Import OBJ and using existing material *NEEDS CORRECTION* #30380

opened 2012-02-27 20:41:10 +01:00 by Alain - · 21 comments

%%%For a detailed discription see here:
The Patch does work already and has been reviewed by Campbell.

In my opinion this should be done for all kind of Meshimporter.%%%

%%%For a detailed discription see here: The Patch does work already and has been reviewed by Campbell. In my opinion this should be done for all kind of Meshimporter.%%%

Changed status to: 'Open'

Changed status to: 'Open'

%%%The problem with this patch is it modifies existing materials, IMHO it should use them as-is without any modifications.%%%

%%%The problem with this patch is it modifies existing materials, IMHO it should use them as-is without any modifications.%%%

%%%I don't understand. In my view as a user an not as coder it does exactly this: It uses existing materials, it doesn't change them. Thas what this patch is for.
Maybe it changes existing materials within Blender but this it's not visible for the user ?%%%

%%%I don't understand. In my view as a user an not as coder it does exactly this: It uses existing materials, it doesn't change them. Thas what this patch is for. Maybe it changes existing materials within Blender but this it's not visible for the user ?%%%

%%%Hi. double checked this patch and it still changes existing materials.

Try the following.

  • Factory defaults
  • Change material color to Blue
  • Export as untitled.obj
  • Now change material color to Yellow (better move the cube a bit so you can see what happens)
  • Import untitled.obj and enable 'Existing Materials'
  • Notice both are now Blue.

IMHO it should use the existing material but not touch it in that case since this material can be used in many of your own objects.%%%

%%%Hi. double checked this patch and it still changes existing materials. Try the following. * Factory defaults * Change material color to Blue * Export as untitled.obj * Now change material color to Yellow (better move the cube a bit so you can see what happens) * Import untitled.obj and enable 'Existing Materials' * Notice both are now Blue. IMHO it should use the existing material but not touch it in that case since this material can be used in many of your own objects.%%%

%%%I just added this after line 203:

if use_material_exists:


Now it doesn't change existing materials anymore.


%%%I just added this after line 203: if use_material_exists: ``` pass ``` Now it doesn't change existing materials anymore. %%%

%%%I just merged the Patch with the newest build (blender-2.62-r45133, Sun Mar 25 03:09:10 2012).

The problem with changing existing materials is fixed now.

But I'm to stupid to upload files here, I always get an error when I click on "save changes" in the "attachements" register.
So I added it here:


%%%I just merged the Patch with the newest build (blender-2.62-r45133, Sun Mar 25 03:09:10 2012). The problem with changing existing materials is fixed now. But I'm to stupid to upload files here, I always get an error when I click on "save changes" in the "attachements" register. So I added it here: %%%

%%%@Campbell Barton

Is my latest fix working for you the way you expect it ?%%%

%%%@Campbell Barton Is my latest fix working for you the way you expect it ?%%%

%%%It is a dream come true that I found your thread in .
But the thing is not working for me.
The 05-Feb-12 version gave no errors, but didn't work either.
The 25-Mar-12 gave 3 or 4 errors.
Then I downloaded the 2.63 RC1 blender and it works! This is extraordinary!
Thank you so much. I also support this feature being added to (at least) OBJ, 3DS and DXF imports.
This is a VERY needed feature for people who use blender as a visualization tool.%%%

%%%It is a dream come true that I found your thread in . But the thing is not working for me. The 05-Feb-12 version gave no errors, but didn't work either. The 25-Mar-12 gave 3 or 4 errors. Then I downloaded the 2.63 RC1 blender and it works! This is extraordinary! Thank you so much. I also support this feature being added to (at least) OBJ, 3DS and DXF imports. This is a VERY needed feature for people who use blender as a visualization tool.%%%

%%%@Campbell Barton

I've updated the Script for Blender 2.67, see here:

Is it OK from a Coders view ?

Would be cool if you would commit for Trunk.

%%%@Campbell Barton I've updated the Script for Blender 2.67, see here: Is it OK from a Coders view ? Would be cool if you would commit for Trunk. %%%

%%%I just tested the script with some .obj files in Blender 2.67a and it works beautifully here. When importing third party object collections or when (re)importing parts of models created in other software, this one option enables a smoother workflow than has so far been possible.

Earlier, without the option there were basically two options when adding new geometry from obj files to an existing file:

  1. import regardless, then reassign all materials on new objects. The newly created materials might still linger around in the file.
  2. open a second copy of Blender, import the objects, save the file, append the files to the original file

Option 1 may leave unwanted materials in the scene and takes time, option 2 works but involves steps that are now unnecessary and leaves an extra blend file behind. As a user, I would very much like to see this feature to be integrated in the official import script.%%%

%%%I just tested the script with some .obj files in Blender 2.67a and it works beautifully here. When importing third party object collections or when (re)importing parts of models created in other software, this one option enables a smoother workflow than has so far been possible. Earlier, without the option there were basically two options when adding new geometry from obj files to an existing file: 1. import regardless, then reassign all materials on new objects. The newly created materials might still linger around in the file. 2. open a second copy of Blender, import the objects, save the file, append the files to the original file Option 1 may leave unwanted materials in the scene and takes time, option 2 works but involves steps that are now unnecessary and leaves an extra blend file behind. As a user, I would very much like to see this feature to be integrated in the official import script.%%%

Added subscriber: @bliblubli

Added subscriber: @bliblubli

@alain-2 did you update it for 2.74? It's a little but nice addition.

@alain-2 did you update it for 2.74? It's a little but nice addition.
Campbell Barton was unassigned by Aaron Carlisle 2015-08-24 03:02:14 +02:00
Aaron Carlisle self-assigned this 2015-08-24 03:02:14 +02:00
Aaron Carlisle removed their assignment 2015-08-24 03:03:34 +02:00
Campbell Barton was assigned by Aaron Carlisle 2015-08-24 03:03:34 +02:00

Added subscriber: @BrendonMurphy

Added subscriber: @BrendonMurphy

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Archived'

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Archived'

Archiving, op 3 years old, no resolution here.
@alain-2 feel free to create a fresh task if this patch is updated & still valid

Archiving, op 3 years old, no resolution here. @alain-2 feel free to create a fresh task if this patch is updated & still valid

Added subscriber: @dimumurray

Added subscriber: @dimumurray

Any chance we'll see this feature fully integrated into the Import-Export OBJ format add-on?

Any chance we'll see this feature fully integrated into the Import-Export OBJ format add-on?

Added subscriber: @Dimitar

Added subscriber: @Dimitar

Any updates on this? I find it quite important to be able to assign existing materials with materials matching the same name from an imported obj

Any updates on this? I find it quite important to be able to assign existing materials with materials matching the same name from an imported obj

I have a little hack that I have been using to remove duplicate materials:

import bpy

#get all scene objects
objs = [i for i in[0].objects if i.type == 'MESH']

for i in objs:
    #check for objects that have one material
    if len(i.material_slots)==1:
        dupmat = i.material_slots[0].name
        #check for duplicate names
        if ".0" in dupmat:
            matName = dupmat[:-4]
            if matName in [ for i in]:
                mat =[dupmat[:-4]]
                i.material_slots[0].material = mat
    #check for objects that have more than one material
    elif len(i.material_slots)>1:
        for x,y in enumerate(i.material_slots):
            dupmat = i.material_slots[x].name
            if ".0" in dupmat:
                matName = dupmat[:-4]
                if matName in [ for i in]:
                    mat =[dupmat[:-4]]
                    i.material_slots[x].material = mat

I have a little hack that I have been using to remove duplicate materials: ``` import bpy #get all scene objects objs = [i for i in[0].objects if i.type == 'MESH'] for i in objs: #check for objects that have one material if len(i.material_slots)==1: dupmat = i.material_slots[0].name print(dupmat) #check for duplicate names if ".0" in dupmat: matName = dupmat[:-4] if matName in [ for i in]: mat =[dupmat[:-4]] i.material_slots[0].material = mat #check for objects that have more than one material elif len(i.material_slots)>1: for x,y in enumerate(i.material_slots): dupmat = i.material_slots[x].name print(dupmat) if ".0" in dupmat: matName = dupmat[:-4] if matName in [ for i in]: mat =[dupmat[:-4]] i.material_slots[x].material = mat ```

I've implement a few lines to "use existing" Material again.
People still ask me to modifiy the Script to implement that time saving function:

- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# <pep8-80 compliant>

bl_info = {
    "name": "Wavefront OBJ format",
    "author": "Campbell Barton, Bastien Montagne",
    "version": (2, 3, 6),
    "blender": (2, 78, 0),
    "location": "File > Import-Export",
    "description": "Import-Export OBJ, Import OBJ mesh, UV's, materials and textures",
    "warning": "",
    "wiki_url": "",
    "support": 'OFFICIAL',
    "category": "Import-Export"}

if "bpy" in locals():
    import importlib
    if "import_obj" in locals():
    if "export_obj" in locals():

import bpy
from bpy.props import (
from bpy_extras.io_utils import (

IOOBJOrientationHelper = orientation_helper_factory("IOOBJOrientationHelper", axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y')

class ImportOBJ(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper, IOOBJOrientationHelper):
    """Load a Wavefront OBJ File"""
    bl_idname = "import_scene.obj"
    bl_label = "Import OBJ"
    bl_options = {'PRESET', 'UNDO'}

    filename_ext = ".obj"
    filter_glob = StringProperty(

    use_edges = BoolProperty(
            description="Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edge",
    use_material_exists = BoolProperty(
            name="Existing Materials",
            description="Uses Materials from the Blender-File if a Materialname in the OBJ-File is identical with one of the Blender-File",
    use_smooth_groups = BoolProperty(
            name="Smooth Groups",
            description="Surround smooth groups by sharp edges",

    use_split_objects = BoolProperty(
            description="Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects",
    use_split_groups = BoolProperty(
            description="Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects",

    use_groups_as_vgroups = BoolProperty(
            name="Poly Groups",
            description="Import OBJ groups as vertex groups",

    use_image_search = BoolProperty(
            name="Image Search",
            description="Search subdirs for any associated images "
                        "(Warning, may be slow)",

    split_mode = EnumProperty(
            items=(('ON', "Split", "Split geometry, omits unused verts"),
                   ('OFF', "Keep Vert Order", "Keep vertex order from file"),

    global_clamp_size = FloatProperty(
            name="Clamp Size",
            description="Clamp bounds under this value (zero to disable)",
            min=0.0, max=1000.0,
            soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1000.0,

    def execute(self, context):
        # print("Selected: " +
        from . import import_obj

        if self.split_mode == 'OFF':
            self.use_split_objects = False
            self.use_split_groups = False
            self.use_groups_as_vgroups = False

        keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward",

        global_matrix = axis_conversion(from_forward=self.axis_forward,
        keywords["global_matrix"] = global_matrix
        keywords["use_cycles"] = (context.scene.render.engine == 'CYCLES')

        if and context.user_preferences.filepaths.use_relative_paths:
            import os
            keywords["relpath"] = os.path.dirname(

        return import_obj.load(context, **keywords)

