Workbench: Optimize Shadows.

This makes the shadows ~10 times faster in the general case.

This only create extrusion geometry on the outline edges. Also we increment
or decrement the stencil buffer by 2 for each manifold edge and only by 1
for non manifold. This make the algorithm robust yet less heavy than creating
one prism for each triangles.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2018-05-19 13:31:44 +02:00
parent 883cb58355
commit 687f09a8ad
7 changed files with 215 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -1,51 +1,53 @@
layout(triangles) in;
layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices=9) out;
layout(lines_adjacency) in;
layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 8) out;
uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 ModelMatrixInverse;
uniform vec3 lightDirection = vec3(0.57, 0.57, -0.57);
in VertexData {
flat vec4 lightDirectionMS;
vec4 frontPosition;
vec3 pos; /* local position */
vec4 frontPosition; /* final ndc position */
vec4 backPosition;
} vertexData[];
} vData[];
vec3 face_normal(vec3 v1, vec3 v2, vec3 v3) {
return normalize(cross(v2 - v1, v3 - v1));
void main()
vec4 light_direction = vertexData[0].lightDirectionMS;
vec4 v1 = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
vec4 v2 = gl_in[1].gl_Position;
vec4 v3 = gl_in[2].gl_Position;
bool backface = dot(face_normal(,,, > 0.0;
/* TODO precompute light_direction */
vec3 light_dir = mat3(ModelMatrixInverse) * lightDirection;
int index0 = backface?0:2;
int index2 = backface?2:0;
vec3 v10 = vData[0].pos - vData[1].pos;
vec3 v12 = vData[2].pos - vData[1].pos;
vec3 v13 = vData[3].pos - vData[1].pos;
vec3 n1 = cross(v12, v10);
vec3 n2 = cross(v13, v12);
vec2 facing = vec2(dot(n1, light_dir),
dot(n2, light_dir));
bvec2 backface = greaterThan(facing, vec2(0.0));
/* back cap */
gl_Position = vertexData[index0].backPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[1].backPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[index2].backPosition;
if (backface.x == backface.y) {
/* Both faces face the same direction. Not an outline edge. */
/* sides */
gl_Position = vertexData[index2].frontPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[index0].backPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[index0].frontPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[1].backPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[1].frontPosition;
gl_Position = vertexData[index2].frontPosition;
/* Reverse order if backfacing the light. */
ivec2 idx = ivec2(1, 2);
idx = (backface.x) ? idx.yx : idx.xy;
/* WATCH: maybe unpredictable in some cases. */
bool is_manifold = any(notEqual(vData[0].pos, vData[3].pos));
gl_Position = vData[idx.x].frontPosition; EmitVertex();
gl_Position = vData[idx.y].frontPosition; EmitVertex();
gl_Position = vData[idx.x].backPosition; EmitVertex();
gl_Position = vData[idx.y].backPosition; EmitVertex();
if (is_manifold) {
gl_Position = vData[idx.x].frontPosition; EmitVertex();
gl_Position = vData[idx.y].frontPosition; EmitVertex();
gl_Position = vData[idx.x].backPosition; EmitVertex();
gl_Position = vData[idx.y].backPosition; EmitVertex();

View File

@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
#define EPSILON 0.0001
#define INFINITE 100.0
#define INFINITE 10000.0
uniform mat4 ModelMatrixInverse;
uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 ViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 lightDirection = vec3(0.57, 0.57, -0.57);
in vec4 pos;
in vec3 pos;
out VertexData {
flat vec4 lightDirectionMS;
vec4 frontPosition;
vec3 pos; /* local position */
vec4 frontPosition; /* final ndc position */
vec4 backPosition;
} vertexData;
} vData;
void main()
gl_Position = pos;
vertexData.lightDirectionMS = normalize(ModelMatrixInverse * vec4(lightDirection, 0.0));
vertexData.lightDirectionMS.w = 0.0;
vertexData.frontPosition = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * (pos + vertexData.lightDirectionMS * EPSILON);
vertexData.backPosition = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * (pos + vertexData.lightDirectionMS * INFINITE);
/* TODO precompute light_direction */
vec3 light_direction = mat3(ModelMatrixInverse) * lightDirection;
vData.pos = pos;
vData.frontPosition = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);
vData.backPosition = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos + light_direction * INFINITE, 1.0);

View File

@ -620,10 +620,13 @@ void workbench_materials_solid_cache_populate(WORKBENCH_Data *vedata, Object *ob
if (SHADOW_ENABLED(wpd) && (ob->display.flag & OB_SHOW_SHADOW) > 0) {
struct Gwn_Batch *geom_shadow = DRW_cache_object_surface_get(ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *geom_shadow = DRW_cache_object_edge_detection_get(ob);
if (geom_shadow) {
if (is_sculpt_mode) {
DRW_shgroup_call_sculpt_add(wpd->shadow_shgrp, ob, ob->obmat);
/* Currently unsupported in sculpt mode. We could revert to the slow
* method in this case but i'm not sure if it's a good idea given that
* sculped meshes are heavy to begin with. */
// DRW_shgroup_call_sculpt_add(wpd->shadow_shgrp, ob, ob->obmat);
else {
DRW_shgroup_call_object_add(wpd->shadow_shgrp, geom_shadow, ob);

