Cleanup: transform_snap_object: Remove unused variables and reuse the precalc used to test the distance to the projected bound_box.

This commit is contained in:
Germano Cavalcante 2018-05-12 19:10:23 -03:00
parent 5be0dfe086
commit 375c6a7967
1 changed files with 38 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -1199,16 +1199,15 @@ static bool snapCurve(
return retval;
float lpmat[4][4], dist_px_sq;
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
float dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px);
float lpmat[4][4];
mul_m4_m4m4(lpmat, snapdata->pmat, obmat);
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc neasrest_precalc;
&neasrest_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px);
for (Nurb *nu = (use_obedit ? cu->editnurb->nurbs.first : cu->nurb.first); nu; nu = nu->next) {
for (int u = 0; u < nu->pntsu; u++) {
switch (snapdata->snap_to) {
@ -1432,8 +1431,6 @@ static bool snapMesh(
/* return args */
float r_loc[3], float r_no[3])
// #define USE_RAY_MIN
bool retval = false;
if (snapdata->snap_to == SCE_SNAP_MODE_EDGE) {
@ -1447,39 +1444,20 @@ static bool snapMesh(
float imat[4][4];
float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */
float ray_normal_local[3];
invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat);
transpose_m3_m4(timat, imat);
copy_v3_v3(ray_normal_local, snapdata->ray_dir);
mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, ray_normal_local);
#ifdef USE_RAY_MIN
/* local scale in normal direction */
const float local_scale = normalize_v3(ray_normal_local);
float lpmat[4][4];
float ray_org_local[3];
mul_m4_m4m4(lpmat, snapdata->pmat, obmat);
#ifdef USE_RAY_MIN
const float ray_min_dist = snapdata->depth_range[0] * local_scale;
copy_v3_v3(ray_org_local, snapdata->ray_origin);
mul_m4_v3(imat, ray_org_local);
Nearest2dUserData neasrest2d;
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
/* Test BoundBox */
BoundBox *bb = BKE_mesh_boundbox_get(ob);
if (bb) {
bool dummy[3] = {true, true, true};
/* In vertex and edges you need to get the pixel distance from ray to BoundBox, see: T46099, T46816 */
float dist_px_sq = dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_simple(
lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval, bb->vec[0], bb->vec[6]);
float dist_px_sq = dist_squared_to_projected_aabb(
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, bb->vec[0], bb->vec[6], dummy);
if (dist_px_sq > SQUARE(*dist_px)) {
return retval;
@ -1582,22 +1560,24 @@ static bool snapMesh(
* And more... ray_depth is being confused with Z-depth here... (varies only the precision) */
const float ray_depth_max_global = *ray_depth + snapdata->depth_range[0];
Nearest2dUserData neasrest2d = {
.r_axis_closest = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
.is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP,
.depth_range = {snapdata->depth_range[0], ray_depth_max_global},
.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to,
.userdata = treedata,
.get_vert_co = (Nearest2DGetVertCoCallback)cb_mvert_co_get,
.get_edge_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetEdgeVertsCallback)cb_medge_verts_get,
.get_tri_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetTriVertsCallback)cb_mlooptri_verts_get,
.get_tri_edges_index = (Nearest2DGetTriEdgesCallback)cb_mlooptri_edges_get,
.copy_vert_no = (Nearest2DCopyVertNoCallback)cb_mvert_no_copy,
.dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px),
.index = -1};
neasrest2d.r_axis_closest[0] = true;
neasrest2d.r_axis_closest[1] = true;
neasrest2d.r_axis_closest[2] = true;
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
neasrest2d.is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
neasrest2d.depth_range[0] = snapdata->depth_range[0];
neasrest2d.depth_range[1] = ray_depth_max_global;
neasrest2d.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to;
neasrest2d.userdata = treedata;
neasrest2d.get_vert_co = (Nearest2DGetVertCoCallback)cb_mvert_co_get;
neasrest2d.get_edge_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetEdgeVertsCallback)cb_medge_verts_get;
neasrest2d.get_tri_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetTriVertsCallback)cb_mlooptri_verts_get;
neasrest2d.get_tri_edges_index = (Nearest2DGetTriEdgesCallback)cb_mlooptri_edges_get;
neasrest2d.copy_vert_no = (Nearest2DCopyVertNoCallback)cb_mvert_no_copy;
neasrest2d.dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px);
neasrest2d.index = -1;
if (bvhtree[1]) {
@ -1622,6 +1602,11 @@ static bool snapMesh(
if (neasrest2d.index != -1) {
float imat[4][4];
float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */
invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat);
transpose_m3_m4(timat, imat);
mul_m4_v3(obmat, r_loc);
if (r_no) {
@ -1659,17 +1644,6 @@ static bool snapEditMesh(
float imat[4][4];
float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */
float ray_normal_local[3];
invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat);
transpose_m3_m4(timat, imat);
copy_v3_v3(ray_normal_local, snapdata->ray_dir);
mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, ray_normal_local);
SnapObjectData_EditMesh *sod = NULL;
BVHTreeFromEditMesh *treedata = NULL;
@ -1741,12 +1715,8 @@ static bool snapEditMesh(
return retval;
float ray_org_local[3];
copy_v3_v3(ray_org_local, snapdata->ray_origin);
mul_m4_v3(imat, ray_org_local);
Nearest2dUserData neasrest2d = {
.r_axis_closest = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
.r_axis_closest = {true, true, true},
.is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP,
.depth_range = {snapdata->depth_range[0], *ray_depth + snapdata->depth_range[0]},
.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to,
@ -1771,6 +1741,11 @@ static bool snapEditMesh(
cb_walk_parent_snap_project, cb_walk_leaf, cb_nearest_walk_order, &neasrest2d);
if (neasrest2d.index != -1) {
float imat[4][4];
float timat[3][3]; /* transpose inverse matrix for normals */
invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat);
transpose_m3_m4(timat, imat);
mul_m4_v3(obmat, r_loc);
if (r_no) {