Overlay: Improve Outline diagonal Antialiasing

I doubt we can do much better. Most of the aliasing comes from the edge
detection which does not use a lot of samples. We could use more samples
but then the detection becomes way more complex and expensive.

The second issue comes from the reconstruction (AA pass) that only bleed
adjacent pixels in if their line direction is perpendicular to the offset.
This makes corner gaps on certain diagonals.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2020-01-20 19:29:09 +01:00
parent 31e2786707
commit 335930ab4e
2 changed files with 95 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ void main()
vec4 lines = vec4(neightbor_line0.z, neightbor_line1.z, neightbor_line2.z, neightbor_line3.z);
/* Count number of line neighbors. */
float blend = dot(vec4(0.25), step(0.001, lines));
/* Only do blend if there is more than 2 neighbor. This avoid loosing too much AA. */
blend = clamp(blend * 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
fragColor = mix(fragColor, fragColor / fragColor.a, blend);

View File

@ -57,62 +57,6 @@ bvec4 gather_edges(vec2 uv, uint ref)
return notEqual(ids, uvec4(ref));
/* Apply offset to line endpoint based on surrounding edges infos. */
bool line_offset(bvec2 edges, vec2 ofs, inout vec2 line_point)
if (all(edges.xy)) {
line_point.y -= ofs.y;
else if (!edges.x) {
line_point.y += ofs.y;
else /* !edges.y */ {
line_point.x += ofs.x;
return true;
return false;
/* Changes Antialiasing pattern and makes line thicker. 0.0 is thin. */
#define PROXIMITY_OFS -0.35
/* Use surrounding edges to approximate the outline direction to create smooth lines. */
void straight_line_dir(bvec4 edges1, bvec4 edges2, out vec2 line_start, out vec2 line_end)
line_end = vec2(1.5, 0.5 + PROXIMITY_OFS);
line_start = vec2(-line_end.x, line_end.y);
vec2 line_ofs = vec2(1.0, 0.5);
if (line_offset(edges1.xw, line_ofs, line_end)) {
line_offset(edges1.yz, line_ofs, line_end);
line_ofs = vec2(-line_ofs.x, line_ofs.y);
if (line_offset(edges2.yz, line_ofs, line_start)) {
line_offset(edges2.xw, line_ofs, line_start);
/* Compute line direction vector from the bottom left corner. */
void diag_dir(bvec4 edges, out vec2 line_start, out vec2 line_end)
/* TODO Improve diagonal antialiasing. */
if (all(edges.wz)) {
line_start = vec2(-3.0, -0.5 + PROXIMITY_OFS);
line_end = vec2(3.0, 0.5 + PROXIMITY_OFS);
else if (all(not(edges.xw))) {
line_start = vec2(-0.5 - PROXIMITY_OFS, -3.0);
line_end = vec2(0.5 - PROXIMITY_OFS, 3.0);
else if (edges.w) {
line_start = vec2(-1.0, -0.5 - PROXIMITY_OFS);
line_end = vec2(2.0, 0.5 - PROXIMITY_OFS);
else {
line_start = vec2(-0.6, -0.5 + PROXIMITY_OFS);
line_end = vec2(0.6 - PROXIMITY_OFS, 0.5);
/* Clockwise */
vec2 rotate_90(vec2 v)
@ -141,6 +85,88 @@ bvec4 rotate_270(bvec4 v)
return v.wxyz;
/* Apply offset to line endpoint based on surrounding edges infos. */
bool line_offset(bvec2 edges, vec2 ofs, inout vec2 line_point)
if (all(edges.xy)) {
line_point.y -= ofs.y;
else if (!edges.x) {
line_point.y += ofs.y;
else /* !edges.y */ {
line_point.x += ofs.x;
return true;
return false;
/* Changes Antialiasing pattern and makes line thicker. 0.0 is thin. */
#define PROXIMITY_OFS -0.35
