Realtime Compositor: Implement dilate erode node

This patch implements the dilate/erode node for the realtime compositor.

Differential Revision:

Reviewed By: Clement Foucault
This commit is contained in:
Omar Emara 2022-09-02 14:47:39 +02:00
parent 8cfca8e1bd
commit 633117669b
15 changed files with 809 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void DilateErodeNode::convert_to_operations(NodeConverter &converter,
const CompositorContext &context) const
const bNode *editor_node = this->get_bnode();
if (editor_node->custom1 == CMP_NODE_DILATEERODE_DISTANCE_THRESH) {
if (editor_node->custom1 == CMP_NODE_DILATE_ERODE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
DilateErodeThresholdOperation *operation = new DilateErodeThresholdOperation();
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void DilateErodeNode::convert_to_operations(NodeConverter &converter,
converter.map_output_socket(get_output_socket(0), operation->get_output_socket(0));
else if (editor_node->custom1 == CMP_NODE_DILATEERODE_DISTANCE) {
else if (editor_node->custom1 == CMP_NODE_DILATE_ERODE_DISTANCE) {
if (editor_node->custom2 > 0) {
DilateDistanceOperation *operation = new DilateDistanceOperation();
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void DilateErodeNode::convert_to_operations(NodeConverter &converter,
converter.map_output_socket(get_output_socket(0), operation->get_output_socket(0));
else if (editor_node->custom1 == CMP_NODE_DILATEERODE_DISTANCE_FEATHER) {
else if (editor_node->custom1 == CMP_NODE_DILATE_ERODE_DISTANCE_FEATHER) {
/* this uses a modified gaussian blur function otherwise its far too slow */
eCompositorQuality quality = context.get_quality();

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 /* sqrt(2) */
#define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 /* 1/sqrt(2) */
#define FLT_MAX 3.402823e+38
#define FLT_MIN 1.175494e-38
vec3 mul(mat3 m, vec3 v)

View File

@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ set(GLSL_SRC
@ -616,6 +620,10 @@ set(SRC_SHADER_CREATE_INFOS

