Rendered shading mode option to use HDRI studio lights instead of
scene lights and world, for both Cycles and Eevee. This mode can now
be used for look development.
LookDev mode was renamed to Material Preview. This mode will be aimed
at interactive texturing and fast preview with Eevee.
HDRI studio light strength can now be controlled in the shading
Cycles viewport option to display a render pass instead of the
combined pass.
Each viewport can have its own set of visible collections
Workbench matcaps can now be OpenEXR images with separate diffuse
and specular layers. The layer named diffuse will be affected
by material, texture or random color, while specular will not.
Mesh analysis overlay now supports meshes with modifiers, instead of
only the original mesh.
Image objects can now be set to display only in side views.