UI: Allow showing why button is disabled in tooltip

Uses red alert color. Operators that failed poll check already did this.
This commit is contained in:
Julian Eisel 2016-09-16 14:50:47 +02:00
parent f3058c1b66
commit 1df115d9a3
1 changed files with 19 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -453,20 +453,30 @@ static uiTooltipData *ui_tooltip_data_from_button(bContext *C, uiBut *but)
/* second check if we are disabled - why */
if (but->flag & UI_BUT_DISABLED) {
const char *poll_msg;
/* button is disabled, we may be able to tell user why */
if ((but->flag & UI_BUT_DISABLED) || but->lock) {
const char *disabled_msg = NULL;
/* if operator poll check failed, it can give pretty precise info why */
if (but->optype) {
CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set(C, NULL);
WM_operator_poll_context(C, but->optype, but->opcontext);
poll_msg = CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_get(C);
if (poll_msg) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Disabled: %s"), poll_msg);
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_ALERT;
disabled_msg = CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_get(C);
/* alternatively, buttons can store some reasoning too */
else if (but->lockstr && but->lockstr[0]) {
disabled_msg = but->lockstr;
if (disabled_msg) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Disabled: %s"), disabled_msg);
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_ALERT;
if ((U.flag & USER_TOOLTIPS_PYTHON) == 0 && !but->optype && rna_struct.strinfo) {
if (rna_prop.strinfo) {
/* Struct and prop */