Fix T58762: Issue with weight painting on deformed mesh

Was initially reported when painting on a mesh with armature,
which was failing due to missing bbone cache. The issue was
deeper, and was related on the way which object was used to
calculate crazyspace.
This commit is contained in:
Sergey Sharybin 2018-12-05 16:53:45 +01:00
parent 81449320e4
commit 309d4bfbbc
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 04:42:40 +01:00
Referenced by issue #58762, 2.8 Weight Painting Bug
1 changed files with 24 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
#include "BKE_editmesh.h"
#include "BKE_library.h"
#include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h"
BLI_INLINE void tan_calc_quat_v3(
float r_quat[4],
const float co_1[3], const float co_2[3], const float co_3[3])
@ -313,17 +315,18 @@ int BKE_crazyspace_get_first_deform_matrices_editbmesh(
int BKE_sculpt_get_first_deform_matrices(
struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene,
Object *ob, float (**deformmats)[3][3], float (**deformcos)[3])
Object *object, float (**deformmats)[3][3], float (**deformcos)[3])
ModifierData *md;
Mesh *me_eval;
int a, numVerts = 0;
float (*defmats)[3][3] = NULL, (*deformedVerts)[3] = NULL;
MultiresModifierData *mmd = get_multires_modifier(scene, ob, 0);
const bool has_multires = mmd != NULL && mmd->sculptlvl > 0;
int numleft = 0;
VirtualModifierData virtualModifierData;
const ModifierEvalContext mectx = {depsgraph, ob, 0};
Object *object_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, object);
MultiresModifierData *mmd = get_multires_modifier(scene, object_eval, 0);
const bool has_multires = mmd != NULL && mmd->sculptlvl > 0;
const ModifierEvalContext mectx = {depsgraph, object_eval, 0};
if (has_multires) {
*deformmats = NULL;
@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ int BKE_sculpt_get_first_deform_matrices(
me_eval = NULL;
md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob, &virtualModifierData);
md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(object_eval, &virtualModifierData);
for (; md; md = md->next) {
const ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type);
@ -341,7 +344,8 @@ int BKE_sculpt_get_first_deform_matrices(
if (mti->type == eModifierTypeType_OnlyDeform) {
if (!defmats) {
Mesh *me = ob->data;
/* NOTE: Need to start with original undeformed mesh. */
Mesh *me = object->data;
me_eval = BKE_mesh_copy_for_eval(me, true);
deformedVerts = BKE_mesh_vertexCos_get(me, &numVerts);
defmats = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*defmats) * numVerts, "defmats");
@ -376,9 +380,11 @@ int BKE_sculpt_get_first_deform_matrices(
return numleft;
void BKE_crazyspace_build_sculpt(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, float (**deformmats)[3][3], float (**deformcos)[3])
void BKE_crazyspace_build_sculpt(
struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *object,
float (**deformmats)[3][3], float (**deformcos)[3])
int totleft = BKE_sculpt_get_first_deform_matrices(depsgraph, scene, ob, deformmats, deformcos);
int totleft = BKE_sculpt_get_first_deform_matrices(depsgraph, scene, object, deformmats, deformcos);
if (totleft) {
/* there are deformation modifier which doesn't support deformation matrices
@ -389,9 +395,10 @@ void BKE_crazyspace_build_sculpt(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Obje
float (*quats)[4];
int i, deformed = 0;
VirtualModifierData virtualModifierData;
ModifierData *md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob, &virtualModifierData);
const ModifierEvalContext mectx = {depsgraph, ob, 0};
Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data;
Object *object_eval = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, object);
ModifierData *md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(object_eval, &virtualModifierData);
const ModifierEvalContext mectx = {depsgraph, object_eval, 0};
Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)object->data;
for (; md; md = md->next) {
const ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type);
@ -404,16 +411,16 @@ void BKE_crazyspace_build_sculpt(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Obje
if (mti->deformMatrices && !deformed)
mti->deformVerts(md, &mectx, NULL, deformedVerts, me->totvert);
mti->deformVerts(md, &mectx, NULL, deformedVerts, mesh->totvert);
deformed = 1;
quats = MEM_mallocN(me->totvert * sizeof(*quats), "crazy quats");
quats = MEM_mallocN(mesh->totvert * sizeof(*quats), "crazy quats");
BKE_crazyspace_set_quats_mesh(me, origVerts, deformedVerts, quats);
BKE_crazyspace_set_quats_mesh(mesh, origVerts, deformedVerts, quats);
for (i = 0; i < me->totvert; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < mesh->totvert; i++) {
float qmat[3][3], tmat[3][3];
quat_to_mat3(qmat, quats[i]);
@ -427,9 +434,9 @@ void BKE_crazyspace_build_sculpt(struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Obje
if (*deformmats == NULL) {
int a, numVerts;
Mesh *me = (Mesh *)ob->data;
Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)object->data;
*deformcos = BKE_mesh_vertexCos_get(me, &numVerts);
*deformcos = BKE_mesh_vertexCos_get(mesh, &numVerts);
*deformmats = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*(*deformmats)) * numVerts, "defmats");
for (a = 0; a < numVerts; a++)