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Animation Tools: Copy-Paste in Action Editor

This chapter describes how the copy-pasting of animation keys works in the Action editor.

Since some parts of the behavior are determined by what was copied, and other parts depend on what is selected when pasting, colors are used to distinguish between those:

  • blue indicates information at the time of copying, and
  • green indicates information at the time of pasting.

Copy-Paste of animation keys in the Action editor works as follows:

  1. Key selection indicates what gets copied. For copying, the selection state of the channels (F-Curves, slots, etc.) is irrelevant.
  2. Pressing Ctrl+C copies those keys, recording the F-Curves and Action slots they came from.
  3. Channel selection (F-Curves, slots) indicates what gets pasted, and where. For pasting, key selection is irrelevant.

Note that pasting should never:

  • Create new F-Curves. Only already-existing curves should be pasted into.
  • Paste into invisible F-Curves. Collapsed groups and other summary-like channels also count as "visible". But when "Only Show Selected" is enabled, the animation of non-selected objects/bones should not be touched.

F-Curve Matching

The diagram below describes how target F-Curves (i.e. the ones being pasted into) are chosen, and how they are matched to the copied keyframes.

flowchart TD

  classDef copy stroke:#0af;
  classDef paste stroke:#0fa;
  classDef choice stroke-width:2px;

  num_fcurves_selected("How many F-Curves selected to paste into?"):::paste
  original_ri["RI of copied F-Curve(s)"]:::choice

  fcurves_copied("How many F-Curves copied?"):::copy
  slots_copied("Copied from how many slots?"):::copy

  ri_of_target["Selected F-Curve"]:::choice
  broaden["Broaden (F, P, I)<br>matching copied to selected F-Curves"]:::choice
  broaden_within_slot["Broaden (F, P, I)<br>but keep within slot<br>of the same name"]:::choice

  num_fcurves_selected -->|None| original_ri
  num_fcurves_selected -->|Single| fcurves_copied
  num_fcurves_selected -->|Multiple| slots_copied

  fcurves_copied -->|Single| ri_of_target
  fcurves_copied -->|Multiple| broaden

  slots_copied -->|Single| broaden
  slots_copied -->|Multiple| broaden_within_slot

The "Broaden" behavior works as follows. The first rule that matches anything "wins", and in that case subsequent rules are not visited any more.

  1. F: Full match on the entire RNA data path and array index. So if you copied from pose.bones["Root"].location[1] and that is among the selected F-Curves too, this rule matches.
  2. P: Property name match, ignoring things like bone names. So in the above example, it would also match if you have pose.bones["Arm_L"].location[1] selected because both target the .location property and array index [1].
  3. I: Index match, which only looks at the array index like [1]. So if you have Location X/Y/Z copied, and selected an F-Curve animating a "Y thing", it will paste the Y location keys there.

Historical note: This gradually broadening search was already implemented in Blender before slotted Actions were introduced.

Slot Matching

The diagram below describes how the target slot is chosen when pasting.

flowchart TD

  classDef copy stroke:#0af;
  classDef paste stroke:#0fa;
  classDef choice stroke-width:2px;

  any_fcurve_selected(Any F-curve selected<br>to paste into?):::paste
  any_slot_selected(Any slot selected<br>to paste into?):::paste
  copied_from_slots(Copied from slots?):::copy

  slot_of_target_fcurves["Use slot(s) of<br>selected F-curves"]:::choice
  all_selected_slots["Duplicate into<br>all selected slots"]:::choice
  match_by_name["Match slots by name<br>(fallback to active)"]:::choice

  any_fcurve_selected -->|One or more| slot_of_target_fcurves
  any_fcurve_selected -->|None| any_slot_selected

  any_slot_selected -->|One or more| copied_from_slots
  any_slot_selected -->|None| match_by_name

  copied_from_slots -->|One slot| all_selected_slots
  copied_from_slots -->|Multiple slots| match_by_name