Remove obsolete weight paint color computation code.

The new weight paint drawing code converts weight to color
directly in the shader, so the old CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL based
code is not needed anymore.
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Gavrilov 2018-09-30 18:07:38 +03:00
parent d64e60340f
commit 534009098e
5 changed files with 4 additions and 532 deletions

View File

@ -559,17 +559,6 @@ void makeDerivedMesh(
struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, struct Scene *scene, struct Object *ob, struct BMEditMesh *em,
CustomDataMask dataMask, const bool build_shapekey_layers);
/** Update the weight MCOL preview layer.
* If weights are NULL, use object's active vgroup(s).
* Else, weights must be an array of weight float values.
* If indices is NULL, it must be of numVerts length.
* Else, it must be of num length, as indices, which contains vertices' idx to apply weights to.
* (other vertices are assumed zero weight).
void DM_update_weight_mcol(
struct Object *ob, struct DerivedMesh *dm, int const draw_flag,
float *weights, int num, const int *indices);
/** convert layers requested by a GLSL material to actually available layers in
* the DerivedMesh, with both a pointer for arrays and an offset for editmesh */
typedef struct DMVertexAttribs {

View File

@ -107,9 +107,6 @@ struct Mesh *mesh_create_eval_final_view(
void BKE_mesh_runtime_eval_to_meshkey(struct Mesh *me_deformed, struct Mesh *me, struct KeyBlock *kb);
/* Temporary? A function to give a colorband to derivedmesh for vertexcolor ranges */
void BKE_mesh_runtime_color_band_store(const struct ColorBand *coba, const char alert_color[4]);
#ifndef NDEBUG
char *BKE_mesh_runtime_debug_info(struct Mesh *me_eval);

