Animation: Improve performance of Bake Action operator

This dramatically improves baking performance by batch-adding keyframes
instead of adding them individually, reducing unnecessary overhead.

Testing indicates an approximate 4x performance uplift.

Reviewed By: sybren, RiggingDojo

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Colin Basnett 2022-11-24 11:26:17 -08:00
parent 81754a0fc5
commit 58c8c4fde3
Notes: blender-bot 2023-04-24 15:48:59 +02:00
Referenced by commit 2d21fc3f5d, Cleanup: avoid multiplying lists multiple times
Referenced by issue #107286, Animation: The keyframes of the bake action will overlap with the original keyframes
1 changed files with 212 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,13 @@ __all__ = (
import bpy
from typing import Mapping, List, Tuple, Sequence
# (fcurve.data_path, fcurve.array_index)
FCurveKey = Tuple[str, int]
# [frame0, value0, frame1, value1, ...]
ListKeyframes = List[float]
Action = bpy.types.Action
def bake_action(
@ -143,6 +149,18 @@ def bake_action_iter(
'bbone_scalein', 'bbone_scaleout',
'bbone_easein', 'bbone_easeout'
"bbone_curveinx": 1,
"bbone_curveoutx": 1,
"bbone_curveinz": 1,
"bbone_curveoutz": 1,
"bbone_rollin": 1,
"bbone_rollout": 1,
"bbone_scalein": 3,
"bbone_scaleout": 3,
"bbone_easein": 1,
"bbone_easeout": 1,
def pose_frame_info(obj):
matrix = {}
@ -225,7 +243,8 @@ def bake_action_iter(
# in case animation data hasn't been created
atd = obj.animation_data_create()
if action is None:
is_new_action = action is None
if is_new_action:
action ="Action")
# Only leave tweak mode if we actually need to modify the action (T57159)
@ -244,6 +263,7 @@ def bake_action_iter(
# Apply transformations to action
# pose
lookup_fcurves = {(fcurve.data_path, fcurve.array_index): fcurve for fcurve in action.fcurves}
if do_pose:
for name, pbone in obj.pose.bones.items():
if only_selected and not
@ -257,12 +277,32 @@ def bake_action_iter(
euler_prev = None
quat_prev = None
base_fcurve_path = pbone.path_from_id() + "."
path_location = base_fcurve_path + "location"
path_quaternion = base_fcurve_path + "rotation_quaternion"
path_axis_angle = base_fcurve_path + "rotation_axis_angle"
path_euler = base_fcurve_path + "rotation_euler"
path_scale = base_fcurve_path + "scale"
paths_bbprops = [(base_fcurve_path + bbprop) for bbprop in BBONE_PROPS]
keyframes = KeyframesCo()
keyframes.add_paths(path_location, 3)
keyframes.add_paths(path_quaternion, 4)
keyframes.add_paths(path_axis_angle, 4)
keyframes.add_paths(path_euler, 3)
keyframes.add_paths(path_scale, 3)
if pbone.bone.bbone_segments > 1:
for prop_name, path in zip(BBONE_PROPS, paths_bbprops):
keyframes.add_paths(path, BBONE_PROPS_LENGTHS[prop_name])
rotation_mode = pbone.rotation_mode
total_new_keys = len(pose_info)
for (f, matrix, bbones) in pose_info:
pbone.matrix_basis = matrix[name].copy()
pbone.keyframe_insert("location", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_location, 3, f, pbone.location)
rotation_mode = pbone.rotation_mode
if rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
if quat_prev is not None:
quat = pbone.rotation_quaternion.copy()
@ -272,26 +312,37 @@ def bake_action_iter(
del quat
quat_prev = pbone.rotation_quaternion.copy()
pbone.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_quaternion, 4, f, pbone.rotation_quaternion)
elif rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
pbone.keyframe_insert("rotation_axis_angle", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_axis_angle, 4, f, pbone.rotation_axis_angle)
else: # euler, XYZ, ZXY etc
if euler_prev is not None:
euler = pbone.matrix_basis.to_euler(pbone.rotation_mode, euler_prev)
pbone.rotation_euler = euler
del euler
euler_prev = pbone.rotation_euler.copy()
pbone.keyframe_insert("rotation_euler", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_euler, 3, f, pbone.rotation_euler)
pbone.keyframe_insert("scale", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_scale, 3, f, pbone.scale)
# Bendy Bones
if pbone.bone.bbone_segments > 1:
bbone_shape = bbones[name]
for bb_prop in BBONE_PROPS:
# update this property with value from bbone_shape, then key it
setattr(pbone, bb_prop, bbone_shape[bb_prop])
pbone.keyframe_insert(bb_prop, index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
for prop_index, prop_name in enumerate(BBONE_PROPS):
prop_len = BBONE_PROPS_LENGTHS[prop_name]
if prop_len > 1:
paths_bbprops[prop_index], prop_len, f, bbone_shape[prop_name]
paths_bbprops[prop_index], f, bbone_shape[prop_name]
if is_new_action:
keyframes.insert_keyframes_into_new_action(total_new_keys, action, name)
keyframes.insert_keyframes_into_existing_action(lookup_fcurves, total_new_keys, action, name)
# object. TODO. multiple objects
if do_object:
@ -303,13 +354,27 @@ def bake_action_iter(
euler_prev = None
quat_prev = None
path_location = "location"
path_quaternion = "rotation_quaternion"
path_axis_angle = "rotation_axis_angle"
path_euler = "rotation_euler"
path_scale = "scale"
keyframes = KeyframesCo()
keyframes.add_paths(path_location, 3)
keyframes.add_paths(path_quaternion, 4)