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout

        row = layout.row(align=True)
        row.prop(self, "use_smooth_groups")
        row.prop(self, "use_edges")

        row.prop(self, "use_material_exists")
        box =
        row = box.row()
        row.prop(self, "split_mode", expand=True)

        row = box.row()
        if self.split_mode == 'ON':
            row.label(text="Split by:")
            row.prop(self, "use_split_objects")
            row.prop(self, "use_split_groups")
            row.prop(self, "use_groups_as_vgroups")

        row = layout.split(percentage=0.67)
        row.prop(self, "global_clamp_size")
        layout.prop(self, "axis_forward")
        layout.prop(self, "axis_up")

        layout.prop(self, "use_image_search")

class ExportOBJ(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper, IOOBJOrientationHelper):
    """Save a Wavefront OBJ File"""

    bl_idname = "export_scene.obj"
    bl_label = 'Export OBJ'
    bl_options = {'PRESET'}

    filename_ext = ".obj"
    filter_glob = StringProperty(

    # context group
    use_selection = BoolProperty(
            name="Selection Only",
            description="Export selected objects only",
    use_animation = BoolProperty(
            description="Write out an OBJ for each frame",

    # object group
    use_mesh_modifiers = BoolProperty(
            name="Apply Modifiers",
            description="Apply modifiers",
    use_mesh_modifiers_render = BoolProperty(
            name="Use Modifiers Render Settings",
            description="Use render settings when applying modifiers to mesh objects",

    # extra data group
    use_edges = BoolProperty(
            name="Include Edges",
    use_smooth_groups = BoolProperty(
            name="Smooth Groups",
            description="Write sharp edges as smooth groups",
    use_smooth_groups_bitflags = BoolProperty(
            name="Bitflag Smooth Groups",
            description="Same as 'Smooth Groups', but generate smooth groups IDs as bitflags "
                        "(produces at most 32 different smooth groups, usually much less)",
    use_normals = BoolProperty(
            name="Write Normals",
            description="Export one normal per vertex and per face, to represent flat faces and sharp edges",
    use_uvs = BoolProperty(
            name="Include UVs",
            description="Write out the active UV coordinates",
    use_materials = BoolProperty(
            name="Write Materials",
            description="Write out the MTL file",
    use_triangles = BoolProperty(
            name="Triangulate Faces",
            description="Convert all faces to triangles",
    use_nurbs = BoolProperty(
            name="Write Nurbs",
            description="Write nurbs curves as OBJ nurbs rather than "
                        "converting to geometry",
    use_vertex_groups = BoolProperty(

    # grouping group
    use_blen_objects = BoolProperty(
            name="Objects as OBJ Objects",
    group_by_object = BoolProperty(
            name="Objects as OBJ Groups ",
    group_by_material = BoolProperty(
            name="Material Groups",
    keep_vertex_order = BoolProperty(
            name="Keep Vertex Order",

    global_scale = FloatProperty(
            min=0.01, max=1000.0,

    path_mode = path_reference_mode

    check_extension = True

    def execute(self, context):
        from . import export_obj

        from mathutils import Matrix
        keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward",

        global_matrix = (Matrix.Scale(self.global_scale, 4) *

        keywords["global_matrix"] = global_matrix
        return, **keywords)

def menu_func_import(self, context):
    self.layout.operator(ImportOBJ.bl_idname, text="Wavefront (.obj)")

def menu_func_export(self, context):
    self.layout.operator(ExportOBJ.bl_idname, text="Wavefront (.obj)")

classes = (

def register():
    for cls in classes:


def unregister():

    for cls in classes:

if __name__ == "__main__":

- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

# <pep8 compliant>

- Script copyright (C) Campbell Barton
- Contributors: Campbell Barton, Jiri Hnidek, Paolo Ciccone

This script imports a Wavefront OBJ files to Blender.

Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file.
Note, This loads mesh objects and materials only, nurbs and curves are not supported.

import array
import os
import time
import bpy
import mathutils
from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list
from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image

from progress_report import ProgressReport, ProgressReportSubstep

def line_value(line_split):
    Returns 1 string representing the value for this line
    None will be returned if theres only 1 word
    length = len(line_split)
    if length == 1:
        return None

    elif length == 2:
        return line_split[1]

    elif length > 2:
        return b' '.join(line_split[1:])

def obj_image_load(context_imagepath_map, line, DIR, recursive, relpath):
    Mainly uses comprehensiveImageLoad
    But we try all space-separated items from current line when file is not found with last one
    (users keep generating/using image files with spaces in a format that does not support them, sigh...)
    Also tries to replace '_' with ' ' for Max's exporter replaces spaces with underscores.
    filepath_parts = line.split(b' ')
    image = None
    for i in range(-1, -len(filepath_parts), -1):
        imagepath = os.fsdecode(b" ".join(filepath_parts[i:]))
        image = context_imagepath_map.get(imagepath, ...)
        if image is ...:
            image = load_image(imagepath, DIR, recursive=recursive, relpath=relpath)
            if image is None and "_" in imagepath:
                image = load_image(imagepath.replace("_", " "), DIR, recursive=recursive, relpath=relpath)
            if image is not None:
                context_imagepath_map[imagepath] = image

    if image is None:
        imagepath = os.fsdecode(filepath_parts[-1])
        image = load_image(imagepath, DIR, recursive=recursive, place_holder=True, relpath=relpath)
        context_imagepath_map[imagepath] = image

    return image

def create_materials(filepath, relpath, use_material_exists,
                     material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images,
                     use_image_search, use_cycles, float_func):
    Create all the used materials in this obj,
    assign colors and images to the materials from all referenced material libs
    DIR = os.path.dirname(filepath)
    context_material_vars = set()

    # Don't load the same image multiple times
    context_imagepath_map = {}

    cycles_material_wrap_map = {}

    def load_material_image(blender_material, mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, type):
        Set textures defined in .mtl file.
        map_options = {}

        curr_token = []
        for token in img_data[:-1]:
            if token.startswith(b'-'):
                if curr_token:
                    map_options[curr_token[0]] = curr_token[1:]
                curr_token[:] = []

        # Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here
        image = obj_image_load(context_imagepath_map, line, DIR, use_image_search, relpath)

        texture =, type='IMAGE')
        if image is not None:
            texture.image = image

        map_offset = map_options.get(b'-o')
        map_scale = map_options.get(b'-s')

        # Adds textures for materials (rendering)
        if type == 'Kd':
            if use_cycles:
                mat_wrap.diffuse_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True

            - adds textures to faces (Textured/Alt-Z mode)
            - Only apply the diffuse texture to the face if the image has not been set with the inline usemat func.
            unique_material_images[context_material_name] = image  # set the texface image

        elif type == 'Ka':
            if use_cycles:
                # XXX Not supported?
                print("WARNING, currently unsupported ambient texture, skipped.")

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_ambient = True

        elif type == 'Ks':
            if use_cycles:
                mat_wrap.specular_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_color_spec = True

        elif type == 'Ke':
            if use_cycles:
                # XXX Not supported?
                print("WARNING, currently unsupported emit texture, skipped.")

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_emit = True

        elif type == 'Bump':
            bump_mult = map_options.get(b'-bm')

            if use_cycles:
                mat_wrap.normal_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)
                if bump_mult:

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_normal = True
            if bump_mult:
                mtex.normal_factor = bump_mult[0]

        elif type == 'D':
            if use_cycles:
                mat_wrap.alpha_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_alpha = True
            blender_material.use_transparency = True
            blender_material.transparency_method = 'Z_TRANSPARENCY'
            if "alpha" not in context_material_vars:
                blender_material.alpha = 0.0
            # Todo, unset diffuse material alpha if it has an alpha channel

        elif type == 'disp':
            if use_cycles:
                mat_wrap.bump_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
            mtex.use_map_displacement = True

        elif type == 'refl':
            map_type = map_options.get(b'-type')
            if map_type and map_type != [b'sphere']:
                print("WARNING, unsupported reflection type '%s', defaulting to 'sphere'"
                      "" % ' '.join(i.decode() for i in map_type))

            if use_cycles:
                mat_wrap.diffuse_image_set(image, projection='SPHERE')
                mat_wrap.diffuse_mapping_set(coords='Reflection', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)

            mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add()
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False
            mtex.texture = texture
            mtex.texture_coords = 'REFLECTION'
            mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True
            mtex.mapping = 'SPHERE'
            raise Exception("invalid type %r" % type)

        if map_offset:
            mtex.offset.x = float(map_offset[0])
            if len(map_offset) >= 2:
                mtex.offset.y = float(map_offset[1])
            if len(map_offset) >= 3:
                mtex.offset.z = float(map_offset[2])
        if map_scale:
            mtex.scale.x = float(map_scale[0])
            if len(map_scale) >= 2:
                mtex.scale.y = float(map_scale[1])
            if len(map_scale) >= 3:
                mtex.scale.z = float(map_scale[2])

    # Add an MTL with the same name as the obj if no MTLs are spesified.
    temp_mtl = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(filepath)))[0] + ".mtl"

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIR, temp_mtl)):
    del temp_mtl

    # Create new materials
    for name in unique_materials:  # .keys()
        if name is not None:

            name_utf8 = name.decode('utf-8', "replace")
            mat = None
            if use_material_exists:
                mat =
                use_cycles = False
            if mat is None:
                mat =
            unique_materials[name] = mat
            # ma = unique_materials[name] ='utf-8', "replace"))
            unique_material_images[name] = None  # assign None to all material images to start with, add to later.

            if use_cycles:
                from modules import cycles_shader_compat
                ma_wrap = cycles_shader_compat.CyclesShaderWrapper(mat)
                cycles_material_wrap_map[mat] = ma_wrap
            del mat

    - XXX Why was this needed? Cannot find any good reason, and adds stupid empty matslot in case we do not separate
    - mesh (see T44947).
    - ~ unique_materials[None] = None
    - ~ unique_material_images[None] = None

    for libname in sorted(material_libs):
        # print(libname)
        mtlpath = os.path.join(DIR, libname)
        if not os.path.exists(mtlpath):
            print("\tMaterial not found MTL: %r" % mtlpath)
            do_ambient = True
            do_highlight = False
            do_reflection = False
            do_transparency = False
            do_glass = False
            do_fresnel = False
            do_raytrace = False
            emit_colors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

            # print('\t\tloading mtl: %e' % mtlpath)
            context_material = None
            context_mat_wrap = None
            mtl = open(mtlpath, 'rb')
            for line in mtl:  # .readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith(b'#'):
                if use_material_exists:

                line_split = line.split()
                line_id = line_split[0].lower()

                if line_id == b'newmtl':
                    # Finalize previous mat, if any.
                    if context_material:
                        emit_value = sum(emit_colors) / 3.0
                        if emit_value > 1e-6:
                            if use_cycles:
                                print("WARNING, currently unsupported emit value, skipped.")
                            # We have to adapt it to diffuse color too...
                            emit_value /= sum(context_material.diffuse_color) / 3.0
                        context_material.emit = emit_value

                        if not do_ambient:
                            context_material.ambient = 0.0

                        if do_highlight:
                            if use_cycles:
                            # FIXME, how else to use this?
                            context_material.specular_intensity = 1.0
                            if use_cycles:

                        if do_reflection:
                            if use_cycles:
                            context_material.raytrace_mirror.use = True
                            context_material.raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor = 1.0

                        if do_transparency:
                            context_material.use_transparency = True
                            context_material.transparency_method = 'RAYTRACE' if do_raytrace else 'Z_TRANSPARENCY'
                            if "alpha" not in context_material_vars:
                                if use_cycles:
                                context_material.alpha = 0.0

                        if do_glass:
                            if use_cycles:
                                print("WARNING, currently unsupported glass material, skipped.")
                            if "ior" not in context_material_vars:
                                context_material.raytrace_transparency.ior = 1.5

