Cycles: removed UV requirement for MNEE, along with fixes and cleanups

Remove need for shadow caustic caster geometry to have a UV layout. UVs were
useful to maintain a consistent tangent frame across the surface while
performing the walk. A consistent tangent frame is necessary for rough
surfaces where a normal offset encodes the sampled h, which should point
towards the same direction across the mesh.

In order to get a continuous surface parametrization without UVs, the
technique described in this paper was implemented:

"The Natural-Constraint Representation of the Path Space for Efficient
 Light Transport Simulation" (Supplementary Material), SIGGRAPH 2014.

In addition to implementing this feature:
* Shadow caustic casters without smooth normals are now ignored (triggered
  some refactoring and cleaning).
* Hit point calculation was refactored using existing utils functions,
  simplifying the code.
* The max number of solver iterations was reduced to 32, a solution is
  usually found by then.
* Added generalized geometry term clamping (transfer matrix calculation can
  sometimes get unstable).
* Add stop condition to Newton solver for more consistent CPU and GPU result.
* Add support for multi scatter GGX refraction.

Fixes T96990, T96991

Ref T94120

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Maury 2022-04-22 18:25:18 +02:00 committed by Brecht Van Lommel
parent d8abac7357
commit 58be9708bf
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 09:34:18 +01:00
Referenced by issue #96990, MNEE caustics with Multiscatter GGX materials are inconsistent.
Referenced by issue #96991, MNEE does not fall back to alternative caustic technique when MNEE does not work.
Referenced by issue #94120, Cycles Manifold Next Event Estimation
1 changed files with 114 additions and 156 deletions

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@ -36,11 +36,13 @@
# define MNEE_MINIMUM_STEP_SIZE 0.0001f
# define MNEE_MIN_DISTANCE 0.001f
# define MNEE_MIN_DETERMINANT 0.0001f
@ -168,7 +170,8 @@ ccl_device_forceinline void mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(KernelGlobals kg,
const float2 n_offset,
ccl_private const Ray *ray,
ccl_private const Intersection *isect,
ccl_private ShaderData *sd_vtx)
ccl_private ShaderData *sd_vtx,
bool seed)
sd_vtx->object = (isect->object == OBJECT_NONE) ? kernel_tex_fetch(__prim_object, isect->prim) :
@ -177,7 +180,7 @@ ccl_device_forceinline void mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(KernelGlobals kg,
sd_vtx->flag = 0;
sd_vtx->object_flag = kernel_tex_fetch(__object_flag, sd_vtx->object);
/* matrices and time */
/* Matrices and time. */
shader_setup_object_transforms(kg, sd_vtx, ray->time);
sd_vtx->time = ray->time;
@ -191,83 +194,29 @@ ccl_device_forceinline void mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(KernelGlobals kg,
float3 verts[3];
float3 normals[3];
uint4 tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_vindex, sd_vtx->prim);
if (sd_vtx->type & PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE) {
/* Static triangle. */
/* Load triangle vertices and normals. */
triangle_vertices_and_normals(kg, sd_vtx->prim, verts, normals);
/* Load triangle vertices. */
verts[0] = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_verts, tri_vindex.w + 0);
