Blender 3.4.1¶
Released on December 20th 2022, Blender 3.4.1 features the following bug fixes:
- Allow Win32 Diacritical Composition #103119
- Box trim does not create face sets attribute #103052
- Changed behavior when removing a material slot #103051
- Cycles can lose default color attribute #103143
- Cycles missing full constant foler for mix float and mix vector #103066
- Cycles random animation rendering freezing up the application #103101
- Cycles specular light leak regression #103049
- Fix cursor warping display under Wayland 18cc1b1108
- glTF exporter: Fix export VertexColor for loose edges & vertices fea0e8e32e
- glTF importer: Fix import ShaderNodeMix with VertexColor b17b70d1b4
- glTF: Fix factors export after Mix Node change in Blender 3fbcd35feb
- GPencil applying armature does not work #103234
- GPencil Array doesn't respect restriction in Offset #102992
- GPencil export to SVG wrong line thickness #103061
- GPencil Line Texture last point gets distorted #103037
- GPencil Multiframe Scale affects stroke thickness inversely #103293
- GPencil: Fix unreported interpolate crash in empty layers c2e7bf3953
- GPU API: Fix using FLOAT_2D_ARRAY and FLOAT_3D textures via Python. fd9b197226
- Ignore unavailable sockets linked to multi-input socket 7608ebe44a
- Initialize face sets from bevel weights broken #103195
- Invalid font size in the image editor with some scripts #102213
- Mouse escapes window during walk navigation #102346
- NodeSocket.node is None in Node.copy callback #103321
- Opening node search menu is slow because of assets. #103187
- PLY Export: Fix export with UVs #103203
- Prevent UV Unwrap from packing hidden UV islands #103237
- Sculpt: Wpaint gradient tool doesn't work with vertex mask #101914
- Stopping Animation in Some Scenes Immediately Crashes Blender #103008
- Storypencil add-on not being shipped with release builds. a61732a0aa
- Storypencil clears all frame_change_post handlers. #103028
- User Interface: broken texpaintslot/color attributes/attributes name filtering #102878
- User Interface: Hotkey conflict Alt D in Node Editor with Duplicate Linked and Detach #102276
- Unavailable socket linked to multi-input socket crashes #103208
- Undo after mask extract doesn't restore active object #103261
- ViewLayer: Crash in indirect_only_get due to missing null check #103031
- Workbench render crash in 3.4 #103067