View File

@ -501,6 +501,19 @@ Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_object_wire_outline_get(Object *ob)
/* Returns a buffer texture. */
Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_object_edge_detection_get(Object *ob)
switch (ob->type) {
case OB_MESH:
return DRW_cache_mesh_edge_detection_get(ob);
/* TODO, should match 'DRW_cache_object_surface_get' */
return NULL;
Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_object_surface_get(Object *ob)
switch (ob->type) {
@ -2493,6 +2506,14 @@ Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_wire_outline_get(Object *ob)
return DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_fancy_edges(me);
Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_edge_detection_get(Object *ob)
BLI_assert(ob->type == OB_MESH);
Mesh *me = ob->data;
return DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edge_detection(me);
Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_surface_get(Object *ob)
BLI_assert(ob->type == OB_MESH);

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_screenspace_circle_get(void);
/* Common Object */
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_object_wire_outline_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_object_edge_detection_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_object_surface_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch **DRW_cache_object_surface_material_get(
struct Object *ob, struct GPUMaterial **gpumat_array, uint gpumat_array_len,
@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ void DRW_cache_mesh_normals_overlay_get(
struct Gwn_Batch **r_tris, struct Gwn_Batch **r_ledges, struct Gwn_Batch **r_lverts);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_face_centers_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_wire_outline_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_edge_detection_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_surface_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_surface_weights_get(struct Object *ob);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_cache_mesh_surface_vert_colors_get(struct Object *ob);

View File

@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_with_select_mask(struct Mes
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_points_with_normals(struct Mesh *me);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_all_verts(struct Mesh *me);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_fancy_edges(struct Mesh *me);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edge_detection(struct Mesh *me);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_overlay_triangles(struct Mesh *me);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_overlay_triangles_nor(struct Mesh *me);
struct Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_overlay_loose_edges(struct Mesh *me);

