EEVEE: Ambient Occlusion: Refactor

- Fix noise/banding artifact on distant geometry.
- Fix overshadowing on un-occluded surfaces at grazing angle producing "fresnel"
  like shadowing. Some of it still appears but this is caused to the low number
  of horizons per pixel.
- Improve performance by using a fixed number of samples and fixing the
  sampling area size. A better sampling pattern is planned to recover
  the lost precision on large AO radius.
- Improved normal reconstruction for the AO pass.
- Improve Bent Normal reconstruction resulting in less faceted look on
  smoothed geometry.
- Add Thickness heuristic to avoid overshadowing of thin objects.
  Factor is currently hardcoded.
- Add bent normal support to Glossy reflections.
- Change Glossy occlusion to give less light leaks from lightprobes.
  It can overshadow on smooth surface but this should be mitigated by
  using SSR.
- Use Bent Normal for rough Glossy surfaces.
- Occlusion is now correctly evaluated for each BSDF. However this does make
  everything slower. This is mitigated by the fact the search is a lot faster
  than before.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2021-02-16 17:01:15 +01:00
parent 6c2e1f3398
commit 64d96f68d6
9 changed files with 386 additions and 260 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl)
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_geom_lib.glsl)
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(raytrace_lib.glsl)
/* Based on Practical Realtime Strategies for Accurate Indirect Occlusion
@ -23,10 +24,6 @@
# endif
#define MAX_PHI_STEP 32
#define MAX_SEARCH_ITER 32
#define MAX_LOD 6.0
uniform sampler2D horizonBuffer;
/* aoSettings flags */
@ -34,191 +31,224 @@ uniform sampler2D horizonBuffer;
#define USE_DENOISE 4
vec4 pack_horizons(vec4 v)
#define MAX_LOD 6.0
#define NO_OCCLUSION_DATA OcclusionData(vec4(M_PI, -M_PI, M_PI, -M_PI), 1.0)
struct OcclusionData {
/* 4 horizons angles, one in each direction around the view vector to form a cross pattern. */
vec4 horizons;
/* Custom large scale occlusion. */
float custom_occlusion;
vec4 pack_occlusion_data(OcclusionData data)
return v * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec4 unpack_horizons(vec4 v)
return v * 2.0 - 1.0;
return vec4(1.0 - data.horizons * vec4(1, -1, 1, -1) * M_1_PI);
/* Returns maximum screen distance an AO ray can travel for a given view depth */
vec2 get_max_dir(float view_depth)
OcclusionData unpack_occlusion_data(vec4 v)
return OcclusionData((1.0 - v) * vec4(1, -1, 1, -1) * M_PI, 0.0);
/* Returns maximum screen distance an AO ray can travel for a given view depth, in NDC space. */
vec2 get_ao_area(float view_depth, float radius)
float homcco = ProjectionMatrix[2][3] * view_depth + ProjectionMatrix[3][3];
float max_dist = aoDistance / homcco;
float max_dist = radius / homcco;
return vec2(ProjectionMatrix[0][0], ProjectionMatrix[1][1]) * max_dist;
vec2 get_ao_noise(void)
return texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy).xy;
vec2 get_ao_dir(float jitter)
/* Only half a turn because we integrate in slices. */
jitter *= M_PI;
/* Only a quarter of a turn because we integrate using 2 slices.
* We use this instead of using utiltex circle noise to improve cache hits
* since all tracing direction will be in the same quadrant. */
jitter *= M_PI_2;
return vec2(cos(jitter), sin(jitter));
void get_max_horizon_grouped(vec4 co1, vec4 co2, vec3 x, float lod, inout float h)
/* Return horizon angle cosine. */
float search_horizon(vec3 vI,
vec3 vP,
float noise,
vec2 uv_start,
vec2 uv_dir,
sampler2D depth_tx,
float radius,
const float sample_count)
int mip = int(lod) + hizMipOffset;
co1 *= mipRatio[mip].xyxy;
