Blender 4.3: Bugfixes¶
There are a total of 460 commits in 4.3 that fixed issues that existed in Blender 4.2 or older.
Animation & Rigging¶
- Rigify UI bug on selected bone in pose mode (Rigify type submenu) [dda364637c1] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Keyframes get hidden in the timeline when panned in the up direction [71692abd591]
- Armature "Assign to Collection" crashes when called with default arguments [e071bf46908] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Baking Action 'Clear Constraints' Incorrect Description [be54e363330]
- Other keyframes not deselected when inserting new keys in older files [d31ec42d24d]
- Armature bones with Selectability disabled prevent click selection through them [328ec2b172e] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Regression Pasting pose on liboverride armature produces warning about 'removing all override data' [9405bd25d6d]
- IK Panel: Limit Z min/max properties don't Symmetrize correctly for the Bone [0753f7f78ca]
- Removing f-curve modifier does not purge modifier motion [0211a68fb4e] - Backported to 4.2.4 & 3.6.18
- Bone Duplicate/Symmetrize doesn't affect pose bone colors [41a3e6c3bd3] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Crash on setting preview range to selected with no keyframes selected [1246baa81bd]
- Actions created via Python cannot be assigned to action constraints [0c9ef75df85]
- Keys deleting when moving key(s) in Graph Editor with shared animation across multiple objects [6ea0b8cdb20] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Particle system binds keyframes even though they are new particle settings [44a845d650b]
- Armature Unselectable EditBones are not selectable from Outliner, assert in debug builds [1f49236a542] - Backported to 4.2.4
- NLA Editor's Channel list does not update when object's viewport visibility changes [f883cb77ba6] - Backported to 4.2.4 & 3.6.18
- Memory Leak when creating Pose Asset [d738d76c127]
- "Sync Visible Range" option not working in "Movie Clip Editor Panel" > Tracking Mode > View - Graph [6036163e143] - Backported to 4.2.4 & 3.6.18
- Regression Graph Editor: broken f-curve line [1b23a8983df] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Renaming a custom property removes its animation keys [4f4add54061]
- Insert keyfame uses wrong values [2641216344f] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Long Key Line and Interpolation Line turn invisible when only single keyframe visible in viewing range. [07f88ddd67c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Regression Stick bone tail selection is not drawn [06fab9f8f1f] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Can't move channels in Graph Editor except for Object Transforms [a2b53f47ddb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Anim Rigify
doesn't generate correctly [ba1f7caffac] - Backported to 4.2.1 - Only insert needed generates empty action [28dd78457a8] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Anim layered Action data is still loaded in 4.2-release [9427ec3f400] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Graph Editor: Cursor Value to Selection can output position outside normalized range [163baad17eb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- (Unneccessarily) restricted execution in scripted expression drivers (using e.g. "self", "") [1a8053939bd] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Insert keyfame uses wrong values [780dc67f6d8]
- OBJECT_OT_shape_key_clear ignores slider_min and slider_max [e45ec6b5910]
- Blendfile corruption when loading a local Image which is already loaded through linked data [b863369ae98]
- Bpy data
performance issues [f23478439cd] - Backported to 4.2.4 - Library Override retains linked version of the ID [a1538098291]
- Crash on startup on macOS 15 [50f2857b1a8]
- Modifiers can be added to linked (non-overridden) objects using Copy to Selected (and can't be undone) [eb44c398241]
- Blender 4.2 - Compress Saving option gets removed when recovering from AutoSave [4c2718e318a] - Backported to 4.2.2
- 'Instance to Scene' not handled correctly for child collections in a liboverride hierarchy [df996ad837a]
- Default Value for Viewport Display Color's Alpha Wrong. [7ff1d5d9e4c]
- Custom properties not saved into .blend file [de47fee2e1a]
- Crash on undo: Unlinking Scene Collection from Object Properties panel [6e143cbf753] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Crash when EXR image is loaded in image list [6d93bf6b44a]
- Blender 4.2.1 and 4.3.0 bad crash guide while file open. [7597f494b96]
- Crash when EXR image is loaded in image list [1fc6a5b9bd5] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Regression Setting parent to triangle changes object location [29edcef5c9a] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Blend File Format: Fix using
for non-SDNA data ('raw' arrays of bytes) [9106383a52f] - Most RNA paths for UI Editors properties are unresolved/invalid [e7979317ec2]
- Active camera context issue [fc8341538a9] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Local view / undo stack issue [03652c851c0]
- Segfault when opening .blend file with invalid shapekey [ac284c1694d]
- Segfault when opening .blend file with invalid shapekey [9b8001f3709]
- Library overrides on custom property named the same as a "regular" property on an ID not created/preserved on reload [365a3da148b]
- Crash on Undo after editing an Image from a Linked Library [a18ab987856]
Grease Pencil¶
- Grease Pencil: SVG export creates invalid xml [9d6794dd5d4]
- 3D View with grease pencil object, no name for the overlay grease pencil options panel in header [c07b89b3297]
- Assert in keyframe drawing code with GPv2 demo file [13ceb73941d] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Memory leak when using GPencil Line Art modifier on certain frames [6041bdd93a9] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Palette editing not working in Color Attribute Paint Mode in Draw Mode [71e1d795b35] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Copy to selected modifier crash using Quick Favorites [a9209f10a66]