verts[1] = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_verts, tri_vindex.w + 1);
verts[2] = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_verts, tri_vindex.w + 2);
/* Vectors. */
sd_vtx->P = triangle_point_from_uv(kg, sd_vtx, isect->object, isect->prim, isect->u, isect->v);
/* Smooth normal. */
if (sd_vtx->shader & SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL) {
/* Load triangle vertices. */
normals[0] = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_vnormal, tri_vindex.x);
normals[1] = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_vnormal, tri_vindex.y);
normals[2] = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_vnormal, tri_vindex.z);
/* Compute refined position (same code as in triangle_point_from_uv). */
sd_vtx->P = isect->u * verts[0] + isect->v * verts[1] + (1.f - isect->u - isect->v) * verts[2];
if (!(sd_vtx->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_TRANSFORM_APPLIED)) {
const Transform tfm = object_get_transform(kg, sd_vtx);
sd_vtx->P = transform_point(&tfm, sd_vtx->P);
else { /* if (sd_vtx->type & PRIMITIVE_MOTION_TRIANGLE) */
/* Motion triangle. */
/* Get motion info. */
int numsteps, numverts;
object_motion_info(kg, sd_vtx->object, &numsteps, &numverts, NULL);
/* Figure out which steps we need to fetch and their interpolation factor. */
int maxstep = numsteps * 2;
int step = min((int)(sd_vtx->time * maxstep), maxstep - 1);
float t = sd_vtx->time * maxstep - step;
/* Find attribute. */
int offset = intersection_find_attribute(kg, sd_vtx->object, ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_POSITION);
kernel_assert(offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND);
/* Fetch vertex coordinates. */
float3 next_verts[3];
uint4 tri_vindex = kernel_tex_fetch(__tri_vindex, sd_vtx->prim);
motion_triangle_verts_for_step(kg, tri_vindex, offset, numverts, numsteps, step, verts);
kg, tri_vindex, offset, numverts, numsteps, step + 1, next_verts);
/* Interpolate between steps. */
verts[0] = (1.0f - t) * verts[0] + t * next_verts[0];
verts[1] = (1.0f - t) * verts[1] + t * next_verts[1];
verts[2] = (1.0f - t) * verts[2] + t * next_verts[2];
/* Load triangle vertices and normals. */
kg, sd_vtx->object, sd_vtx->prim, sd_vtx->time, verts, normals);
/* Compute refined position. */
sd_vtx->P = motion_triangle_point_from_uv(
kg, sd_vtx, isect->object, isect->prim, isect->u, isect->v, verts);
/* Compute smooth normal. */
if (sd_vtx->shader & SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL) {
/* Find attribute. */
int offset = intersection_find_attribute(kg, sd_vtx->object, ATTR_STD_MOTION_VERTEX_NORMAL);
kernel_assert(offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND);
/* Fetch vertex coordinates. */
float3 next_normals[3];
motion_triangle_normals_for_step(kg, tri_vindex, offset, numverts, numsteps, step, normals);
kg, tri_vindex, offset, numverts, numsteps, step + 1, next_normals);
/* Interpolate between steps. */
normals[0] = (1.0f - t) * normals[0] + t * next_normals[0];
normals[1] = (1.0f - t) * normals[1] + t * next_normals[1];
normals[2] = (1.0f - t) * normals[2] + t * next_normals[2];
/* manifold vertex position */
vtx->p = sd_vtx->P;
/* Instance transform. */
