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Blender 4.4: Sculpt, Paint, Texture


  • A new brush type, the Plane brush, has been added. It is a generalization of the existing Flatten, Fill, and Scrape brush types. (6f80dba66c)
  • Cloth brushes now have the Persistent option off by default. (8b853e46a0)
  • Grab Random Cloth and Grab Cloth now use Local Simulation Area by default. (7ba732a911)


  • Entering Sculpt Mode via the sculpt.sculptmode_toggle operator is prevented for invisible objects. (8d9bf47ba6)
  • The Rebuild BVH (sculpt.optimize) operator no longer adds an undo entry. (a9f127975f)
  • Frame Selected renamed to Frame Last Stroke inside Sculpt, Vertex Paint, Weight Paint, and Texture Paint. (9e78f1c840)
  • sculpt.brush_stroke, paint.vertex_paint, and paint.weight_paint operators now have a override_location property to force the operators to calculate stroke positions based off of the provided mouse_event values. (baffd174c8)


  • The paint.sample_color operator has a new default keybind (Shift + Ctrl + X) in Texture Paint to sample the merged color. (0c1ee9eba2)