co2 *= mipRatio[mip].xyxy;
float sample_count_inv = 1.0 / sample_count;
/* Init at cos(M_PI). */
float h = -1.0;
float depth1 = textureLod(maxzBuffer, co1.xy, floor(lod)).r;
float depth2 = textureLod(maxzBuffer,, floor(lod)).r;
float depth3 = textureLod(maxzBuffer, co2.xy, floor(lod)).r;
float depth4 = textureLod(maxzBuffer,, floor(lod)).r;
/* TODO(fclem) samples steps should be using the same approach as raytrace. (DDA line algo.) */
for (float i = 0.0; i < sample_count; i++) {
float t = ((i + noise) * sample_count_inv);
vec2 uv = uv_start + uv_dir * t;
float lod = min(MAX_LOD, max(i - noise, 0.0) * aoQuality);
vec4 len, s_h;
int mip = int(lod) + hizMipOffset;
float depth = textureLod(depth_tx, uv * mipRatio[mip].xy, floor(lod)).r;
vec3 s1 = get_view_space_from_depth(co1.xy, depth1); /* s View coordinate */
vec3 omega_s1 = s1 - x;
len.x = length(omega_s1);
s_h.x = omega_s1.z / len.x;
/* Bias depth a bit to avoid self shadowing issues. */
depth += 2.0 * 2.4e-7;
vec3 s2 = get_view_space_from_depth(, depth2); /* s View coordinate */
vec3 omega_s2 = s2 - x;
len.y = length(omega_s2);
s_h.y = omega_s2.z / len.y;
vec3 s = get_view_space_from_depth(uv, depth);
vec3 omega_s = s - vP;
float len = length(omega_s);
/* Sample's horizon angle cosine. */
float s_h = dot(vI, omega_s / len);
/* Blend weight to fade artifacts. */
float dist_ratio = abs(len) / radius;
/* TODO(fclem) parameter. */
float dist_fac = sqr(saturate(dist_ratio * 2.0 - 1.0));
vec3 s3 = get_view_space_from_depth(co2.xy, depth3); /* s View coordinate */
vec3 omega_s3 = s3 - x;
len.z = length(omega_s3);
s_h.z = omega_s3.z / len.z;
vec3 s4 = get_view_space_from_depth(, depth4); /* s View coordinate */
vec3 omega_s4 = s4 - x;
len.w = length(omega_s4);
s_h.w = omega_s4.z / len.w;
/* Blend weight after half the aoDistance to fade artifacts */
vec4 blend = saturate((1.0 - len / aoDistance) * 2.0);
h = mix(h, max(h, s_h.x), blend.x);
h = mix(h, max(h, s_h.y), blend.y);
h = mix(h, max(h, s_h.z), blend.z);
h = mix(h, max(h, s_h.w), blend.w);
/* TODO This need to take the stride distance into account. Now it works because stride is
* constant. */
/* Thickness heuristic (Eq. 9). */
if (s_h < h) {
/* TODO(fclem) parameter. */
const float thickness_fac = 0.2;
s_h = mix(h, s_h, thickness_fac);
else {
s_h = max(h, s_h);
h = mix(s_h, h, dist_fac);
return fast_acos(h);
vec2 search_horizon_sweep(vec2 t_phi, vec3 pos, vec2 uvs, float jitter, vec2 max_dir)
OcclusionData occlusion_search(vec3 vP,
sampler2D depth_tx,
float radius,
const float dir_sample_count)
max_dir *= max_v2(abs(t_phi));
/* Convert to pixel space. */
t_phi /= vec2(textureSize(maxzBuffer, 0));
/* Avoid division by 0 */
t_phi += vec2(1e-5);
jitter *= 0.25;
/* Compute end points */
vec2 corner1 = min(vec2(1.0) - uvs, max_dir); /* Top right */
vec2 corner2 = max(vec2(0.0) - uvs, -max_dir); /* Bottom left */
vec2 iter1 = corner1 / t_phi;
vec2 iter2 = corner2 / t_phi;
vec2 min_iter = max(-iter1, -iter2);
vec2 max_iter = max(iter1, iter2);
vec2 times = vec2(-min_v2(min_iter), min_v2(max_iter));
vec2 h = vec2(-1.0); /* init at cos(pi) */
/* This is freaking sexy optimized. */
for (float i = 0.0, ofs = 4.0, time = -1.0; i < MAX_SEARCH_ITER && time > times.x;
i++, time -= ofs, ofs = min(exp2(MAX_LOD) * 4.0, ofs + ofs * aoQuality)) {
vec4 t = max(times.xxxx, vec4(time) - (vec4(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) - jitter) * ofs);
vec4 cos1 = uvs.xyxy + t_phi.xyxy * t.xxyy;
vec4 cos2 = uvs.xyxy + t_phi.xyxy * t.zzww;
float lod = min(MAX_LOD, max(i - jitter * 4.0, 0.0) * aoQuality);
get_max_horizon_grouped(cos1, cos2, pos, lod, h.y);
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) == 0) {