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl)
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(gpu_shader_compositor_texture_utilities.glsl)
void main()
ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
/* Find the minimum/maximum value in the circular window of the given radius around the pixel. By
* circular window, we mean that pixels in the window whose distance to the center of window is
* larger than the given radius are skipped and not considered. Consequently, the dilation or
* erosion that take place produces round results as opposed to squarish ones. This is
* essentially a morphological operator with a circular structuring element. The LIMIT value
* should be FLT_MAX if OPERATOR is min and FLT_MIN if OPERATOR is max. */
float value = LIMIT;
for (int y = -radius; y <= radius; y++) {
for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) {
if (x * x + y * y <= radius * radius) {
value = OPERATOR(value, texture_load(input_tx, texel + ivec2(x, y), vec4(LIMIT)).x);
imageStore(output_img, texel, vec4(value));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(gpu_shader_compositor_texture_utilities.glsl)
/* The Morphological Distance Feather operation is a linear combination between the result of two
* operations. The first operation is a Gaussian blur with a radius equivalent to the dilate/erode
* distance, which is straightforward and implemented as a separable filter similar to the blur
* operation.
* The second operation is an approximation of a morphological inverse distance operation evaluated
* at a distance falloff function. The result of a morphological inverse distance operation is a
* narrow band distance field that starts at its maximum value at boundaries where a difference in
* values took place and linearly deceases until it reaches zero in the span of a number of pixels
* equivalent to the erode/dilate distance. Additionally, instead of linearly decreasing, the user
* may choose a different falloff which is evaluated at the computed distance. For dilation, the
* distance field decreases outwards, and for erosion, the distance field decreased inwards.
* The reason why the result of a Gaussian blur is mixed in with the distance field is because the
* distance field is merely approximated and not accurately computed, the defects of which is more
* apparent away from boundaries and especially at corners where the distance field should take a
* circular shape. That's why the Gaussian blur is mostly mixed only further from boundaries.
* The morphological inverse distance operation is approximated using a separable implementation
* and intertwined with the Gaussian blur implementation as follows. A search window of a radius
* equivalent to the dilate/erode distance is applied on the image to find either the minimum or
* maximum pixel value multiplied by its corresponding falloff value in the window. For dilation,
* we try to find the maximum, and for erosion, we try to find the minimum. Additionally, we also
* save the falloff value where the minimum or maximum was found. The found value will be that of
* the narrow band distance field and the saved falloff value will be used as the mixing factor
* with the Gaussian blur.
* To make sense of the aforementioned algorithm, assume we are dilating a binary image by 5 pixels
* whose half has a value of 1 and the other half has a value of zero. Consider the following:
* - A pixel of value 1 already has the maximum possible value, so its value will remain unchanged
* regardless of its position.
* - A pixel of value 0 that is right at the boundary of the 1's region will have a maximum value
* of around 0.8 depending on the falloff. That's because the search window intersects the 1's
* region, which when multiplied by the falloff gives the first value of the falloff, which is
* larger than the initially zero value computed at the center of the search window.
* - A pixel of value 0 that is 3 pixels away from the boundary will have a maximum value of around
* 0.4 depending on the falloff. That's because the search window intersects the 1's region,
* which when multiplied by the falloff gives the third value of the falloff, which is larger
* than the initially zero value computed at the center of the search window.
* - Finally, a pixel of value 0 that is 6 pixels away from the boundary will have a maximum value
* of 0, because the search window doesn't intersects the 1's region and only spans zero values.
* The previous example demonstrates how the distance field naturally arises, and the same goes for
* the erode case, except the minimum value is computed instead.
void main()
ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
/* A value for accumulating the blur result. */
float accumulated_value = 0.0;
/* Compute the contribution of the center pixel to the blur result. */
float center_value = texture_load(input_tx, texel).x;
accumulated_value += center_value * texture_load(weights_tx, 0).x;