- Add cube tool grid snapping will not work on top of other objects [b4154c6a0e4] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Convert a text object sharing data with another one into mesh give empty mesh [fee02cc224d]
- Blender 4.2.3 crashes during BMesh garbage collection [3f6707efd0e] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Unwrap with subsurf fails with triangles at level 1 [f3773333261] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Crash when add a driver to Axis property in SimpleDeform Modifier [f69fbb41c19]
- Changing curve mean weight/radius/tilt changes control point type (if ore than one point is pick selected) [7e720a8dd67]
- Crash when using Subdivision Modifier and Armature Modifier on a skinned mesh(v4.2.3LTS) [ccb92947c53] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Linked material's node tree can be modified by Copy/Paste Material [0319b7b50a4]
- When using the biset tool, and using cntl to snap to angle intervals, it seems it doesn't snap to exactly 45 degrees. [dc45169acde]
- New Snap To Grid snaps to "floor"/"visible" 2-dimensional grid only (4.1 was a 3-dimensional grid) [75ffda39b23] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Precision mode does not work with grid snap [56c98046a5d] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Edge Slide freezes blender and mouse cursor movement if geometry is too broken [580e0af309f] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Memory leak selecting meshes in multi-object edit-mode [c852f7402ed] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Crash after editing multi-user mesh data with two scenes open [d832bf3ae48]
- Snaping in solid mode (Xray 1.0) doesnt snap other geometry [b0d37b42673] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Normal rotates in wrong direction [e71c8443549]
- Snapping related performance regression in 4.2 [a13513ab25c] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Regression Multires Unsubdivide destroys the vertex groups [cb4a2036773] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Crash when Bevel + Mark Seam or Sharp [8549bc94dea]
- Crash on clicking 'Lock Camera to View' widget after running 'Reload Scripts' operator. [0f3793205d2] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Multiresolution modifier: Using 'Unsubdivide' while the mesh has faces hidden in edit mode results in Blender freezing completely [2cc395be064] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Pin to last issue on Library override object [1dbb88070b2] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Crash while bridging faces [a51f6b69235] - Backported to 4.2.2
- New_from_object crash with mesh DepsgraphObjectInstance.object created from non-mesh instance_object [4b71496f567]
- Unexpected behavior when clearing parent then switching to 'Clear and Keep Transformation' using operator panel [a4d94ee5d5c]
- Joining some meshes shows warning "Call save() to ensure ..." in console [fec8591464f] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Add Brush: Added spline always misses one segment equivalent of a length in Blender 4.2 [2449b12e672] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Select in Edit Mode from Material slots with same Material broken [ca199ba13f7] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Triangulate modifier (also Triangulate Faces operator) changed behavior with custom normals [8b3beeee82f] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Multiple select snap mode not work in UV editer [0dad3bdfa7b] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Easing on Bendy Bones Resets Inconsistently [d4aecd93e78] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Incorrect snap symbol [e7fa847bba0] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Depsgraph Missing dependency between Cloth Sim -> Pose with Armature modifier [d51cab60df6]
- Getting console spam from the Triangulate modifier [1e237da1db0]
- Blender crashes when I add an array modifier to a curved circle [7e75ef20ca9]
Nodes & Physics¶
- Geometry Nodes: material lost after first frame in uncached simulation zone [5cdaa7b0f07]
- Control click socket rename doesn't work for vectors [59bc3f0959e]
- Geometry Nodes: Bad alignment of float4x4 in Resample Curve node cause the crash [af58c223a48]
- Crash when Rename Input Node with empty Sting "" [c38484107f5]
- Crash on duplicate particle system [e65f48e8e29]
- Crash on switching from Particle mode to Object mode [443cb9ff9ef]
- An Empty Panel is Shown in The Modifier while not in Group Node. [7c7b8e1f28f]
- Geometry Nodes: Crash when switching a modifier that's actively using a viewer node to a tool [84ffe3720d5]
- Index of nearest node evaultes GroupID input incorrectly [116a55e46e4] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Crash with this particular geometry nodes setup [5ad56c52ff3]
- Spreadsheet not updated when converting color attribute from domain corner to vertex [7777fca066d]
- Regression Geometry nodes realize works 10 times slower [99d73565d61]
- Unhandled OpenVDB exception when using Volume to Mesh node [5fa8b5b6016]
- Crashes after changing bl_socket_idname for interface socket [74f266c1198]
- Regression Custom nodes icon missing [6d8d21812b5] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Regression Copy operation fails in nodes editor when mouse is over header [2ca5a65add7] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Regression Increased instability in fire simulation due to changes of default values [1a52f2bbabd]
- Geometry Nodes: Crash while dragging value (Resample Curve node?) [8182f684bec]
- Geometry Nodes Crashes Blender - Access Violation in - Windows 11 [0358a3d11f8] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Connecting node lines disappear [75d5e69d44e] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Geometry nodes - instances and boolean operation bug [40ae2d7df6e]