if (!(sd_vtx->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_TRANSFORM_APPLIED)) {
/* Instance transform. */
object_position_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &verts[0]);
object_position_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &verts[1]);
object_position_transform_auto(kg, sd_vtx, &verts[2]);
@ -277,94 +226,70 @@ ccl_device_forceinline void mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(KernelGlobals kg,
/* Tangent space (position derivatives) WRT barycentric (u, v). */
vtx->dp_du = verts[0] - verts[2];
vtx->dp_dv = verts[1] - verts[2];
float3 dp_du = verts[0] - verts[2];
float3 dp_dv = verts[1] - verts[2];
/* Geometric normal. */
vtx->ng = normalize(cross(vtx->dp_du, vtx->dp_dv));
vtx->ng = normalize(cross(dp_du, dp_dv));
if (sd_vtx->object_flag & SD_OBJECT_NEGATIVE_SCALE_APPLIED)
vtx->ng = -vtx->ng;
/* Shading normal. */
if (!(sd_vtx->shader & SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL)) {
vtx->n = vtx->ng;
vtx->dn_du = vtx->dn_dv = zero_float3();
else {
/* Interpolate normals between vertices. */
float n_len;
vtx->n = normalize_len(normals[0] * sd_vtx->u + normals[1] * sd_vtx->v +
normals[2] * (1.0f - sd_vtx->u - sd_vtx->v),
/* Shading normals: Interpolate normals between vertices. */
float n_len;
vtx->n = normalize_len(normals[0] * sd_vtx->u + normals[1] * sd_vtx->v +
normals[2] * (1.0f - sd_vtx->u - sd_vtx->v),
/* Shading normal derivatives WRT barycentric (u, v)
* we calculate the derivative of n = |u*n0 + v*n1 + (1-u-v)*n2| using:
* d/du [f(u)/|f(u)|] = [d/du f(u)]/|f(u)| - f(u)/|f(u)|^3 <f(u), d/du f(u)>. */
const float inv_n_len = 1.f / n_len;
vtx->dn_du = inv_n_len * (normals[0] - normals[2]);
vtx->dn_dv = inv_n_len * (normals[1] - normals[2]);
vtx->dn_du -= vtx->n * dot(vtx->n, vtx->dn_du);
vtx->dn_dv -= vtx->n * dot(vtx->n, vtx->dn_dv);
/* dp_du and dp_dv need to be continuous across triangles for the h normal
* offset to yield a consistent halfvector while walking on the manifold.
* It's usually best to rely on the mesh uv layout, which is assumed to be
* continuous across the mesh. */
float2 duv0, duv1;
bool found_uv = false;
AttributeDescriptor uv_desc = find_attribute(kg, sd_vtx, ATTR_STD_GENERATED);
if (uv_desc.offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND) {
float3 uvs[3];
uvs[0] = kernel_tex_fetch(__attributes_float3, uv_desc.offset + tri_vindex.x);
uvs[1] = kernel_tex_fetch(__attributes_float3, uv_desc.offset + tri_vindex.y);
uvs[2] = kernel_tex_fetch(__attributes_float3, uv_desc.offset + tri_vindex.z);
duv0 = make_float2(uvs[0].x - uvs[2].x, uvs[0].y - uvs[2].y);
duv1 = make_float2(uvs[1].x - uvs[2].x, uvs[1].y - uvs[2].y);
found_uv = true;
else {
uv_desc = find_attribute(kg, sd_vtx, ATTR_STD_UV);
if (uv_desc.offset != ATTR_STD_NOT_FOUND) {
float2 uvs[3];
uvs[0] = kernel_tex_fetch(__attributes_float2, uv_desc.offset + tri_vindex.x);
uvs[1] = kernel_tex_fetch(__attributes_float2, uv_desc.offset + tri_vindex.y);
uvs[2] = kernel_tex_fetch(__attributes_float2, uv_desc.offset + tri_vindex.z);
duv0 = make_float2(uvs[0].x - uvs[2].x, uvs[0].y - uvs[2].y);
duv1 = make_float2(uvs[1].x - uvs[2].x, uvs[1].y - uvs[2].y);
found_uv = true;
if (found_uv) {
const float det = duv0.x * duv1.y - duv0.y * duv1.x;
if (det != 0.f) {
const float inv_det = 1.f / det;