/* Start with the center value as the maximum/minimum distance and reassign to the true maximum
* or minimum in the search loop below. Additionally, the center falloff is always 1.0, so start
* with that. */
float limit_distance = center_value;
float limit_distance_falloff = 1.0;
/* Compute the contributions of the pixels to the right and left, noting that the weights and
* falloffs textures only store the weights and falloffs for the positive half, but since the
* they are both symmetric, the same weights and falloffs are used for the negative half and we
* compute both of their contributions. */
for (int i = 1; i < texture_size(weights_tx); i++) {
float weight = texture_load(weights_tx, i).x;
float falloff = texture_load(falloffs_tx, i).x;
/* Loop for two iterations, where s takes the value of -1 and 1, which is used as the sign
* needed to evaluated the positive and negative sides as explain above. */
for (int s = -1; s < 2; s += 2) {
/* Compute the contribution of the pixel to the blur result. */
float value = texture_load(input_tx, texel + ivec2(s * i, 0)).x;
accumulated_value += value * weight;
/* The distance is computed such that its highest value is the pixel value itself, so
* multiply the distance falloff by the pixel value. */
float falloff_distance = value * falloff;
/* Find either the maximum or the minimum for the dilate and erode cases respectively. */
if (COMPARE(falloff_distance, limit_distance)) {
limit_distance = falloff_distance;
limit_distance_falloff = falloff;
/* Mix between the limit distance and the blurred accumulated value such that the limit distance
* is used for pixels closer to the boundary and the blurred value is used for pixels away from
* the boundary. */
float value = mix(accumulated_value, limit_distance, limit_distance_falloff);
/* Write the value using the transposed texel. See the execute_distance_feather_horizontal_pass
* method for more information on the rational behind this. */
imageStore(output_img, texel.yx, vec4(value));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(gpu_shader_compositor_texture_utilities.glsl)
/* The Morphological Distance Threshold operation is effectively three consecutive operations
* implemented as a single operation. The three operations are as follows:
* .-----------. .--------------. .----------------.
* | Threshold |-->| Dilate/Erode |-->| Distance Inset |
* '-----------' '--------------' '----------------'
* The threshold operation just converts the input into a binary image, where the pixel is 1 if it
* is larger than 0.5 and 0 otherwise. Pixels that are 1 in the output of the threshold operation
* are said to be masked. The dilate/erode operation is a dilate or erode morphological operation
* with a circular structuring element depending on the sign of the distance, where it is a dilate
* operation if the distance is positive and an erode operation otherwise. This is equivalent to
* the Morphological Distance operation, see its implementation for more information. Finally, the
* distance inset is an operation that converts the binary image into a narrow band distance field.
* That is, pixels that are unmasked will remain 0, while pixels that are masked will start from
* zero at the boundary of the masked region and linearly increase until reaching 1 in the span of
* a number pixels given by the inset value.
* As a performance optimization, the dilate/erode operation is omitted and its effective result is
* achieved by slightly adjusting the distance inset operation. The base distance inset operation
* works by computing the signed distance from the current center pixel to the nearest pixel with a
* different value. Since our image is a binary image, that means that if the pixel is masked, we
* compute the signed distance to the nearest unmasked pixel, and if the pixel unmasked, we compute
* the signed distance to the nearest masked pixel. The distance is positive if the pixel is masked
* and negative otherwise. The distance is then normalized by dividing by the given inset value and
* clamped to the [0, 1] range. Since distances larger than the inset value are eventually clamped,
* the distance search window is limited to a radius equivalent to the inset value.
* To archive the effective result of the omitted dilate/erode operation, we adjust the distance
* inset operation as follows. First, we increase the radius of the distance search window by the
* radius of the dilate/erode operation. Then we adjust the resulting narrow band signed distance
* field as follows.
* For the erode case, we merely subtract the erode distance, which makes the outermost erode
* distance number of pixels zero due to clamping, consequently achieving the result of the erode,
* while retaining the needed inset because we increased the distance search window by the same
* amount we subtracted.
* Similarly, for the dilate case, we add the dilate distance, which makes the dilate distance