                        if do_fresnel:
                            if use_cycles:
                                print("WARNING, currently unsupported fresnel option, skipped.")
                            context_material.raytrace_mirror.fresnel = 1.0  # could be any value for 'ON'

                        if do_raytrace:
                            context_material.use_raytrace = True
                            context_material.use_raytrace = False
                        - XXX, this is not following the OBJ spec, but this was
                        - written when raytracing wasnt default, annoying to disable for blender users.
                        context_material.use_raytrace = True

                    context_material_name = line_value(line_split)
                    context_material = unique_materials.get(context_material_name)
                    if use_cycles and context_material is not None:
                        context_mat_wrap = cycles_material_wrap_map[context_material]

                    emit_colors[:] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                    do_ambient = True
                    do_highlight = False
                    do_reflection = False
                    do_transparency = False
                    do_glass = False
                    do_fresnel = False
                    do_raytrace = False

                elif context_material:
                    # we need to make a material to assign properties to it.
                    if line_id == b'ka':
                        col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3]))
                        if use_cycles:
                        context_material.mirror_color = col
                        # This is highly approximated, but let's try to stick as close from exporter as possible... :/
                        context_material.ambient = sum(context_material.mirror_color) / 3
                    elif line_id == b'kd':
                        col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3]))
                        if use_cycles:
                        context_material.diffuse_color = col
                        context_material.diffuse_intensity = 1.0
                    elif line_id == b'ks':
                        col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3]))
                        if use_cycles:
                        context_material.specular_color = col
                        context_material.specular_intensity = 1.0
                    elif line_id == b'ke':
                        # We cannot set context_material.emit right now, we need final diffuse color as well for this.
                        emit_colors[:] = [
                            float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])]
                    elif line_id == b'ns':
                        if use_cycles:
                            context_mat_wrap.hardness_value_set(((float_func(line_split[1]) + 3.0) / 50.0) - 0.65)
                        context_material.specular_hardness = int((float_func(line_split[1]) * 0.51) + 1)
                    elif line_id == b'ni':  # Refraction index (between 1 and 3).
                        if use_cycles:
                            print("WARNING, currently unsupported glass material, skipped.")
                        context_material.raytrace_transparency.ior = max(1, min(float_func(line_split[1]), 3))
                    elif line_id == b'd':  # dissolve (transparency)
                        if use_cycles:
                        context_material.alpha = float_func(line_split[1])
                        context_material.use_transparency = True
                        context_material.transparency_method = 'Z_TRANSPARENCY'
                    elif line_id == b'tr':  # translucency
                        if use_cycles:
                            print("WARNING, currently unsupported translucency option, skipped.")
                        context_material.translucency = float_func(line_split[1])
                    elif line_id == b'tf':
                        # rgb, filter color, blender has no support for this.
                    elif line_id == b'illum':
                        illum = int(line_split[1])

                        # inline comments are from the spec, v4.2
                        if illum == 0:
                            # Color on and Ambient off
                            do_ambient = False
                        elif illum == 1:
                            # Color on and Ambient on
                        elif illum == 2:
                            # Highlight on
                            do_highlight = True
                        elif illum == 3:
                            # Reflection on and Ray trace on
                            do_reflection = True
                            do_raytrace = True
                        elif illum == 4:
                            - Transparency: Glass on
                            - Reflection: Ray trace on
                            do_transparency = True
                            do_reflection = True
                            do_glass = True
                            do_raytrace = True
                        elif illum == 5:
                            # Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on
                            do_reflection = True
                            do_fresnel = True
                            do_raytrace = True
                        elif illum == 6:
                            - Transparency: Refraction on
                            - Reflection: Fresnel off and Ray trace on
                            do_transparency = True
                            do_reflection = True
                            do_raytrace = True
                        elif illum == 7:
                            - Transparency: Refraction on
                            - Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on
                            do_transparency = True
                            do_reflection = True
                            do_fresnel = True
                            do_raytrace = True
                        elif illum == 8:
                            # Reflection on and Ray trace off
                            do_reflection = True
                        elif illum == 9:
                            - Transparency: Glass on
                            - Reflection: Ray trace off
                            do_transparency = True
                            do_reflection = True
                            do_glass = True
                        elif illum == 10:
                            # Casts shadows onto invisible surfaces

                            # blender can't do this

                    elif line_id == b'map_ka':
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ka')
                    elif line_id == b'map_ks':
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ks')
                    elif line_id == b'map_kd':
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Kd')
                    elif line_id == b'map_ke':
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ke')
                    elif line_id in {b'map_bump', b'bump'}:  # 'bump' is incorrect but some files use it.
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Bump')
                    elif line_id in {b'map_d', b'map_tr'}:  # Alpha map - Dissolve
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'D')

                    elif line_id in {b'map_disp', b'disp'}:  # displacementmap
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'disp')

                    elif line_id in {b'map_refl', b'refl'}:  # reflectionmap
                        img_data = line.split()[1:]
                        if img_data:
                            load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles,
                                                context_material_name, img_data, line, 'refl')
                        print("\t%r:%r (ignored)" % (filepath, line))

def split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP):
    Takes vert_loc and faces, and separates into multiple sets of
    (verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, dataname)

    filename = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(filepath)))[0]

    if not SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP or not faces:
        use_verts_nor = any((False if f[1] is ... else True) for f in faces)
        use_verts_tex = any((False if f[2] is ... else True) for f in faces)
        # use the filename for the object name since we aren't chopping up the mesh.
        return [(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filename, use_verts_nor, use_verts_tex)]

    def key_to_name(key):
        # if the key is a tuple, join it to make a string
        if not key:
            return filename  # assume its a string. make sure this is true if the splitting code is changed
            return key.decode('utf-8', 'replace')

    # Return a key that makes the faces unique.
    face_split_dict = {}

    oldkey = -1  # initialize to a value that will never match the key

    for face in faces:
        key = face[5]

        if oldkey != key:
            # Check the key has changed.
            (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap,
             use_verts_nor, use_verts_tex) = face_split_dict.setdefault(key, ([], [], {}, {}, [], []))
            oldkey = key

        face_vert_loc_indices = face[0]

        if not use_verts_nor and face[1] is not ...:

        if not use_verts_tex and face[2] is not ...:

        # Remap verts to new vert list and add where needed
        for enum, i in enumerate(face_vert_loc_indices):
            map_index = vert_remap.get(i)
            if map_index is None:
                map_index = len(verts_split)
                vert_remap[i] = map_index  # set the new remapped index so we only add once and can reference next time.
                verts_split.append(verts_loc[i])  # add the vert to the local verts

            face_vert_loc_indices[enum] = map_index  # remap to the local index

            matname = face[3]
            if matname and matname not in unique_materials_split:
                unique_materials_split[matname] = unique_materials[matname]


    # remove one of the items and reorder
    return [(verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, key_to_name(key), bool(use_vnor), bool(use_vtex))
            for key, (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, _, use_vnor, use_vtex)
            in face_split_dict.items()]

def create_mesh(new_objects,
    Takes all the data gathered and generates a mesh, adding the new object to new_objects
    deals with ngons, sharp edges and assigning materials

    if unique_smooth_groups:
        sharp_edges = set()
        smooth_group_users = {context_smooth_group: {} for context_smooth_group in unique_smooth_groups.keys()}
        context_smooth_group_old = -1

    fgon_edges = set()  # Used for storing fgon keys when we need to tesselate/untesselate them (ngons with hole).
    edges = []
    tot_loops = 0

    context_object = None

    # reverse loop through face indices
    for f_idx in range(len(faces) - 1, -1, -1):
         ) = faces[f_idx]

        len_face_vert_loc_indices = len(face_vert_loc_indices)

        if len_face_vert_loc_indices == 1:
            faces.pop(f_idx)  # cant add single vert faces

        # Face with a single item in face_vert_nor_indices is actually a polyline!
        elif len(face_vert_nor_indices) == 1 or len_face_vert_loc_indices == 2:
            if use_edges:
                edges.extend((face_vert_loc_indices[i], face_vert_loc_indices[i + 1])
                             for i in range(len_face_vert_loc_indices - 1))

            # Smooth Group
            if unique_smooth_groups and context_smooth_group:
                # Is a part of of a smooth group and is a face
                if context_smooth_group_old is not context_smooth_group:
                    edge_dict = smooth_group_users[context_smooth_group]
                    context_smooth_group_old = context_smooth_group

                prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[-1]
                for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices:
                    edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx)
                    prev_vidx = vidx
                    edge_dict[edge_key] = edge_dict.get(edge_key, 0) + 1

            # NGons into triangles
            if face_invalid_blenpoly:
                # ignore triangles with invalid indices
                if len(face_vert_loc_indices) > 3:
                    from bpy_extras.mesh_utils import ngon_tessellate
                    ngon_face_indices = ngon_tessellate(verts_loc, face_vert_loc_indices)
                                    ] if face_vert_nor_indices else [],
                                    ] if face_vert_tex_indices else [],
                                for ngon in ngon_face_indices]
                    tot_loops += 3 * len(ngon_face_indices)

                    # edges to make ngons
                    if len(ngon_face_indices) > 1:
                        edge_users = set()
                        for ngon in ngon_face_indices:
                            prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[-1]]
                            for ngidx in ngon:
                                vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[ngidx]
                                if vidx == prev_vidx:
                                    continue  # broken OBJ... Just skip.
                                edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx)
                                prev_vidx = vidx
                                if edge_key in edge_users:

                tot_loops += len_face_vert_loc_indices

    # Build sharp edges
    if unique_smooth_groups:
        for edge_dict in smooth_group_users.values():
            for key, users in edge_dict.items():
                if users == 1:  # This edge is on the boundry of a group

    # map the material names to an index
    material_mapping = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(unique_materials)}  # enumerate over unique_materials keys()

    materials = [None] * len(unique_materials)

    for name, index in material_mapping.items():
        materials[index] = unique_materials[name]

    me =

    # make sure the list isnt too big
    for material in materials:


    # verts_loc is a list of (x, y, z) tuples
    me.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(verts_loc))

    loops_vert_idx = []
    faces_loop_start = []
    faces_loop_total = []
    lidx = 0
    for f in faces:
        vidx = f[0]
        nbr_vidx = len(vidx)
        lidx += nbr_vidx

    me.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", loops_vert_idx)
    me.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", faces_loop_start)
    me.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", faces_loop_total)

    if verts_nor and me.loops:
        - Note: we store 'temp' normals in loops, since validate() may alter final mesh,
        - we can only set custom lnors *after* calling it.

    if verts_tex and me.polygons:

    context_material_old = -1  # avoid a dict lookup
    mat = 0  # rare case it may be un-initialized.

    for i, (face, blen_poly) in enumerate(zip(faces, me.polygons)):
        if len(face[0]) < 3:
            raise Exception("bad face")  # Shall not happen, we got rid of those earlier!

         ) = face

        if context_smooth_group:
            blen_poly.use_smooth = True

        if context_material:
            if context_material_old is not context_material:
                mat = material_mapping[context_material]
                context_material_old = context_material
            blen_poly.material_index = mat

        if verts_nor and face_vert_nor_indices:
            for face_noidx, lidx in zip(face_vert_nor_indices, blen_poly.loop_indices):
                me.loops[lidx].normal[:] = verts_nor[0 if (face_noidx is ...) else face_noidx]

        if verts_tex and face_vert_tex_indices:
            if context_material:
                image = unique_material_images[context_material]
                if image:  # Can be none if the material dosnt have an image.
                    me.uv_textures[0].data[i].image = image

            blen_uvs = me.uv_layers[0]
            for face_uvidx, lidx in zip(face_vert_tex_indices, blen_poly.loop_indices):
      [lidx].uv = verts_tex[0 if (face_uvidx is ...) else face_uvidx]

    use_edges = use_edges and bool(edges)
    if use_edges:
        # edges should be a list of (a, b) tuples
        me.edges.foreach_set("vertices", unpack_list(edges))

    me.validate(clean_customdata=False)  # *Very* important to not remove lnors here!