for (float i = 0.0, ofs = 4.0, time = 1.0; i < MAX_SEARCH_ITER && time < times.y;
i++, time += ofs, ofs = min(exp2(MAX_LOD) * 4.0, ofs + ofs * aoQuality)) {
vec4 t = min(times.yyyy, vec4(time) + (vec4(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) - jitter) * ofs);
vec4 cos1 = uvs.xyxy + t_phi.xyxy * t.xxyy;
vec4 cos2 = uvs.xyxy + t_phi.xyxy * t.zzww;
float lod = min(MAX_LOD, max(i - jitter * 4.0, 0.0) * aoQuality);
get_max_horizon_grouped(cos1, cos2, pos, lod, h.x);
vec2 noise = get_ao_noise();
vec2 area = get_ao_area(vP.z, radius);
vec2 dir = get_ao_dir(noise.x);
vec2 uv = get_uvs_from_view(vP);
vec3 vI = ((ProjectionMatrix[3][3] == 0.0) ? normalize(-vP) : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
vec3 avg_dir = vec3(0.0);
float avg_apperture = 0.0;
OcclusionData data = NO_OCCLUSION_DATA;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
/* View > NDC > Uv space. */
vec2 uv_dir = dir * area * 0.5;
/* Offset the start one pixel to avoid self shadowing. */
/* TODO(fclem) Using DDA line algo should fix this. */
vec2 px_dir = uv_dir * textureSize(depth_tx, 0);
float max_px_dir = max_v2(abs(px_dir));
vec2 uv_ofs = (px_dir / max_px_dir) / textureSize(depth_tx, 0);
/* No need to trace more. */
uv_dir -= uv_ofs;
if (max_px_dir > 0.0) {
data.horizons[0 + i * 2] = search_horizon(
vI, vP, noise.y, uv + uv_ofs, uv_dir, depth_tx, radius, dir_sample_count);
data.horizons[1 + i * 2] = -search_horizon(
vI, vP, noise.y, uv - uv_ofs, -uv_dir, depth_tx, radius, dir_sample_count);
/* Rotate 90 degrees. */
dir = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x);
return h;
return data;
void integrate_slice(
vec3 normal, vec2 t_phi, vec2 horizons, inout float visibility, inout vec3 bent_normal)
void occlusion_eval(
OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 Ng, out float visibility, out vec3 bent_normal)
/* Projecting Normal to Plane P defined by t_phi and omega_o */
vec3 np = vec3(t_phi.y, -t_phi.x, 0.0); /* Normal vector to Integration plane */
vec3 t = vec3(-t_phi, 0.0);
vec3 n_proj = normal - np * dot(np, normal);
float n_proj_len = max(1e-16, length(n_proj));
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) == 0) {
visibility = data.custom_occlusion;
bent_normal = N;
float cos_n = clamp(n_proj.z / n_proj_len, -1.0, 1.0);
float n = sign(dot(n_proj, t)) * fast_acos(cos_n); /* Angle between view vec and normal */
if (min_v4(abs(data.horizons)) == M_PI) {
visibility = dot(N, Ng) * 0.5 + 0.5;
visibility = min(visibility, data.custom_occlusion);
/* (Slide 54) */
vec2 h = fast_acos(horizons);
h.x = -h.x;
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_BENT_NORMAL) == 0) {
bent_normal = N;
else {
bent_normal = normalize(N + Ng);
/* Clamping thetas (slide 58) */
h.x = n + max(h.x - n, -M_PI_2);
h.y = n + min(h.y - n, M_PI_2);
/* Solving inner integral */
vec2 h_2 = 2.0 * h;
vec2 vd = -cos(h_2 - n) + cos_n + h_2 * sin(n);
float vis = saturate((vd.x + vd.y) * 0.25 * n_proj_len);
visibility += vis;
/* O. Klehm, T. Ritschel, E. Eisemann, H.-P. Seidel
* Bent Normals and Cones in Screen-space
* Sec. 3.1 : Bent normals */
float b_angle = (h.x + h.y) * 0.5;
bent_normal += vec3(sin(b_angle) * -t_phi, cos(b_angle)) * vis;
void gtao_deferred(
vec3 normal, vec4 noise, float frag_depth, out float visibility, out vec3 bent_normal)
/* Fetch early, hide latency! */
vec4 horizons = texelFetch(horizonBuffer, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0);
vec4 dirs;
dirs.xy = get_ao_dir(noise.x * 0.5); = get_ao_dir(noise.x * 0.5 + 0.5);
bent_normal = vec3(0.0);
visibility = 0.0;
horizons = unpack_horizons(horizons);
integrate_slice(normal, dirs.xy, horizons.xy, visibility, bent_normal);