* number of pixels just outside of the masked region positive and part of the narrow band distance
* field, consequently achieving the result of the dilate, while at the same time, the innermost
* dilate distance number of pixels become 1 due to clamping, retaining the needed inset because we
* increased the distance search window by the same amount we added.
* Since the erode/dilate distance is already signed appropriately as described before, we just add
* it in both cases. */
void main()
ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
/* Apply a threshold operation on the center pixel, where the threshold is currently hard-coded
* at 0.5. The pixels with values larger than the threshold are said to be masked. */
bool is_center_masked = texture_load(input_tx, texel).x > 0.5;
/* Since the distance search window will access pixels outside of the bounds of the image, we use
* a texture loader with a fallback value. And since we don't want those values to affect the
* result, the fallback value is chosen such that the inner condition fails, which is when the
* sampled pixel and the center pixel are the same, so choose a fallback that will be considered
* masked if the center pixel is masked and unmasked otherwise. */
vec4 fallback = vec4(is_center_masked ? 1.0 : 0.0);
/* Since the distance search window is limited to the given radius, the maximum possible squared
* distance to the center is double the squared radius. */
int minimum_squared_distance = radius * radius * 2;
/* Find the squared distance to the nearest different pixel in the search window of the given
* radius. */
for (int y = -radius; y <= radius; y++) {
for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) {
bool is_sample_masked = texture_load(input_tx, texel + ivec2(x, y), fallback).x > 0.5;
if (is_center_masked != is_sample_masked) {
minimum_squared_distance = min(minimum_squared_distance, x * x + y * y);
/* Compute the actual distance from the squared distance and assign it an appropriate sign
* depending on whether it lies in a masked region or not. */
float signed_minimum_distance = sqrt(minimum_squared_distance) * (is_center_masked ? 1.0 : -1.0);
/* Add the erode/dilate distance and divide by the inset amount as described in the discussion,
* then clamp to the [0, 1] range. */
float value = clamp((signed_minimum_distance + distance) / inset, 0.0, 1.0);
imageStore(output_img, texel, vec4(value));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl)
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(gpu_shader_compositor_texture_utilities.glsl)
void main()
ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
/* Find the minimum/maximum value in the window of the given radius around the pixel. This is
* essentially a morphological operator with a square structuring element. The LIMIT value should
* be FLT_MAX if OPERATOR is min and FLT_MIN if OPERATOR is max. */
float value = LIMIT;
for (int i = -radius; i <= radius; i++) {
value = OPERATOR(value, texture_load(input_tx, texel + ivec2(i, 0), vec4(LIMIT)).x);
/* Write the value using the transposed texel. See the execute_step_horizontal_pass method for
* more information on the rational behind this. */
imageStore(output_img, texel.yx, vec4(value));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "gpu_shader_create_info.hh"
.local_group_size(16, 16)
.sampler(0, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "input_tx")
.sampler(1, ImageType::FLOAT_1D, "weights_tx")
.sampler(2, ImageType::FLOAT_1D, "falloffs_tx")
.image(0, GPU_RGBA16F, Qualifier::WRITE, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "output_img")
.define("COMPARE(x, y)", "x > y")
.define("COMPARE(x, y)", "x < y")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "gpu_shader_create_info.hh"
.local_group_size(16, 16)
.push_constant(Type::INT, "radius")
.sampler(0, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "input_tx")
.image(0, GPU_R16F, Qualifier::WRITE, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "output_img")
.define("OPERATOR(a, b)", "max(a, b)")
.define("LIMIT", "FLT_MIN")
.define("OPERATOR(a, b)", "min(a, b)")
.define("LIMIT", "FLT_MAX")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "gpu_shader_create_info.hh"
.local_group_size(16, 16)
.push_constant(Type::INT, "radius")
.push_constant(Type::INT, "distance")
.push_constant(Type::FLOAT, "inset")
.sampler(0, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "input_tx")
.image(0, GPU_R16F, Qualifier::WRITE, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "output_img")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "gpu_shader_create_info.hh"
.local_group_size(16, 16)
.push_constant(Type::INT, "radius")
.sampler(0, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "input_tx")
.image(0, GPU_R16F, Qualifier::WRITE, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "output_img")
.define("OPERATOR(a, b)", "max(a, b)")
.define("LIMIT", "FLT_MIN")
.define("OPERATOR(a, b)", "min(a, b)")
.define("LIMIT", "FLT_MAX")