    # Un-tessellate as much as possible, in case we had to triangulate some ngons...
    if fgon_edges:
        import bmesh
        bm =
        verts = bm.verts[:]
        get = bm.edges.get
        edges = [get((verts[vidx1], verts[vidx2])) for vidx1, vidx2 in fgon_edges]
            bmesh.ops.dissolve_edges(bm, edges=edges, use_verts=False)
            # Possible dissolve fails for some edges, but don't fail silently in case this is a real bug.
            import traceback


    # XXX If validate changes the geometry, this is likely to be broken...
    if unique_smooth_groups and sharp_edges:
        for e in me.edges:
            if e.key in sharp_edges:
                e.use_edge_sharp = True
        me.show_edge_sharp = True

    if verts_nor:
        clnors = array.array('f', [0.0] * (len(me.loops) * 3))
        me.loops.foreach_get("normal", clnors)

        if not unique_smooth_groups:
            me.polygons.foreach_set("use_smooth", [True] * len(me.polygons))

        me.normals_split_custom_set(tuple(zip(*(iter(clnors),) * 3)))
        me.use_auto_smooth = True
        me.show_edge_sharp = True

    ob =, me)

    - Create the vertex groups. No need to have the flag passed here since we test for the
    - content of the vertex_groups. If the user selects to NOT have vertex groups saved then
    # the following test will never run
    for group_name, group_indices in vertex_groups.items():
        group ='utf-8', "replace"))
        group.add(group_indices, 1.0, 'REPLACE')

def create_nurbs(context_nurbs, vert_loc, new_objects):
    Add nurbs object to blender, only support one type at the moment
    deg = context_nurbs.get(b'deg', (3,))
    curv_range = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_range')
    curv_idx = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_idx', [])
    parm_u = context_nurbs.get(b'parm_u', [])
    parm_v = context_nurbs.get(b'parm_v', [])
    name = context_nurbs.get(b'name', b'ObjNurb')
    cstype = context_nurbs.get(b'cstype')

    if cstype is None:
        print('\tWarning, cstype not found')
    if cstype != b'bspline':
        print('\tWarning, cstype is not supported (only bspline)')
    if not curv_idx:
        print('\tWarning, curv argument empty or not set')
    if len(deg) > 1 or parm_v:
        print('\tWarning, surfaces not supported')

    cu ='utf-8', "replace"), 'CURVE')
    cu.dimensions = '3D'

    nu ='NURBS')
    nu.points.add(len(curv_idx) - 1)  # a point is added to start with
    nu.points.foreach_set("co", [co_axis for vt_idx in curv_idx for co_axis in (vert_loc[vt_idx] + (1.0,))])

    nu.order_u = deg[0] + 1

    # get for endpoint flag from the weighting
    if curv_range and len(parm_u) > deg[0] + 1:
        do_endpoints = True
        for i in range(deg[0] + 1):

            if abs(parm_u[i] - curv_range[0]) > 0.0001:
                do_endpoints = False

            if abs(parm_u[-(i + 1)] - curv_range[1]) > 0.0001:
                do_endpoints = False

        do_endpoints = False

    if do_endpoints:
        nu.use_endpoint_u = True

    # close
    do_closed = False
    if len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1:
        for i in xrange(deg[0]+1):
            #print curv_idx[i], curv_idx[-(i+1)]

            if curv_idx[i]==curv_idx[-(i+1)]:
                do_closed = True

    if do_closed:
        nu.use_cyclic_u = True

    ob ='utf-8', "replace"), cu)


def strip_slash(line_split):
    if line_split[-1][-1] == 92:  # '\' char
        if len(line_split[-1]) == 1:
            line_split.pop()  # remove the \ item
            line_split[-1] = line_split[-1][:-1]  # remove the \ from the end last number
        return True
    return False

def get_float_func(filepath):
    find the float function for this obj file
    - whether to replace commas or not
    file = open(filepath, 'rb')
    for line in file:  # .readlines():
        line = line.lstrip()
        if line.startswith(b'v'):  # vn vt v
            if b',' in line:
                return lambda f: float(f.replace(b',', b'.'))
            elif b'.' in line:
                return float

    # in case all vert values were ints
    return float

def load(context,
    Called by the user interface or another script.
    load_obj(path) - should give acceptable results.
    This function passes the file and sends the data off
        to be split into objects and then converted into mesh objects

    def handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, tag, data, vec, vec_len):
        ret_context_multi_line = tag if strip_slash(line_split) else b''
        if line_start == tag:
            vec[:] = [float_func(v) for v in line_split[1:]]
        elif context_multi_line == tag:
            vec += [float_func(v) for v in line_split]
        if not ret_context_multi_line:
        return ret_context_multi_line

    def create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object):
        face_vert_loc_indices = []
        face_vert_nor_indices = []
        face_vert_tex_indices = []
        return (
            [],  # If non-empty, that face is a Blender-invalid ngon (holes...), need a mutable object for that...

    with ProgressReport(context.window_manager) as progress:
        progress.enter_substeps(1, "Importing OBJ %r..." % filepath)

        if global_matrix is None:
            global_matrix = mathutils.Matrix()

        if use_split_objects or use_split_groups:
            use_groups_as_vgroups = False

        time_main = time.time()

        verts_loc = []
        verts_nor = []
        verts_tex = []
        faces = []  # tuples of the faces
        material_libs = set()  # filenames to material libs this OBJ uses
        vertex_groups = {}  # when use_groups_as_vgroups is true

        # Get the string to float conversion func for this file- is 'float' for almost all files.
        float_func = get_float_func(filepath)

        # Context variables
        context_material = None
        context_smooth_group = None
        context_object = None
        context_vgroup = None

        # Nurbs
        context_nurbs = {}
        nurbs = []
        context_parm = b''  # used by nurbs too but could be used elsewhere

        # Until we can use sets
        unique_materials = {}
        unique_material_images = {}
        unique_smooth_groups = {}
        # unique_obects= {} - no use for this variable since the objects are stored in the face.

        - when there are faces that end with \
        - it means they are multiline-
        - since we use xreadline we cant skip to the next line
        - so we need to know whether
        context_multi_line = b''

        # Per-face handling data.
        face_vert_loc_indices = None
        face_vert_nor_indices = None
        face_vert_tex_indices = None
        face_vert_nor_valid = face_vert_tex_valid = False
        face_items_usage = set()
        face_invalid_blenpoly = None
        prev_vidx = None
        face = None
        vec = []

        progress.enter_substeps(3, "Parsing OBJ file...")
        with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
            for line in f:  # .readlines():
                line_split = line.split()

                if not line_split:

                line_start = line_split[0]  # we compare with this a _lot_

                if line_start == b'v' or context_multi_line == b'v':
                    context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, b'v', verts_loc, vec, 3)

                elif line_start == b'vn' or context_multi_line == b'vn':
                    context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, b'vn', verts_nor, vec, 3)

                elif line_start == b'vt' or context_multi_line == b'vt':
                    context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, b'vt', verts_tex, vec, 2)

                - Handle faces lines (as faces) and the second+ lines of fa multiline face here
                - use 'f' not 'f ' because some objs (very rare have 'fo ' for faces)
                elif line_start == b'f' or context_multi_line == b'f':
                    if not context_multi_line:
                        line_split = line_split[1:]
                        # Instantiate a face
                        face = create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object)
                        (face_vert_loc_indices, face_vert_nor_indices, face_vert_tex_indices,
                         _1, _2, _3, face_invalid_blenpoly) = face
                    # Else, use face_vert_loc_indices and face_vert_tex_indices previously defined and used the obj_face

                    context_multi_line = b'f' if strip_slash(line_split) else b''

                    for v in line_split:
                        obj_vert = v.split(b'/')
                        idx = int(obj_vert[0]) - 1
                        vert_loc_index = (idx + len(verts_loc) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx
                        - Add the vertex to the current group
                        - *warning*, this wont work for files that have groups defined around verts
                        if use_groups_as_vgroups and context_vgroup:
                        - This a first round to quick-detect ngons that *may* use a same edge more than once.
                        - Potential candidate will be re-checked once we have done parsing the whole face.
                        if not face_invalid_blenpoly:
                            # If we use more than once a same vertex, invalid ngon is suspected.
                            if vert_loc_index in face_items_usage:

                        - formatting for faces with normals and textures is
                        - loc_index/tex_index/nor_index
                        if len(obj_vert) > 1 and obj_vert[1] and obj_vert[1] != b'0':
                            idx = int(obj_vert[1]) - 1
                            face_vert_tex_indices.append((idx + len(verts_tex) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx)
                            face_vert_tex_valid = True

                        if len(obj_vert) > 2 and obj_vert[2] and obj_vert[2] != b'0':
                            idx = int(obj_vert[2]) - 1
                            face_vert_nor_indices.append((idx + len(verts_nor) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx)
                            face_vert_nor_valid = True

                    if not context_multi_line:
                        # Clear nor/tex indices in case we had none defined for this face.
                        if not face_vert_nor_valid:
                        if not face_vert_tex_valid:
                        face_vert_nor_valid = face_vert_tex_valid = False

                        # Means we have finished a face, we have to do final check if ngon is suspected to be blender-invalid...
                        if face_invalid_blenpoly:
                            prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[-1]
                            for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices:
                                edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx)
                                if edge_key in face_items_usage:
                                prev_vidx = vidx

                elif use_edges and (line_start == b'l' or context_multi_line == b'l'):
                    # very similar to the face load function above with some parts removed
                    if not context_multi_line:
                        line_split = line_split[1:]
                        # Instantiate a face
                        face = create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object)
                        face_vert_loc_indices = face[0]
                        - XXX A bit hackish, we use special 'value' of face_vert_nor_indices (a single True item) to tag this
                        - as a polyline, and not a regular face...
                        face[1][:] = [True]
                    # Else, use face_vert_loc_indices previously defined and used the obj_face

                    context_multi_line = b'l' if strip_slash(line_split) else b''

                    for v in line_split:
                        obj_vert = v.split(b'/')
                        idx = int(obj_vert[0]) - 1
                        face_vert_loc_indices.append((idx + len(verts_loc) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx)

                elif line_start == b's':
                    if use_smooth_groups:
                        context_smooth_group = line_value(line_split)
                        if context_smooth_group == b'off':
                            context_smooth_group = None
                        elif context_smooth_group:  # is not None
                            unique_smooth_groups[context_smooth_group] = None

                elif line_start == b'o':
                    if use_split_objects:
                        context_object = line_value(line_split)
                        # unique_obects[context_object]= None

                elif line_start == b'g':
                    if use_split_groups:
                        context_object = line_value(line.split())
                        - print 'context_object', context_object
                        - unique_obects[context_object]= None
                    elif use_groups_as_vgroups:
                        context_vgroup = line_value(line.split())
                        if context_vgroup and context_vgroup != b'(null)':
                            vertex_groups.setdefault(context_vgroup, [])
                            context_vgroup = None  # dont assign a vgroup

                elif line_start == b'usemtl':
                    context_material = line_value(line.split())
                    unique_materials[context_material] = None
                elif line_start == b'mtllib':  # usemap or usemat
                    - can have multiple mtllib filenames per line, mtllib can appear more than once,
                    - so make sure only occurrence of material exists
                    material_libs |= {os.fsdecode(f) for f in line.split()[1:]}