integrate_slice(normal,,, visibility, bent_normal);
bent_normal = safe_normalize(bent_normal);
visibility *= 0.5; /* We integrated 2 slices. */
void gtao(vec3 normal, vec3 position, vec4 noise, out float visibility, out vec3 bent_normal)
vec2 uvs = get_uvs_from_view(position);
vec2 max_dir = get_max_dir(position.z);
vec2 noise = get_ao_noise();
vec2 dir = get_ao_dir(noise.x);
bent_normal = normal * 1e-8;
visibility = 1e-8;
visibility = 0.0;
bent_normal = N * 0.001;
/* Only trace in 2 directions. May lead to a darker result but since it's mostly for
* alpha blended objects that will have overdraw, we limit the performance impact. */
vec2 horizons = search_horizon_sweep(dir, position, uvs, noise.y, max_dir);
integrate_slice(normal, dir, horizons, visibility, bent_normal);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
vec3 T = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, vec3(dir, 0.0));
/* Setup integration domain around V. */
vec3 B = normalize(cross(V, T));
T = normalize(cross(B, V));
bent_normal = normalize(bent_normal / visibility);
float proj_N_len;
vec3 proj_N = normalize_len(N - B * dot(N, B), proj_N_len);
vec3 proj_Ng = normalize(Ng - B * dot(Ng, B));
vec2 h = (i == 0) ? data.horizons.xy :;
float N_sin = dot(proj_N, T);
float Ng_sin = dot(proj_Ng, T);
float N_cos = saturate(dot(proj_N, V));
float Ng_cos = saturate(dot(proj_Ng, V));
/* Gamma, angle between normalized projected normal and view vector. */
float angle_Ng = sign(Ng_sin) * fast_acos(Ng_cos);
float angle_N = sign(N_sin) * fast_acos(N_cos);
/* Add a little bias to fight self shadowing. */
const float max_angle = M_PI_2 - 0.05;
/* Clamp horizons to hemisphere around shading normal. */
h = clamp(h, angle_N - max_angle, angle_N + max_angle);
float bent_angle = (h.x + h.y) * 0.5;
/* NOTE: here we multiply z by 0.5 as it shows less difference with the geometric normal.
* Also modulate by projected normal length to reduce issues with slanted surfaces.
* All of this is ad-hoc and not really grounded. */
bent_normal += proj_N_len * (T * sin(bent_angle) + V * 0.5 * cos(bent_angle));
/* Clamp to geometric normal only for integral to keep smooth bent normal. */
/* This is done to match Cycles ground truth but adds some computation. */
h = clamp(h, angle_Ng - max_angle, angle_Ng + max_angle);
/* Inner integral (Eq. 7). */
float a = dot(-cos(2.0 * h - angle_N) + cos(angle_N) + 2.0 * h * sin(angle_N), vec2(0.25));
/* Correct normal not on plane (Eq. 8). */
visibility += proj_N_len * a;
/* Rotate 90 degrees. */
dir = vec2(-dir.y, dir.x);
/* We integrated 2 directions. */
visibility *= 0.5;
visibility = min(visibility, data.custom_occlusion);
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_BENT_NORMAL) == 0) {
bent_normal = N;
else {
bent_normal = normalize(mix(bent_normal, N, sqr(sqr(sqr(visibility)))));
/* Multibounce approximation base on surface albedo.
@ -240,53 +270,103 @@ float gtao_multibounce(float visibility, vec3 albedo)
return max(x, ((x * a + b) * x + c) * x);
float diffuse_occlusion(vec3 N, vec3 vis_cone_dir, float vis_cone_aperture_cos, vec3 albedo)
float diffuse_occlusion(OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 Ng)
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) == 0) {
return 1.0;
vec3 unused;
float visibility;
occlusion_eval(data, V, N, Ng, visibility, unused);
/* Scale by user factor */
visibility = pow(saturate(visibility), aoFactor);
return visibility;
float diffuse_occlusion(
OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, vec3 Ng, vec3 albedo, out vec3 bent_normal)
float visibility;
occlusion_eval(data, V, N, Ng, visibility, bent_normal);
visibility = gtao_multibounce(visibility, albedo);