View File

@ -1326,439 +1326,6 @@ static void add_orco_mesh(
/* weight paint colors */
/* Something of a hack, at the moment deal with weightpaint
* by tucking into colors during modifier eval, only in
* wpaint mode. Works ok but need to make sure recalc
* happens on enter/exit wpaint.
/* draw_flag's for calc_weightpaint_vert_color */
enum {
/* only one of these should be set, keep first (for easy bit-shifting) */
CALC_WP_MIRROR_X = (1 << 5),
typedef struct MERuntimeWeightColorInfo {
const ColorBand *coba;
const char *alert_color;
} MERuntimeWeightColorInfo;
static int dm_drawflag_calc(const ToolSettings *ts, const Mesh *me)
return ((ts->multipaint ? CALC_WP_MULTIPAINT : 0) |
(1 << ts->weightuser) |
(ts->auto_normalize ? CALC_WP_AUTO_NORMALIZE : 0) |
((me->editflag & ME_EDIT_MIRROR_X) ? CALC_WP_MIRROR_X : 0));
static void weightpaint_color(unsigned char r_col[4], MERuntimeWeightColorInfo *dm_wcinfo, const float input)
float colf[4];
if (dm_wcinfo && dm_wcinfo->coba) {
BKE_colorband_evaluate(dm_wcinfo->coba, input, colf);
else {
BKE_defvert_weight_to_rgb(colf, input);
/* don't use rgb_float_to_uchar() here because
* the resulting float doesn't need 0-1 clamp check */
r_col[0] = (unsigned char)(colf[0] * 255.0f);
r_col[1] = (unsigned char)(colf[1] * 255.0f);
r_col[2] = (unsigned char)(colf[2] * 255.0f);
r_col[3] = 255;
static void calc_weightpaint_vert_color(
unsigned char r_col[4],
const MDeformVert *dv,
MERuntimeWeightColorInfo *dm_wcinfo,
const int defbase_tot, const int defbase_act,
const bool *defbase_sel, const int defbase_sel_tot,
const int draw_flag)
float input = 0.0f;
bool show_alert_color = false;
if ((defbase_sel_tot > 1) && (draw_flag & CALC_WP_MULTIPAINT)) {
/* Multi-Paint feature */
input = BKE_defvert_multipaint_collective_weight(
dv, defbase_tot, defbase_sel, defbase_sel_tot, (draw_flag & CALC_WP_AUTO_NORMALIZE) != 0);
/* make it black if the selected groups have no weight on a vertex */
if (input == 0.0f) {
show_alert_color = true;
else {
/* default, non tricky behavior */
input = defvert_find_weight(dv, defbase_act);
if (draw_flag & CALC_WP_GROUP_USER_ACTIVE) {
if (input == 0.0f) {
show_alert_color = true;
else if (draw_flag & CALC_WP_GROUP_USER_ALL) {
if (input == 0.0f) {
show_alert_color = defvert_is_weight_zero(dv, defbase_tot);
if (show_alert_color == false) {
CLAMP(input, 0.0f, 1.0f);
weightpaint_color(r_col, dm_wcinfo, input);
else {
copy_v3_v3_char((char *)r_col, dm_wcinfo->alert_color);
r_col[3] = 255;
static MERuntimeWeightColorInfo G_me_runtime_wcinfo;
void BKE_mesh_runtime_color_band_store(const ColorBand *coba, const char alert_color[4])
G_me_runtime_wcinfo.coba = coba;
G_me_runtime_wcinfo.alert_color = alert_color;
* return an array of vertex weight colors, caller must free.
* \note that we could save some memory and allocate RGB only but then we'd need to
* re-arrange the colors when copying to the face since MCol has odd ordering,
* so leave this as is - campbell
static void calc_weightpaint_vert_array(
Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, int const draw_flag, MERuntimeWeightColorInfo *dm_wcinfo,
unsigned char (*r_wtcol_v)[4])
BMEditMesh *em = (dm->type == DM_TYPE_EDITBMESH) ? BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob) : NULL;
const int numVerts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
if ((ob->actdef != 0) &&
(CustomData_has_layer(em ? &em->bm->vdata : &dm->vertData, CD_MDEFORMVERT)))
unsigned char (*wc)[4] = r_wtcol_v;
unsigned int i;
/* variables for multipaint */
const int defbase_tot = BLI_listbase_count(&ob->defbase);
const int defbase_act = ob->actdef - 1;
int defbase_sel_tot = 0;
bool *defbase_sel = NULL;
if (draw_flag & CALC_WP_MULTIPAINT) {
defbase_sel = BKE_object_defgroup_selected_get(ob, defbase_tot, &defbase_sel_tot);
if (defbase_sel_tot > 1 && (draw_flag & CALC_WP_MIRROR_X)) {
BKE_object_defgroup_mirror_selection(ob, defbase_tot, defbase_sel, defbase_sel, &defbase_sel_tot);
/* editmesh won't have deform verts unless modifiers require it,
