Disable Constraint and Keep Transform

A 'Disable and Keep Transform' button for constraints was added. This
allows animators to disable a constraint without moving the constrained
object/bone, making it easier to toggle constriants on and off without
any visual consequence. Typical usage would be a character picking up an
object (enable 'Copy Transform' constraint) and placing it somewhere
else (disable the constraint).

Note that there could still be movement when there are muliple
constraints active. For example, when using this constraint stack

- #1: Copy Transform from Empty.001
- #2: Copy Rotation from Empty.002

and disabling constraint #2, constraint #1 is still active and will
still modify the visual transform of the object. According to our
in-house animators, this is expected behaviour.

Reviewers: campbellbarton, dfelinto, sergey

Reviewed By: campbellbarton

Subscribers: brecht

Tags: #animation

Differential Revision: https://developer.blender.org/D4677
This commit is contained in:
Sybren A. Stüvel 2019-05-08 10:57:17 +02:00
parent 951396a9bd
commit 08012ebeec
2 changed files with 56 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -69,8 +69,53 @@ class CONSTRAINT_OT_normalize_target_weights(Operator):
return {'FINISHED'}
class CONSTRAINT_OT_disable_keep_transform(Operator):
bl_idname = "constraint.disable_keep_transform"
bl_label = "Disable and Keep Transform"
bl_description = ("Set the influence of this constraint to zero while "
"trying to maintain the object's transformation. Other active "
"constraints can still influence the final transformation")
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'INTERNAL'}
def poll(cls, context):
constraint = getattr(context, "constraint", None)
return constraint and constraint.influence > 0.0
def execute(self, context):
"""Disable constraint while maintaining the visual transform."""
# This works most of the time, but when there are multiple constraints active
# there could still be one that overrides the visual transform.
# Note that executing this operator and then increasing the constraint
# influence may move the object; this happens when the constraint is
# additive rather than replacing the transform entirely.
# Get the matrix in world space.
is_bone_constraint = context.space_data.context == 'BONE_CONSTRAINT'
if is_bone_constraint:
armature = context.object
bone = context.pose_bone
mat = armature.matrix_world @ bone.matrix
mat = context.object.matrix_world
context.constraint.influence = 0.0
# Set the matrix.
if is_bone_constraint:
bone.matrix = armature.matrix_world.inverted() @ mat
context.object.matrix_world = mat
return {'FINISHED'}
classes = (

View File

@ -34,8 +34,18 @@ class ConstraintButtonsPanel:
# match enum type to our functions, avoids a lookup table.
getattr(self, con.type)(context, box, con)
if con.type not in {'RIGID_BODY_JOINT', 'NULL'}:
if con.type in {'RIGID_BODY_JOINT', 'NULL'}:
if con.type in {'IK', 'SPLINE_IK'}:
# constraint.disable_keep_transform doesn't work well
# for these constraints.
box.prop(con, "influence")
row = box.row(align=True)
row.prop(con, "influence")
text='', icon='CANCEL')
def space_template(layout, con, target=True, owner=True):