/* Scale by user factor */
visibility = pow(saturate(visibility), aoFactor);
return visibility;
* Approximate the area of intersection of two spherical caps
* radius1 : First caps radius (arc length in radians)
* radius2 : Second caps radius (in radians)
* dist : Distance between caps (radians between centers of caps)
* Note: Result is divided by pi to save one multiply.
float spherical_cap_intersection(float radius1, float radius2, float dist)
/* From "Ambient Aperture Lighting" by Chris Oat
* Slide 15. */
float max_radius = max(radius1, radius2);
float min_radius = min(radius1, radius2);
float sum_radius = radius1 + radius2;
float area;
if (dist <= max_radius - min_radius) {
/* One cap in completely inside the other */
area = 1.0 - cos(min_radius);
/* If the shading normal is orthogonal to the geometric normal, it should be half lit. */
float horizon_fac = saturate(dot(N, vis_cone_dir) * 0.5 + 0.5);
float ao = vis_cone_aperture_cos * horizon_fac;
return gtao_multibounce(ao, albedo);
else if (dist >= sum_radius) {
/* No intersection exists */
area = 0;
else {
float diff = max_radius - min_radius;
area = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - saturate((dist - diff) / (sum_radius - diff)));
area *= 1.0 - cos(min_radius);
return area;
float specular_occlusion(float NV, float AO, float roughness)
float specular_occlusion(
OcclusionData data, vec3 V, vec3 N, float roughness, inout vec3 specular_dir)
return saturate(pow(NV + AO, roughness) - 1.0 + AO);
vec3 visibility_dir;
float visibility;
occlusion_eval(data, V, N, N, visibility, visibility_dir);
specular_dir = normalize(mix(specular_dir, visibility_dir, roughness * (1.0 - visibility)));
/* Visibility to cone angle (eq. 18). */
float vis_angle = fast_acos(sqrt(1 - visibility));
/* Roughness to cone angle (eq. 26). */
float spec_angle = max(0.001, fast_acos(cone_cosine(roughness)));
/* Angle between cone axes. */
float cone_cone_dist = fast_acos(saturate(dot(visibility_dir, specular_dir)));
float cone_nor_dist = fast_acos(saturate(dot(N, specular_dir)));
float isect_solid_angle = spherical_cap_intersection(vis_angle, spec_angle, cone_cone_dist);
float specular_solid_angle = spherical_cap_intersection(M_PI_2, spec_angle, cone_nor_dist);
float specular_occlusion = isect_solid_angle / specular_solid_angle;
/* Mix because it is unstable in unoccluded areas. */
visibility = mix(isect_solid_angle / specular_solid_angle, 1.0, pow(visibility, 8.0));
/* Scale by user factor */
visibility = pow(saturate(visibility), aoFactor);
return visibility;
/* Use the right occlusion */
float occlusion_compute(vec3 N, vec3 vpos, vec4 rand, out vec3 bent_normal)
/* Use the right occlusion. */
OcclusionData occlusion_load(vec3 vP, float custom_occlusion)
/* Default to fully openned cone. */
OcclusionData data = NO_OCCLUSION_DATA;
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_AO) != 0) {
float visibility;
vec3 vnor = mat3(ViewMatrix) * N;
gtao_deferred(vnor, rand, gl_FragCoord.z, visibility, bent_normal);
# else
gtao(vnor, vpos, rand, visibility, bent_normal);
# endif
/* Prevent some problems down the road. */
visibility = max(1e-3, visibility);
if ((int(aoSettings) & USE_BENT_NORMAL) != 0) {
bent_normal = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, bent_normal);
else {
bent_normal = N;
/* Scale by user factor */
visibility = pow(visibility, aoFactor);
return visibility;
data = unpack_occlusion_data(texelFetch(horizonBuffer, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), 0));
/* For blended surfaces and */
data = occlusion_search(vP, maxzBuffer, aoDistance, 8.0);
bent_normal = N;
return 1.0;
data.custom_occlusion = custom_occlusion;
return data;

