UV: Improve packing efficiency by rotating to minimum square

After primary packing is completed, perform a deep earch for any
rotation of the entire layout which improves efficiency even further.

This can sometime provides *optimal* packing results. e.g. When packing
a single island, the layout will now touch all 4 sides of the unit square.
This commit is contained in:
Chris Blackbourn 2023-04-30 16:47:08 +12:00
parent adb63a5102
commit 5c1c45cd59
2 changed files with 205 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -112,11 +112,12 @@ class PackIsland {
void place_(const float scale, const uv_phi phi);
void finalize_geometry_(const UVPackIsland_Params &params, MemArena *arena, Heap *heap);
blender::Vector<float2> triangle_vertices_;
void calculate_pivot_(); /* Calculate `pivot_` and `half_diagonal_` based on added triangles. */
void calculate_pre_rotation_(const UVPackIsland_Params &params);
blender::Vector<float2> triangle_vertices_;
friend class Occupancy;
friend class OverlapMerger;

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@ -598,6 +598,7 @@ class Occupancy {
Occupancy(const float initial_scale);
void increase_scale(); /* Resize the scale of the bitmap and clear it. */
void clear(); /* Clear occupancy information. */
/* Write or Query a triangle on the bitmap. */
float trace_triangle(const float2 &uv0,
@ -638,6 +639,11 @@ void Occupancy::increase_scale()
BLI_assert(bitmap_scale_reciprocal > 0.0f); /* TODO: Packing has failed, report error. */
bitmap_scale_reciprocal *= 0.5f;
void Occupancy::clear()
for (int i = 0; i < bitmap_radix * bitmap_radix; i++) {
bitmap_[i] = terminal;
@ -729,33 +735,33 @@ float Occupancy::trace_triangle(const float2 &uv0,
return -1.0f; /* Available. */
float2 PackIsland::get_diagonal_support_d4(const float scale,
const float rotation,
const float margin) const
float2 PackIsland::get_diagonal_support(const float scale,
const float rotation,
/* const bool reflection, */
const float margin) const
if (rotation == 0.0f) {
return half_diagonal_ * scale + margin; /* Fast path for common case. */
/* Caution: Only "Dihedral Group D4" transforms are calculated exactly.
* if the transform is Non-D4, an upper bound will be returned instead. */
if (rotation == DEG2RADF(-180.0f) || rotation == 0.0f || rotation == DEG2RADF(180.0f)) {
return half_diagonal_ * scale + margin;
if (rotation == DEG2RADF(180.0f)) {
return get_diagonal_support_d4(scale, 0.0f, margin); /* Same as 0.0f */
if (rotation == DEG2RADF(-90.0f) || rotation == DEG2RADF(90.0f) ||
rotation == DEG2RADF(270.0f)) {
return float2(half_diagonal_.y / aspect_y, half_diagonal_.x * aspect_y) * scale + margin;
/* TODO: BLI_assert rotation is a "Dihedral Group D4" transform. */
float matrix[2][2];
build_transformation(scale, rotation, matrix);
/* TODO: Use convex hull to calculate support. */
float diagonal_rotated[2];
mul_v2_m2v2(diagonal_rotated, matrix, half_diagonal_);
return float2(fabsf(diagonal_rotated[0]) + margin, fabsf(diagonal_rotated[1]) + margin);
float sx = fabsf(diagonal_rotated[0]);
float sy = fabsf(diagonal_rotated[1]);
float2 PackIsland::get_diagonal_support(const float scale,
const float rotation,
const float margin) const
/* Only "D4" transforms are currently supported. */
return get_diagonal_support_d4(scale, rotation, margin);
return float2(sx + sy * 0.5f + margin, sx * 0.5f + sy + margin); /* Upper bound. */
float Occupancy::trace_island(const PackIsland *island,
@ -816,7 +822,7 @@ static uv_phi find_best_fit_for_island(const PackIsland *island,
island->build_transformation(scale, phi.rotation, matrix);
/* Caution, margin is zero for support_diagonal as we're tracking the top-right corner. */
float2 support_diagonal = island->get_diagonal_support_d4(scale, phi.rotation, 0.0f);
float2 support_diagonal = island->get_diagonal_support(scale, phi.rotation, 0.0f);
/* Scan using an "Alpaca"-style search, first horizontally using "less-than". */
int t = int(ceilf((2 * support_diagonal.x + margin) * occupancy.bitmap_scale_reciprocal));
@ -856,6 +862,161 @@ static float guess_initial_scale(const Span<PackIsland *> islands,
return sqrtf(sum) / 6.0f;
/** Helper to find the minimum enclosing square. */
class UVMinimumEnclosingSquareFinder {
const float scale_;
const float margin_;
const UVPackIsland_Params *params_;
float best_quad;
float best_angle;
rctf best_bounds;
blender::Vector<float2> points;
blender::Vector<int> indices;
UVMinimumEnclosingSquareFinder(const float scale,
const float margin,
const UVPackIsland_Params *params)
: scale_(scale), margin_(margin), params_(params)
best_angle = 0.0f;
best_quad = 0.0f;
/** Calculates the square associated with a rotation of `angle`.
