Cleanup: remove duplicate variables

Previous code made it seem as if the original edit-object
was re-created after separating.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2019-12-10 06:36:37 +11:00
parent 08d4e7e11c
commit 2b71f8cac5
1 changed files with 23 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ static void separated_armature_fix_links(Main *bmain, Object *origArm, Object *n
* sel: remove selected bones from the armature, otherwise the unselected bones are removed
* (ob is not in editmode)
static void separate_armature_bones(Main *bmain, Object *ob, short sel)
static void separate_armature_bones(Main *bmain, Object *ob, const bool is_select)
bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)ob->data;
bPoseChannel *pchan, *pchann;
@ -565,12 +565,10 @@ static void separate_armature_bones(Main *bmain, Object *ob, short sel)
curbone = ED_armature_ebone_find_name(arm->edbo, pchan->name);
/* check if bone needs to be removed */
if (sel == (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, curbone) && (curbone->flag & BONE_SELECTED))) {
EditBone *ebo;
bPoseChannel *pchn;
if (is_select == (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, curbone) && (curbone->flag & BONE_SELECTED))) {
/* clear the bone->parent var of any bone that had this as its parent */
for (ebo = arm->edbo->first; ebo; ebo = ebo->next) {
for (EditBone *ebo = arm->edbo->first; ebo; ebo = ebo->next) {
if (ebo->parent == curbone) {
ebo->parent = NULL;
/* this is needed to prevent random crashes with in ED_armature_from_edit */
@ -580,7 +578,7 @@ static void separate_armature_bones(Main *bmain, Object *ob, short sel)
/* clear the pchan->parent var of any pchan that had this as its parent */
for (pchn = ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchn; pchn = pchn->next) {
for (bPoseChannel *pchn = ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchn; pchn = pchn->next) {
if (pchn->parent == pchan) {
pchn->parent = NULL;
@ -624,11 +622,11 @@ static int separate_armature_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
view_layer, CTX_wm_view3d(C), &bases_len);
for (uint base_index = 0; base_index < bases_len; base_index++) {
Base *base_iter = bases[base_index];
Object *obedit = base_iter->object;
Base *base_old = bases[base_index];
Object *ob_old = base_old->object;
bArmature *arm_old = obedit->data;
bArmature *arm_old = ob_old->data;
bool has_selected_bone = false;
bool has_selected_any = false;
for (EditBone *ebone = arm_old->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) {
@ -645,16 +643,13 @@ static int separate_armature_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
if (has_selected_any) {
/* Without this, we may leave head/tail selected
* which isn't expected after separating. */
Object *oldob, *newob;
Base *oldbase, *newbase;
/* We are going to do this as follows (unlike every other instance of separate):
* 1. Exit editmode +posemode for active armature/base. Take note of what this is.
* 2. Duplicate base - BASACT is the new one now
@ -665,49 +660,42 @@ static int separate_armature_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
/* 1) store starting settings and exit editmode */
oldob = obedit;
oldbase = base_iter;
oldob->mode &= ~OB_MODE_POSE;
// oldbase->flag &= ~OB_POSEMODE;
ob_old->mode &= ~OB_MODE_POSE;
ED_armature_from_edit(bmain, obedit->data);
ED_armature_from_edit(bmain, ob_old->data);
/* 2) duplicate base */
/* only duplicate linked armature */
newbase = ED_object_add_duplicate(bmain, scene, view_layer, oldbase, USER_DUP_ARM);
ED_object_base_select(newbase, BA_SELECT);
Base *base_new = ED_object_add_duplicate(bmain, scene, view_layer, base_old, USER_DUP_ARM);
Object *ob_new = base_new->object;
newob = newbase->object;
/* 3) remove bones that shouldn't still be around on both armatures */
separate_armature_bones(bmain, oldob, 1);
separate_armature_bones(bmain, newob, 0);
separate_armature_bones(bmain, ob_old, true);
separate_armature_bones(bmain, ob_new, false);
/* 4) fix links before depsgraph flushes */ // err... or after?
separated_armature_fix_links(bmain, oldob, newob);
separated_armature_fix_links(bmain, ob_old, ob_new);
DEG_id_tag_update(&oldob->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY); /* this is the original one */
DEG_id_tag_update(&newob->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY); /* this is the separated one */
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob_old->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY); /* this is the original one */
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob_new->id, ID_RECALC_GEOMETRY); /* this is the separated one */
/* 5) restore original conditions */
obedit = oldob;
/* parents tips remain selected when connected children are removed. */
ok = true;
/* note, notifier might evolve */
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, obedit);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_POSE, ob_old);