* avoid having to create an array of deform-verts only for drawing
* by reading from the bmesh directly. */
if (em) {
BMIter iter;
BMVert *eve;
const int cd_dvert_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&em->bm->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
BLI_assert(cd_dvert_offset != -1);
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (eve, &iter, em->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
const MDeformVert *dv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(eve, cd_dvert_offset);
(unsigned char *)wc, dv, dm_wcinfo,
defbase_tot, defbase_act, defbase_sel, defbase_sel_tot, draw_flag);
else {
const MDeformVert *dv = DM_get_vert_data_layer(dm, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
for (i = numVerts; i != 0; i--, wc++, dv++) {
(unsigned char *)wc, dv, dm_wcinfo,
defbase_tot, defbase_act, defbase_sel, defbase_sel_tot, draw_flag);
if (defbase_sel) {
else {
unsigned char col[4];
if ((ob->actdef == 0) && !BLI_listbase_is_empty(&ob->defbase)) {
/* color-code for missing data (full brightness isn't easy on the eye). */
ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(col, 0xa0, 0, 0xa0, 0xff);
copy_v3_v3_char((char *)col, dm_wcinfo->alert_color);
col[3] = 255;
else {
weightpaint_color(col, dm_wcinfo, 0.0f);
copy_vn_i((int *)r_wtcol_v, numVerts, *((int *)col));
static void calc_weightpaint_vert_array_mesh(
Object *ob, Mesh *mesh, int const draw_flag, MERuntimeWeightColorInfo *dm_wcinfo,
unsigned char (*r_wtcol_v)[4])
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob);
const int numVerts = mesh->totvert;
if ((ob->actdef != 0) &&
(CustomData_has_layer(em ? &em->bm->vdata : &mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT)))
unsigned char (*wc)[4] = r_wtcol_v;
unsigned int i;
/* variables for multipaint */
const int defbase_tot = BLI_listbase_count(&ob->defbase);
const int defbase_act = ob->actdef - 1;
int defbase_sel_tot = 0;
bool *defbase_sel = NULL;
if (draw_flag & CALC_WP_MULTIPAINT) {
defbase_sel = BKE_object_defgroup_selected_get(ob, defbase_tot, &defbase_sel_tot);
if (defbase_sel_tot > 1 && (draw_flag & CALC_WP_MIRROR_X)) {
BKE_object_defgroup_mirror_selection(ob, defbase_tot, defbase_sel, defbase_sel, &defbase_sel_tot);
/* editmesh won't have deform verts unless modifiers require it,
* avoid having to create an array of deform-verts only for drawing
* by reading from the bmesh directly. */
if (em) {
BMIter iter;
BMVert *eve;
const int cd_dvert_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&em->bm->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
BLI_assert(cd_dvert_offset != -1);
BM_ITER_MESH_INDEX (eve, &iter, em->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH, i) {
const MDeformVert *dv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(eve, cd_dvert_offset);
(unsigned char *)wc, dv, dm_wcinfo,
defbase_tot, defbase_act, defbase_sel, defbase_sel_tot, draw_flag);
else {
const MDeformVert *dv = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT);
for (i = numVerts; i != 0; i--, wc++, dv++) {
(unsigned char *)wc, dv, dm_wcinfo,
defbase_tot, defbase_act, defbase_sel, defbase_sel_tot, draw_flag);
if (defbase_sel) {
else {
unsigned char col[4];
if ((ob->actdef == 0) && !BLI_listbase_is_empty(&ob->defbase)) {
/* color-code for missing data (full brightness isn't easy on the eye). */
ARRAY_SET_ITEMS(col, 0xa0, 0, 0xa0, 0xff);
copy_v3_v3_char((char *)col, dm_wcinfo->alert_color);
col[3] = 255;
else {
weightpaint_color(col, dm_wcinfo, 0.0f);
copy_vn_i((int *)r_wtcol_v, numVerts, *((int *)col));
/** return an array of vertex weight colors from given weights, caller must free.
* \note that we could save some memory and allocate RGB only but then we'd need to
* re-arrange the colors when copying to the face since MCol has odd ordering,
* so leave this as is - campbell
static void calc_colors_from_weights_array(
const int num, const float *weights,
unsigned char (*r_wtcol_v)[4])
