Transform: geodesic distances for proportional edit connected mode

Use approximate geodesic distance computatiom that crosses through triangles
rather than only along edges. Using only edges would give artifacts already
on a simple grid.

Fixes T78752, T35590, T43393, T53602

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Brecht Van Lommel 2020-12-31 07:49:19 +01:00 committed by Brecht Van Lommel
parent 00b2c7c5cc
commit 21b9231d7f
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 12:13:20 +01:00
Referenced by commit d8cdc80263, Fix T87808: Connected proportional editing includes hidden geometry
Referenced by issue #89968, Regression: Strange crease when using proportional editing with the "connected only" option turned on (edge selected)
Referenced by issue #87808, 2.93 - Proportional Edit Connected Mode with hidden geometry
Referenced by issue #78752, Proportional Editing: 'Connected Only' option can cause distortions depending on topology
Referenced by issue #53602, Mesh - Proportional Editing (Connected) Bug
Referenced by issue #43393, proportional editing issue with "connected" mode
Referenced by issue #35590, Connected proportional editing gives unexpected results
3 changed files with 174 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -826,6 +826,11 @@ MINLINE float shell_v2v2_mid_normalized_to_dist(const float a[2], const float b[
float cubic_tangent_factor_circle_v3(const float tan_l[3], const float tan_r[3]);
/********************************** Geodesics *********************************/
float geodesic_distance_propagate_across_triangle(
const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float dist1, const float dist2);
/**************************** Inline Definitions ******************************/

View File

@ -6246,3 +6246,56 @@ float cubic_tangent_factor_circle_v3(const float tan_l[3], const float tan_r[3])
const float angle_cos = cosf(angle);
return ((1.0f - angle_cos) / (angle_sin * 2.0f)) / angle_sin;
* Utility for computing approximate geodesic distances on triangle meshes.
* Given triangle with vertex coordinates v0, v1, v2, and known geodesic distances
* dist1 and dist2 at v1 and v2, estimate a geodesic distance at vertex v0.
* From "Dart Throwing on Surfaces", EGSR 2009. Section 7, Geodesic Dart Throwing.
float geodesic_distance_propagate_across_triangle(
const float v0[3], const float v1[3], const float v2[3], const float dist1, const float dist2)
/* Vectors along triangle edges. */
float v10[3], v12[3];
sub_v3_v3v3(v10, v0, v1);
sub_v3_v3v3(v12, v2, v1);
if (dist1 != 0.0f && dist2 != 0.0f) {
/* Local coordinate system in the triangle plane. */
float u[3], v[3], n[3];
const float d12 = normalize_v3_v3(u, v12);
if (d12 * d12 > 0.0f) {
cross_v3_v3v3(n, v12, v10);
cross_v3_v3v3(v, n, u);
/* v0 in local coordinates */
const float v0_[2] = {dot_v3v3(v10, u), fabsf(dot_v3v3(v10, v))};
/* Compute virtual source point in local coordinates, that we estimate the geodesic
* distance is being computed from. See figure 9 in the paper for the derivation. */
const float a = 0.5f * (1.0f + (dist1 * dist1 - dist2 * dist2) / (d12 * d12));
const float hh = dist1 * dist1 - a * a * d12 * d12;
if (hh > 0.0f) {
const float h = sqrtf(hh);
const float S_[2] = {a * d12, -h};
/* Only valid if the line between the source point and v0 crosses
* the edge between v1 and v2. */
const float x_intercept = S_[0] + h * (v0_[0] - S_[0]) / (v0_[1] + h);
if (x_intercept >= 0.0f && x_intercept <= d12) {
return len_v2v2(S_, v0_);
/* Fall back to Dijsktra approximaton in trivial case, or if no valid source
* point found that connects to v0 across the triangle. */
return min_ff(dist1 + len_v3(v10), dist2 + len_v3v3(v0, v2));