View File

@ -23,3 +23,13 @@ vec4 texture_load(sampler2D sampler, ivec2 texel)
const ivec2 texture_bounds = texture_size(sampler) - ivec2(1);
return texelFetch(sampler, clamp(texel, ivec2(0), texture_bounds), 0);
/* A shorthand for 2D texelFetch with zero LOD and a fallback value for out-of-bound access. */
vec4 texture_load(sampler2D sampler, ivec2 texel, vec4 fallback)
const ivec2 texture_bounds = texture_size(sampler) - ivec2(1);
if (any(lessThan(texel, ivec2(0))) || any(greaterThan(texel, texture_bounds))) {
return fallback;
return texelFetch(sampler, texel, 0);

View File

@ -765,12 +765,12 @@ typedef enum CMPNodeMaskType {
} CMPNodeMaskType;
enum {
typedef enum CMPNodeDilateErodeMethod {
} CMPNodeDilateErodeMethod;
enum {

View File

@ -7108,10 +7108,10 @@ static void def_cmp_dilate_erode(StructRNA *srna)
PropertyRNA *prop;
static const EnumPropertyItem mode_items[] = {
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL},
@ -7128,7 +7128,7 @@ static void def_cmp_dilate_erode(StructRNA *srna)
RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Distance", "Distance to grow/shrink (number of iterations)");
RNA_def_property_update(prop, NC_NODE | NA_EDITED, "rna_Node_update");
prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "edge", PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, "custom3");
RNA_def_property_range(prop, -100, 100);
@ -7137,7 +7137,7 @@ static void def_cmp_dilate_erode(StructRNA *srna)
RNA_def_struct_sdna_from(srna, "NodeDilateErode", "storage");
prop = RNA_def_property(srna, "falloff", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE);
RNA_def_property_enum_sdna(prop, NULL, "falloff");
RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, rna_enum_proportional_falloff_curve_only_items);