                    # Nurbs support
                elif line_start == b'cstype':
                    context_nurbs[b'cstype'] = line_value(line.split())  # 'rat bspline' / 'bspline'
                elif line_start == b'curv' or context_multi_line == b'curv':
                    curv_idx = context_nurbs[b'curv_idx'] = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_idx', [])  # in case were multiline

                    if not context_multi_line:
                        context_nurbs[b'curv_range'] = float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2])
                        line_split[0:3] = []  # remove first 3 items

                    if strip_slash(line_split):
                        context_multi_line = b'curv'
                        context_multi_line = b''

                    for i in line_split:
                        vert_loc_index = int(i) - 1

                        if vert_loc_index < 0:
                            vert_loc_index = len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1


                elif line_start == b'parm' or context_multi_line == b'parm':
                    if context_multi_line:
                        context_multi_line = b''
                        context_parm = line_split[1]
                        line_split[0:2] = []  # remove first 2

                    if strip_slash(line_split):
                        context_multi_line = b'parm'
                        context_multi_line = b''

                    if context_parm.lower() == b'u':
                        context_nurbs.setdefault(b'parm_u', []).extend([float_func(f) for f in line_split])
                    elif context_parm.lower() == b'v':  # surfaces not supported yet
                        context_nurbs.setdefault(b'parm_v', []).extend([float_func(f) for f in line_split])
                    # else: # may want to support other parm's ?

                elif line_start == b'deg':
                    context_nurbs[b'deg'] = [int(i) for i in line.split()[1:]]
                elif line_start == b'end':
                    # Add the nurbs curve
                    if context_object:
                        context_nurbs[b'name'] = context_object
                    context_nurbs = {}
                    context_parm = b''

                ''' # How to use usemap? depricated?
                elif line_start == b'usema': # usemap or usemat
                    context_image= line_value(line_split)

        progress.step("Done, loading materials and images...")

        create_materials(filepath, relpath, use_material_exists, material_libs, unique_materials,
                         unique_material_images, use_image_search, use_cycles, float_func)

        progress.step("Done, building geometries (verts:%i faces:%i materials: %i smoothgroups:%i) ..." %
                      (len(verts_loc), len(faces), len(unique_materials), len(unique_smooth_groups)))

        # deselect all
        if bpy.ops.object.select_all.poll():

        scene = context.scene
        new_objects = []  # put new objects here

        # Split the mesh by objects/materials, may
        SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP = bool(use_split_objects or use_split_groups)

        for data in split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP):
            verts_loc_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, dataname, use_vnor, use_vtex = data
            - Create meshes from the data, warning 'vertex_groups' wont support splitting
            - ~ print(dataname, use_vnor, use_vtex)
                        verts_nor if use_vnor else [],
                        verts_tex if use_vtex else [],

        # nurbs support
        for context_nurbs in nurbs:
            create_nurbs(context_nurbs, verts_loc, new_objects)

        # Create new obj
        for obj in new_objects:
            base =
   = True

            # we could apply this anywhere before scaling.
            obj.matrix_world = global_matrix


        axis_min = [1000000000] * 3
        axis_max = [-1000000000] * 3

        if global_clamp_size:
            # Get all object bounds
            for ob in new_objects:
                for v in ob.bound_box:
                    for axis, value in enumerate(v):
                        if axis_min[axis] > value:
                            axis_min[axis] = value
                        if axis_max[axis] < value:
                            axis_max[axis] = value

            # Scale objects
            max_axis = max(axis_max[0] - axis_min[0], axis_max[1] - axis_min[1], axis_max[2] - axis_min[2])
            scale = 1.0

            while global_clamp_size < max_axis * scale:
                scale = scale / 10.0

            for obj in new_objects:
                obj.scale = scale, scale, scale

        progress.leave_substeps("Finished importing: %r" % filepath)

    return {'FINISHED'}

Can some Prodevelopper please test it ?
Would be great to implement that to trunk forever :-D