View File

@ -251,29 +251,55 @@ void transform_convert_mesh_islanddata_free(struct TransIslandData *island_data)
* \{ */
static bool bmesh_test_dist_add(BMVert *v,
BMVert *v_other,
/* Propagate distance from v1 and v2 to v0. */
static bool bmesh_test_dist_add(BMVert *v0,
BMVert *v1,
BMVert *v2,
float *dists,
const float *dists_prev,
/* optionally track original index */
int *index,
const int *index_prev,
const float mtx[3][3])
if ((BM_elem_flag_test(v_other, BM_ELEM_SELECT) == 0) &&
(BM_elem_flag_test(v_other, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN) == 0)) {
const int i = BM_elem_index_get(v);
const int i_other = BM_elem_index_get(v_other);
float vec[3];
float dist_other;
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, v->co, v_other->co);
mul_m3_v3(mtx, vec);
if ((BM_elem_flag_test(v0, BM_ELEM_SELECT) == 0) &&
(BM_elem_flag_test(v0, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN) == 0)) {
const int i0 = BM_elem_index_get(v0);
const int i1 = BM_elem_index_get(v1);
dist_other = dists_prev[i] + len_v3(vec);
if (dist_other < dists[i_other]) {
dists[i_other] = dist_other;
BLI_assert(dists[i1] != FLT_MAX);
if (dists[i0] <= dists[i1]) {
return false;
float dist0;
if (v2) {
/* Distance across triangle. */
const int i2 = BM_elem_index_get(v2);
BLI_assert(dists[i2] != FLT_MAX);
if (dists[i0] <= dists[i2]) {
return false;
float vm0[3], vm1[3], vm2[3];
mul_v3_m3v3(vm0, mtx, v0->co);
mul_v3_m3v3(vm1, mtx, v1->co);
mul_v3_m3v3(vm2, mtx, v2->co);
dist0 = geodesic_distance_propagate_across_triangle(vm0, vm1, vm2, dists[i1], dists[i2]);
else {
/* Distance along edge. */
float vec[3];
sub_v3_v3v3(vec, v1->co, v0->co);
mul_m3_v3(mtx, vec);
dist0 = dists[i1] + len_v3(vec);
if (dist0 < dists[i0]) {
dists[i0] = dist0;
if (index != NULL) {
index[i_other] = index_prev[i];
index[i0] = index[i1];
return true;
@ -292,15 +318,16 @@ void transform_convert_mesh_connectivity_distance(struct BMesh *bm,
float *dists,
int *index)
/* any BM_ELEM_TAG'd vertex is in 'queue_next', so we don't add in twice */
BLI_LINKSTACK_DECLARE(queue_next, BMVert *);
/* any BM_ELEM_TAG'd edge is in 'queue_next', so we don't add in twice */
BLI_LINKSTACK_DECLARE(queue_next, BMEdge *);
/* Set indexes and initial distances for selected vertices. */
BMIter viter;
BMVert *v;
int i;
@ -308,7 +335,6 @@ void transform_convert_mesh_connectivity_distance(struct BMesh *bm,
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (v, &viter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
float dist;
BM_elem_index_set(v, i); /* set_inline */
BM_elem_flag_disable(v, BM_ELEM_TAG);
if (BM_elem_flag_test(v, BM_ELEM_SELECT) == 0 || BM_elem_flag_test(v, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) {
dist = FLT_MAX;
@ -317,7 +343,6 @@ void transform_convert_mesh_connectivity_distance(struct BMesh *bm,
else {
dist = 0.0f;
if (index != NULL) {
index[i] = i;
@ -329,103 +354,99 @@ void transform_convert_mesh_connectivity_distance(struct BMesh *bm,
bm->elem_index_dirty &= ~BM_VERT;
/* need to be very careful of feedback loops here, store previous dist's to avoid feedback */
float *dists_prev = MEM_dupallocN(dists);
int *index_prev = MEM_dupallocN(index); /* may be NULL */
/* Add edges with at least one selected vertex to the queue. */
BMIter eiter;
BMEdge *e;
BM_ITER_MESH (e, &eiter, bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH) {
BMVert *v1 = e->v1;
BMVert *v2 = e->v2;
int i1 = BM_elem_index_get(v1);
int i2 = BM_elem_index_get(v2);
if (dists[i1] != FLT_MAX || dists[i2] != FLT_MAX) {
BM_elem_flag_disable(e, BM_ELEM_TAG);
do {
BMVert *v;
LinkNode *lnk;
BMEdge *e;
/* this is correct but slow to do each iteration,
* instead sync the dist's while clearing BM_ELEM_TAG (below) */
#if 0
memcpy(dists_prev, dists, sizeof(float) * bm->totvert);
while ((e = BLI_LINKSTACK_POP(queue))) {
BMVert *v1 = e->v1;
BMVert *v2 = e->v2;
int i1 = BM_elem_index_get(v1);
int i2 = BM_elem_index_get(v2);
while ((v = BLI_LINKSTACK_POP(queue))) {
BLI_assert(dists[BM_elem_index_get(v)] != FLT_MAX);
if (e->l == NULL || (dists[i1] == FLT_MAX || dists[i2] == FLT_MAX)) {