View File

@ -5,12 +5,27 @@
* \ingroup cmpnodes
#include <cmath>
#include "BLI_array.hh"
#include "BLI_assert.h"
#include "BLI_math_base.hh"
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "UI_resources.h"
#include "RE_pipeline.h"
#include "GPU_shader.h"
#include "GPU_state.h"
#include "GPU_texture.h"
#include "COM_node_operation.hh"
#include "COM_utilities.hh"
#include "node_composite_util.hh"
@ -18,6 +33,8 @@
namespace blender::nodes::node_composite_dilate_cc {
static void cmp_node_dilate_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b)
@ -36,10 +53,10 @@ static void node_composit_buts_dilateerode(uiLayout *layout, bContext *UNUSED(C)
uiItemR(layout, ptr, "mode", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, ptr, "distance", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
switch (RNA_enum_get(ptr, "mode")) {
uiItemR(layout, ptr, "edge", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
uiItemR(layout, ptr, "falloff", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE);
@ -47,13 +64,458 @@ static void node_composit_buts_dilateerode(uiLayout *layout, bContext *UNUSED(C)
using namespace blender::realtime_compositor;
/* Computes a falloff that is equal to 1 at an input of zero and decrease to zero at an input of 1,
* with the rate of decrease depending on the falloff type. */
static float compute_distance_falloff(float x, int falloff_type)
x = 1.0f - x;
switch (falloff_type) {
return 3.0f * x * x - 2.0f * x * x * x;
return std::sqrt(2.0f * x - x * x);
return std::sqrt(x);
return x * x;
return x * (2.0f - x);
case PROP_LIN:
return x;
return x;
/* A helper class that computes and caches 1D GPU textures containing the weights of the separable
* Gaussian filter of the given radius as well as an inverse distance falloff of the given type and
* radius. The weights and falloffs are symmetric, because the Gaussian and falloff functions are
* all even functions. Consequently, only the positive half of the filter is computed and the
* shader takes that into consideration. */
class SymmetricSeparableMorphologicalDistanceFeatherWeights {
int radius_ = 1;
int falloff_type_ = PROP_SMOOTH;
GPUTexture *weights_texture_ = nullptr;
GPUTexture *distance_falloffs_texture_ = nullptr;
if (weights_texture_) {
if (distance_falloffs_texture_) {
/* Check if textures containing the weights and distance falloffs were already computed for the
* given distance falloff type and radius. If such textures exists, do nothing, otherwise, free
* the already computed textures and recompute it with the given distance falloff type and
* radius. */
void update(int radius, int falloff_type)
if (weights_texture_ && distance_falloffs_texture_ && falloff_type == falloff_type_ &&
radius == radius_) {
radius_ = radius;
falloff_type_ = falloff_type;
void compute_weights()
if (weights_texture_) {
/* The size of filter is double the radius plus 1, but since the filter is symmetric, we only
* compute half of it and no doubling happens. We add 1 to make sure the filter size is always
* odd and there is a center weight. */
const int size = radius_ + 1;
Array<float> weights(size);
float sum = 0.0f;
/* First, compute the center weight. */
const float center_weight = RE_filter_value(R_FILTER_GAUSS, 0.0f);
weights[0] = center_weight;
sum += center_weight;
/* Second, compute the other weights in the positive direction, making sure to add double the
* weight to the sum of weights because the filter is symmetric and we only loop over half of
* it. Skip the center weight already computed by dropping the front index. */
const float scale = radius_ > 0.0f ? 1.0f / radius_ : 0.0f;
for (const int i : weights.index_range().drop_front(1)) {
const float weight = RE_filter_value(R_FILTER_GAUSS, i * scale);
weights[i] = weight;
sum += weight * 2.0f;
/* Finally, normalize the weights. */
for (const int i : weights.index_range()) {
weights[i] /= sum;
weights_texture_ = GPU_texture_create_1d("Weights", size, 1, GPU_R16F,;
void compute_distance_falloffs()
if (distance_falloffs_texture_) {
/* The size of the distance falloffs is double the radius plus 1, but since the falloffs are
* symmetric, we only compute half of them and no doubling happens. We add 1 to make sure the
* falloffs size is always odd and there is a center falloff. */
const int size = radius_ + 1;
Array<float> falloffs(size);
/* Compute the distance falloffs in the positive direction only, because the falloffs are
* symmetric. */
const float scale = radius_ > 0.0f ? 1.0f / radius_ : 0.0f;
for (const int i : falloffs.index_range()) {
falloffs[i] = compute_distance_falloff(i * scale, falloff_type_);
distance_falloffs_texture_ = GPU_texture_create_1d(
"Distance Factors", size, 1, GPU_R16F,;
void bind_weights_as_texture(GPUShader *shader, const char *texture_name)
const int texture_image_unit = GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(shader, texture_name);
GPU_texture_bind(weights_texture_, texture_image_unit);
void unbind_weights_as_texture()
void bind_distance_falloffs_as_texture(GPUShader *shader, const char *texture_name)
const int texture_image_unit = GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(shader, texture_name);
GPU_texture_bind(distance_falloffs_texture_, texture_image_unit);
void unbind_distance_falloffs_as_texture()
class DilateErodeOperation : public NodeOperation {
/* Cached symmetric blur weights and distance falloffs for the distance feature method. */
SymmetricSeparableMorphologicalDistanceFeatherWeights distance_feather_weights_;
using NodeOperation::NodeOperation;
void execute() override
if (is_identity()) {
switch (get_method()) {
/* ----------------------------
* Step Morphological Operator.
* ---------------------------- */
void execute_step()
GPUTexture *horizontal_pass_result = execute_step_horizontal_pass();
GPUTexture *execute_step_horizontal_pass()
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get(get_morphological_step_shader_name());
/* Pass the absolute value of the distance. We have specialized shaders for each sign. */
GPU_shader_uniform_1i(shader, "radius", math::abs(get_distance()));
const Result &input_mask = get_input("Mask");
input_mask.bind_as_texture(shader, "input_tx");
/* We allocate an output image of a transposed size, that is, with a height equivalent to the
* width of the input and vice versa. This is done as a performance optimization. The shader
* will process the image horizontally and write it to the intermediate output transposed. Then
* the vertical pass will execute the same horizontal pass shader, but since its input is
* transposed, it will effectively do a vertical pass and write to the output transposed,
* effectively undoing the transposition in the horizontal pass. This is done to improve
* spatial cache locality in the shader and to avoid having two separate shaders for each of
* the passes. */
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