* \return Size of square. */
float update(const float angle)
float2 dir(cosf(angle), sinf(angle));
/* TODO: Once convexhull_2d bugs are fixed, we can use "rotating calipers" to go faster. */
rctf bounds;
for (const int64_t i : indices.index_range()) {
const float2 &p = points[indices[i]];
const float uv[2] = {p.x * dir.x + p.y * dir.y, -p.x * dir.y + p.y * dir.x};
BLI_rctf_do_minmax_v(&bounds, uv);
bounds.xmin -= margin_;
bounds.ymin -= margin_;
bounds.xmax += margin_;
bounds.ymax += margin_;
const float current_quad = std::max(BLI_rctf_size_x(&bounds) / params_->target_aspect_y,
if (best_quad > current_quad) {
best_quad = current_quad;
best_angle = angle;
best_bounds = bounds;
return current_quad;
/** Search between `angle0` and `angle1`, looking for the smallest square. */
void update_recursive(const float angle0,
const float quad0,
const float angle1,
const float quad1)
const float angle_mid = (angle0 + angle1) * 0.5f;
const float quad_mid = update(angle_mid);
const float angle_separation = angle1 - angle0;
if (angle_separation < DEG2RADF(0.002f)) {
return; /* Sufficient accuracy achieved. */
bool search_mode = DEG2RADF(10.0f) < angle_separation; /* In linear search mode. */
/* TODO: Degenerate inputs could have poor performance here. */
if (search_mode || (quad0 <= quad1)) {
update_recursive(angle0, quad0, angle_mid, quad_mid);
if (search_mode || (quad1 <= quad0)) {
update_recursive(angle_mid, quad_mid, angle1, quad1);
* Find the minimum bounding square that encloses the UVs as specified in `r_phis`.
* If that square is smaller than `r_max_u` and `r_max_v`, then update `r_phis` accordingly.
* \return True iff `r_phis`, `r_max_u` and `r_max_v` are modified.
