Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8

# Conflicts:
#	source/blender/editors/transform/transform_snap_object.c
This commit is contained in:
Germano Cavalcante 2017-07-14 16:56:36 -03:00
commit 37242f0a47
1 changed files with 137 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -140,42 +140,54 @@ struct SnapObjectContext {
* \{ */
#define ITER_SNAP_OBJECTS(use_obedit, ob, obmat, sctx, snap_select, obedit, CODE) \
Base *base_act = sctx->scene_layer->basact;\
/* Need an exception for particle edit because the base is flagged with BA_HAS_RECALC_DATA\
* which makes the loop skip it, even the derived mesh will never change\
* To solve that problem, we do it first as an exception.\
* */\
if (base_act && base_act->object && base_act->object->mode & OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT) {\
use_obedit = false;\
ob = base_act->object;\
obmat = ob->obmat;\
for (Base *base = sctx->scene_layer->object_bases.first; base != NULL; base = base->next) {\
if ((BASE_VISIBLE_NEW(base)) && (base->flag_legacy & (BA_HAS_RECALC_OB | BA_HAS_RECALC_DATA)) == 0 &&\
!((snap_select == SNAP_NOT_SELECTED && ((base->flag & BASE_SELECTED) || (base->flag_legacy & BA_WAS_SEL))) ||\
(snap_select == SNAP_NOT_ACTIVE && base == base_act)))\
Object *ob_iter = base->object;\
if (ob_iter->transflag & OB_DUPLI) {\
DupliObject *dupli_ob;\
ListBase *lb = object_duplilist(sctx->bmain->eval_ctx, sctx->scene, ob_iter);\
for (dupli_ob = lb->first; dupli_ob; dupli_ob = dupli_ob->next) {\
use_obedit = obedit && dupli_ob->ob->data == obedit->data;;\
ob = use_obedit ? obedit : dupli_ob->ob;\
obmat = dupli_ob->mat;\
use_obedit = obedit && ob_iter->data == obedit->data;\
ob = use_obedit ? obedit : ob_iter;\
obmat = ob->obmat;\
typedef void(*IterSnapObjsCallback)(SnapObjectContext *sctx, bool is_obedit, Object *ob, float obmat[4][4], void *data);
* Walks through all objects in the scene to create the list of objets to snap.
* \param sctx: Snap context to store data.
* \param snap_select : from enum SnapSelect.
* \param obedit : Object Edited to use its coordinates of BMesh(if any) to do the snapping.
static void iter_snap_objects(
SnapObjectContext *sctx,
const SnapSelect snap_select,
Object *obedit,
IterSnapObjsCallback sob_callback,
void *data)
Base *base_act = sctx->scene_layer->basact;
/* Need an exception for particle edit because the base is flagged with BA_HAS_RECALC_DATA
* which makes the loop skip it, even the derived mesh will never change
* To solve that problem, we do it first as an exception.
* */
if (base_act && base_act->object && base_act->object->mode & OB_MODE_PARTICLE_EDIT) {
sob_callback(sctx, false, base_act->object, base_act->object->obmat, data);
for (Base *base = sctx->scene_layer->object_bases.first; base != NULL; base = base->next) {
if ((BASE_VISIBLE_NEW(base)) && (base->flag_legacy & (BA_HAS_RECALC_OB | BA_HAS_RECALC_DATA)) == 0 &&
!((snap_select == SNAP_NOT_SELECTED && ((base->flag & BASE_SELECTED) || (base->flag_legacy & BA_WAS_SEL))) ||
(snap_select == SNAP_NOT_ACTIVE && base == base_act)))
bool use_obedit;
Object *obj = base->object;
if (obj->transflag & OB_DUPLI) {
DupliObject *dupli_ob;
ListBase *lb = object_duplilist(sctx->bmain->eval_ctx, sctx->scene, obj);
for (dupli_ob = lb->first; dupli_ob; dupli_ob = dupli_ob->next) {
use_obedit = obedit && dupli_ob->ob->data == obedit->data;
