Property Search: Move properties context buttons back to a panel

The context path "breadcrumbs" used to be in a panel in 2.79.
Although they look a bit better in the header, there isn't enough
space for them with the property search field in the header as well.

Maybe there will be another solution in the long term to fit both
the search field and this panel in the header, but for now, this
commit moves these labels back to a header-less panel.

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Hans Goudey 2020-09-15 09:50:14 -05:00
parent 67e630609b
commit 6b29c3fa07
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 08:42:53 +01:00
Referenced by issue #77824, Properties Search Implementation
4 changed files with 18 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -23,11 +23,18 @@ from bpy.types import Header, Panel
class PROPERTIES_HT_header(Header):
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
def draw(self, _context):
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
view = context.space_data
row = layout.row()
row.emboss = 'NONE'
row.operator("buttons.toggle_pin", icon=('PINNED' if view.use_pin_id else 'UNPINNED'), text="")
class PROPERTIES_PT_navigation_bar(Panel):
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'

View File

@ -1115,11 +1115,18 @@ int buttons_context(const bContext *C, const char *member, bContextDataResult *r
/************************* Drawing the Path ************************/
void buttons_context_draw(const bContext *C, uiLayout *layout)
static bool buttons_panel_context_poll(const bContext *C, PanelType *UNUSED(pt))
SpaceProperties *sbuts = CTX_wm_space_properties(C);
return sbuts->mainb != BCONTEXT_TOOL;
static void buttons_panel_context_draw(const bContext *C, Panel *panel)
uiLayout *layout = panel->layout;
SpaceProperties *sbuts = CTX_wm_space_properties(C);
ButsContextPath *path = sbuts->path;
uiLayout *row, *sub;
uiLayout *row;
PointerRNA *ptr;
char namebuf[128], *name;
int a, icon;
@ -1180,52 +1187,11 @@ void buttons_context_draw(const bContext *C, uiLayout *layout)
sub = uiLayoutRow(row, false);
uiLayoutSetEmboss(sub, UI_EMBOSS_NONE);
static bool buttons_header_context_poll(const bContext *C, HeaderType *UNUSED(ht))
static bool buttons_panel_context_poll(const bContext *C, PanelType *UNUSED(pt))
SpaceProperties *sbuts = CTX_wm_space_properties(C);
return (sbuts->mainb != BCONTEXT_TOOL);
static void buttons_header_context_draw(const bContext *C, Header *ptr)
static void buttons_panel_context_draw(const bContext *C, Panel *ptr)
buttons_context_draw(C, ptr->layout);
void buttons_context_register(ARegionType *art)
HeaderType *ht;
ht = MEM_callocN(sizeof(HeaderType), "spacetype buttons context header");
strcpy(ht->idname, "BUTTONS_HT_context");
ht->space_type = SPACE_PROPERTIES;
ht->region_type = art->regionid;
ht->poll = buttons_header_context_poll;
ht->draw = buttons_header_context_draw;
BLI_addtail(&art->headertypes, ht);
PanelType *pt;
pt = MEM_callocN(sizeof(PanelType), "spacetype buttons panel context");
PanelType *pt = MEM_callocN(sizeof(PanelType), "spacetype buttons panel context");
strcpy(pt->idname, "BUTTONS_PT_context");
strcpy(pt->label, N_("Context")); /* XXX C panels unavailable through RNA bpy.types! */
strcpy(pt->translation_context, BLT_I18NCONTEXT_DEFAULT_BPYRNA);
@ -1233,7 +1199,6 @@ void buttons_context_register(ARegionType *art)
pt->draw = buttons_panel_context_draw;
pt->flag = PNL_NO_HEADER;
BLI_addtail(&art->paneltypes, pt);
ID *buttons_context_id_path(const bContext *C)

View File

@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ struct bNodeTree;
struct uiLayout;
struct wmOperatorType;
/* Display the context path in the header instead of the main window */
/* context data */
typedef struct ButsContextPath {
@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ void buttons_context_compute(const struct bContext *C, struct SpaceProperties *s
int buttons_context(const struct bContext *C,
const char *member,
struct bContextDataResult *result);
void buttons_context_draw(const struct bContext *C, struct uiLayout *layout);
void buttons_context_register(struct ARegionType *art);
struct ID *buttons_context_id_path(const struct bContext *C);

View File

@ -332,14 +332,6 @@ static void buttons_keymap(struct wmKeyConfig *keyconf)
/* add handlers, stuff you only do once or on area/region changes */
static void buttons_header_region_init(wmWindowManager *UNUSED(wm), ARegion *region)
/* Reinsert context buttons header-type at the end of the list so it's drawn last. */
HeaderType *context_ht = BLI_findstring(
&region->type->headertypes, "BUTTONS_HT_context", offsetof(HeaderType, idname));
BLI_remlink(&region->type->headertypes, context_ht);
BLI_addtail(&region->type->headertypes, context_ht);
@ -379,10 +371,6 @@ static void buttons_header_region_message_subscribe(const bContext *UNUSED(C),
if (sbuts->mainb == BCONTEXT_TOOL) {
WM_msg_subscribe_rna_anon_prop(mbus, WorkSpace, tools, &msg_sub_value_region_tag_redraw);
WM_msg_subscribe_rna_anon_prop(mbus, SpaceProperties, context, &msg_sub_value_region_tag_redraw);
static void buttons_navigation_bar_region_init(wmWindowManager *wm, ARegion *region)
@ -716,9 +704,7 @@ void ED_spacetype_buttons(void)
art->draw = ED_region_panels_draw;
art->listener = buttons_main_region_listener;
art->keymapflag = ED_KEYMAP_UI | ED_KEYMAP_FRAMES;
BLI_addhead(&st->regiontypes, art);
/* Register the panel types from modifiers. The actual panels are built per modifier rather than
@ -754,9 +740,6 @@ void ED_spacetype_buttons(void)
art->init = buttons_header_region_init;
art->draw = buttons_header_region_draw;
art->message_subscribe = buttons_header_region_message_subscribe;
BLI_addhead(&st->regiontypes, art);
/* regions: navigation bar */