I've implement a few lines to "use existing" Material again. People still ask me to modifiy the Script to implement that time saving function: ``` - ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License - as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 - of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. # - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, - Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # <pep8-80 compliant> bl_info = { "name": "Wavefront OBJ format", "author": "Campbell Barton, Bastien Montagne", "version": (2, 3, 6), "blender": (2, 78, 0), "location": "File > Import-Export", "description": "Import-Export OBJ, Import OBJ mesh, UV's, materials and textures", "warning": "", "wiki_url": "", "support": 'OFFICIAL', "category": "Import-Export"} if "bpy" in locals(): import importlib if "import_obj" in locals(): importlib.reload(import_obj) if "export_obj" in locals(): importlib.reload(export_obj) import bpy from bpy.props import ( BoolProperty, FloatProperty, StringProperty, EnumProperty, ) from bpy_extras.io_utils import ( ImportHelper, ExportHelper, orientation_helper_factory, path_reference_mode, axis_conversion, ) IOOBJOrientationHelper = orientation_helper_factory("IOOBJOrientationHelper", axis_forward='-Z', axis_up='Y') class ImportOBJ(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper, IOOBJOrientationHelper): """Load a Wavefront OBJ File""" bl_idname = "import_scene.obj" bl_label = "Import OBJ" bl_options = {'PRESET', 'UNDO'} filename_ext = ".obj" filter_glob = StringProperty( default="*.obj;*.mtl", options={'HIDDEN'}, ) use_edges = BoolProperty( name="Lines", description="Import lines and faces with 2 verts as edge", default=True, ) use_material_exists = BoolProperty( name="Existing Materials", description="Uses Materials from the Blender-File if a Materialname in the OBJ-File is identical with one of the Blender-File", default=False, ) use_smooth_groups = BoolProperty( name="Smooth Groups", description="Surround smooth groups by sharp edges", default=True, ) use_split_objects = BoolProperty( name="Object", description="Import OBJ Objects into Blender Objects", default=True, ) use_split_groups = BoolProperty( name="Group", description="Import OBJ Groups into Blender Objects", default=True, ) use_groups_as_vgroups = BoolProperty( name="Poly Groups", description="Import OBJ groups as vertex groups", default=False, ) use_image_search = BoolProperty( name="Image Search", description="Search subdirs for any associated images " "(Warning, may be slow)", default=True, ) split_mode = EnumProperty( name="Split", items=(('ON', "Split", "Split geometry, omits unused verts"), ('OFF', "Keep Vert Order", "Keep vertex order from file"), ), ) global_clamp_size = FloatProperty( name="Clamp Size", description="Clamp bounds under this value (zero to disable)", min=0.0, max=1000.0, soft_min=0.0, soft_max=1000.0, default=0.0, ) def execute(self, context): # print("Selected: " + from . import import_obj if self.split_mode == 'OFF': self.use_split_objects = False self.use_split_groups = False else: self.use_groups_as_vgroups = False keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward", "axis_up", "filter_glob", "split_mode", )) global_matrix = axis_conversion(from_forward=self.axis_forward, from_up=self.axis_up, ).to_4x4() keywords["global_matrix"] = global_matrix keywords["use_cycles"] = (context.scene.render.engine == 'CYCLES') if and context.user_preferences.filepaths.use_relative_paths: import os keywords["relpath"] = os.path.dirname( return import_obj.load(context, **keywords) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop(self, "use_smooth_groups") row.prop(self, "use_edges") row.prop(self, "use_material_exists") box = row = box.row() row.prop(self, "split_mode", expand=True) row = box.row() if self.split_mode == 'ON': row.label(text="Split by:") row.prop(self, "use_split_objects") row.prop(self, "use_split_groups") else: row.prop(self, "use_groups_as_vgroups") row = layout.split(percentage=0.67) row.prop(self, "global_clamp_size") layout.prop(self, "axis_forward") layout.prop(self, "axis_up") layout.prop(self, "use_image_search") class ExportOBJ(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper, IOOBJOrientationHelper): """Save a Wavefront OBJ File""" bl_idname = "export_scene.obj" bl_label = 'Export OBJ' bl_options = {'PRESET'} filename_ext = ".obj" filter_glob = StringProperty( default="*.obj;*.mtl", options={'HIDDEN'}, ) # context group use_selection = BoolProperty( name="Selection Only", description="Export selected objects only", default=False, ) use_animation = BoolProperty( name="Animation", description="Write out an OBJ for each frame", default=False, ) # object group use_mesh_modifiers = BoolProperty( name="Apply Modifiers", description="Apply modifiers", default=True, ) use_mesh_modifiers_render = BoolProperty( name="Use Modifiers Render Settings", description="Use render settings when applying modifiers to mesh objects", default=False, ) # extra data group use_edges = BoolProperty( name="Include Edges", description="", default=True, ) use_smooth_groups = BoolProperty( name="Smooth Groups", description="Write sharp edges as smooth groups", default=False, ) use_smooth_groups_bitflags = BoolProperty( name="Bitflag Smooth Groups", description="Same as 'Smooth Groups', but generate smooth groups IDs as bitflags " "(produces at most 32 different smooth groups, usually much less)", default=False, ) use_normals = BoolProperty( name="Write Normals", description="Export one normal per vertex and per face, to represent flat faces and sharp edges", default=True, ) use_uvs = BoolProperty( name="Include UVs", description="Write out the active UV coordinates", default=True, ) use_materials = BoolProperty( name="Write Materials", description="Write out the MTL file", default=True, ) use_triangles = BoolProperty( name="Triangulate Faces", description="Convert all faces to triangles", default=False, ) use_nurbs = BoolProperty( name="Write Nurbs", description="Write nurbs curves as OBJ nurbs rather than " "converting to geometry", default=False, ) use_vertex_groups = BoolProperty( name="Polygroups", description="", default=False, ) # grouping group use_blen_objects = BoolProperty( name="Objects as OBJ Objects", description="", default=True, ) group_by_object = BoolProperty( name="Objects as OBJ Groups ", description="", default=False, ) group_by_material = BoolProperty( name="Material Groups", description="", default=False, ) keep_vertex_order = BoolProperty( name="Keep Vertex Order", description="", default=False, ) global_scale = FloatProperty( name="Scale", min=0.01, max=1000.0, default=1.0, ) path_mode = path_reference_mode check_extension = True def execute(self, context): from . import export_obj from mathutils import Matrix keywords = self.as_keywords(ignore=("axis_forward", "axis_up", "global_scale", "check_existing", "filter_glob", )) global_matrix = (Matrix.Scale(self.global_scale, 4) * axis_conversion(to_forward=self.axis_forward, to_up=self.axis_up, ).to_4x4()) keywords["global_matrix"] = global_matrix return, **keywords) def menu_func_import(self, context): self.layout.operator(ImportOBJ.bl_idname, text="Wavefront (.obj)") def menu_func_export(self, context): self.layout.operator(ExportOBJ.bl_idname, text="Wavefront (.obj)") classes = ( ImportOBJ, ExportOBJ, ) def register(): for cls in classes: bpy.utils.register_class(cls) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(menu_func_import) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func_export) def unregister(): bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(menu_func_import) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func_export) for cls in classes: bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls) if __name__ == "__main__": register() ``` ``` - ##### BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License - as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 - of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. # - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, - Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ##### # <pep8 compliant> - Script copyright (C) Campbell Barton - Contributors: Campbell Barton, Jiri Hnidek, Paolo Ciccone """ This script imports a Wavefront OBJ files to Blender. Usage: Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file. Note, This loads mesh objects and materials only, nurbs and curves are not supported. """ import array import os import time import bpy import mathutils from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image from progress_report import ProgressReport, ProgressReportSubstep def line_value(line_split): """ Returns 1 string representing the value for this line None will be returned if theres only 1 word """ length = len(line_split) if length == 1: return None elif length == 2: return line_split[1] elif length > 2: return b' '.join(line_split[1:]) def obj_image_load(context_imagepath_map, line, DIR, recursive, relpath): """ Mainly uses comprehensiveImageLoad But we try all space-separated items from current line when file is not found with last one (users keep generating/using image files with spaces in a format that does not support them, sigh...) Also tries to replace '_' with ' ' for Max's exporter replaces spaces with underscores. """ filepath_parts = line.split(b' ') image = None for i in range(-1, -len(filepath_parts), -1): imagepath = os.fsdecode(b" ".join(filepath_parts[i:])) image = context_imagepath_map.get(imagepath, ...) if image is ...: image = load_image(imagepath, DIR, recursive=recursive, relpath=relpath) if image is None and "_" in imagepath: image = load_image(imagepath.replace("_", " "), DIR, recursive=recursive, relpath=relpath) if image is not None: context_imagepath_map[imagepath] = image break; if image is None: imagepath = os.fsdecode(filepath_parts[-1]) image = load_image(imagepath, DIR, recursive=recursive, place_holder=True, relpath=relpath) context_imagepath_map[imagepath] = image return image def create_materials(filepath, relpath, use_material_exists, material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images, use_image_search, use_cycles, float_func): """ Create all the used materials in this obj, assign colors and images to the materials from all referenced material libs """ DIR = os.path.dirname(filepath) context_material_vars = set() # Don't load the same image multiple times context_imagepath_map = {} cycles_material_wrap_map = {} def load_material_image(blender_material, mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, type): """ Set textures defined in .mtl file. """ map_options = {} curr_token = [] for token in img_data[:-1]: if token.startswith(b'-'): if curr_token: map_options[curr_token[0]] = curr_token[1:] curr_token[:] = [] curr_token.append(token) # Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here image = obj_image_load(context_imagepath_map, line, DIR, use_image_search, relpath) texture =, type='IMAGE') if image is not None: texture.image = image map_offset = map_options.get(b'-o') map_scale = map_options.get(b'-s') # Adds textures for materials (rendering) if type == 'Kd': if use_cycles: mat_wrap.diffuse_image_set(image) mat_wrap.diffuse_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale) mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True - adds textures to faces (Textured/Alt-Z mode) - Only apply the diffuse texture to the face if the image has not been set with the inline usemat func. unique_material_images[context_material_name] = image # set the texface image elif type == 'Ka': if use_cycles: # XXX Not supported? print("WARNING, currently unsupported ambient texture, skipped.") mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_ambient = True elif type == 'Ks': if use_cycles: mat_wrap.specular_image_set(image) mat_wrap.specular_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale) mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_color_spec = True elif type == 'Ke': if use_cycles: # XXX Not supported? print("WARNING, currently unsupported emit texture, skipped.") mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_emit = True elif type == 'Bump': bump_mult = map_options.get(b'-bm') if use_cycles: mat_wrap.normal_image_set(image) mat_wrap.normal_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale) if bump_mult: mat_wrap.normal_factor_set(bump_mult[0]) mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_normal = True if bump_mult: mtex.normal_factor = bump_mult[0] elif type == 'D': if use_cycles: mat_wrap.alpha_image_set(image) mat_wrap.alpha_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale) mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_alpha = True blender_material.use_transparency = True blender_material.transparency_method = 'Z_TRANSPARENCY' if "alpha" not in context_material_vars: blender_material.alpha = 0.0 # Todo, unset diffuse material alpha if it has an alpha channel elif type == 'disp': if use_cycles: mat_wrap.bump_image_set(image) mat_wrap.bump_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale) mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'UV' mtex.use_map_displacement = True elif type == 'refl': map_type = map_options.get(b'-type') if map_type and map_type != [b'sphere']: print("WARNING, unsupported reflection type '%s', defaulting to 'sphere'" "" % ' '.join(i.decode() for i in map_type)) if use_cycles: mat_wrap.diffuse_image_set(image, projection='SPHERE') mat_wrap.diffuse_mapping_set(coords='Reflection', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale) mtex = blender_material.texture_slots.add() mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.texture = texture mtex.texture_coords = 'REFLECTION' mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True mtex.mapping = 'SPHERE' else: raise Exception("invalid type %r" % type) if map_offset: mtex.offset.x = float(map_offset[0]) if len(map_offset) >= 2: mtex.offset.y = float(map_offset[1]) if len(map_offset) >= 3: mtex.offset.z = float(map_offset[2]) if map_scale: mtex.scale.x = float(map_scale[0]) if len(map_scale) >= 2: mtex.scale.y = float(map_scale[1]) if len(map_scale) >= 3: mtex.scale.z = float(map_scale[2]) # Add an MTL with the same name as the obj if no MTLs are spesified. temp_mtl = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(filepath)))[0] + ".mtl" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIR, temp_mtl)): material_libs.add(temp_mtl) del temp_mtl # Create new materials for name in unique_materials: # .keys() if name is not None: name_utf8 = name.decode('utf-8', "replace") mat = None if use_material_exists: mat = use_cycles = False if mat is None: mat = unique_materials[name] = mat # ma = unique_materials[name] ='utf-8', "replace")) unique_material_images[name] = None # assign None to all material images to start with, add to later. if use_cycles: from modules import cycles_shader_compat ma_wrap = cycles_shader_compat.CyclesShaderWrapper(mat) cycles_material_wrap_map[mat] = ma_wrap del mat - XXX Why was this needed? Cannot find any good reason, and adds stupid empty matslot in case we do not separate - mesh (see T44947). - ~ unique_materials[None] = None - ~ unique_material_images[None] = None for libname in sorted(material_libs): # print(libname) mtlpath = os.path.join(DIR, libname) if not os.path.exists(mtlpath): print("\tMaterial not found MTL: %r" % mtlpath) else: do_ambient = True do_highlight = False do_reflection = False do_transparency = False do_glass = False do_fresnel = False do_raytrace = False emit_colors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # print('\t\tloading mtl: %e' % mtlpath) context_material = None context_mat_wrap = None