texmap->max);
GPUNodeLink *tdomin = GPU_uniform(&domin);
GPUNodeLink *tdomax = GPU_uniform(&domax);
static float max[3] = { FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, 0.0};
static float min[3] = {-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, 0.0};
GPUNodeLink *tmin, *tmax, *tmat0, *tmat1, *tmat2, *tmat3;
GPU_stack_link(mat, node, "mapping", in, out, tmat, tmin, tmax, tdomin, tdomax);
tmin = GPU_uniform_buffer((domin) ? texmap->min : min, GPU_VEC3);
tmax = GPU_uniform_buffer((domax) ? texmap->max : max, GPU_VEC3);
tmat0 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[0], GPU_VEC4);
tmat1 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[1], GPU_VEC4);
tmat2 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[2], GPU_VEC4);
tmat3 = GPU_uniform_buffer((float *)texmap->mat[3], GPU_VEC4);
GPU_stack_link(mat, node, "mapping", in, out, tmat0, tmat1, tmat2, tmat3, tmin, tmax);
if (texmap->type == TEXMAP_TYPE_NORMAL)
GPU_link(mat, "texco_norm", out[0].link, &out[0].link);