const int2 transposed_domain = int2(domain.size.y, domain.size.x);
GPUTexture *horizontal_pass_result = texture_pool().acquire_color(transposed_domain);
const int image_unit = GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(shader, "output_img");
GPU_texture_image_bind(horizontal_pass_result, image_unit);
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, domain.size);
return horizontal_pass_result;
void execute_step_vertical_pass(GPUTexture *horizontal_pass_result)
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get(get_morphological_step_shader_name());
/* Pass the absolute value of the distance. We have specialized shaders for each sign. */
GPU_shader_uniform_1i(shader, "radius", math::abs(get_distance()));
const int texture_image_unit = GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(shader, "input_tx");
GPU_texture_bind(horizontal_pass_result, texture_image_unit);
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
Result &output_mask = get_result("Mask");
output_mask.bind_as_image(shader, "output_img");
/* Notice that the domain is transposed, see the note on the horizontal pass method for more
* information on the reasoning behind this. */
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, int2(domain.size.y, domain.size.x));
const char *get_morphological_step_shader_name()
if (get_distance() > 0) {
return "compositor_morphological_step_dilate";
return "compositor_morphological_step_erode";
/* --------------------------------
* Distance Morphological Operator.
* -------------------------------- */
void execute_distance()
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get(get_morphological_distance_shader_name());
/* Pass the absolute value of the distance. We have specialized shaders for each sign. */
GPU_shader_uniform_1i(shader, "radius", math::abs(get_distance()));
const Result &input_mask = get_input("Mask");
input_mask.bind_as_texture(shader, "input_tx");
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
Result &output_mask = get_result("Mask");
output_mask.bind_as_image(shader, "output_img");
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, domain.size);
const char *get_morphological_distance_shader_name()
if (get_distance() > 0) {
return "compositor_morphological_distance_dilate";
return "compositor_morphological_distance_erode";
/* ------------------------------------------
* Distance Threshold Morphological Operator.
* ------------------------------------------ */
void execute_distance_threshold()
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get("compositor_morphological_distance_threshold");
GPU_shader_uniform_1f(shader, "inset", get_inset());
GPU_shader_uniform_1i(shader, "radius", get_morphological_distance_threshold_radius());
GPU_shader_uniform_1i(shader, "distance", get_distance());
const Result &input_mask = get_input("Mask");
input_mask.bind_as_texture(shader, "input_tx");
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
Result &output_mask = get_result("Mask");
output_mask.bind_as_image(shader, "output_img");
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, domain.size);
/* See the discussion in the implementation for more information. */
int get_morphological_distance_threshold_radius()
return static_cast<int>(math::ceil(get_inset())) + math::abs(get_distance());
/* ----------------------------------------
* Distance Feather Morphological Operator.
* ---------------------------------------- */
void execute_distance_feather()
GPUTexture *horizontal_pass_result = execute_distance_feather_horizontal_pass();
GPUTexture *execute_distance_feather_horizontal_pass()
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get(get_morphological_distance_feather_shader_name());
const Result &input_image = get_input("Mask");
input_image.bind_as_texture(shader, "input_tx");
distance_feather_weights_.update(math::abs(get_distance()), node_storage(bnode()).falloff);
distance_feather_weights_.bind_weights_as_texture(shader, "weights_tx");
distance_feather_weights_.bind_distance_falloffs_as_texture(shader, "falloffs_tx");
/* We allocate an output image of a transposed size, that is, with a height equivalent to the
* width of the input and vice versa. This is done as a performance optimization. The shader
* will process the image horizontally and write it to the intermediate output transposed. Then
* the vertical pass will execute the same horizontal pass shader, but since its input is
* transposed, it will effectively do a vertical pass and write to the output transposed,
* effectively undoing the transposition in the horizontal pass. This is done to improve
* spatial cache locality in the shader and to avoid having two separate shaders for each of
* the passes. */
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
const int2 transposed_domain = int2(domain.size.y, domain.size.x);
GPUTexture *horizontal_pass_result = texture_pool().acquire_color(transposed_domain);
const int image_unit = GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(shader, "output_img");
GPU_texture_image_bind(horizontal_pass_result, image_unit);
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, domain.size);
return horizontal_pass_result;
void execute_distance_feather_vertical_pass(GPUTexture *horizontal_pass_result)
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get(get_morphological_distance_feather_shader_name());
const int texture_image_unit = GPU_shader_get_texture_binding(shader, "input_tx");
GPU_texture_bind(horizontal_pass_result, texture_image_unit);
distance_feather_weights_.update(math::abs(get_distance()), node_storage(bnode()).falloff);
distance_feather_weights_.bind_weights_as_texture(shader, "weights_tx");
distance_feather_weights_.bind_distance_falloffs_as_texture(shader, "falloffs_tx");
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
Result &output_image = get_result("Mask");
output_image.bind_as_image(shader, "output_img");
/* Notice that the domain is transposed, see the note on the horizontal pass method for more
* information on the reasoning behind this. */
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, int2(domain.size.y, domain.size.x));
const char *get_morphological_distance_feather_shader_name()
if (get_distance() > 0) {
return "compositor_morphological_distance_feather_dilate";
return "compositor_morphological_distance_feather_erode";
/* ---------------
* Common Methods.
* --------------- */
bool is_identity()
const Result &input = get_input("Mask");
if (input.is_single_value()) {
return true;
if (get_method() == CMP_NODE_DILATE_ERODE_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && get_inset() != 0.0f) {
return false;
if (get_distance() == 0) {
return true;
return false;
int get_distance()
return bnode().custom2;
float get_inset()
return bnode().custom3;
CMPNodeDilateErodeMethod get_method()
return (CMPNodeDilateErodeMethod)bnode().custom1;