Asset Browser: apply search filter to tags as well

The search bar in the asset browser now also matches on asset tags.

- Matching is done on entire tags, so searching for "redder" will not
  show assets tagged with "red".
- All assets are shown that have at least one matching tag. So searching
  for "red green" will show all assets with either "red" or "green" tags
  (or both, of course).
- Searching is case-insensitive.
- Only assets from the active catalog are shown; if all assets should be
  searched through, users can select the "All" catalog.

Manifest Task: T82679
This commit is contained in:
Sybren A. Stüvel 2021-10-25 17:12:56 +02:00
parent 972677b25e
commit 08a1492ae5
Notes: blender-bot 2023-04-24 11:57:29 +02:00
Referenced by issue #86147, Asset View UI template: UI for filtering options (esp. tags)
1 changed files with 49 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -918,6 +918,43 @@ static void prepare_filter_asset_library(const FileList *filelist, FileListFilte
file_ensure_updated_catalog_filter_data(filter->asset_catalog_filter, filelist->asset_library);
* Copy a string from source to dest, but prefix and suffix it with a single space.
* Assumes `dest` has at least space enough for the two spaces.
static void tag_copy_with_spaces(char *dest, const char *source, const size_t dest_size)
BLI_assert(dest_size > 2);
const size_t source_length = BLI_strncpy_rlen(dest + 1, source, dest_size - 2);
dest[0] = ' ';
dest[source_length + 1] = ' ';
dest[source_length + 2] = '\0';
* Return whether at least one tag matches the search filter.
* Tags are searched as "entire words", so instead of searching for "tag" in the
* filter string, this function searches for " tag ". Assumes the search filter
* starts and ends with a space.
* Here the tags on the asset are written in set notation:
* asset_tag_matches_filter(" some tags ", {"some", "blue"}) -> true
* asset_tag_matches_filter(" some tags ", {"som", "tag"}) -> false
* asset_tag_matches_filter(" some tags ", {}) -> false
static bool asset_tag_matches_filter(const char *filter_search, const AssetMetaData *asset_data)
LISTBASE_FOREACH (const AssetTag *, asset_tag, &asset_data->tags) {
char tag_name[MAX_NAME + 2]; /* sizeof(AssetTag::name) + 2 */
tag_copy_with_spaces(tag_name, asset_tag->name, sizeof(tag_name));
if (BLI_strcasestr(filter_search, tag_name) != NULL) {
return true;
return false;
static bool is_filtered_asset(FileListInternEntry *file, FileListFilter *filter)
const AssetMetaData *asset_data = filelist_file_internal_get_asset_data(file);
@ -933,19 +970,22 @@ static bool is_filtered_asset(FileListInternEntry *file, FileListFilter *filter)
return true;
/* filter->filter_search contains "*the search text*"; this code strips the asterisks.
* For a simple name search it would work to call fnmatch() here, but that
* would be inefficient when expanding to searching for tags as well.*/
char filter_search[64]; /* sizeof(filter->filter_search) - 1 */
const size_t string_length = STRNCPY_RLEN(filter_search, filter->filter_search + 1);
filter_search[string_length - 1] = '\0';
/* filter->filter_search contains "*the search text*". */
char filter_search[66]; /* sizeof(FileListFilter::filter_search) */
const size_t string_length = STRNCPY_RLEN(filter_search, filter->filter_search);
if (BLI_strcasestr(file->name, filter_search) != NULL) {
/* When doing a name comparison, get rid of the leading/trailing asterisks. */
filter_search[string_length - 1] = '\0';
if (BLI_strcasestr(file->name, filter_search + 1) != NULL) {
return true;
/* TODO: search for matching tag. */
return false;
/* Replace the asterisks with spaces, so that we can do matching on " sometag "; that way
* an artist searching for "redder" doesn't result in a match for the tag "red". */
filter_search[string_length - 1] = ' ';
filter_search[0] = ' ';
return asset_tag_matches_filter(filter_search, asset_data);
static bool is_filtered_lib_type(FileListInternEntry *file,