mtl = open(mtlpath, 'rb') for line in mtl: # .readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith(b'#'): continue if use_material_exists: pass line_split = line.split() line_id = line_split[0].lower() if line_id == b'newmtl': # Finalize previous mat, if any. if context_material: emit_value = sum(emit_colors) / 3.0 if emit_value > 1e-6: if use_cycles: print("WARNING, currently unsupported emit value, skipped.") # We have to adapt it to diffuse color too... emit_value /= sum(context_material.diffuse_color) / 3.0 context_material.emit = emit_value if not do_ambient: context_material.ambient = 0.0 if do_highlight: if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.hardness_value_set(1.0) # FIXME, how else to use this? context_material.specular_intensity = 1.0 else: if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.hardness_value_set(0.0) if do_reflection: if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.reflect_factor_set(1.0) context_material.raytrace_mirror.use = True context_material.raytrace_mirror.reflect_factor = 1.0 if do_transparency: context_material.use_transparency = True context_material.transparency_method = 'RAYTRACE' if do_raytrace else 'Z_TRANSPARENCY' if "alpha" not in context_material_vars: if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.alpha_value_set(0.0) context_material.alpha = 0.0 if do_glass: if use_cycles: print("WARNING, currently unsupported glass material, skipped.") if "ior" not in context_material_vars: context_material.raytrace_transparency.ior = 1.5 if do_fresnel: if use_cycles: print("WARNING, currently unsupported fresnel option, skipped.") context_material.raytrace_mirror.fresnel = 1.0 # could be any value for 'ON' """ if do_raytrace: context_material.use_raytrace = True else: context_material.use_raytrace = False """ - XXX, this is not following the OBJ spec, but this was - written when raytracing wasnt default, annoying to disable for blender users. context_material.use_raytrace = True context_material_name = line_value(line_split) context_material = unique_materials.get(context_material_name) if use_cycles and context_material is not None: context_mat_wrap = cycles_material_wrap_map[context_material] context_material_vars.clear() emit_colors[:] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] do_ambient = True do_highlight = False do_reflection = False do_transparency = False do_glass = False do_fresnel = False do_raytrace = False elif context_material: # we need to make a material to assign properties to it. if line_id == b'ka': col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])) if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.reflect_color_set(col) context_material.mirror_color = col # This is highly approximated, but let's try to stick as close from exporter as possible... :/ context_material.ambient = sum(context_material.mirror_color) / 3 elif line_id == b'kd': col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])) if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.diffuse_color_set(col) context_material.diffuse_color = col context_material.diffuse_intensity = 1.0 elif line_id == b'ks': col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])) if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.specular_color_set(col) context_mat_wrap.hardness_value_set(1.0) context_material.specular_color = col context_material.specular_intensity = 1.0 elif line_id == b'ke': # We cannot set context_material.emit right now, we need final diffuse color as well for this. emit_colors[:] = [ float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])] elif line_id == b'ns': if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.hardness_value_set(((float_func(line_split[1]) + 3.0) / 50.0) - 0.65) context_material.specular_hardness = int((float_func(line_split[1]) * 0.51) + 1) elif line_id == b'ni': # Refraction index (between 1 and 3). if use_cycles: print("WARNING, currently unsupported glass material, skipped.") context_material.raytrace_transparency.ior = max(1, min(float_func(line_split[1]), 3)) context_material_vars.add("ior") elif line_id == b'd': # dissolve (transparency) if use_cycles: context_mat_wrap.alpha_value_set(float_func(line_split[1])) context_material.alpha = float_func(line_split[1]) context_material.use_transparency = True context_material.transparency_method = 'Z_TRANSPARENCY' context_material_vars.add("alpha") elif line_id == b'tr': # translucency if use_cycles: print("WARNING, currently unsupported translucency option, skipped.") context_material.translucency = float_func(line_split[1]) elif line_id == b'tf': # rgb, filter color, blender has no support for this. pass elif line_id == b'illum': illum = int(line_split[1]) # inline comments are from the spec, v4.2 if illum == 0: # Color on and Ambient off do_ambient = False elif illum == 1: # Color on and Ambient on pass elif illum == 2: # Highlight on do_highlight = True elif illum == 3: # Reflection on and Ray trace on do_reflection = True do_raytrace = True elif illum == 4: - Transparency: Glass on - Reflection: Ray trace on do_transparency = True do_reflection = True do_glass = True do_raytrace = True elif illum == 5: # Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on do_reflection = True do_fresnel = True do_raytrace = True elif illum == 6: - Transparency: Refraction on - Reflection: Fresnel off and Ray trace on do_transparency = True do_reflection = True do_raytrace = True elif illum == 7: - Transparency: Refraction on - Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on do_transparency = True do_reflection = True do_fresnel = True do_raytrace = True elif illum == 8: # Reflection on and Ray trace off do_reflection = True elif illum == 9: - Transparency: Glass on - Reflection: Ray trace off do_transparency = True do_reflection = True do_glass = True elif illum == 10: # Casts shadows onto invisible surfaces # blender can't do this pass elif line_id == b'map_ka': img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ka') elif line_id == b'map_ks': img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ks') elif line_id == b'map_kd': img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Kd') elif line_id == b'map_ke': img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ke') elif line_id in {b'map_bump', b'bump'}: # 'bump' is incorrect but some files use it. img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Bump') elif line_id in {b'map_d', b'map_tr'}: # Alpha map - Dissolve img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'D') elif line_id in {b'map_disp', b'disp'}: # displacementmap img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'disp') elif line_id in {b'map_refl', b'refl'}: # reflectionmap img_data = line.split()[1:] if img_data: load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap, use_cycles, context_material_name, img_data, line, 'refl') else: print("\t%r:%r (ignored)" % (filepath, line)) mtl.close() def split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP): """ Takes vert_loc and faces, and separates into multiple sets of (verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, dataname) """ filename = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(filepath)))[0] if not SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP or not faces: use_verts_nor = any((False if f[1] is ... else True) for f in faces) use_verts_tex = any((False if f[2] is ... else True) for f in faces) # use the filename for the object name since we aren't chopping up the mesh. return [(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filename, use_verts_nor, use_verts_tex)] def key_to_name(key): # if the key is a tuple, join it to make a string if not key: return filename # assume its a string. make sure this is true if the splitting code is changed else: return key.decode('utf-8', 'replace') # Return a key that makes the faces unique. face_split_dict = {} oldkey = -1 # initialize to a value that will never match the key for face in faces: key = face[5] if oldkey != key: # Check the key has changed. (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap, use_verts_nor, use_verts_tex) = face_split_dict.setdefault(key, ([], [], {}, {}, [], [])) oldkey = key face_vert_loc_indices = face[0] if not use_verts_nor and face[1] is not ...: use_verts_nor.append(True) if not use_verts_tex and face[2] is not ...: use_verts_tex.append(True) # Remap verts to new vert list and add where needed for enum, i in enumerate(face_vert_loc_indices): map_index = vert_remap.get(i) if map_index is None: map_index = len(verts_split) vert_remap[i] = map_index # set the new remapped index so we only add once and can reference next time. verts_split.append(verts_loc[i]) # add the vert to the local verts face_vert_loc_indices[enum] = map_index # remap to the local index matname = face[3] if matname and matname not in unique_materials_split: unique_materials_split[matname] = unique_materials[matname] faces_split.append(face) # remove one of the items and reorder return [(verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, key_to_name(key), bool(use_vnor), bool(use_vtex)) for key, (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, _, use_vnor, use_vtex) in face_split_dict.items()] def create_mesh(new_objects, use_edges, verts_loc, verts_nor, verts_tex, faces, unique_materials, unique_material_images, unique_smooth_groups, vertex_groups, dataname, ): """ Takes all the data gathered and generates a mesh, adding the new object to new_objects deals with ngons, sharp edges and assigning materials """ if unique_smooth_groups: sharp_edges = set() smooth_group_users = {context_smooth_group: {} for context_smooth_group in unique_smooth_groups.keys()} context_smooth_group_old = -1 fgon_edges = set() # Used for storing fgon keys when we need to tesselate/untesselate them (ngons with hole). edges = [] tot_loops = 0 context_object = None # reverse loop through face indices for f_idx in range(len(faces) - 1, -1, -1): (face_vert_loc_indices, face_vert_nor_indices, face_vert_tex_indices, context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object, face_invalid_blenpoly, ) = faces[f_idx] len_face_vert_loc_indices = len(face_vert_loc_indices) if len_face_vert_loc_indices == 1: faces.pop(f_idx) # cant add single vert faces # Face with a single item in face_vert_nor_indices is actually a polyline! elif len(face_vert_nor_indices) == 1 or len_face_vert_loc_indices == 2: if use_edges: edges.extend((face_vert_loc_indices[i], face_vert_loc_indices[i + 1]) for i in range(len_face_vert_loc_indices - 1)) faces.pop(f_idx) else: # Smooth Group if unique_smooth_groups and context_smooth_group: # Is a part of of a smooth group and is a face if context_smooth_group_old is not context_smooth_group: edge_dict = smooth_group_users[context_smooth_group] context_smooth_group_old = context_smooth_group prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[-1] for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices: edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx) prev_vidx = vidx edge_dict[edge_key] = edge_dict.get(edge_key, 0) + 1 # NGons into triangles if face_invalid_blenpoly: # ignore triangles with invalid indices if len(face_vert_loc_indices) > 3: from bpy_extras.mesh_utils import ngon_tessellate ngon_face_indices = ngon_tessellate(verts_loc, face_vert_loc_indices) faces.extend([([face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[0]], face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[1]], face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[2]], ], [face_vert_nor_indices[ngon[0]], face_vert_nor_indices[ngon[1]], face_vert_nor_indices[ngon[2]], ] if face_vert_nor_indices else [], [face_vert_tex_indices[ngon[0]], face_vert_tex_indices[ngon[1]], face_vert_tex_indices[ngon[2]], ] if face_vert_tex_indices else [], context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object, [], ) for ngon in ngon_face_indices] ) tot_loops += 3 * len(ngon_face_indices) # edges to make ngons if len(ngon_face_indices) > 1: edge_users = set() for ngon in ngon_face_indices: prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[-1]] for ngidx in ngon: vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[ngidx] if vidx == prev_vidx: continue # broken OBJ... Just skip. edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx) prev_vidx = vidx if edge_key in edge_users: fgon_edges.add(edge_key) else: edge_users.add(edge_key) faces.pop(f_idx) else: tot_loops += len_face_vert_loc_indices # Build sharp edges if unique_smooth_groups: for edge_dict in smooth_group_users.values(): for key, users in edge_dict.items(): if users == 1: # This edge is on the boundry of a group sharp_edges.add(key) # map the material names to an index material_mapping = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(unique_materials)} # enumerate over unique_materials keys() materials = [None] * len(unique_materials) for name, index in material_mapping.items(): materials[index] = unique_materials[name] me = # make sure the list isnt too big for material in materials: me.materials.append(material) me.vertices.add(len(verts_loc)) me.loops.add(tot_loops) me.polygons.add(len(faces)) # verts_loc is a list of (x, y, z) tuples me.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(verts_loc)) loops_vert_idx = [] faces_loop_start = [] faces_loop_total = [] lidx = 0 for f in faces: vidx = f[0] nbr_vidx = len(vidx) loops_vert_idx.extend(vidx) faces_loop_start.append(lidx) faces_loop_total.append(nbr_vidx) lidx += nbr_vidx me.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", loops_vert_idx) me.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", faces_loop_start) me.