sob_callback(sctx, use_obedit, use_obedit ? obedit : dupli_ob->ob, dupli_ob->mat, data);
use_obedit = obedit && obj->data == obedit->data;
sob_callback(sctx, use_obedit, use_obedit ? obedit : obj, obj->obmat, data);
@ -768,6 +780,37 @@ static bool raycastObj(
struct RaycastObjUserData {
const float *ray_orig;
const float *ray_start;
const float *ray_dir;
const float *depth_range;
const unsigned int ob_index;
/* read/write args */
float *ray_depth;
/* return args */
float *r_loc;
float *r_no;
int *r_index;
Object **r_ob;
float (*r_obmat)[4];
ListBase *r_hit_list;
bool ret;
static void raycast_obj_cb(SnapObjectContext *sctx, bool is_obedit, Object *ob, float obmat[4][4], void *data)
struct RaycastObjUserData *dt = data;
dt->ret |= raycastObj(
dt->ray_orig, dt->ray_start, dt->ray_dir, dt->depth_range,
ob, obmat, dt->ob_index, is_obedit,
dt->r_loc, dt->r_no, dt->r_index,
dt->r_ob, dt->r_obmat,
* Main RayCast Function
* ======================
@ -808,24 +851,27 @@ static bool raycastObjects(
Object **r_ob, float r_obmat[4][4],
ListBase *r_hit_list)
bool retval = false;
bool use_obedit;
Object *obedit = use_object_edit_cage ? sctx->scene->obedit : NULL;
unsigned int ob_index = 0;
struct RaycastObjUserData data = {
.ray_orig = ray_orig,
.ray_start = ray_start,
.ray_dir = ray_dir,
.depth_range = depth_range,
.ob_index = 0,
.ray_depth = ray_depth,
.r_loc = r_loc,
.r_no = r_no,
.r_index = r_index,
.r_ob = r_ob,
.r_obmat = r_obmat,
.r_hit_list = r_hit_list,
.ret = false,
Object *ob, *obedit;
float (*obmat)[4];
iter_snap_objects(sctx, snap_select, obedit, raycast_obj_cb, &data);
obedit = use_object_edit_cage ? sctx->scene->obedit : NULL;
ITER_SNAP_OBJECTS(use_obedit, ob, obmat, sctx, snap_select, obedit,
retval |= raycastObj(
ray_orig, ray_start, ray_dir, depth_range,
ob, obmat, ob_index++, use_obedit,
ray_depth, r_loc, r_no, r_index, r_ob, r_obmat, r_hit_list);
return retval;
return data.ret;
@ -1998,6 +2044,33 @@ static bool snapObject(
struct SnapObjUserData {
SnapData *snapdata;
/* read/write args */
float *ray_depth;
float *dist_px;
/* return args */
float *r_loc;
float *r_no;
Object **r_ob;
float (*r_obmat)[4];
bool ret;
static void sanp_obj_cb(SnapObjectContext *sctx, bool is_obedit, Object *ob, float obmat[4][4], void *data)
struct SnapObjUserData *dt = data;
dt->ret |= snapObject(
sctx, dt->snapdata,
ob, obmat, is_obedit,
/* read/write args */
dt->ray_depth, dt->dist_px,
/* return args */
dt->r_loc, dt->r_no,
dt->r_ob, dt->r_obmat);
* Main Snapping Function
* ======================
@ -2035,21 +2108,22 @@ static bool snapObjectsRay(
float r_loc[3], float r_no[3],
Object **r_ob, float r_obmat[4][4])
bool retval = false;
bool use_obedit;
Object *obedit = use_object_edit_cage ? sctx->scene->obedit : NULL;
Object *ob, *obedit;
float (*obmat)[4];
struct SnapObjUserData data = {
.snapdata = snapdata,
.ray_depth = ray_depth,
.dist_px = dist_px,
.r_loc = r_loc,
.r_no = r_no,
.r_ob = r_ob,
.r_obmat = r_obmat,
.ret = false,
obedit = use_object_edit_cage ? sctx->scene->obedit : NULL;
ITER_SNAP_OBJECTS(use_obedit, ob, obmat, sctx, snap_select, obedit,
retval |= snapObject(
sctx, snapdata, ob, obmat, use_obedit,
ray_depth, dist_px,
r_loc, r_no, r_ob, r_obmat);
iter_snap_objects(sctx, snap_select, obedit, sanp_obj_cb, &data);
return retval;
return data.ret;
/** \} */