/* Propagate along edge from vertex with smallest to largest distance. */
if (dists[i1] > dists[i2]) {
SWAP(int, i1, i2);
SWAP(BMVert *, v1, v2);
/* connected edge-verts */
if (v->e != NULL) {
BMEdge *e_iter, *e_first;
if (bmesh_test_dist_add(v2, v1, NULL, dists, index, mtx)) {
/* Add adjacent loose edges to the queue, or all edges if this is a loose edge.
* Other edges are handled by propagation across edges below. */
BMEdge *e_other;
BMIter eiter;
BM_ITER_ELEM (e_other, &eiter, v2, BM_EDGES_OF_VERT) {
if (e_other != e && BM_elem_flag_test(e_other, BM_ELEM_TAG) == 0 &&
(e->l == NULL || e_other->l == NULL)) {
BM_elem_flag_enable(e_other, BM_ELEM_TAG);
BLI_LINKSTACK_PUSH(queue_next, e_other);
e_iter = e_first = v->e;
if (e->l != NULL) {
/* Propagate across edge to vertices in adjacent faces. */
BMLoop *l;
BMIter liter;
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, e, BM_LOOPS_OF_EDGE) {
for (BMLoop *l_other = l->next->next; l_other != l; l_other = l_other->next) {
BMVert *v_other = l_other->v;
BLI_assert(!ELEM(v_other, v1, v2));
/* would normally use BM_EDGES_OF_VERT, but this runs so often,
* its faster to iterate on the data directly */
do {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(e_iter, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN) == 0) {
/* edge distance */
BMVert *v_other = BM_edge_other_vert(e_iter, v);
if (bmesh_test_dist_add(v, v_other, dists, dists_prev, index, index_prev, mtx)) {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(v_other, BM_ELEM_TAG) == 0) {
BM_elem_flag_enable(v_other, BM_ELEM_TAG);
BLI_LINKSTACK_PUSH(queue_next, v_other);
if (bmesh_test_dist_add(v_other, v1, v2, dists, index, mtx)) {
/* Add adjacent edges to the queue, if they are ready to propagate across/along.
* Always propagate along loose edges, and for other edges only propagate across
* if both vertices have a known distances. */
BMEdge *e_other;
BMIter eiter;
BM_ITER_ELEM (e_other, &eiter, v_other, BM_EDGES_OF_VERT) {
if (e_other != e && BM_elem_flag_test(e_other, BM_ELEM_TAG) == 0 &&
(e_other->l == NULL ||
dists[BM_elem_index_get(BM_edge_other_vert(e_other, v_other))] != FLT_MAX)) {
BM_elem_flag_enable(e_other, BM_ELEM_TAG);
BLI_LINKSTACK_PUSH(queue_next, e_other);
/* face distance */
if (e_iter->l) {
BMLoop *l_iter_radial, *l_first_radial;
* imaginary edge diagonally across quad.
* \note This takes advantage of the rules of winding that we
* know 2 or more of a verts edges wont reference the same face twice.
* Also, if the edge is hidden, the face will be hidden too.
l_iter_radial = l_first_radial = e_iter->l;
do {
if ((l_iter_radial->v == v) && (l_iter_radial->f->len == 4) &&
(BM_elem_flag_test(l_iter_radial->f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN) == 0)) {
BMVert *v_other = l_iter_radial->next->next->v;
if (bmesh_test_dist_add(v, v_other, dists, dists_prev, index, index_prev, mtx)) {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(v_other, BM_ELEM_TAG) == 0) {
BM_elem_flag_enable(v_other, BM_ELEM_TAG);
BLI_LINKSTACK_PUSH(queue_next, v_other);
} while ((l_iter_radial = l_iter_radial->radial_next) != l_first_radial);
} while ((e_iter = BM_DISK_EDGE_NEXT(e_iter, v)) != e_first);
/* clear for the next loop */
for (lnk = queue_next; lnk; lnk = lnk->next) {
BMVert *v_link = lnk->link;
const int i = BM_elem_index_get(v_link);
/* Clear for the next loop. */
for (LinkNode *lnk = queue_next; lnk; lnk = lnk->next) {
BMEdge *e_link = lnk->link;
BM_elem_flag_disable(v_link, BM_ELEM_TAG);
/* keep in sync, avoid having to do full memcpy each iteration */
dists_prev[i] = dists[i];
if (index != NULL) {
index_prev[i] = index[i];
BM_elem_flag_disable(e_link, BM_ELEM_TAG);
BLI_LINKSTACK_SWAP(queue, queue_next);
/* none should be tagged now since 'queue_next' is empty */
BLI_assert(BM_iter_mesh_count_flag(BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, bm, BM_ELEM_TAG, true) == 0);
/* None should be tagged now since 'queue_next' is empty. */
BLI_assert(BM_iter_mesh_count_flag(BM_EDGES_OF_MESH, bm, BM_ELEM_TAG, true) == 0);
} while (BLI_LINKSTACK_SIZE(queue));
if (index_prev != NULL) {
/** \} */