UI: minor changes from 2.8

- Option to skip multi-data edits.
- Open hold buttons on drag.
- Utility function to set default value.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2018-06-16 15:44:13 +02:00
parent b955747875
commit 73abca1da0
2 changed files with 100 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -252,6 +252,9 @@ typedef struct uiHandleButtonMulti {
bool is_proportional;
/* In some cases we directly apply the changes to multiple buttons, so we don't want to do it twice. */
bool skip;
/* before activating, we need to check gesture direction
* accumulate signed cursor movement here so we can tell if this is a vertical motion or not. */
float drag_dir[2];
@ -491,6 +494,21 @@ bool ui_but_is_editable_as_text(const uiBut *but)
bool ui_but_is_toggle(const uiBut *but)
return ELEM(
static uiBut *ui_but_prev(uiBut *but)
while (but->prev) {
@ -1167,6 +1185,7 @@ static void ui_multibut_states_apply(bContext *C, uiHandleButtonData *data, uiBl
uiBut *but;
BLI_assert(data->multi_data.init == BUTTON_MULTI_INIT_ENABLE);
BLI_assert(data->multi_data.skip == false);
for (but = block->buttons.first; but; but = but->next) {
if (but->flag & UI_BUT_DRAG_MULTI) {
@ -1744,23 +1763,20 @@ static bool ui_but_drag_init(
/* TODO support more button pointer types */
if (but->rnaprop && RNA_property_subtype(but->rnaprop) == PROP_COLOR_GAMMA) {
RNA_property_float_get_array(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, drag_info->color);
ui_but_v3_get(but, drag_info->color);
drag_info->gamma_corrected = true;
valid = true;
else if (but->rnaprop && RNA_property_subtype(but->rnaprop) == PROP_COLOR) {
RNA_property_float_get_array(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, drag_info->color);
ui_but_v3_get(but, drag_info->color);
drag_info->gamma_corrected = false;
valid = true;
else if (but->pointype == UI_BUT_POIN_FLOAT) {
else if (ELEM(but->pointype, UI_BUT_POIN_FLOAT, UI_BUT_POIN_CHAR)) {
ui_but_v3_get(but, drag_info->color);
copy_v3_v3(drag_info->color, (float *)but->poin);
valid = true;
else if (but->pointype == UI_BUT_POIN_CHAR) {
rgb_uchar_to_float(drag_info->color, (unsigned char *)but->poin);
valid = true;
if (valid) {
WM_event_start_drag(C, ICON_COLOR, WM_DRAG_COLOR, drag_info, 0.0, WM_DRAG_FREE_DATA);
@ -2182,7 +2198,9 @@ static void ui_apply_but(bContext *C, uiBlock *block, uiBut *but, uiHandleButton
if (data->multi_data.has_mbuts) {
if (data->multi_data.init == BUTTON_MULTI_INIT_ENABLE) {
if ((data->multi_data.init == BUTTON_MULTI_INIT_ENABLE) &&
(data->multi_data.skip == false))
if (data->cancel) {
ui_multibut_restore(C, data, block);
@ -7506,8 +7524,9 @@ static bool ui_region_contains_point_px(ARegion *ar, int x, int y)
ui_window_to_region(ar, &mx, &my);
/* check if in the rect */
if (!BLI_rcti_isect_pt(&v2d->mask, mx, my))
if (!BLI_rcti_isect_pt(&v2d->mask, mx, my)) {
return false;
return true;
@ -8356,6 +8375,37 @@ static void ui_handle_button_activate(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, uiBut *but, uiBu
/************ handle events for an activated button ***********/
static bool ui_button_value_default(uiBut *but, double *r_value)
if (but->rnaprop != NULL && ui_but_is_rna_valid(but)) {
int type = RNA_property_type(but->rnaprop);
double default_value;
switch (type) {
case PROP_INT:
if (RNA_property_array_check(but->rnaprop)) {
default_value = (double)RNA_property_int_get_default_index(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, but->rnaindex);
else {
default_value = (double)RNA_property_int_get_default(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop);
if (RNA_property_array_check(but->rnaprop)) {
default_value = (double)RNA_property_float_get_default_index(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, but->rnaindex);
else {
default_value = (double)RNA_property_float_get_default(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop);
*r_value = default_value;
return true;
return false;
static int ui_handle_button_event(bContext *C, const wmEvent *event, uiBut *but)
uiHandleButtonData *data = but->active;
@ -8467,6 +8517,19 @@ static int ui_handle_button_event(bContext *C, const wmEvent *event, uiBut *but)
/* deselect the button when moving the mouse away */
/* also de-activate for buttons that only show higlights */
if (ui_but_contains_point_px(ar, but, event->x, event->y)) {
/* Drag on a hold button (used in the toolbar) now opens it immediately. */
if (data->hold_action_timer) {
if (but->flag & UI_SELECT) {
if ((abs(event->x - event->prevx)) > 2 ||
(abs(event->y - event->prevy)) > 2)
WM_event_remove_timer(data->wm, data->window, data->hold_action_timer);
data->hold_action_timer = WM_event_add_timer(data->wm, data->window, TIMER, 0.0f);
if (!(but->flag & UI_SELECT)) {
but->flag |= (UI_SELECT | UI_ACTIVE);
data->cancel = false;
@ -8542,6 +8605,29 @@ static int ui_handle_button_event(bContext *C, const wmEvent *event, uiBut *but)
uiBut *post_but = data->postbut;
uiButtonActivateType post_type = data->posttype;
/* Reset the button value when empty text is typed. */
if ((data->cancel == false) && (data->str != NULL) && (data->str[0] == '\0') &&
(but->rnaprop && ELEM(RNA_property_type(but->rnaprop), PROP_FLOAT, PROP_INT)))
ui_button_value_default(but, &data->value);
if (data->multi_data.mbuts) {
for (LinkNode *l = data->multi_data.mbuts; l; l = l->next) {
uiButMultiState *state = l->link;
uiBut *but_iter = state->but;
double default_value;
if (ui_button_value_default(but_iter, &default_value)) {
ui_but_value_set(but_iter, default_value);
data->multi_data.skip = true;
button_activate_exit(C, but, data, (post_but == NULL), false);
/* for jumping to the next button with tab while text editing */
@ -10111,8 +10197,10 @@ static int ui_handler_region_menu(bContext *C, const wmEvent *event, void *UNUSE
/* if mouse moves to a different root-level menu button,
* open it to replace the current menu */
ui_handle_button_activate(C, ar, but_other, BUTTON_ACTIVATE_OVER);
button_activate_state(C, but_other, BUTTON_STATE_MENU_OPEN);
if ((but_other->flag & UI_BUT_DISABLED) == 0) {
ui_handle_button_activate(C, ar, but_other, BUTTON_ACTIVATE_OVER);
button_activate_state(C, but_other, BUTTON_STATE_MENU_OPEN);
else if (data->state == BUTTON_STATE_MENU_OPEN) {
int retval;

View File

@ -679,6 +679,7 @@ extern uiBut *ui_but_find_active_in_region(struct ARegion *ar);
extern uiBut *ui_but_find_mouse_over(struct ARegion *ar, const struct wmEvent *event);
bool ui_but_is_editable(const uiBut *but);
bool ui_but_is_editable_as_text(const uiBut *but);
bool ui_but_is_toggle(const uiBut *but);
void ui_but_pie_dir_visual(RadialDirection dir, float vec[2]);
void ui_but_pie_dir(RadialDirection dir, float vec[2]);
float ui_block_calc_pie_segment(struct uiBlock *block, const float event_xy[2]);