Cloth: Optimization in self collision

15% to 20% improvement in cloth simulation performance with

The idea is to reduce the number of collisions computed by avoiding
overlapping tris with the same combination (eg. (1,0) and (0,1)).

Reviewed By: zeddb

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Germano Cavalcante 2020-02-13 10:39:21 -03:00
parent 6022cd015f
commit 13e5e55f3f
1 changed files with 119 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -598,8 +598,13 @@ static float compute_collision_point_edge_tri(const float a1[3],
// w3 is not perfect
static void collision_compute_barycentric(
const float pv[3], float p1[3], float p2[3], float p3[3], float *w1, float *w2, float *w3)
static void collision_compute_barycentric(const float pv[3],
const float p1[3],
const float p2[3],
const float p3[3],
float *w1,
float *w2,
float *w3)
/* dot_v3v3 */
#define INPR(v1, v2) ((v1)[0] * (v2)[0] + (v1)[1] * (v2)[1] + (v1)[2] * (v2)[2])
@ -646,8 +651,13 @@ static void collision_compute_barycentric(
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion"
DO_INLINE void collision_interpolateOnTriangle(
float to[3], float v1[3], float v2[3], float v3[3], double w1, double w2, double w3)
DO_INLINE void collision_interpolateOnTriangle(float to[3],
const float v1[3],
const float v2[3],
const float v3[3],
const double w1,
const double w2,
const double w3)
VECADDMUL(to, v1, w1);
@ -867,6 +877,31 @@ static int cloth_collision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd,
return result;
static void cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(const float clamp_sq,
const float impulse[3],
struct ClothVertex *vert)
float impulse_len_sq = len_squared_v3(impulse);
if ((clamp_sq > 0.0f) && (impulse_len_sq > clamp_sq)) {
if (ABS(vert->impulse[0]) < ABS(impulse[0])) {
vert->impulse[0] = impulse[0];
if (ABS(vert->impulse[1]) < ABS(impulse[1])) {
vert->impulse[1] = impulse[1];
if (ABS(vert->impulse[2]) < ABS(impulse[2])) {
vert->impulse[2] = impulse[2];
static int cloth_selfcollision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd,
CollPair *collpair,
uint collision_count,
@ -881,11 +916,8 @@ static int cloth_selfcollision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd,
cloth1 = clmd->clothObject;
for (int i = 0; i < collision_count; i++, collpair++) {
float i1[3], i2[3], i3[3];
float ia[3][3] = {{0.0f}};
float ib[3][3] = {{0.0f}};
/* Only handle static collisions here. */
@ -959,22 +991,25 @@ static int cloth_selfcollision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd,
impulse = magtangent / 1.5;
VECADDMUL(i1, vrel_t_pre, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i2, vrel_t_pre, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i3, vrel_t_pre, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[0], vrel_t_pre, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[1], vrel_t_pre, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[2], vrel_t_pre, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[0], vrel_t_pre, -u1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[1], vrel_t_pre, -u2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[2], vrel_t_pre, -u3 * impulse);
/* Apply velocity stopping impulse. */
impulse = magrelVel / 3.0f;
VECADDMUL(i1, collpair->normal, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[0], collpair->normal, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[1], collpair->normal, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[2], collpair->normal, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i2, collpair->normal, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i3, collpair->normal, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[0], collpair->normal, -u1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[1], collpair->normal, -u2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[2], collpair->normal, -u3 * impulse);
time_multiplier = 1.0f / (clmd->sim_parms->dt * clmd->sim_parms->timescale);
@ -991,9 +1026,13 @@ static int cloth_selfcollision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd,
impulse = repulse / 1.5f;
VECADDMUL(i1, collpair->normal, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i2, collpair->normal, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i3, collpair->normal, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[0], collpair->normal, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[1], collpair->normal, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[2], collpair->normal, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[0], collpair->normal, -u1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[1], collpair->normal, -u2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[2], collpair->normal, -u3 * impulse);