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", faces_loop_total) if verts_nor and me.loops: - Note: we store 'temp' normals in loops, since validate() may alter final mesh, - we can only set custom lnors *after* calling it. me.create_normals_split() if verts_tex and me.polygons: context_material_old = -1 # avoid a dict lookup mat = 0 # rare case it may be un-initialized. for i, (face, blen_poly) in enumerate(zip(faces, me.polygons)): if len(face[0]) < 3: raise Exception("bad face") # Shall not happen, we got rid of those earlier! (face_vert_loc_indices, face_vert_nor_indices, face_vert_tex_indices, context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object, face_invalid_blenpoly, ) = face if context_smooth_group: blen_poly.use_smooth = True if context_material: if context_material_old is not context_material: mat = material_mapping[context_material] context_material_old = context_material blen_poly.material_index = mat if verts_nor and face_vert_nor_indices: for face_noidx, lidx in zip(face_vert_nor_indices, blen_poly.loop_indices): me.loops[lidx].normal[:] = verts_nor[0 if (face_noidx is ...) else face_noidx] if verts_tex and face_vert_tex_indices: if context_material: image = unique_material_images[context_material] if image: # Can be none if the material dosnt have an image. me.uv_textures[0].data[i].image = image blen_uvs = me.uv_layers[0] for face_uvidx, lidx in zip(face_vert_tex_indices, blen_poly.loop_indices):[lidx].uv = verts_tex[0 if (face_uvidx is ...) else face_uvidx] use_edges = use_edges and bool(edges) if use_edges: me.edges.add(len(edges)) # edges should be a list of (a, b) tuples me.edges.foreach_set("vertices", unpack_list(edges)) me.validate(clean_customdata=False) # *Very* important to not remove lnors here! me.update(calc_edges=use_edges) # Un-tessellate as much as possible, in case we had to triangulate some ngons... if fgon_edges: import bmesh bm = bm.from_mesh(me) verts = bm.verts[:] get = bm.edges.get edges = [get((verts[vidx1], verts[vidx2])) for vidx1, vidx2 in fgon_edges] try: bmesh.ops.dissolve_edges(bm, edges=edges, use_verts=False) except: # Possible dissolve fails for some edges, but don't fail silently in case this is a real bug. import traceback traceback.print_exc() bm.to_mesh(me) # XXX If validate changes the geometry, this is likely to be broken... if unique_smooth_groups and sharp_edges: for e in me.edges: if e.key in sharp_edges: e.use_edge_sharp = True me.show_edge_sharp = True if verts_nor: clnors = array.array('f', [0.0] * (len(me.loops) * 3)) me.loops.foreach_get("normal", clnors) if not unique_smooth_groups: me.polygons.foreach_set("use_smooth", [True] * len(me.polygons)) me.normals_split_custom_set(tuple(zip(*(iter(clnors),) * 3))) me.use_auto_smooth = True me.show_edge_sharp = True ob =, me) new_objects.append(ob) - Create the vertex groups. No need to have the flag passed here since we test for the - content of the vertex_groups. If the user selects to NOT have vertex groups saved then # the following test will never run for group_name, group_indices in vertex_groups.items(): group ='utf-8', "replace")) group.add(group_indices, 1.0, 'REPLACE') def create_nurbs(context_nurbs, vert_loc, new_objects): """ Add nurbs object to blender, only support one type at the moment """ deg = context_nurbs.get(b'deg', (3,)) curv_range = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_range') curv_idx = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_idx', []) parm_u = context_nurbs.get(b'parm_u', []) parm_v = context_nurbs.get(b'parm_v', []) name = context_nurbs.get(b'name', b'ObjNurb') cstype = context_nurbs.get(b'cstype') if cstype is None: print('\tWarning, cstype not found') return if cstype != b'bspline': print('\tWarning, cstype is not supported (only bspline)') return if not curv_idx: print('\tWarning, curv argument empty or not set') return if len(deg) > 1 or parm_v: print('\tWarning, surfaces not supported') return cu ='utf-8', "replace"), 'CURVE') cu.dimensions = '3D' nu ='NURBS') nu.points.add(len(curv_idx) - 1) # a point is added to start with nu.points.foreach_set("co", [co_axis for vt_idx in curv_idx for co_axis in (vert_loc[vt_idx] + (1.0,))]) nu.order_u = deg[0] + 1 # get for endpoint flag from the weighting if curv_range and len(parm_u) > deg[0] + 1: do_endpoints = True for i in range(deg[0] + 1): if abs(parm_u[i] - curv_range[0]) > 0.0001: do_endpoints = False break if abs(parm_u[-(i + 1)] - curv_range[1]) > 0.0001: do_endpoints = False break else: do_endpoints = False if do_endpoints: nu.use_endpoint_u = True # close ''' do_closed = False if len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1: for i in xrange(deg[0]+1): #print curv_idx[i], curv_idx[-(i+1)] if curv_idx[i]==curv_idx[-(i+1)]: do_closed = True break if do_closed: nu.use_cyclic_u = True ''' ob ='utf-8', "replace"), cu) new_objects.append(ob) def strip_slash(line_split): if line_split[-1][-1] == 92: # '\' char if len(line_split[-1]) == 1: line_split.pop() # remove the \ item else: line_split[-1] = line_split[-1][:-1] # remove the \ from the end last number return True return False def get_float_func(filepath): """ find the float function for this obj file - whether to replace commas or not """ file = open(filepath, 'rb') for line in file: # .readlines(): line = line.lstrip() if line.startswith(b'v'): # vn vt v if b',' in line: file.close() return lambda f: float(f.replace(b',', b'.')) elif b'.' in line: file.close() return float file.close() # in case all vert values were ints return float def load(context, filepath, *, global_clamp_size=0.0, use_smooth_groups=True, use_edges=True, use_material_exists=False, use_split_objects=True, use_split_groups=True, use_image_search=True, use_groups_as_vgroups=False, use_cycles=True, relpath=None, global_matrix=None ): """ Called by the user interface or another script. load_obj(path) - should give acceptable results. This function passes the file and sends the data off to be split into objects and then converted into mesh objects """ def handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, tag, data, vec, vec_len): ret_context_multi_line = tag if strip_slash(line_split) else b'' if line_start == tag: vec[:] = [float_func(v) for v in line_split[1:]] elif context_multi_line == tag: vec += [float_func(v) for v in line_split] if not ret_context_multi_line: data.append(tuple(vec[:vec_len])) return ret_context_multi_line def create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object): face_vert_loc_indices = [] face_vert_nor_indices = [] face_vert_tex_indices = [] return ( face_vert_loc_indices, face_vert_nor_indices, face_vert_tex_indices, context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object, [], # If non-empty, that face is a Blender-invalid ngon (holes...), need a mutable object for that... ) with ProgressReport(context.window_manager) as progress: progress.enter_substeps(1, "Importing OBJ %r..." % filepath) if global_matrix is None: global_matrix = mathutils.Matrix() if use_split_objects or use_split_groups: use_groups_as_vgroups = False time_main = time.time() verts_loc = [] verts_nor = [] verts_tex = [] faces = [] # tuples of the faces material_libs = set() # filenames to material libs this OBJ uses vertex_groups = {} # when use_groups_as_vgroups is true # Get the string to float conversion func for this file- is 'float' for almost all files. float_func = get_float_func(filepath) # Context variables context_material = None context_smooth_group = None context_object = None context_vgroup = None # Nurbs context_nurbs = {} nurbs = [] context_parm = b'' # used by nurbs too but could be used elsewhere # Until we can use sets unique_materials = {} unique_material_images = {} unique_smooth_groups = {} # unique_obects= {} - no use for this variable since the objects are stored in the face. - when there are faces that end with \ - it means they are multiline- - since we use xreadline we cant skip to the next line - so we need to know whether context_multi_line = b'' # Per-face handling data. face_vert_loc_indices = None face_vert_nor_indices = None face_vert_tex_indices = None face_vert_nor_valid = face_vert_tex_valid = False face_items_usage = set() face_invalid_blenpoly = None prev_vidx = None face = None vec = [] progress.enter_substeps(3, "Parsing OBJ file...") with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: for line in f: # .readlines(): line_split = line.split() if not line_split: continue line_start = line_split[0] # we compare with this a _lot_ if line_start == b'v' or context_multi_line == b'v': context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, b'v', verts_loc, vec, 3) elif line_start == b'vn' or context_multi_line == b'vn': context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, b'vn', verts_nor, vec, 3) elif line_start == b'vt' or context_multi_line == b'vt': context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, b'vt', verts_tex, vec, 2) - Handle faces lines (as faces) and the second+ lines of fa multiline face here - use 'f' not 'f ' because some objs (very rare have 'fo ' for faces) elif line_start == b'f' or context_multi_line == b'f': if not context_multi_line: line_split = line_split[1:] # Instantiate a face face = create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object) (face_vert_loc_indices, face_vert_nor_indices, face_vert_tex_indices, _1, _2, _3, face_invalid_blenpoly) = face faces.append(face) face_items_usage.clear() # Else, use face_vert_loc_indices and face_vert_tex_indices previously defined and used the obj_face context_multi_line = b'f' if strip_slash(line_split) else b'' for v in line_split: obj_vert = v.split(b'/') idx = int(obj_vert[0]) - 1 vert_loc_index = (idx + len(verts_loc) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx - Add the vertex to the current group - *warning*, this wont work for files that have groups defined around verts if use_groups_as_vgroups and context_vgroup: vertex_groups[context_vgroup].append(vert_loc_index) - This a first round to quick-detect ngons that *may* use a same edge more than once. - Potential candidate will be re-checked once we have done parsing the whole face. if not face_invalid_blenpoly: # If we use more than once a same vertex, invalid ngon is suspected. if vert_loc_index in face_items_usage: face_invalid_blenpoly.append(True) else: face_items_usage.add(vert_loc_index) face_vert_loc_indices.append(vert_loc_index) - formatting for faces with normals and textures is - loc_index/tex_index/nor_index if len(obj_vert) > 1 and obj_vert[1] and obj_vert[1] != b'0': idx = int(obj_vert[1]) - 1 face_vert_tex_indices.append((idx + len(verts_tex) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx) face_vert_tex_valid = True else: face_vert_tex_indices.append(...) if len(obj_vert) > 2 and obj_vert[2] and obj_vert[2] != b'0': idx = int(obj_vert[2]) - 1 face_vert_nor_indices.append((idx + len(verts_nor) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx) face_vert_nor_valid = True else: face_vert_nor_indices.append(...) if not context_multi_line: # Clear nor/tex indices in case we had none defined for this face. if not face_vert_nor_valid: face_vert_nor_indices.clear() if not face_vert_tex_valid: face_vert_tex_indices.clear() face_vert_nor_valid = face_vert_tex_valid = False # Means we have finished a face, we have to do final check if ngon is suspected to be blender-invalid... if face_invalid_blenpoly: face_invalid_blenpoly.clear() face_items_usage.clear() prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[-1] for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices: edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx) if edge_key in face_items_usage: face_invalid_blenpoly.append(True) break face_items_usage.add(edge_key) prev_vidx = vidx elif use_edges and (line_start == b'l' or context_multi_line == b'l'): # very similar to the face load function above with some parts removed if not context_multi_line: line_split = line_split[1:] # Instantiate a face face = create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object) face_vert_loc_indices = face[0] - XXX A bit hackish, we use special 'value' of face_vert_nor_indices (a single True item) to tag this - as a polyline, and not a regular face... face[1][:] = [True] faces.append(face) # Else, use face_vert_loc_indices previously defined and used the obj_face context_multi_line = b'l' if strip_slash(line_split) else b'' for v in line_split: obj_vert = v.split(b'/') idx = int(obj_vert[0]) - 1 face_vert_loc_indices.append((idx + len(verts_loc) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx) elif line_start == b's': if use_smooth_groups: context_smooth_group = line_value(line_split) if context_smooth_group == b'off': context_smooth_group = None elif context_smooth_group: # is not None unique_smooth_groups[context_smooth_group] = None elif line_start == b'o': if use_split_objects: context_object = line_value(line_split) # unique_obects[context_object]= None elif line_start == b'g': if use_split_groups: context_object = line_value(line.split()) - print 'context_object', context_object - unique_obects[context_object]= None elif use_groups_as_vgroups: context_vgroup = line_value(line.split()) if context_vgroup and context_vgroup != b'(null)': vertex_groups.setdefault(context_vgroup, []) else: context_vgroup = None # dont assign a vgroup elif line_start == b'usemtl': context_material = line_value(line.split()) unique_materials[context_material] = None elif line_start == b'mtllib': # usemap or usemat - can have multiple mtllib filenames per line, mtllib can appear more than once, - so make sure only occurrence of material exists material_libs |= {os.fsdecode(f) for f in line.split()[1:]} # Nurbs support elif line_start == b'cstype': context_nurbs[b'cstype'] = line_value(line.split()) # 'rat bspline' / 'bspline' elif line_start == b'curv' or context_multi_line == b'curv': curv_idx = context_nurbs[b'curv_idx'] = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_idx', []) # in case were multiline if not context_multi_line: context_nurbs[b'curv_range'] = float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]) line_split[0:3] = [] # remove first 3 items if strip_slash(line_split): context_multi_line = b'curv' else: context_multi_line = b'' for i in line_split: vert_loc_index = int(i) - 1 if vert_loc_index < 0: vert_loc_index = len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1 curv_idx.append(vert_loc_index) elif line_start == b'parm' or context_multi_line == b'parm': if context_multi_line: context_multi_line = b'' else: context_parm = line_split[1] line_split[0:2] = [] # remove first 2 if strip_slash(line_split): context_multi_line = b'parm' else: context_multi_line = b'' if context_parm.lower() == b'u': context_nurbs.setdefault(b'parm_u', []).extend([float_func(f) for f in line_split]) elif context_parm.lower() == b'v': # surfaces not supported yet context_nurbs.setdefault(b'parm_v', []).extend([float_func(f) for f in line_split]) # else: # may want to support other parm's ? elif line_start == b'deg': context_nurbs[b'deg'] = [int(i) for i in line.split()[1:]] elif line_start == b'end': # Add the nurbs curve if context_object: context_nurbs[b'name'] = context_object nurbs.append(context_nurbs) context_nurbs = {} context_parm = b'' ''' # How to use usemap? depricated? elif line_start == b'usema': # usemap or usemat context_image= line_value(line_split) ''' progress.step("Done, loading materials and images...") create_materials(filepath, relpath, use_material_exists, material_libs, unique_materials, unique_material_images, use_image_search, use_cycles, float_func) progress.step("Done, building geometries (verts:%i faces:%i materials: %i smoothgroups:%i) ..." % (len(verts_loc), len(faces), len(unique_materials), len(unique_smooth_groups))) # deselect all if bpy.ops.object.select_all.poll(): bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') scene = context.scene new_objects = [] # put new objects here # Split the mesh by objects/materials, may SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP = bool(use_split_objects or use_split_groups) for data in split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP): verts_loc_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, dataname, use_vnor, use_vtex = data - Create meshes from the data, warning 'vertex_groups' wont support splitting - ~ print(dataname, use_vnor, use_vtex) create_mesh(new_objects, use_edges, verts_loc_split, verts_nor if use_vnor else [], verts_tex if use_vtex else [], faces_split, unique_materials_split, unique_material_images, unique_smooth_groups, vertex_groups, dataname, ) # nurbs support for context_nurbs in nurbs: create_nurbs(context_nurbs, verts_loc, new_objects) # Create new obj for obj in new_objects: base = = True # we could apply this anywhere before scaling. obj.matrix_world = global_matrix scene.update() axis_min = [1000000000] * 3 axis_max = [-1000000000] * 3 if global_clamp_size: # Get all object bounds for ob in new_objects: for v in ob.bound_box: for axis, value in enumerate(v): if axis_min[axis] > value: axis_min[axis] = value if axis_max[axis] < value: axis_max[axis] = value # Scale objects max_axis = max(axis_max[0] - axis_min[0], axis_max[1] - axis_min[1], axis_max[2] - axis_min[2]) scale = 1.0 while global_clamp_size < max_axis * scale: scale = scale / 10.0 for obj in new_objects: obj.scale = scale, scale, scale progress.leave_substeps("Done.") progress.leave_substeps("Finished importing: %r" % filepath) return {'FINISHED'} ``` Can some Prodevelopper please test it ? Would be great to implement that to trunk forever :-D
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Reference: blender/blender-addons#30380
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