View File

@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl)
vec3 diffuse_dominant_dir(vec3 N, vec3 vis_cone_dir, float vis_cone_aperture_cos)
vec3 diffuse_dominant_dir(vec3 bent_normal)
/* TODO(fclem) revisit this. bent too much towards vis_cone_dir. */
vis_cone_aperture_cos *= sqr(vis_cone_aperture_cos);
N = mix(vis_cone_dir, N, vis_cone_aperture_cos);
return normalize(N);
return bent_normal;
vec3 specular_dominant_dir(vec3 N, vec3 V, float roughness)

View File

@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ ClosureEvalDiffuse closure_Diffuse_eval_init(inout ClosureInputDiffuse cl_in,
cl_out.radiance = vec3(0.0);
ClosureEvalDiffuse cl_eval;
cl_eval.ambient_occlusion = diffuse_occlusion(
cl_in.N, cl_common.bent_normal, cl_common.occlusion, cl_in.albedo);
cl_eval.probe_sampling_dir = diffuse_dominant_dir(
cl_in.N, cl_common.bent_normal, cl_common.occlusion);
cl_eval.ambient_occlusion = diffuse_occlusion(cl_common.occlusion_data,
return cl_eval;

View File

@ -45,7 +45,11 @@ ClosureEvalGlossy closure_Glossy_eval_init(inout ClosureInputGlossy cl_in,
ClosureEvalGlossy cl_eval;
cl_eval.ltc_mat = texture(utilTex, vec3(lut_uv, LTC_MAT_LAYER));
cl_eval.probe_sampling_dir = specular_dominant_dir(cl_in.N, cl_common.V, sqr(cl_in.roughness));
cl_eval.spec_occlusion = specular_occlusion(NV, cl_common.occlusion, cl_in.roughness);
cl_eval.spec_occlusion = specular_occlusion(cl_common.occlusion_data,
cl_eval.raytrace_radiance = vec3(0.0);
#ifdef STEP_RESOLVE /* SSR */

View File

@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ struct ClosureInputCommon {
#define CLOSURE_INPUT_COMMON_DEFAULT ClosureInputCommon(1.0)
struct ClosureEvalCommon {
/** Result of SSAO. */
OcclusionData occlusion_data;
/** View vector. */
vec3 V;
/** Surface position. */
@ -177,15 +179,12 @@ struct ClosureEvalCommon {
vec3 vN;
/** Surface position. (viewspace) */
vec3 vP;
/** Geometric normal, always facing camera. */
vec3 Ng;
/** Geometric normal, always facing camera. (viewspace) */
vec3 vNg;
/** Random numbers. 3 random sequences. zw is a random point on a circle. */
vec4 rand;
/** Final occlusion factor. Mix of the user occlusion and SSAO. */
float occlusion;
/** Least occluded direction in the hemisphere. */
vec3 bent_normal;
/** Specular probe accumulator. Shared between planar and cubemap probe. */
float specular_accum;
/** Diffuse probe accumulator. */
@ -208,7 +207,8 @@ ClosureEvalCommon closure_Common_eval_init(ClosureInputCommon cl_in)
cl_eval.N = safe_normalize(gl_FrontFacing ? worldNormal : -worldNormal);
cl_eval.vN = safe_normalize(gl_FrontFacing ? viewNormal : -viewNormal);
cl_eval.vP = viewPosition;
cl_eval.vNg = safe_normalize(cross(dFdx(viewPosition), dFdy(viewPosition)));
cl_eval.Ng = safe_normalize(cross(dFdx(cl_eval.P), dFdy(cl_eval.P)));
cl_eval.vNg = transform_direction(ViewMatrix, cl_eval.Ng);
/* TODO(fclem) See if we can avoid this complicated setup. */
cl_eval.tracing_depth = gl_FragCoord.z;
/* Constant bias (due to depth buffer precision) */
@ -218,10 +218,7 @@ ClosureEvalCommon closure_Common_eval_init(ClosureInputCommon cl_in)
/* Convert to view Z. */
cl_eval.tracing_depth = get_view_z_from_depth(cl_eval.tracing_depth);
/* TODO(fclem) Do occlusion evaluation per Closure using shading normal. */
cl_eval.occlusion = min(
occlusion_compute(cl_eval.N, cl_eval.vP, cl_eval.rand, cl_eval.bent_normal));
cl_eval.occlusion_data = occlusion_load(cl_eval.vP, cl_in.occlusion);
cl_eval.specular_accum = 1.0;
cl_eval.diffuse_accum = 1.0;