/* Tangent space (position derivatives) WRT texture (u, v). */
const float3 dp_du = vtx->dp_du;
const float3 dp_dv = vtx->dp_dv;
vtx->dp_du = (duv1.y * dp_du - duv0.y * dp_dv) * inv_det;
vtx->dp_dv = (-duv1.x * dp_du + duv0.x * dp_dv) * inv_det;
/* Shading normal derivatives WRT texture (u, v). */
const float3 dn_du = vtx->dn_du;
const float3 dn_dv = vtx->dn_dv;
vtx->dn_du = (duv1.y * dn_du - duv0.y * dn_dv) * inv_det;
vtx->dn_dv = (-duv1.x * dn_du + duv0.x * dn_dv) * inv_det;
/* Shading normal derivatives WRT barycentric (u, v)
* we calculate the derivative of n = |u*n0 + v*n1 + (1-u-v)*n2| using:
* d/du [f(u)/|f(u)|] = [d/du f(u)]/|f(u)| - f(u)/|f(u)|^3 <f(u), d/du f(u)>. */
const float inv_n_len = 1.f / n_len;
float3 dn_du = inv_n_len * (normals[0] - normals[2]);
float3 dn_dv = inv_n_len * (normals[1] - normals[2]);
dn_du -= vtx->n * dot(vtx->n, dn_du);
dn_dv -= vtx->n * dot(vtx->n, dn_dv);
/* Orthonormalize (dp_du,dp_dv) using a linear transformation, which
* we use on (dn_du,dn_dv) as well so the new (u,v) are consistent. */
const float inv_len_dp_du = 1.f / len(vtx->dp_du);
vtx->dp_du *= inv_len_dp_du;
vtx->dn_du *= inv_len_dp_du;
const float dpdu_dot_dpdv = dot(vtx->dp_du, vtx->dp_dv);
const float3 dp_dv = vtx->dp_dv - dpdu_dot_dpdv * vtx->dp_du;
const float3 dn_dv = vtx->dn_dv - dpdu_dot_dpdv * vtx->dn_du;
const float inv_len_dp_du = 1.f / len(dp_du);
dp_du *= inv_len_dp_du;
dn_du *= inv_len_dp_du;
const float dpdu_dot_dpdv = dot(dp_du, dp_dv);
dp_dv -= dpdu_dot_dpdv * dp_du;
dn_dv -= dpdu_dot_dpdv * dn_du;
const float inv_len_dp_dv = 1.f / len(dp_dv);
vtx->dp_dv = dp_dv * inv_len_dp_dv;
vtx->dn_dv = dn_dv * inv_len_dp_dv;
dp_dv *= inv_len_dp_dv;
dn_dv *= inv_len_dp_dv;
/* Final local differential geometry. */
if (seed) {
vtx->dp_du = dp_du;
vtx->dp_dv = dp_dv;
vtx->dn_du = dn_du;
vtx->dn_dv = dn_dv;
else {
/* Find angle subtended by reference direction (travel direction). */
const float3 reference_direction = normalize(sd_vtx->P - vtx->p);
const float reference_theta = atan2(dot(reference_direction, vtx->dp_dv),
dot(reference_direction, vtx->dp_du));
const float current_theta = atan2(dot(reference_direction, dp_dv),
dot(reference_direction, dp_du));
const float theta = reference_theta - current_theta;
/* Rotate (dp_du,dp_dv) to be consistent with previous tangent frame. */
float cos_theta, sin_theta;
fast_sincosf(theta, &sin_theta, &cos_theta);
vtx->dp_du = cos_theta * dp_du - sin_theta * dp_dv;
vtx->dp_dv = sin_theta * dp_du + cos_theta * dp_dv;
vtx->dn_du = cos_theta * dn_du - sin_theta * dn_dv;
vtx->dn_dv = sin_theta * dn_du + cos_theta * dn_dv;
/* Manifold vertex position. */
vtx->p = sd_vtx->P;
/* Initialize constraint and its derivates. */
vtx->a = vtx->c = zero_float4();
@ -638,15 +563,28 @@ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_newton_solver(KernelGlobals kg,
/* Initialize tangent frame, which will be used as reference. */
ccl_private ManifoldVertex &tv = tentative[vi];
tv.p = mv.p;
tv.dp_du = mv.dp_du;
tv.dp_dv = mv.dp_dv;
/* Setup corrected manifold vertex. */
/* Fail newton solve if we are not making progress, probably stuck trying to move off the
* edge of the mesh. */
const float distance = len(tv.p - mv.p);
return false;
/* Check that tentative path is still transmissive. */