unsigned char (*wc)[4] = r_wtcol_v;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++, wc++, weights++) {
weightpaint_color((unsigned char *)wc, NULL, *weights);
void DM_update_weight_mcol(
Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm, int const draw_flag,
float *weights, int num, const int *indices)
BMEditMesh *em = (dm->type == DM_TYPE_EDITBMESH) ? BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob) : NULL;
unsigned char (*wtcol_v)[4];
int numVerts = dm->getNumVerts(dm);
int i;
if (em) {
BKE_editmesh_color_ensure(em, BM_VERT);
wtcol_v = em->derivedVertColor;
else {
wtcol_v = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(*wtcol_v), __func__);
/* Weights are given by caller. */
if (weights) {
float *w = weights;
/* If indices is not NULL, it means we do not have weights for all vertices,
* so we must create them (and set them to zero)... */
if (indices) {
w = MEM_calloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(float), "Temp weight array DM_update_weight_mcol");
i = num;
while (i--)
w[indices[i]] = weights[i];
/* Convert float weights to colors. */
calc_colors_from_weights_array(numVerts, w, wtcol_v);
if (indices)
else {
/* No weights given, take them from active vgroup(s). */
calc_weightpaint_vert_array(ob, dm, draw_flag, &G_me_runtime_wcinfo, wtcol_v);
if (dm->type == DM_TYPE_EDITBMESH) {
/* editmesh draw function checks specifically for this */
else {
const int dm_totpoly = dm->getNumPolys(dm);
const int dm_totloop = dm->getNumLoops(dm);
unsigned char(*wtcol_l)[4] = CustomData_get_layer(dm->getLoopDataLayout(dm), CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL);
MLoop *mloop = dm->getLoopArray(dm), *ml;
MPoly *mp = dm->getPolyArray(dm);
int l_index;
int j;
/* now add to loops, so the data can be passed through the modifier stack
* If no CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL existed yet, we have to add a new one! */
if (!wtcol_l) {
wtcol_l = MEM_malloc_arrayN(dm_totloop, sizeof(*wtcol_l), __func__);
CustomData_add_layer(&dm->loopData, CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL, CD_ASSIGN, wtcol_l, dm_totloop);
l_index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dm_totpoly; i++, mp++) {
ml = mloop + mp->loopstart;
for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++, l_index++) {
static void mesh_update_weight_mcol(
Object *ob, Mesh *mesh, int const draw_flag,
float *weights, int num, const int *indices)
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob);
unsigned char (*wtcol_v)[4];
int numVerts = mesh->totvert;
int i;
if (em) {
BKE_editmesh_color_ensure(em, BM_VERT);
wtcol_v = em->derivedVertColor;
else {
wtcol_v = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(*wtcol_v), __func__);
/* Weights are given by caller. */
if (weights) {
float *w = weights;
/* If indices is not NULL, it means we do not have weights for all vertices,
* so we must create them (and set them to zero)... */
if (indices) {
w = MEM_calloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(float), "Temp weight array DM_update_weight_mcol");
i = num;
while (i--)
w[indices[i]] = weights[i];
/* Convert float weights to colors. */
calc_colors_from_weights_array(numVerts, w, wtcol_v);
if (indices)
else {
/* No weights given, take them from active vgroup(s). */
calc_weightpaint_vert_array_mesh(ob, mesh, draw_flag, &G_me_runtime_wcinfo, wtcol_v);
if (em) {
/* editmesh draw function checks specifically for this */
else {
const int totpoly = mesh->totpoly;
const int totloop = mesh->totloop;
unsigned char(*wtcol_l)[4] = CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL);
MLoop *mloop = mesh->mloop, *ml;
MPoly *mp = mesh->mpoly;
int l_index;
int j;
/* now add to loops, so the data can be passed through the modifier stack
* If no CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL existed yet, we have to add a new one! */
if (!wtcol_l) {
wtcol_l = MEM_malloc_arrayN(totloop, sizeof(*wtcol_l), __func__);
CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL, CD_ASSIGN, wtcol_l, totloop);