keyframes.add_paths(path_axis_angle, 4)
keyframes.add_paths(path_euler, 3)
keyframes.add_paths(path_scale, 3)
rotation_mode = obj.rotation_mode
total_new_keys = len(obj_info)
for (f, matrix) in obj_info:
name = "Action Bake" # XXX: placeholder
obj.matrix_basis = matrix
obj.keyframe_insert("location", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_location, 3, f, obj.location)
rotation_mode = obj.rotation_mode
if rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION':
if quat_prev is not None:
quat = obj.rotation_quaternion.copy()
@ -319,16 +384,22 @@ def bake_action_iter(
del quat
quat_prev = obj.rotation_quaternion.copy()
obj.keyframe_insert("rotation_quaternion", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_quaternion, 4, f, obj.rotation_quaternion)
elif rotation_mode == 'AXIS_ANGLE':
obj.keyframe_insert("rotation_axis_angle", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_axis_angle, 4, f, obj.rotation_axis_angle)
else: # euler, XYZ, ZXY etc
if euler_prev is not None:
obj.rotation_euler = matrix.to_euler(obj.rotation_mode, euler_prev)
euler_prev = obj.rotation_euler.copy()
obj.keyframe_insert("rotation_euler", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_euler, 3, f, obj.rotation_euler)
obj.keyframe_insert("scale", index=-1, frame=f, group=name)
keyframes.extend_co_values(path_scale, 3, f, obj.scale)
if is_new_action:
keyframes.insert_keyframes_into_new_action(total_new_keys, action, name)
keyframes.insert_keyframes_into_existing_action(lookup_fcurves, total_new_keys, action, name)
if do_parents_clear:
obj.parent = None
@ -358,3 +429,127 @@ def bake_action_iter(
i += 1
yield action
class KeyframesCo:
"""A buffer for keyframe Co unpacked values per FCurveKey. FCurveKeys are added using
add_paths(), Co values stored using extend_co_values(), then finally use
insert_keyframes_into_*_action() for efficiently inserting keys into the fcurves.
Users are limited to one Action Group per instance.
# keyframes[(rna_path, array_index)] = list(time0,value0, time1,value1,...)
keyframes_from_fcurve: Mapping[FCurveKey, ListKeyframes]
def __init__(self):
self.keyframes_from_fcurve = {}
def add_paths(
rna_path: str,
total_indices: int,
) -> None:
keyframes_from_fcurve = self.keyframes_from_fcurve
for array_index in range(0, total_indices):
keyframes_from_fcurve[(rna_path, array_index)] = []
def extend_co_values(
rna_path: str,
total_indices: int,
frame: float,
values: Sequence[float],
) -> None:
keyframes_from_fcurve = self.keyframes_from_fcurve
for array_index in range(0, total_indices):
keyframes_from_fcurve[(rna_path, array_index)].extend((frame, values[array_index]))
def extend_co_value(
rna_path: str,
frame: float,
value: float,
) -> None:
self.keyframes_from_fcurve[(rna_path, 0)].extend((frame, value))
def insert_keyframes_into_new_action(
total_new_keys: int,
action: Action,
action_group_name: str,
) -> None:
"""Assumes the action is new, that it has no fcurves. Otherwise, the only difference between versions is
performance and implementation simplicity.
action_group_name (str): Name of Action Group that fcurves are added to.
linear_enum_values = [["interpolation"].enum_items["LINEAR"].value
] * total_new_keys
for fc_key, key_values in self.keyframes_from_fcurve.items():
if len(key_values) == 0:
data_path, array_index = fc_key
keyframe_points =
data_path, index=array_index, action_group=action_group_name
keyframe_points.foreach_set("co", key_values)
keyframe_points.foreach_set("interpolation", linear_enum_values)
# There's no need to do fcurve.update() because the keys are already ordered, have
# no duplicates and all handles are Linear.
def insert_keyframes_into_existing_action(
lookup_fcurves: Mapping[FCurveKey, bpy.types.FCurve],
total_new_keys: int,
action: Action,
action_group_name: str,
) -> None:
"""Assumes the action already exists, that it might already have fcurves. Otherwise, the
only difference between versions is performance and implementation simplicity.
lookup_fcurves (Mapping[FCurveKey, bpy.types.FCurve]): This is only used for efficiency.
It's a substitute for action.fcurves.find() which is a potentially expensive linear
action_group_name (str): Name of Action Group that fcurves are added to.
linear_enum_values = [["interpolation"].enum_items["LINEAR"].value
] * total_new_keys
for fc_key, key_values in self.keyframes_from_fcurve.items():
if len(key_values) == 0:
fcurve = lookup_fcurves.get(fc_key, None)
if fcurve is None:
data_path, array_index = fc_key
fcurve =
data_path, index=array_index, action_group=action_group_name
keyframe_points = fcurve.keyframe_points
co_buffer = [0] * 2 * len(keyframe_points)
keyframe_points.foreach_get("co", co_buffer)
ipo_buffer = [None] * len(keyframe_points)
keyframe_points.foreach_get("interpolation", ipo_buffer)
# XXX: Currently baking inserts the same number of keys for all baked properties.
# This block of code breaks if that's no longer true since we then will not be properly
# initializing all the data.
keyframe_points.foreach_set("co", co_buffer)
keyframe_points.foreach_set("interpolation", ipo_buffer)