@ -672,6 +610,11 @@ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_newton_solver(KernelGlobals kg,
reduce_stepsize = false;
resolve_constraint = false;
beta *= .5f;
/* Fail newton solve if the stepsize is too small. */
return false;
@ -714,8 +657,7 @@ mnee_sample_bsdf_dh(ClosureType type, float alpha_x, float alpha_y, float sample
tan2_theta *= -logf(1.0f - sample_u);
else { /* if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID || type ==
tan2_theta *= sample_u / (1.0f - sample_u);
float cos2_theta = 1.0f / (1.0f + tan2_theta);
@ -749,8 +691,7 @@ ccl_device_forceinline float3 mnee_eval_bsdf_contribution(ccl_private ShaderClos
/* Eq. 26, 27: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m). */
G = bsdf_beckmann_G1(bsdf->alpha_x, cosNO) * bsdf_beckmann_G1(bsdf->alpha_x, cosNI);
else { /* if (type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID || type ==
else { /* bsdf->type == CLOSURE_BSDF_MICROFACET_GGX_REFRACTION_ID assumed */
/* Eq. 34: now calculate G1(i,m) and G1(o,m). */
G = (2.f / (1.f + safe_sqrtf(1.f + alpha2 * (1.f - cosNO * cosNO) / (cosNO * cosNO)))) *
(2.f / (1.f + safe_sqrtf(1.f + alpha2 * (1.f - cosNI * cosNI) / (cosNI * cosNI))));
@ -929,7 +870,8 @@ ccl_device_forceinline bool mnee_path_contribution(KernelGlobals kg,
/* Receiver bsdf eval above already contains |n.wo|. */
const float dw0_dx1 = fabsf(dot(wo, vertices[0].n)) / sqr(wo_len);
const float G = dw0_dx1 * dx1_dxlight;
/* Clamp since it has a tendency to be unstable. */
const float G = fminf(dw0_dx1 * dx1_dxlight, 2.f);
bsdf_eval_mul(throughput, G);
/* Specular reflectance. */
@ -1058,21 +1000,36 @@ ccl_device_forceinline bool kernel_path_mnee_sample(KernelGlobals kg,
if (vertex_count >= MNEE_MAX_CAUSTIC_CASTERS)
return false;
/* Reject caster if it is not a triangles mesh. */
if (!(probe_isect.type & PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE))
return false;
ccl_private ManifoldVertex &mv = vertices[vertex_count++];
/* Setup shader data on caustic caster and evaluate context. */
shader_setup_from_ray(kg, sd_mnee, &probe_ray, &probe_isect);
/* Reject caster if smooth normals are not available: Manifold exploration assumes local
* differential geometry can be created at any point on the surface which is not possible if
* normals are not smooth. */
if (!(sd_mnee->shader & SHADER_SMOOTH_NORMAL))
return false;
/* Last bool argument is the MNEE flag (for TINY_MAX_CLOSURE cap in kernel_shader.h). */
kg, state, sd_mnee, NULL, PATH_RAY_DIFFUSE, true);
/* get and sample refraction bsdf. */
/* Get and sample refraction bsdf */
bool found_transimissive_microfacet_bsdf = false;
for (int ci = 0; ci < sd_mnee->num_closure; ci++) {
ccl_private ShaderClosure *bsdf = &sd_mnee->closure[ci];
found_transimissive_microfacet_bsdf = true;
ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *microfacet_bsdf = (ccl_private MicrofacetBsdf *)bsdf;
@ -1088,7 +1045,8 @@ ccl_device_forceinline bool kernel_path_mnee_sample(KernelGlobals kg,
bsdf->type, microfacet_bsdf->alpha_x, microfacet_bsdf->alpha_y, bsdf_u, bsdf_v);
/* Setup differential geometry on vertex. */
mnee_setup_manifold_vertex(kg, &mv, bsdf, eta, h, &probe_ray, &probe_isect, sd_mnee);
kg, &mv, bsdf, eta, h, &probe_ray, &probe_isect, sd_mnee, true);