Camera: change how the minimum near clip depth is set

do_clip wasn't working for its intended purpose,
replace with a simpler method.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2019-03-23 01:13:04 +11:00
parent 33d322873e
commit 4f9451c044
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 05:25:44 +01:00
Referenced by commit 33fc230ba2, Fix T98799: camera unselectable in camera view below a certain scale
2 changed files with 21 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void BKE_camera_view_frame_ex(
facy = 0.5f * camera->ortho_scale * r_asp[1] * scale[1];
r_shift[0] = camera->shiftx * camera->ortho_scale * scale[0];
r_shift[1] = camera->shifty * camera->ortho_scale * scale[1];
depth = do_clip ? -((camera->clip_start * scale[2]) + 0.1f) : -drawsize * scale[2];
depth = -drawsize * scale[2];
*r_drawsize = 0.5f * camera->ortho_scale;
@ -376,24 +376,12 @@ void BKE_camera_view_frame_ex(
float half_sensor = 0.5f * ((camera->sensor_fit == CAMERA_SENSOR_FIT_VERT) ?
(camera->sensor_y) : (camera->sensor_x));
if (do_clip) {
/* fixed depth, variable size (avoids exceeding clipping range) */
/* r_drawsize shouldn't be used in this case, set to dummy value */
*r_drawsize = 1.0f;
depth = -(camera->clip_start + 0.1f) * scale[2];
fac = depth / (camera->lens / (-half_sensor));
scale_x = scale[0] / scale[2];
scale_y = scale[1] / scale[2];
else {
/* fixed size, variable depth (stays a reasonable size in the 3D view) */
*r_drawsize = (drawsize / 2.0f) / ((scale[0] + scale[1] + scale[2]) / 3.0f);
depth = *r_drawsize * camera->lens / (-half_sensor) * scale[2];
fac = *r_drawsize;
scale_x = scale[0];
scale_y = scale[1];
/* fixed size, variable depth (stays a reasonable size in the 3D view) */
*r_drawsize = (drawsize / 2.0f) / ((scale[0] + scale[1] + scale[2]) / 3.0f);
depth = *r_drawsize * camera->lens / (-half_sensor) * scale[2];
fac = *r_drawsize;
scale_x = scale[0];
scale_y = scale[1];
facx = fac * r_asp[0] * scale_x;
facy = fac * r_asp[1] * scale_y;
@ -405,6 +393,19 @@ void BKE_camera_view_frame_ex(
r_vec[1][0] = r_shift[0] + facx; r_vec[1][1] = r_shift[1] - facy; r_vec[1][2] = depth;
r_vec[2][0] = r_shift[0] - facx; r_vec[2][1] = r_shift[1] - facy; r_vec[2][2] = depth;
r_vec[3][0] = r_shift[0] - facx; r_vec[3][1] = r_shift[1] + facy; r_vec[3][2] = depth;
if (do_clip) {
/* Ensure the frame isn't behind the near clipping plane, T62814. */
float fac = (camera->clip_start + 0.1f) / -r_vec[0][2];
for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (camera->type == CAM_ORTHO) {
r_vec[i][2] *= fac;
else {
mul_v3_fl(r_vec[i], fac);
void BKE_camera_view_frame(const Scene *scene, const Camera *camera, float r_vec[4][3])

View File

@ -1850,24 +1850,9 @@ static void DRW_shgroup_camera(OBJECT_ShadingGroupList *sgl, Object *ob, ViewLay
scale[2] = 1.0f / len_v3(ob->obmat[2]);
BKE_camera_view_frame_ex(scene, cam, cam->drawsize, false, scale,
BKE_camera_view_frame_ex(scene, cam, cam->drawsize, look_through, scale,
asp, shift, &drawsize, vec);
if (look_through) {
/* Ensure the frame isn't behind the near clipping plane, T62814. */
float fac = (cam->clip_start + 0.1f) / -vec[0][2];
if (fac > 1.0f) {
for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (rv3d->is_persp) {
mul_v3_fl(vec[i], fac);
else {
vec[i][2] *= fac;
/* Frame coords */
copy_v2_v2(cam->runtime.drw_corners[0][0], vec[0]);
copy_v2_v2(cam->runtime.drw_corners[0][1], vec[1]);