Subdiv: CCG, evaluate final position for multires

This makes it so coordinates and normals for CCG are calculated
with mutires displacement taken into account. This solves issues
with multires displacement being lost when entering sculpt mode.

The missing part is averaging of normals along grid boundaries.
But even then sculpting shows decent results.

The plan to solve that would be to introduce function to stitch
grids, which can also be used by Smooth brush which requires
This commit is contained in:
Sergey Sharybin 2018-09-18 14:23:35 +02:00
parent b6ff37ee67
commit 41c039d6e9
2 changed files with 167 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -158,4 +158,7 @@ void BKE_subdiv_ccg_key(
void BKE_subdiv_ccg_key_top_level(
struct CCGKey *key, const SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg);
/* Recalculate all normals based on grid element coordinates. */
void BKE_subdiv_ccg_recalc_normals(SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg);
#endif /* __BKE_SUBDIV_CCG_H__ */

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "BLI_math_bits.h"
#include "BLI_math_vector.h"
#include "BLI_task.h"
#include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
@ -167,8 +168,11 @@ static void subdiv_ccg_eval_grid_element(
const float u, const float v,
unsigned char *element)
/* TODO(sergey): Support displacement. */
if (data->subdiv_ccg->has_normal) {
if (data->subdiv->displacement_evaluator != NULL) {
data->subdiv, ptex_face_index, u, v, (float *)element);
else if (data->subdiv_ccg->has_normal) {
data->subdiv, ptex_face_index, u, v,
(float *)element,
@ -299,18 +303,24 @@ static bool subdiv_ccg_evaluate_grids(
data.subdiv = subdiv;
data.coarse_mesh = coarse_mesh;
data.face_ptex_offset = BKE_subdiv_face_ptex_offset_get(subdiv);
/* Threaded grids evaluation/ */
/* Threaded grids evaluation. */
ParallelRangeSettings parallel_range_settings;
BLI_task_parallel_range(0, coarse_mesh->totpoly,
/* If displacement is used, need to calculate normals after all final
* coordinates are known.
if (subdiv->displacement_evaluator != NULL) {
return true;
/* =============================================================================
* Public API.
* Creation / evaluation.
SubdivCCG *BKE_subdiv_to_ccg(
@ -390,3 +400,153 @@ void BKE_subdiv_ccg_key_top_level(CCGKey *key, const SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg)
BKE_subdiv_ccg_key(key, subdiv_ccg, subdiv_ccg->level);
/* =============================================================================
* Normals.
typedef struct RecalcInnerNormalsData {
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg;
CCGKey *key;
} RecalcInnerNormalsData;
typedef struct RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData {
float (*face_normals)[3];
} RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData;
/* Evaluate high-res face normals, for faces which corresponds to grid elements
* {(x, y), {x + 1, y}, {x + 1, y + 1}, {x, y + 1}}
* The result is stored in normals storage from TLS.
static void subdiv_ccg_recalc_inner_face_normals(
RecalcInnerNormalsData *data,
RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData *tls,
const int grid_index)
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg = data->subdiv_ccg;
CCGKey *key = data->key;
const int grid_size = subdiv_ccg->grid_size;
const int grid_size_1 = grid_size - 1;
CCGElem *grid = subdiv_ccg->grids[grid_index];
if (tls->face_normals == NULL) {
tls->face_normals = MEM_malloc_arrayN(
grid_size_1 * grid_size_1,
3 * sizeof(float),
"CCG TLS normals");
for (int y = 0; y < grid_size -1; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < grid_size - 1; x++) {
CCGElem *grid_elements[4] = {
CCG_grid_elem(key, grid, x, y + 1),
CCG_grid_elem(key, grid, x + 1, y + 1),
CCG_grid_elem(key, grid, x + 1, y),
CCG_grid_elem(key, grid, x, y)
float *co[4] = {
CCG_elem_co(key, grid_elements[0]),
CCG_elem_co(key, grid_elements[1]),
CCG_elem_co(key, grid_elements[2]),
CCG_elem_co(key, grid_elements[3])
const int face_index = y * grid_size_1 + x;
float *face_normal = tls->face_normals[face_index];
normal_quad_v3(face_normal, co[0], co[1], co[2], co[3]);
/* Average normals at every grid element, using adjacent faces normals. */
static void subdiv_ccg_average_inner_face_normals(
RecalcInnerNormalsData *data,
RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData *tls,
const int grid_index)
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg = data->subdiv_ccg;
CCGKey *key = data->key;
const int grid_size = subdiv_ccg->grid_size;
const int grid_size_1 = grid_size - 1;
CCGElem *grid = subdiv_ccg->grids[grid_index];
const float (*face_normals)[3] = tls->face_normals;
for (int y = 0; y < grid_size; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < grid_size; x++) {
float normal_acc[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
int counter = 0;
/* Accumulate normals of all adjacent faces. */
if (x < grid_size_1 && y < grid_size_1) {
add_v3_v3(normal_acc, face_normals[y * grid_size_1 + x]);
if (x >= 1) {
if (y < grid_size_1) {
face_normals[y * grid_size_1 + (x - 1)]);
if (y >= 1) {
face_normals[(y - 1) * grid_size_1 + (x - 1)]);
if (y >= 1 && x < grid_size_1) {
add_v3_v3(normal_acc, face_normals[(y - 1) * grid_size_1 + x]);
/* Normalize and store. */
mul_v3_v3fl(CCG_grid_elem_no(key, grid, x, y),
1.0f / (float)counter);
static void subdiv_ccg_recalc_inner_normal_task(
void *__restrict userdata_v,
const int grid_index,
const ParallelRangeTLS *__restrict tls_v)
RecalcInnerNormalsData *data = userdata_v;
RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData *tls = tls_v->userdata_chunk;
subdiv_ccg_recalc_inner_face_normals(data, tls, grid_index);
subdiv_ccg_average_inner_face_normals(data, tls, grid_index);
static void subdiv_ccg_recalc_inner_normal_finalize(
void *__restrict UNUSED(userdata),
void *__restrict tls_v)
RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData *tls = tls_v;
/* Recalculate normals which corresponds to non-boundaries elements of grids. */
static void subdiv_ccg_recalc_inner_grid_normals(SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg)
CCGKey key;
BKE_subdiv_ccg_key_top_level(&key, subdiv_ccg);
RecalcInnerNormalsData data = {
.subdiv_ccg = subdiv_ccg,
.key = &key};
RecalcInnerNormalsTLSData tls_data = {NULL};
ParallelRangeSettings parallel_range_settings;
parallel_range_settings.userdata_chunk = &tls_data;
parallel_range_settings.userdata_chunk_size = sizeof(tls_data);
parallel_range_settings.func_finalize =
BLI_task_parallel_range(0, subdiv_ccg->num_grids,
void BKE_subdiv_ccg_recalc_normals(SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg)
if (!subdiv_ccg->has_normal) {
/* Grids don't have normals, can do early output. */