result = 1;
@ -1009,42 +1048,29 @@ static int cloth_selfcollision_response_static(ClothModifierData *clmd,
float repulse = d * 1.0f / time_multiplier;
float impulse = repulse / 9.0f;
VECADDMUL(i1, collpair->normal, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i2, collpair->normal, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(i3, collpair->normal, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[0], collpair->normal, w1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[1], collpair->normal, w2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ia[2], collpair->normal, w3 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[0], collpair->normal, -u1 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[1], collpair->normal, -u2 * impulse);
VECADDMUL(ib[2], collpair->normal, -u3 * impulse);
result = 1;
if (result) {
float clamp = clmd->coll_parms->self_clamp * dt;
float clamp_sq = clmd->coll_parms->self_clamp * dt;
clamp_sq *= clamp_sq;
if ((clamp > 0.0f) &&
((len_v3(i1) > clamp) || (len_v3(i2) > clamp) || (len_v3(i3) > clamp))) {
return 0;
cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ia[0], &cloth1->verts[collpair->ap1]);
cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ia[1], &cloth1->verts[collpair->ap2]);
cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ia[2], &cloth1->verts[collpair->ap3]);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (cloth1->verts[collpair->ap1].impulse_count > 0 &&
ABS(cloth1->verts[collpair->ap1].impulse[j]) < ABS(i1[j])) {
cloth1->verts[collpair->ap1].impulse[j] = i1[j];
if (cloth1->verts[collpair->ap2].impulse_count > 0 &&
ABS(cloth1->verts[collpair->ap2].impulse[j]) < ABS(i2[j])) {
cloth1->verts[collpair->ap2].impulse[j] = i2[j];
if (cloth1->verts[collpair->ap3].impulse_count > 0 &&
ABS(cloth1->verts[collpair->ap3].impulse[j]) < ABS(i3[j])) {
cloth1->verts[collpair->ap3].impulse[j] = i3[j];
cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ib[0], &cloth1->verts[collpair->bp1]);
cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ib[1], &cloth1->verts[collpair->bp2]);
cloth_selfcollision_impulse_vert(clamp_sq, ib[2], &cloth1->verts[collpair->bp3]);
@ -1112,6 +1138,28 @@ static void cloth_collision(void *__restrict userdata,
static bool cloth_bvh_selfcollision_is_active(const ClothVertex *verts,
const MVertTri *tri_a,
const MVertTri *tri_b)
/* Ignore overlap of neighboring triangles. */
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (tri_a->tri[i] == tri_b->tri[j]) {
return false;
if (((verts[tri_a->tri[0]].flags & verts[tri_a->tri[1]].flags & verts[tri_a->tri[2]].flags) |
(verts[tri_b->tri[0]].flags & verts[tri_b->tri[1]].flags & verts[tri_b->tri[2]].flags)) &
return false;
return true;
static void cloth_selfcollision(void *__restrict userdata,
const int index,
const TaskParallelTLS *__restrict UNUSED(tls))
@ -1129,21 +1177,7 @@ static void cloth_selfcollision(void *__restrict userdata,
tri_a = &clmd->clothObject->tri[data->overlap[index].indexA];
tri_b = &clmd->clothObject->tri[data->overlap[index].indexB];
for (uint i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (uint j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (tri_a->tri[i] == tri_b->tri[j]) {
collpair[index].flag = COLLISION_INACTIVE;
if (((verts1[tri_a->tri[0]].flags & verts1[tri_a->tri[1]].flags & verts1[tri_a->tri[2]].flags) |
(verts1[tri_b->tri[0]].flags & verts1[tri_b->tri[1]].flags & verts1[tri_b->tri[2]].flags)) &
collpair[index].flag = COLLISION_INACTIVE;
BLI_assert(cloth_bvh_selfcollision_is_active(verts1, tri_a, tri_b));
/* Compute distance and normal. */
distance = compute_collision_point_tri_tri(verts1[tri_a->tri[0]].tx,
@ -1542,6 +1576,22 @@ static int cloth_bvh_selfcollisions_resolve(ClothModifierData *clmd,
return ret;
static bool cloth_bvh_self_overlap_cb(void *userdata, int index_a, int index_b, int UNUSED(thread))
/* No need for equal combinations (eg. (0,1) & (1,0)). */
if (index_a < index_b) {
struct Cloth *clothObject = userdata;
const MVertTri *tri_a, *tri_b;
tri_a = &clothObject->tri[index_a];
tri_b = &clothObject->tri[index_b];
if (cloth_bvh_selfcollision_is_active(clothObject->verts, tri_a, tri_b)) {
return true;
return false;
int cloth_bvh_collision(
Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob, ClothModifierData *clmd, float step, float dt)
@ -1602,8 +1652,11 @@ int cloth_bvh_collision(
if (clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_SELF) {
bvhtree_update_from_cloth(clmd, false, true);
overlap_self = BLI_bvhtree_overlap(
cloth->bvhselftree, cloth->bvhselftree, &coll_count_self, NULL, NULL);
overlap_self = BLI_bvhtree_overlap(cloth->bvhselftree,
do {