- 3D viewport background color affects attribute text color. [174387e4d90] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Crash with "Extrude Mesh" geometry node on from_pydata edge only mesh [324e1441a22] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Simulation/repeat zone overlay is opaque for frame titles [491df9df6fa]
- Wrong number of node group users when duplicating a shader [bb43726ddd8]
- Group input socket missing subtype when created from Gamma shader node Gamma socket [d2c38d3fdc1] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Group ID in Fill Curve Evaluate inconsistantly [93546768bab] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Geometry Nodes: Crash in Sample UV Surface node [7dbff95070f] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Playback of a VDB sequence uses a very large amount of memory [354a097ce06]
- Blender crashes after playing animation button for particles system (Boids) [0d4e2ea40df] - Backported to 4.2.2 & 3.6.18
- Right click+alt lazy connect shortcut doesn't work with capture attribute. [d81ba55ce43]
- Blender Crash while loading baked data containing instances that hold empty collections [05925b404d0]
- Frequent crashes when performing minor adjustments with rigid body constraints [5ee7d028400]
- Blender 4.2 RC - Pasting a material onto itself consistently crashes the program. [c90f13f2b34] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Geometry Nodes: Applying a bake node after a "deform curves on surface" node crashes blender [6b9b958668b]
- Geometry Nodes: Blender crash in create string socket in Capture Attribute node [1d37294d73c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Geometry Nodes: Duplicate warnings accumulate in repeat zone [0811cbbbc62]
- Crash Converting FLOAT4X4 attribute from vertex to Face Corner [37fca25820f] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Regression Some nodes has wider spacing between sockets. [71e1305b063] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Geometry Nodes: cache related nodes are not present in quick plug search [649fa05bcb8] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Geometry Nodes: Crashing when I input the value node into the length on the resample curve node. [96cc9109fdb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Geometry Nodes:
Store Named Grid
experimental volume node shows up in link-drag search forTexture
sockets [6f7b2291ce6] - Custom panel name can't auto translation in Geometry nodes modifier [52121edd96f]
- In Particle Edit mode, Emitter particles are not visible in the viewport [e175259f44c]
- Crash when entering PS in Capture attribute node [ddd079b54f0]
Pipeline, Assets & IO¶
- USD Import Fails To Import Normals And Hard Splits Faces [f0e2d7e5cac]
- Blender 4.2 and newer crashes on open with malformed JSON in asset-library-indices [3a7b6c4f79f]
- Image datablock replace function doesn't trigger geometry node update as it does in the other editors. [38ac0037035]
- Assets asset library not loaded properly after creating it with python [a859ed11301]
- Exporting glb file with full backing, and a step different than 1, crashes [912c85bb9d9] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender spams verbose info on stderr [1d108b0d77d] - Backported to 4.2.4
- GlTF
extension should not be exported as a required extension [0b3010d84cc] - GLTF ignores Shapekeys even if only Armature Modifier exists [080877be6bc] - Backported to 4.2.4
- MeshSequenceCache modifier not available in dropdown for Curves (Hair) object [3b9a07d49ad]
- USD ALab demo scene crashes when attempting to load just the "Proxy" display purpose [1676c06386e]
- Gltf export colored vertices: color become inactive and vertices loose color [98a7aa2c41c]
- Liboverride objects can be renamed using batch rename [8c3a3bb9a3d]
- OBJ material groups are not written when Materials is disabled [5a1cf200aa4]
- Regression STL importing files in with smooth shaded faces [958433194eb] - Backported to 4.2.3
- USD preserve bone lengths on skeleton IO [832d2432498]
- Blender adds Grease Pencil Objects to Scene when appending IDs with annotations (e.g. in their shader editor) [3915a84fc6d] - Backported to 4.2.2 & 3.6.16
- PLY export does not clamp vertex colors when they exceed 1.0 (instead they are wrapped) [c4a67ec3c72] - Backported to 4.2.2
- USDA import crashes Blender during material assignment to geometry subsets [3a81bde8968] - Backported to 4.2.2
- USD drag-drop import crash after undo [58bd3d40ee2] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Alembic Issues importing Hair in 4.2 but not in 3.6 [ce82d4434f4] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Crash/assert when using "Render Active Object" on an asset with a non-rendering type of object (cameras, lights, etc) active [36c5606fc3a]
- Regression STL importer "Unit Scale" bug. [7207015a58a] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Blender Crashes When Exporting USD with Allow Unicode Enabled and Using the Character "∧" [ef2e1f84233] - Backported to 4.2.1
- OBJ Importer: Vertex Colors Lose Alignment In At Least 2 Situations [86e7668b110]
- Hydra Storm viewport rendering with the USD export option will crash if the scene contains sub-d meshes [2f7b66f6343]
- Crash switching Alembic file to use Render Engine Procedural [4035f2fe9c0] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Alembic importer imports everything twice [0cf688401b7] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Export All Collections operator returns incorrect info message after running [c46679c108a] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Batch export of STL-files incorrect handling of .stl-suffix [fe1bf4897da] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Crash droping images in view3d ui regions [604dc2cc33d] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Blender new OBJ import is broken (Merge By Distance > Sharp Edges does nothing), legacy one is working [6f0620161dc]
