Blender 4.3: Geometry Nodes
- Geometries can be named now to improve data inspection in the node editor and spreadsheet
- Support for gizmos has been added
- New Warning node to add custom warnings to node groups (e8b81065bc).
- New node setting to control the propagation of warnings (1ee6a8fad5).
- New Hash Value node (294994e4b9).
- Node timings are more accurate now (8af75d2fcc).
Grease Pencil
- Geometry Nodes support Grease Pencil data as a new geometry type.
- Various existing nodes support it already.
- New Grease Pencil to Curves and Curves to Grease Pencil nodes.
- Node groups can now have a default node width
- Built-in nodes can have line separators now (246c513f92).