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Data storage

There are 2 main data structures containing sequencer data: - Editing holds data that belongs to sequencer core, this is mainly strips. - SpaceSeq holds data that belongs to sequencer editor. This defines editor state and configuration like render size, overlays and various view settings.

Editing itself belongs to Scene->ed. Most important field is seqbase which is linked list of all strips in timeline. metastack defines list of meta strips being edited. Runtime data for cache and prefetching are stored in Editing as well.

Sequencer also uses SequencerToolSettings which are stored in scene->toolsettings->sequencer_tool_settings

Strip data layout

This is quite confusing part of sequencer code - What is usually called a strip is represented by data structure called Sequence. There is also data structure with name Strip which defines data and some properties used by Sequence. Many fields in Sequence structure defines all properties of strip, mainly its position in timeline, type, properties for image processing or sound, pointers to other datablocks, effect data, etc.

Data structures nested in Sequence:

  • Strip: As mentioned above, this defines mainly file paths for image and movie strips along with some properties. These will be described below.
  • StripProxy: Defines proxies for image or movie strips. Proxy size, quality, storage methods and timecode(for movie strips only).
  • StripTransform: Image transformation properties.
  • StripCrop: Image crop properties.
  • StripElem: Source image or movie filename. In case of image sequences, array of this structure is used. Some basic information about media is stored here, such as image resolution or movie FPS. This information may not be accurate and should be used carefully.


  • startdisp / enddisp This indicates start and end frame of strip as it is truly presented in timeline. This is meant to be updated during editing. It is more of a runtime variable, but back then this wasn't differentiated by any means.
  • startstill / endstill indicates how many frames are there in strip before/after actual image content. Strip can be longer than video for example - area with no image content should preview as still frame.
  • startofs / endofs is offset from start of content. For example, to skip 200 frames from start, startofs should be set to 200. If this happens there can be no still frames, but this is not prevented by design, it's prevented by implementation. This offset is also called split or cut in other words.
  • anim_startofs / anim_endofs This is "hold split". If strip is hold split at 200 frames from start and start is extended, This will yield still frames.