Platforms, Builds & Tests¶
- Broken
in Ghost Wayland builds (Wayland/Weston issues?) [fd63b3d725e] - Backported to 4.2.4 - Crash when dragging a file into Blender with Wayland [20756a07cdc] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Gltf2 files have a too long filepath and cannot be unzipped (by default) on Windows [4e5093130cb]
- Missing vcruntime140.dll when running blender-launcher.exe on Windows [82a42915968] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Steam launcher script refuses to launch on drive mount points that contain spaces [d63db15fe9e] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Ffmpeg for Windows is built with no CPU SIMD optimizations since 4.0 [246a0ec46a9]
- Changes from 'source/blender/blenlib/intern/filereader_zstd.c' led to failure on s390x architecture [1c69154aaf0] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Manpage fails to generate [d40c2705a17] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Blender on arm64 Linux complains about missing SSE 4.1 [45447e8b2f8]
Python API¶
- Calling addon_utils.enable(..) fails on extensions with wheels [cd07e729a21] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Cannot build an extension with non-empty paths [67865cb73ac] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Cannot build an extension with non-empty paths [ae5f5c5bcac] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Python Module can't find Draco library [b25da97fefd]
- Disabling / uninstalling extensions doesn't always remove the extension's dependencies [e3e6dd8fdb1] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender unstable/crashing if command line "--python" script contains "import multiprocessing" [9a252c2e73b] - Backported to 4.2.4
- PyAPI docs:
wrong default value [26d34d3bfc1] - Blender can deadlock if
was called with a string [1d286a1b93d] - Backported to 4.2.4 - Bpy.props.EnumProperty dynamic enum items tooltip breaks though Python is keeping a reference to the last items [c836c0a20e5]
- Python ParticleSettings.material_slot valid only if object active, otherwise WARN is printed. [140c0f1db9f]
- Skipping wheel for other system (macosx_10_9_universal2 != macosx_11.2_arm64) [87f227ef7a5]
- Extensions build: no error handling when "type" is missing [b0fb6a1b2c5] - Backported to 4.2.4
- WIN32 Extension update failed and removed the addon instead [1563ba7e6cd] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Crash on load after id_properties_ui type change [57eae31ce9c] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Inconsistent GPU module doc (active_framebuffer_get v framebuffer_active_get) [0311d8082b7] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Extensions - fail to install extension from cli [6822e61c6f3] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Console Keyboard Interrupt does not work on Blender 4.2.1 [54153629f4c] - Backported to 4.2.2
==ID if access through subclasses. Bug? [43f7b50df31]- Regression Crash if
after unregister_class(). [1235404cfe9] - Backported to 4.2.2 copy_from_face_interp
needs tuple input, loses reference, returns nothing [e9333c82aba] - Backported to 4.2.2- Scrollbars of UI lists in custom nodes are synced [d7a6ab6f04e]
- UI Button Placeholder not behaving as expected [da57f2f3d52]
- Disabling / uninstalling extensions doesn't always remove the extension's dependencies [58c7237bbfd] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Extensions Errors on the console about missing directories [f8e06a5f5fa] - Backported to 4.2.1
- RNA paths from python tooltip/operator for viewport settings are wrong [f53b6b89f84]
- Removing Addon with compiled modules(e.g. cython) on Windows will cause PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied [fc6a99e0d27] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Extension cannot be uninstalled if symlinked [805f66c5c48] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Failure to connect to online repository on WIN32: [ASN1] nested asn1 error (_ssl.c:4035) [3a88af54029] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Regression ACCESS VIOLATION for operators using class properties [7fcd4e2429b] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Core extensions report bugs to add-on repo [13f27ea0ae9] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Extensions Unable to parse manifest if version format "X.X" instead of "X.X.X" [f3a0ecb4e25] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Legacy Addons don't install in 4.2 if they're missing a LF or comment at the top [68c2c9cb26a] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Extensions double-warning upon launching Blender [9a568f22279] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Blender 4.2: Can't install add-ons if a specific order of operations is followed on first open [c7a26cf5c27] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Dependency graph: Simple exporter - issue running code snippet [a04d0b932f3]
- Typos in quickstart [1395a958d79]
Render & Cycles¶
- Viewport Shading, Render mode, render crashes [2f786d998de] - Backported to 4.2.4 & 3.6.18
- Changing a curve's material, using 3D curves, on OptiX, in viewport rendering, results in error [5804a1cc2ce] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Dual GPU - Bake to Color Attribute Crashes Blender [e5a4beb518b]
- Cycles Render Fails with error message: OPTIX_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE in optixPipelineSetStackSize when using OSL with wavelength node [3a36d638a50]
- Cycles Light Tree: Artifact on the principled volume shader when sun angle is "0" [219e6551196] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Vector Pass output in Cycles is wrong when camera focal length is animated [dfc58d282b6]
- Opening Blender 3 document in Blender 4 breaks Alpha transparency in Cycles [88289e8baca] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Crash to desktop when baking texture from selected mesh with no faces to active [5f8721d92ac] - Backported to 4.2.3