l_index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < totpoly; i++, mp++) {
ml = mloop + mp->loopstart;
for (j = 0; j < mp->totloop; j++, ml++, l_index++) {
static void DM_update_statvis_color(const Scene *scene, Object *ob, DerivedMesh *dm)
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob);
@ -1930,18 +1497,9 @@ static void mesh_calc_modifiers(
bool multires_applied = false;
const bool sculpt_mode = ob->mode & OB_MODE_SCULPT && ob->sculpt && !useRenderParams;
const bool sculpt_dyntopo = (sculpt_mode && ob->sculpt->bm) && !useRenderParams;
const int draw_flag = dm_drawflag_calc(scene->toolsettings, me);
/* Generic preview only in object mode! */
const bool do_mod_mcol = (ob->mode == OB_MODE_OBJECT);
#if 0 /* XXX Will re-enable this when we have global mod stack options. */
const bool do_final_wmcol = (scene->toolsettings->weights_preview == WP_WPREVIEW_FINAL) && do_wmcol;
const bool do_final_wmcol = false;
const bool do_init_wmcol = ((dataMask & CD_MASK_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL) && (ob->mode & OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT) && !do_final_wmcol);
/* XXX Same as above... For now, only weights preview in WPaint mode. */
const bool do_mod_wmcol = do_init_wmcol;
const bool do_loop_normals = (me->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH) != 0;
VirtualModifierData virtualModifierData;
@ -1966,19 +1524,12 @@ static void mesh_calc_modifiers(
if (do_mod_wmcol || do_mod_mcol) {
if (do_mod_mcol) {
/* Find the last active modifier generating a preview, or NULL if none. */
/* XXX Currently, DPaint modifier just ignores this.
* Needs a stupid hack...
* The whole "modifier preview" thing has to be (re?)designed, anyway! */
previewmd = modifiers_getLastPreview(scene, md, required_mode);
/* even if the modifier doesn't need the data, to make a preview it may */
if (previewmd) {
if (do_mod_wmcol) {
previewmask = CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT;
datamasks = modifiers_calcDataMasks(scene, ob, md, dataMask, required_mode, previewmd, previewmask);
@ -2176,9 +1727,6 @@ static void mesh_calc_modifiers(
BKE_mesh_apply_vert_coords(mesh, deformedVerts);
if (do_init_wmcol)
mesh_update_weight_mcol(ob, mesh, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
/* Constructive modifiers need to have an origindex
* otherwise they wont have anywhere to copy the data from.
@ -2291,11 +1839,6 @@ static void mesh_calc_modifiers(
/* XXX Temp and hackish solution! */
if (md->type == eModifierType_DynamicPaint)
/* In case of active preview modifier, make sure preview mask remains for following modifiers. */
else if ((md == previewmd) && (do_mod_wmcol)) {
mesh_update_weight_mcol(ob, mesh, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
mesh->runtime.deformed_only = false;
@ -2326,12 +1869,6 @@ static void mesh_calc_modifiers(
if (deformedVerts) {
BKE_mesh_apply_vert_coords(final_mesh, deformedVerts);
#if 0 /* For later nice mod preview! */
/* In case we need modified weights in CD_PREVIEW_MCOL, we have to re-compute it. */
if (do_final_wmcol)
mesh_update_weight_mcol(ob, final_mesh, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
else {
final_mesh = BKE_mesh_copy_for_eval(me, true);
@ -2343,10 +1880,6 @@ static void mesh_calc_modifiers(
if (deformedVerts) {
BKE_mesh_apply_vert_coords(final_mesh, deformedVerts);
/* In this case, we should never have weight-modifying modifiers in stack... */
if (do_init_wmcol)
mesh_update_weight_mcol(ob, final_mesh, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
/* add an orco layer if needed */
@ -2469,27 +2002,15 @@ static void editbmesh_calc_modifiers(
/* return args */
DerivedMesh **r_cage, DerivedMesh **r_final)
ModifierData *md, *previewmd = NULL;
ModifierData *md;
float (*deformedVerts)[3] = NULL;
CustomDataMask mask = 0, previewmask = 0, append_mask = 0;
CustomDataMask mask = 0, append_mask = 0;
DerivedMesh *dm = NULL, *orcodm = NULL;