View File

@ -26,60 +26,101 @@ uniform sampler2D depthBuffer;
uniform float rotationOffset;
/* Similar to
* This samples the depth buffer 4 time for each direction to get the most correct
* implicit normal reconstruction out of the depth buffer. */
vec3 view_position_derivative_from_depth(vec2 uvs, vec2 ofs, vec3 vP, float depth_center)
vec2 uv1 = uvs - ofs * 2.0;
vec2 uv2 = uvs - ofs;
vec2 uv3 = uvs + ofs;
vec2 uv4 = uvs + ofs * 2.0;
vec4 H;
H.x = gtao_textureLod(gtao_depthBuffer, uv1, 0.0).r;
H.y = gtao_textureLod(gtao_depthBuffer, uv2, 0.0).r;
H.z = gtao_textureLod(gtao_depthBuffer, uv3, 0.0).r;
H.w = gtao_textureLod(gtao_depthBuffer, uv4, 0.0).r;
/* Fix issue with depth precision. Take even larger diff. */
vec4 diff = abs(vec4(depth_center, H.yzw) - H.x);
if (max_v4(diff) < 2.4e-7 && all(lessThan(, diff.www))) {
return 0.25 * (get_view_space_from_depth(uv3, H.w) - get_view_space_from_depth(uv1, H.x));
/* Simplified (H.xw + 2.0 * (H.yz - H.xw)) - depth_center */
vec2 deltas = abs((2.0 * H.yz - H.xw) - depth_center);
if (deltas.x < deltas.y) {
return vP - get_view_space_from_depth(uv2, H.y);
else {
return get_view_space_from_depth(uv3, H.z) - vP;
/* TODO(fclem) port to a common place for other effects to use. */
bool reconstruct_view_position_and_normal_from_depth(vec2 texel, out vec3 vP, out vec3 vNg)
vec2 texel_size = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(gtao_depthBuffer, 0).xy);
vec2 uvs = gl_FragCoord.xy * texel_size;
float depth_center = gtao_textureLod(gtao_depthBuffer, uvs, 0.0).r;
/* Background case. */
if (depth_center == 1.0) {
return false;
vP = get_view_space_from_depth(uvs, depth_center);
vec3 dPdx = view_position_derivative_from_depth(uvs, texel_size * vec2(1, 0), vP, depth_center);
vec3 dPdy = view_position_derivative_from_depth(uvs, texel_size * vec2(0, 1), vP, depth_center);
vNg = safe_normalize(cross(dPdx, dPdy));
return true;
#ifdef DEBUG_AO
in vec4 uvcoordsvar;
void main()
vec2 texel_size = 1.0 / vec2(textureSize(depthBuffer, 0)).xy;
vec2 uvs = saturate(gl_FragCoord.xy * texel_size);
vec3 vP, vNg;
float depth = textureLod(depthBuffer, uvs, 0.0).r;
if (!reconstruct_view_position_and_normal_from_depth(gl_FragCoord.xy, vP, vNg)) {
/* Handle Background case. Prevent artifact due to uncleared Horizon Render Target. */
FragColor = vec4(0.0);
else {
vec3 P = transform_point(ViewMatrixInverse, vP);
vec3 worldPosition = P; /* For cameraVec macro. TODO(fclem) make cameraVec(P). */
vec3 viewPosition = vP; /* For viewCameraVec macro. TODO(fclem) make viewCameraVec(vP). */
vec3 V = cameraVec;
vec3 vV = viewCameraVec;
vec3 vN = normal_decode(texture(normalBuffer, uvcoordsvar.xy).rg, vV);
vec3 N = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, vN);
vec3 Ng = transform_direction(ViewMatrixInverse, vNg);
vec3 viewPosition = get_view_space_from_depth(uvs, depth);
vec3 V = viewCameraVec;
vec3 normal = normal_decode(texture(normalBuffer, uvs).rg, V);
OcclusionData data = occlusion_load(vP, 1.0);
vec3 bent_normal;
float visibility;
float visibility = diffuse_occlusion(data, V, N, Ng);
vec4 noise = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy);
gtao_deferred(normal, noise, depth, visibility, bent_normal);
/* Handle Background case. Prevent artifact due to uncleared Horizon Render Target. */
FragColor = vec4((depth == 1.0) ? 0.0 : visibility);
FragColor = vec4(visibility);
void main()
vec2 uvs = saturate(gl_FragCoord.xy / vec2(textureSize(gtao_depthBuffer, 0).xy));
vec2 uvs = gl_FragCoord.xy / vec2(textureSize(gtao_depthBuffer, 0).xy);
float depth = gtao_textureLod(gtao_depthBuffer, uvs, 0.0).r;
vec3 vP = get_view_space_from_depth(uvs, depth);
if (depth == 1.0) {
/* Do not trace for background */
FragColor = vec4(0.0);
OcclusionData data = NO_OCCLUSION_DATA;
/* Do not trace for background */
if (depth != 1.0) {
data = occlusion_search(vP, maxzBuffer, aoDistance, 8.0);
/* Avoid self shadowing. */
depth = saturate(depth - 3e-6); /* Tweaked for 24bit depth buffer. */
vec3 viewPosition = get_view_space_from_depth(uvs, depth);
vec4 noise = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec2 max_dir = get_max_dir(viewPosition.z);
vec4 dirs;
dirs.xy = get_ao_dir(noise.x * 0.5); = get_ao_dir(noise.x * 0.5 + 0.5);
/* Search in 4 directions. */
FragColor.xy = search_horizon_sweep(dirs.xy, viewPosition, uvs, noise.y, max_dir); = search_horizon_sweep(, viewPosition, uvs, noise.y, max_dir);
/* Resize output for integer texture. */
FragColor = pack_horizons(FragColor);
FragColor = pack_occlusion_data(data);