- 4.1 splash screen won't render in Blender 4.2.1 with MetalRT [b96a7b72045] - Backported to 4.2.3
- UDIMs + Generated Test Grid + Cycles (only!) = FF00FF [6385296e568]
- OneAPI Embree GPU, transparent shadows will render opaque if transparent bounces is modulo 256 [d300098ee5b] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Blender 4.2 CUDA Device Type, OPTIX denoising, kernel reloads message printed multiple times per frame [2d611f7b451]
- HIP-RT Memory leak in Cycles viewport [4bfee1936c8]
- 4.2 oneAPI "Embree on GPU" (HWRT) no hair strands in viewport [94c9898f417] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Atan2(0,0) evaluates to NaN on Metal but 0 on all other platforms [77035192c98] - Backported to 4.2.2 & 3.6.16
- Cycles light tree misses some light samples [84bab7f300b]
- Too dark objects inside a volume object with shadows disabled (cycles) [be0d2e19b54]
- Certain OSL scripts have artifacts in the world shader on Windows [c5008d2de9f]
- Cycles viewport BVH2 misses some curve interections [58aa349f689]
- Frames are layered on top of each other separated by a scanline when exporting video with PNG video codec [df00c30fcd1] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Cycles 3D Curves missing some intersections using Metal [a3b0c68ca92]
- X86 Blender on Apple Silicon doesn't show Cycles Metal GPU render. [ce6454d02ff] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Crash baking textures with Cycles Metal [7e9776a1672]
- Point Density node works on surfaces in OSL [90bcc3b5dc4]
- Regression Precision artifacts on refractive materials with Cycles MetalRT [6b522c5e306] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Principled shader clearcoat roughness inconsistent change from 0.0265 to 0.0266 (Cycles only) [df4df3cd52a]
- Cycles Not handling phase functions of overlapping volumes properly [7e40d567d47]
- Cycles NaN pixels in Glossy and Transmissive Passes with roughness values near 0.0266 [5b61a01c19c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- OSL generates UV coordinates for objects that don't have UV maps [e7ce8d33e30]
- Incorrect sampling with 180° Spot and Light tree activated [90e83175ebb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- No transfer of the "Cast Shadow" attribute for light [7438bf8e0fb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Voronoi Texture Smoothness Socket Input also is used as Lacunarity in Smooth F1 [138e9143461] - Backported to 4.2.1
- OptiX OSL uses incorrect SSS render method [cf96136ec6c] - Backported to 4.2.1
Sculpt, Paint & Texture¶
- Sculpt Regression: Object mode doesn't reflect mesh after undos in sculpt mode [d3644412201]
- Regression Fill mask in sculpt mode on partially hidden mesh causing instant crash [b1bcdf8d53e]
- Calculate brush spacing relative to the scene makes blender stop working using drawing tablet with size pressure. [bccae832ae3]
- Blender 4.2.3 Sculpt Mode | "Error : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" | Voxel Remeshing Causes Crash Randomly But Often [426ed8c61ed] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender crashes every time i try to use "Smooth" set on negative direction with stylus [304800db737]
- Undo either stops working or causes ghastly bugs when it goes in/out of Sculpt Mode [c98da9d971c]
- Face Set From Masked Not Working in Blender 4.2.2 [ffa4f6eaba9] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Crash to desktop when in sculpt mode user moves an object [bcf6524ca1e] - Backported to 3.6.18
- Crash when using "Set Vertex Colors" without a brush. [8d11882d079]
- Sculpt Mode: Confirming gesture tool creates additional gesture point [fbc8ef56ef9] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Missing brush visualization when using Shift to smooth [6f781481c1d] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Sculpt Editing voxel size unpredictable with large/small meshes (disapears, cannot be edited in a meaningful way) [4221f827cf1]
- Multires Unsubdivide freezes Blender with hidden geoemtry [ef174d1e81a]
- Regression Box Hide occasionally causes artifacts [77be435eee7]
- Edit Face Set on default mesh changes mesh color [ed274e7a76c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Blender crashes when undoing during sculpting on duplicate object [8a812e334d0] - Backported to 4.2.1
- When using "bpy.ops.paint.image_paint" to draw textures, modifying the Mask Mapping of the Texture Mask is invalid. [09cb2be1590]
- Box mask crashes Blender in sculpt mode [338140f1e68] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Color sampling clamped to 1 for specific tool [584834e5a85]
- Clay strips brush leaves cracks on mesh [e1ca54c52a8]
- Regression Sculpt mode Annotation tool cursor conflict [03d3f2fa738]
User Interface¶
- Missing brush thumbnails in sculpt asset shelf in large asset library [671f08df966]
- Missing brush thumbnails in sculpt asset shelf in large asset library [0f8e4b35165]
- Resizing areas can be cancelled by pressing esc, but not right-click [68ddaa2f0a0]
- Assert when saving a file with deleted workspaces [320c77b9635]
- Python template_list cursor is offset by 1 character [551e87c4fd2] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender crashes when using context.temp_override with bpy.ops.object.mode_set in some cases [007fd95f178] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Volume shadows tooltip incorrect [d92ee66889d]
- Grless key not supported on WAYLAND UI [cf3a6697d2e]
- Regression outliner delay refreshing makes search results fail to display [7ae75928996]
- Floating text that appears when dragging outliner elements is blurrier than other interface text [00dca5acec9]
- Changing a shorcut property through python does not save when preferences are saved [772bb795d26]
- Regression file selector automatically creates paths & warns [ea2d27cf84d] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Tooltips unnecessary large padding [826ba8e27a3] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Ctrl-clicking in Outliner to toggle selection has an unresponsive delay/speed limit [e9262f48aad]