/* Use surrounding edges to approximate the outline direction to create smooth lines. */
void straight_line_dir(bvec4 edges1, bvec4 edges2, out vec2 line_start, out vec2 line_end)
/* Y_POS as reference. Other cases are rotated to match reference. */
line_end = vec2(1.5, 0.5 + PROXIMITY_OFS);
line_start = vec2(-line_end.x, line_end.y);
vec2 line_ofs = vec2(1.0, 0.5);
if (line_offset(edges1.xw, line_ofs, line_end)) {
line_offset(edges1.yz, line_ofs, line_end);
line_ofs = vec2(-line_ofs.x, line_ofs.y);
if (line_offset(edges2.yz, line_ofs, line_start)) {
line_offset(edges2.xw, line_ofs, line_start);
vec2 diag_offset(bvec4 edges)
/* X_NEG | Y_POS as reference. Other cases are rotated to match reference.
* So the line is comming from bottom left. */
if (all(edges.wz)) {
/* Horizontal line. */
return vec2(2.5, 0.5);
else if (all(not(edges.xw))) {
/* Vertical line. */
return vec2(0.5, 2.5);
else if (edges.w) {
/* Less horizontal Line. */
return vec2(2.5, 0.5);
else {
/* Less vertical Line. */
return vec2(0.5, 2.5);
/* Compute line direction vector from the bottom left corner. */
void diag_dir(bvec4 edges1, bvec4 edges2, out vec2 line_start, out vec2 line_end)
/* Negate instead of rotating back the result of diag_offset. */
edges2 = not(edges2);
edges2 = rotate_180(edges2);
line_end = diag_offset(edges1);
line_end += diag_offset(edges2);
if (line_end.x == line_end.y) {
/* Perfect diagonal line. Push line start towards edge. */
line_start = vec2(-1.0, 1.0) * PROXIMITY_OFS * 0.4;
else if (line_end.x > line_end.y) {
/* Horizontal Line. Lower line start. */
line_start = vec2(0.0, PROXIMITY_OFS);
else {
/* Vertical Line. Push line start to the right. */
line_start = -vec2(PROXIMITY_OFS, 0.0);
line_end += line_start;
void main()
uint ref = textureLod(outlineId, uvcoordsvar.st, 0.0).r;
@ -292,26 +318,33 @@ void main()
/* Diagonal */
extra_edges = gather_edges(uvs + ofs.xy * vec2(1.5), ref);
diag_dir(extra_edges, line_start, line_end);
extra_edges2 = gather_edges(uvs + ofs.xy * vec2(-1.5), ref);
diag_dir(extra_edges, extra_edges2, line_start, line_end);
extra_edges = gather_edges(uvs - ofs.xy * vec2(1.5), ref);
extra_edges2 = gather_edges(uvs - ofs.xy * vec2(-1.5), ref);
extra_edges = rotate_180(extra_edges);
diag_dir(extra_edges, line_start, line_end);
extra_edges2 = rotate_180(extra_edges2);
diag_dir(extra_edges, extra_edges2, line_start, line_end);
line_start = rotate_180(line_start);
line_end = rotate_180(line_end);
extra_edges = gather_edges(uvs + ofs.xy * vec2(1.5, -1.5), ref);
extra_edges2 = gather_edges(uvs - ofs.xy * vec2(1.5, -1.5), ref);
extra_edges = rotate_90(extra_edges);
diag_dir(extra_edges, line_start, line_end);
extra_edges2 = rotate_90(extra_edges2);
diag_dir(extra_edges, extra_edges2, line_start, line_end);
line_start = rotate_90(line_start);
line_end = rotate_90(line_end);
extra_edges = gather_edges(uvs - ofs.xy * vec2(1.5, -1.5), ref);
extra_edges2 = gather_edges(uvs + ofs.xy * vec2(1.5, -1.5), ref);
extra_edges = rotate_270(extra_edges);
diag_dir(extra_edges, line_start, line_end);
extra_edges2 = rotate_270(extra_edges2);
diag_dir(extra_edges, extra_edges2, line_start, line_end);
line_start = rotate_270(line_start);
line_end = rotate_270(line_end);