int i, numVerts = 0, cageIndex = modifiers_getCageIndex(scene, ob, NULL, 1);
CDMaskLink *datamasks, *curr;
const int required_mode = eModifierMode_Realtime | eModifierMode_Editmode;
int draw_flag = dm_drawflag_calc(scene->toolsettings, ob->data);
// const bool do_mod_mcol = true; // (ob->mode == OB_MODE_OBJECT);
#if 0 /* XXX Will re-enable this when we have global mod stack options. */
const bool do_final_wmcol = (scene->toolsettings->weights_preview == WP_WPREVIEW_FINAL) && do_wmcol;
#if 0 /* Obsolete by 2.8. */
const bool do_final_wmcol = false;
const bool do_init_wmcol = ((((Mesh *)ob->data)->drawflag & ME_DRAWEIGHT) && !do_final_wmcol);
const bool do_init_statvis = ((((Mesh *)ob->data)->drawflag & ME_DRAW_STATVIS) && !do_init_wmcol);
const bool do_init_wmcol = false;
const bool do_init_statvis = false;
const bool do_mod_wmcol = do_init_wmcol;
VirtualModifierData virtualModifierData;
/* TODO(sybren): do we really need multiple objects, or shall we change the flags where needed? */
@ -2509,15 +2030,7 @@ static void editbmesh_calc_modifiers(
md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob, &virtualModifierData);
/* copied from mesh_calc_modifiers */
if (do_mod_wmcol) {
previewmd = modifiers_getLastPreview(scene, md, required_mode);
/* even if the modifier doesn't need the data, to make a preview it may */
if (previewmd) {
previewmask = CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT;
datamasks = modifiers_calcDataMasks(scene, ob, md, dataMask, required_mode, previewmd, previewmask);
datamasks = modifiers_calcDataMasks(scene, ob, md, dataMask, required_mode, NULL, 0);
curr = datamasks;
for (i = 0; md; i++, md = md->next, curr = curr->next) {
@ -2589,10 +2102,6 @@ static void editbmesh_calc_modifiers(
if (deformedVerts) {
CDDM_apply_vert_coords(dm, deformedVerts);
if (do_init_wmcol) {
DM_update_weight_mcol(ob, dm, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
/* create an orco derivedmesh in parallel */
@ -2653,12 +2162,6 @@ static void editbmesh_calc_modifiers(
dm->deformedOnly = false;
/* In case of active preview modifier, make sure preview mask remains for following modifiers. */
if ((md == previewmd) && (do_mod_wmcol)) {
DM_update_weight_mcol(ob, dm, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (r_cage && i == cageIndex) {
if (dm && deformedVerts) {
*r_cage = CDDM_copy(dm);
@ -2703,8 +2206,6 @@ static void editbmesh_calc_modifiers(
*r_final = *r_cage;
/* In this case, we should never have weight-modifying modifiers in stack... */
if (do_init_wmcol)
DM_update_weight_mcol(ob, *r_final, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (do_init_statvis)
DM_update_statvis_color(scene, ob, *r_final);
@ -2721,8 +2222,6 @@ static void editbmesh_calc_modifiers(
deformedVerts = NULL;
/* In this case, we should never have weight-modifying modifiers in stack... */
if (do_init_wmcol)
DM_update_weight_mcol(ob, *r_final, draw_flag, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (do_init_statvis)
DM_update_statvis_color(scene, ob, *r_final);
@ -2910,10 +2409,6 @@ static CustomDataMask object_get_datamask(const Depsgraph *depsgraph, Object *ob
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT) {
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_EDIT)

View File

@ -1198,12 +1198,6 @@ void init_userdef_do_versions(Main *bmain)
/* signal for evaluated mesh to use colorband */
/* run in case this was on and is now off in the user prefs [#28096] */
(U.flag & USER_CUSTOM_RANGE) ? (&U.coba_weight) : NULL,
/* Not versioning, just avoid errors. */
BKE_addon_remove_safe(&U.addons, "cycles");

View File

@ -328,9 +328,6 @@ static void rna_UserDef_weight_color_update(Main *bmain, Scene *scene, PointerRN
Object *ob;
bTheme *btheme = UI_GetTheme();
BKE_mesh_runtime_color_band_store((U.flag & USER_CUSTOM_RANGE) ? (&U.coba_weight) : NULL, btheme->tv3d.vertex_unreferenced);
for (ob = bmain->object.first; ob; ob = ob-> {
if (ob->mode & OB_MODE_WEIGHT_PAINT)
DEG_id_tag_update(&ob->id, OB_RECALC_DATA);