- Recent files list and off-line storage behaviour [5bb7f06409d]
- Status bar doesn't show modifier keys for Bisect operator unless one of them is pressed [120d2b867b5]
- Uncheck "Load UI" causes failure in direct manipulation of nodes with certain files [22397ad819a] - Backported to 4.2.3
- UI Few operators appears in context menus where it doesn't make sense [ccb18659253]
- View Transform of default startup file is AGX, but new scenes are created with Filmic [e98e6eda5db]
- 'Disable in Viewports/Renders' toggles on linked objects/collections can be set by shift-clicking parent toggles [e494a440240]
- Regression Toggle Maximize Area slower with geometry nodes [60013228e1d] - Backported to 4.2.3
in Bevel Modifier does not show enough precision [800d543fa57]- Materials can be unlinked from liboverride objects through outliner (and can't be undone) [ba6126dbbd8]
- Changing enum props in redo menu doesn't update the menu drawing [622affe853c] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Instanced Panel crashes Blender [42b390fe3d3]
- "Auto-Save Preferences" does not work in all preference menus [2ba69519a8b] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Layout panel missaligned in
popups [b721374e9b1] - Can't change viewport text overlay color [c41bb200087] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Crash on duplicating child collection of liboverride hierarchy [a9208e9f8e1]
- Crash after unlink -> undo -> select (linked copied scene) [2954323c2d6]
- Crash after unlink -> undo -> select (linked copied scene) [f5b16e474fd] - Backported to 4.2.2
- 4.2 Regression: UI popover can not be scrolled upwards [7bb8ab81946] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Theme File Output node not using the same theme color as the other "Output" nodes [05f2e6f5c22]
- Animation doesn't play/start when cursor is over side panel of NLA editor [743e24a86b4] - Backported to 4.2.4 & 3.6.18
- Outliner Delete skips selected child collections [28ed2251003]
- Segmentation Fault Upon Blender Startup [d9cfb9fea25] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Area light resize gizmo (amongst other gizmos) missing undo step? [46cd88f229c] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Camera placement is undone when changing Pose Asset properties from redo panel [ce95155b308]
- Gizmo flickering when a Blender window is resized [83fe5712ab6]
- Outliner lacks a refresh when making a node group single-use [9b1d653554f]
- Wrong cursor icon after saving with multiple windows open [bf529e248a2] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Hex values in color popup are written with 1 or 2 digits mixed, instead of always using 2 digits [d6ea01bd384] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Wayland tiny mouse cursor with 125% fractional scaling [92f633e7cbd] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Lack of "Unsupported GPU" GUI message when Blender crashes on startup on linux. [04c5a9f053c]
- Insert text unicode not working in 4.2 [5a9fe638ded] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Transfer Mode (Alt+Q) doesn't work for pose mode switching to a linked armature [9e0b6734679]
- Crash when viewing properties space data in Data API [8e43a9a04ee]
- Asset Browser: Asset type icon misaligned [b64cf71c1d2]
- "Pin to Last" Fails to Maintain Modifier Order [a26819ad88c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Regression Tooltip missing from open URL preset operator [0baeca8f9e3] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Extensions becomes empty when filtering addons in the workspace [8da807684ca] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Regression UV editor doesn't import images by drag and drop anymore [6e152df547c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Crash when switching an area to asset browser and back and creating a new file [a5970b8248b] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Purge Unused crashes if mouse not moved away from popup before confirm delete with enter key [d5d64f4a9f7] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Crash when using certain tools in viewport on Wayland [cb4aa93480f] - Backported to 4.2.1
- File Browser: Back button doesn't go back to first folder (in the new Video Editor > Video Editor workspace) [0b70a9edc56]
- File Browser: Back button doesn't go back to first folder (in the new Video Editor > Video Editor workspace) [a63a15527db]
- Linux Wayland: Repeatedly opening and closing a Blender window freezes Blender [80f0c613c07] - Backported to 4.2.1
- DOF eyedropper button not showing in Cycles and inconsistent text labels [5f54c463c0e] - Backported to 4.2.1
- UI is not refreshed after copying modifier using Outliner [7ee2938bc19]
- Asset dragging don`t work with custom asset shelf [d6e9438e608]
- Preferences Text Rendering [19922968281]
- Confirm On Release in Radial Control doesn't work with Right Mouse Button [439c3180982]
- Can't use Swedish keybinds on Linux Mint (Unsupported keys: Unknown) [ef1d5c629b4]
VFX & Video¶
- Video Sequencer - No Audio Output from Scene Strips [ebe209b8ecf]
- Crash Compositing with Double Edge Mask [a0cfb0b1429] - Backported to 4.2.4
- VSE Frame Number retiming not working when applied to separate 'Scene' [6ee1eb49bee]
- VSE Doing "copy to selected" with a Scene strip's input property (Camera/Sequencer) will crash Blender. [8c3b7345605]
- Shader Points of curve float node are remapped incorrectly when set with custom max x,y range [a1b489ec711]
- VSE Retiming key interaction issues [9ef61368652]
- VSE retiming doesn't work good during speed-up transition [ba59908dc8a]
- Do not display keys on zoomed-out strips [d50d1e757b4]
- Cryptomattes From Compositor Break In GPU Compositor Mode [cce896fe11f]
- Selecting Cryptomate while rendering causes crash [bce20b935c5] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Sequencer Editor: Strips Handlers Do Not Return Correctly When Moving Cursor Left and Cancelling Move Modal Event [72be365c6ba]