View File

@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ vec3 probe_evaluate_planar(int id, PlanarData pd, vec3 W, vec3 N, vec3 V, float
void fallback_cubemap(vec3 N,
vec3 V,
vec3 W,
vec3 viewPosition,
vec3 P,
vec3 vP,
float roughness,
float roughnessSquared,
inout vec4 spec_accum)
@ -224,21 +224,15 @@ void fallback_cubemap(vec3 N,
/* Specular probes */
vec3 spec_dir = specular_dominant_dir(N, V, roughnessSquared);
#ifdef SSR_AO
vec4 rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec3 bent_normal;
float final_ao = occlusion_compute(N, viewPosition, rand, bent_normal);
final_ao = specular_occlusion(dot(N, V), final_ao, roughness);
const float final_ao = 1.0;
OcclusionData occlusion_data = occlusion_load(vP, 1.0);
float final_ao = specular_occlusion(occlusion_data, V, N, roughness, spec_dir);
/* Starts at 1 because 0 is world probe */
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_PROBE && i < prbNumRenderCube && spec_accum.a < 0.999; i++) {
float fade = probe_attenuation_cube(i, W);
float fade = probe_attenuation_cube(i, P);
if (fade > 0.0) {
vec3 spec = final_ao * probe_evaluate_cube(i, W, spec_dir, roughness);
vec3 spec = final_ao * probe_evaluate_cube(i, P, spec_dir, roughness);
accumulate_light(spec, fade, spec_accum);

View File

@ -122,6 +122,12 @@ vec3 safe_normalize(vec3 v)
return v / len;
vec3 normalize_len(vec3 v, out float len)
len = length(v);
return v / len;
/** \} */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */

View File

@ -4,7 +4,13 @@ void node_ambient_occlusion(
vec3 bent_normal;
vec4 rand = texelfetch_noise_tex(gl_FragCoord.xy);
result_ao = occlusion_compute(normalize(normal), viewPosition, rand, bent_normal);
OcclusionData data = occlusion_load(viewPosition, 1.0);
vec3 V = cameraVec;
vec3 N = normalize(normal);
vec3 Ng = safe_normalize(cross(dFdx(worldPosition), dFdy(worldPosition)));
result_ao = diffuse_occlusion(data, V, N, Ng);
result_color = result_ao * color;