static bool rotate_inside_square(const Span<UVAABBIsland *> island_indices,
const Span<PackIsland *> islands,
const UVPackIsland_Params &params,
const float scale,
const float margin,
MutableSpan<uv_phi> r_phis,
float *r_max_u,
float *r_max_v)
if (!params.rotate) {
return false; /* Unable to rotate. */
if (params.shape_method == ED_UVPACK_SHAPE_AABB) {
return false; /* AABB margin calculations are not preserved under rotations. */
BLI_assert(islands.size() > 0);
UVMinimumEnclosingSquareFinder square_finder(scale, margin, &params);
square_finder.best_quad = std::max(*r_max_u / params.target_aspect_y, *r_max_v);
float matrix[2][2];
const float aspect_y = 1.0f; /* TODO: Use `islands[0]->aspect_y`. */
for (const int64_t j : island_indices.index_range()) {
const int64_t i = island_indices[j]->index;
const PackIsland *island = islands[i];
if (island->aspect_y != aspect_y) {
return false; /* Aspect ratios are not preserved under rotation. */
island->build_transformation(scale, r_phis[i].rotation, matrix);
float2 pivot_transformed;
mul_v2_m2v2(pivot_transformed, matrix, island->pivot_);
float2 delta = r_phis[i].translation - pivot_transformed;
for (const int64_t k : island->triangle_vertices_.index_range()) {
float2 p = island->triangle_vertices_[k];
mul_m2_v2(matrix, p);
square_finder.points.append(p + delta);
const float(*source)[2] = reinterpret_cast<const float(*)[2]>(square_finder.points.data());
int convex_size = BLI_convexhull_2d(
source, static_cast<int>(square_finder.points.size()), square_finder.indices.data());
const float quad_180 = square_finder.update(DEG2RADF(-180.0f));
square_finder.update_recursive(DEG2RADF(-180.0f), quad_180, DEG2RADF(180.0f), quad_180);
if (square_finder.best_angle == 0.0f) {
return false; /* Nothing to do. */
/* Can use islands[0] because all islands have the same aspect_ratio. */
islands[0]->build_transformation(scale, square_finder.best_angle, matrix);
/* Transform phis. */
for (const int64_t j : island_indices.index_range()) {
const int64_t i = island_indices[j]->index;
r_phis[i].rotation += square_finder.best_angle;
mul_m2_v2(matrix, r_phis[i].translation);
r_phis[i].translation.x -= square_finder.best_bounds.xmin;
r_phis[i].translation.y -= square_finder.best_bounds.ymin;
*r_max_u = BLI_rctf_size_x(&square_finder.best_bounds);
*r_max_v = BLI_rctf_size_y(&square_finder.best_bounds);
return true; /* `r_phis` were modified. */
* Pack irregular islands using the `xatlas` strategy, and optional D4 transforms.
@ -884,6 +1045,10 @@ static void pack_island_xatlas(const Span<UVAABBIsland *> island_indices,
float max_u = 0.0f;
float max_v = 0.0f;
/* A heuristic to improve final layout efficiency by making an
* intermediate call to #rotate_inside_square. */
int64_t square_milestone = sqrt(island_indices.size()) / 4 + 2;
int scan_line = 0; /* Current "scan_line" of occupancy bitmap. */
int traced_islands = 0; /* Which islands are currently traced in `occupancy`. */
int i = 0;
@ -906,7 +1071,10 @@ static void pack_island_xatlas(const Span<UVAABBIsland *> island_indices,
PackIsland *island = islands[island_indices[i]->index];
uv_phi phi;
int max_90_multiple = params.rotate && (i < 50) ? 4 : 1;
int max_90_multiple = 1;
if (params.rotate && i && (i < 50)) {
max_90_multiple = 4;
for (int angle_90_multiple = 0; angle_90_multiple < max_90_multiple; angle_90_multiple++) {
phi = find_best_fit_for_island(
island, scan_line, occupancy, scale, angle_90_multiple, margin, params.target_aspect_y);
@ -947,6 +1115,21 @@ static void pack_island_xatlas(const Span<UVAABBIsland *> island_indices,
r_phis[island_indices[i]->index] = phi;
i++; /* Next island. */
if (i == square_milestone) {
if (rotate_inside_square(island_indices.take_front(i),
&max_v)) {
scan_line = 0;
traced_islands = 0;
/* Update top-right corner. */
float2 top_right = island->get_diagonal_support(scale, phi.rotation, margin) + phi.translation;
max_u = std::max(top_right.x, max_u);
@ -1088,6 +1271,8 @@ static float pack_islands_scale_margin(const Span<PackIsland *> islands,
pack_islands_alpaca_turbo(max_box_pack, aabbs, params.target_aspect_y, r_phis, &max_u, &max_v);
rotate_inside_square(aabbs, islands, params, scale, margin, r_phis, &max_u, &max_v);
return std::max(max_u / params.target_aspect_y, max_v);