- Render view with Cropped render region result in line offset / distortion with GPU compositor set to GPU [99674e36f14] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Regression Corrupted output when changing render regions in script with cycles without denoising [6ae3232eda1] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Blank GPU compositor result with Legacy Cryptomatte node unless compositor is updated [ccab8005f6c]
- Motion Tracking: Bug with Aply Scale [9664fb0e699]
- Black rectangle artifact in mask feather [318125c82b3] - Backported to 4.2.3
- GPU compositor glare node does not work properly on high resolution images [3a070122ea0] - Backported to 4.2.3
- OpenEXR MultiLayer output in 4.2 does not save render layers where "Use for Rendering" is turned off [db490e90fee]
- Scale node result is 1 pixel too small in both dimensions, only in cpu mode. [60bb3b66779]
- Compositor NaN in render highlights when adding kuwahara node in anisotropic mode CPU/GPU [1b392ef0167]
- Alpha Over resulting scale different in CPU and GPU compositor [161b1107469]
- Regression 'Sequence Render Animation' not working for scene strips in render shading [580b4a1a2d3] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Compositor crop gizmo can produce invalid crop configurations [a5376593413]
- Video Error in video decoding on either Linux or AVX512 CPU (ffmpeg alignment issue?) [596067ea357] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Compositing Using Multiple Utility Levels Node Freeze Blender [aac0c2cc5f0] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Regression Deinterlace checkbox makes video invisible [bab4f7a0cdd] - Backported to 4.2.2
- VSE Handle tweaking does not work with Select Box tool [d2091b4b15a]
- VSE Tonemap modifier produces wrong result when strip is not fullscreen [78972f85592]
- Float data images display trash in image editor [a904db3ee7a]
- Compositor Difference between CPU and GPU mode with
Lens Distortion
node [bb876905498] - Compositor has no independent Texture access [d1f0084a336] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Cryptomatte doesn't work when its source is EXR file packed into blend file [758401c6720] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Crash when unlinking scene from render layers node in compositor when using GPU device [844d6d2df08] - Backported to 4.2.2
- VSE prefetch frames crashes with some scene strips [717b8c08f31] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Adding a compositor node while looking through the viewport realtime compositor leads to crashing [149825bc2af] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Adding a Scene to VSE always rendered as sold view (or what ever the "scene strip display" is) [5ecb70964ed]
- Scrubbing on Video Sequencer does not produce sound if scrbbing spans only a few frames [e6178be3b85]
- Compositor File Output node destroys non-color data when saving into non-EXR formats [9c443492042]
- CPU compositor Translate sets left and bottom edge to blank pixels [ef1d22aea57]
- VSE UI: Order of VSE Modifier options [b00a16b4e10]
- Bpy MovieSequence.frame_duration returns wrong value when Adjust Playback Rate selected [42234e5a8ed]
- Compositor Convert Colorspace node crashing Blender 4.2 when viewing realtime compositor in rendered 3D viewport [69154a5e3b8] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Video Error in video decoding on either Linux or AVX512 CPU (ffmpeg alignment issue?) [b17734598df] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Viewport Compositor: Noticeable performance impact when enabling viewport compositor [406a2d3ff03]
- VSE : shadow of text strip don't shadow the outlines of text + naming issues [160f27330f2] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Compositor transform/realize can shift image by 1/2 an input pixel [b3e62d3052e]
- VSE Text strip outline wrongly goes "into" the text area (visible with semitransparent font color) [6432d54ef72] - Backported to 4.2.1
- VSE text outline is not fully rendered for some (mostly "script") fonts [d80f0aa0680] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Compositor transform/realize can shift image by 1/2 an input pixel [ab51d879c31]
- Unreadable OpenEXR output file [40be124184b]
- Startup default not saving all render passes [cf032d68932]
- VSE Line between two strips draws as multiple pixels randomly although there is no gap [527e55239bf] - Backported to 4.2.1
- VSE misses strip auto-deselect with right click selection (Blender 2.7 x keymap) [63db751cde9] - Backported to 4.2.1
- VSE Meta/scene strips are drawn with a gap to strip start [7a260b761dd] - Backported to 4.2.1
- VSE cache not updated for moved strips [6a39d79967b] - Backported to 4.2.1
- VSE - Frame Selected ( Numpad . ) doesnt work anymore [aac0189e2c4] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Compositor does not recognize EXR Multilayer passes immediately if imported by drag and drop [3ca6aa19c9a]
- Compositor Cryptomatte node lagging UI in certain cases [f0ec207e9c7]
- Vector pass not being saved correctly when using the File Output node [308b53746b1]
- VSE Crash when rendering Scene strip [ea56b408ef2]
- Blender 4.2 beta Compositor sun beams do not have falloff and light is stronger comparing to Blender 3.6 Compositor [acd4a85d6b7]
- Vector pass not being saved correctly when using the File Output node [57a6832b178]
- Cryptomatte layers saved incorrectly with EXR DWA compression when using File Output nodes [d14ad050787]
- Compositor GPU File Output doesn't write meta data [f954a6b5fbd]
- Sequencer Tweak Tool Warnings in Console [f205079f1e8]
- Switch (and move) camera leads to incorrect 7.1 surround audio mixing [bf74978260a]
Viewport & EEVEE¶
- Rebaking an eevee volume probe produces significant lighting changes [e3a960ef2e4]
- Crash when switching from EEVEE to Cycles while rendering animation [dafa3fb88fb] - Backported to 4.2.4