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "BLI_math_bits.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_alloca.h"
#include "BLI_edgehash.h"
#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
@ -55,6 +56,9 @@
#include "GPU_batch.h"
#include "GPU_draw.h"
#include "GPU_material.h"
#include "GPU_texture.h"
#include "DRW_render.h"
#include "draw_cache_impl.h" /* own include */
@ -1229,6 +1233,8 @@ static bool mesh_render_data_edge_vcos_manifold_pnors(
*r_is_manifold = true;
else {
*r_pnor1 = eed->l->f->no;
*r_pnor2 = eed->l->f->no;
*r_is_manifold = false;
@ -1268,12 +1274,27 @@ static bool mesh_render_data_edge_vcos_manifold_pnors(
*r_vco1 = mvert[medge[edge_index].v1].co;
*r_vco2 = mvert[medge[edge_index].v2].co;
*r_pnor1 = pnors[eap[edge_index].face_index[0]];
float nor[3], v1[3], v2[3], r_center[3];
const MPoly *mpoly = rdata->mpoly + eap[edge_index].face_index[0];
const MLoop *mloop = rdata->mloop + mpoly->loopstart;
BKE_mesh_calc_poly_center(mpoly, mloop, mvert, r_center);
sub_v3_v3v3(v1, *r_vco2, *r_vco1);
sub_v3_v3v3(v2, r_center, *r_vco1);
cross_v3_v3v3(nor, v1, v2);
if (dot_v3v3(nor, *r_pnor1) < 0.0) {
SWAP(float *, *r_vco1, *r_vco2);
if (eap[edge_index].count == 2) {
*r_pnor1 = pnors[eap[edge_index].face_index[0]];
*r_pnor2 = pnors[eap[edge_index].face_index[1]];
*r_is_manifold = true;
else {
*r_pnor2 = pnors[eap[edge_index].face_index[0]];
*r_is_manifold = false;
@ -1499,6 +1520,7 @@ typedef struct MeshBatchCache {
Gwn_VertBuf *pos_in_order;
Gwn_VertBuf *nor_in_order;
Gwn_IndexBuf *edges_in_order;
Gwn_IndexBuf *edges_adjacency; /* Store edges with adjacent vertices. */
Gwn_IndexBuf *triangles_in_order;
Gwn_Batch *all_verts;
@ -1537,6 +1559,8 @@ typedef struct MeshBatchCache {
Gwn_Batch *points_with_normals;
Gwn_Batch *fancy_edges; /* owns its vertex buffer (not shared) */
Gwn_Batch *edge_detection;
/* Maybe have shaded_triangles_data split into pos_nor and uv_tangent
* to minimise data transfer for skinned mesh. */
Gwn_VertFormat shaded_triangles_format;
@ -1806,6 +1830,9 @@ static void mesh_batch_cache_clear(Mesh *me)
if (cache->shaded_triangles_in_order) {
for (int i = 0; i < cache->mat_len; ++i) {
@ -3178,6 +3205,96 @@ static Gwn_IndexBuf *mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_in_order(MeshRenderData *rdata,
return cache->edges_in_order;
static Gwn_IndexBuf *mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_adjacency(MeshRenderData *rdata, MeshBatchCache *cache)
if (cache->edges_adjacency == NULL) {
const int vert_len = mesh_render_data_verts_len_get(rdata);
const int tri_len = mesh_render_data_looptri_len_get(rdata);
/* Allocate max but only used indices are sent to GPU. */
Gwn_IndexBufBuilder elb;
GWN_indexbuf_init(&elb, GWN_PRIM_LINES_ADJ, tri_len * 3, vert_len);
EdgeHash *eh = BLI_edgehash_new_ex(__func__, tri_len * 3);
/* Create edges for each pair of triangles sharing an edge. */
for (int i = 0; i < tri_len; i++) {
for (int e = 0; e < 3; ++e) {
unsigned int v0, v1, v2;
if (rdata->edit_bmesh) {
const BMLoop **bm_looptri = (const BMLoop **)rdata->edit_bmesh->looptris[i];
if (BM_elem_flag_test(bm_looptri[0]->f, BM_ELEM_HIDDEN)) {
v0 = BM_elem_index_get(bm_looptri[e]->v);
v1 = BM_elem_index_get(bm_looptri[(e+1)%3]->v);
v2 = BM_elem_index_get(bm_looptri[(e+2)%3]->v);
else {
MLoop *mloop = rdata->mloop;
MLoopTri *mlt = rdata->mlooptri + i;
v0 = mloop[mlt->tri[e]].v;
v1 = mloop[mlt->tri[(e+1)%3]].v;
v2 = mloop[mlt->tri[(e+2)%3]].v;
bool inv_indices = (v1 > v2);
void **pval;
bool value_is_init = BLI_edgehash_ensure_p(eh, v1, v2, &pval);
int v_data = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(*pval);
if (!value_is_init || v_data == NO_EDGE) {
/* Save the winding order inside the sign bit. Because the
* edgehash sort the keys and we need to compare winding later. */
int value = (int)v0 + 1; /* Int 0 cannot be signed */
*pval = SET_INT_IN_POINTER((inv_indices) ? -value : value);
else {
/* HACK Tag as not used. Prevent overhead of BLI_edgehash_remove. */
bool inv_opposite = (v_data < 0);
unsigned int v_opposite = (unsigned int)abs(v_data) - 1;
if (inv_opposite == inv_indices) {
/* Don't share edge if triangles have non matching winding. */
GWN_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(&elb, v0, v1, v2, v0);
GWN_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(&elb, v_opposite, v1, v2, v_opposite);
else {
GWN_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(&elb, v0, v1, v2, v_opposite);
/* Create edges for remaning non manifold edges. */
EdgeHashIterator *ehi;
for (ehi = BLI_edgehashIterator_new(eh);
BLI_edgehashIterator_isDone(ehi) == false;
unsigned int v1, v2;
int v_data = GET_INT_FROM_POINTER(BLI_edgehashIterator_getValue(ehi));
if (v_data == NO_EDGE) {
BLI_edgehashIterator_getKey(ehi, &v1, &v2);
unsigned int v0 = (unsigned int)abs(v_data) - 1;
if (v_data < 0) { /* inv_opposite */
SWAP(unsigned int, v1, v2);
GWN_indexbuf_add_line_adj_verts(&elb, v0, v1, v2, v0);
BLI_edgehash_free(eh, NULL);
cache->edges_adjacency = GWN_indexbuf_build(&elb);
return cache->edges_adjacency;
#undef NO_EDGE
static Gwn_IndexBuf *mesh_batch_cache_get_triangles_in_order(MeshRenderData *rdata, MeshBatchCache *cache)
BLI_assert(rdata->types & (MR_DATATYPE_VERT | MR_DATATYPE_LOOPTRI));
@ -3685,6 +3802,24 @@ Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_fancy_edges(Mesh *me)
return cache->fancy_edges;
Gwn_Batch *DRW_mesh_batch_cache_get_edge_detection(Mesh *me)
MeshBatchCache *cache = mesh_batch_cache_get(me);
if (cache->edge_detection == NULL) {
MeshRenderData *rdata = mesh_render_data_create(me, options);
cache->edge_detection = GWN_batch_create_ex(GWN_PRIM_LINES_ADJ, mesh_batch_cache_get_vert_pos_and_nor_in_order(rdata, cache),
mesh_batch_cache_get_edges_adjacency(rdata, cache), 0);
return cache->edge_detection;
static void mesh_batch_cache_create_overlay_batches(Mesh *me)
BLI_assert(me->edit_btmesh != NULL);