- MacOS Crash when dragging window from one screen to another [03d31a3717c] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender 4.2 MacOS Eevee use absurd amount of memory when render the same file compare to 4.1 [658700ddffa] - Backported to 4.2.4
- EEVEE Light Probe RAM Pool Crash on MacOS [750a9af5182]
- EEVEE next halo on motion blurred out of focus objects [e47e720f061]
- EEVEE Volume probe create bad shading if resolution is divisible by 3 [b1185a47365] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Overlay Apply scale on lights is showing wrong size of light [81f439ff376] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Shadow breaks with linked duplicate [ac1069805ce] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Spotlights with Shadows Cast Strange Artifacts in Eevee Next (4.2 RC) [3764f53b1bd] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender crashes with a large Light Probe Volume Pool on Intel Arc [483f96ce733]
- Regression Eevee Not rendering textures when displacement is used [9bcba25bc2a] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Blender crashes with a large Light Probe Volume Pool on Intel Arc [7d5712be9b3]
- EEVEE Next light bug: At high power values, light intensity decreases. [52f2bb53b99]
- Using gizmo to adjust image empties does not immediately update the corresponding values in its properties [3dd20a64f03]
- Large VDB files crashing Blender 4.2 RC - macOS Metal [52dfb4aa8fe] - Backported to 4.2.3
- EEVEE Position render pass missing in viewport shading panel [fcc263162de]
- Incorrectly displays texture transparency when face orientation is enabled [6c52e4752f1] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Cryptomatte segmentation error [ac24912736b] - Backported to 4.2.3
- UV islands display issue - macOS Metal [57f7d6380cb] - Backported to 4.2.3
- EEVEE Dithered shadows get darker with higher sample counts [3d74be9c5b0]
- EEVEE-NEXT Inconsistent DOF Preview [88c84e6a37f] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Combining two Shader to RGB nodes destroys the Normals AOV [c92514f1e75] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Eevee Next: Mesh Plane Disappears on Some Angles [02cf5f5f0f4] - Backported to 4.2.3
- EEVEE Next - Refractive materials do not refract emissive materials [318eab55841] - Backported to 4.2.3
- HDRI Screen tearing [9c54ddff690] - Backported to 4.2.3
- Meshes or Curves with just "wire" edges disappear in the viewport if SubD is used while in Viewport "Wireframe" mode [0d9ab189d1e] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Assert (null VBO size) in draw code when opening a Gold blendfile [d3b655f76d2]
- EEVEE Can not use Curves Info->Length [0db13bef196] - Backported to 4.2.2
- GP Objects Flicker in Video Sequencer when Material Preview mode. [d3909d42c63] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Default Cube has
Transparent Shadows
off [2afb9e3d95c] - Backported to 4.2.2 - EEVEE Command Line Rendering on the Mac freezes, memory usage constantly increases up until freeze [dc8f5d5b898] - Backported to 4.2.2
- EEVEE-NEXT - Shadows Break with Subdivision Surface (RDNA2 only?) [78af1722cfc] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Backface culling keeps "face orientation" overlay [e5ba4cc7b00]
- Backface culling keeps "face orientation" overlay [0bad30317cd] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Black transparent BSDF is invisible [0d4c76c9862] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Data passes have wrong alpha with macOS GPU compositor [529c720457b] - Backported to 4.2.2
- 4.2.1 EEVEE Cryptomatte pass doesn't match Cycles [7391810b53e] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Environment pass is not rendered (or rendered black) with 4.2 EEVEE [00be586a820] - Backported to 4.2.1
- 4.2 EEVEE Cryptomatte pass no longer matches Cycles [925753c83bf] - Backported to 4.2.1
- 4.2 EEVEE Cryptomatte pass no longer matches Cycles [c4e90eddcb3] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Setting Vertices Y to 0 and sliding in grid node causes blender to crash [4349d6b766c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- MacOS Armature text line rendering is broken [a4519710261] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Crash Display wireframe in object mode on subdivided mesh with a lone edge [a9d318d2f3e] - Backported to 4.2.1
- EEVEE-Next Volume does not immediately work after opening Blender [09390858abb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Weight Paint Not Appearing in Material Preview viewport shading [644e7bf3094] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Blender crashes when adding a working Geometry Node modifier to a specific object in Edit Mode [0b97228cbcb] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Eevee 4.2 no longer exports Cryptomatte metadatas [4d85c03815c] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Alpha Clip still visible in material settings when using Cycles render engine [0c429ee652e] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Random segfaults when working with GP objects [56bd0c7e4ad]
- Regression The Mix RGB node produces unexpected results in the World Shader [6d302ca7ca0] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Eevee Next missing render frame progress in stdout [9d797b834e8] - Backported to 4.2.1
- Noise Artifacts caused by shader mixing [3fcd80db682]
- Transparent 3D viewport issue [c929e251db1]
- UI | HDRI preview [71de5456973]
- Face orientation option affects wired objects [41da774dd05] - Backported to 4.2.2
- Regression Missing textures not shown in Texture Paint mode with magenta [d8e710885cb]
- Blender doesn't run with --gpu-backend vulkan flag on linux (ubuntu) [faf0171c36a]
- EEVEE Next: Holdout doesn't work at object level [b5a9a67dcf5]
- Fix #129167: Operator search can hang for some operator names [1d6add574d7] - Backported to 4.2.4
- Fix #125588: Revert: Fix #120592: File output node not showing up in search [7903aa6faa3] - Backported to 4.2.1