Geometry Nodes: improve domain interpolation code

It's now easier than before to do the interpolation of attributes
only for the elements that are actually used in some cases.
This can result in a speedup because unnecessary computations
can be avoided. See the patch for a simple performance test.

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Jacques Lucke 2022-01-18 16:10:33 +01:00
parent dfe22a53bb
commit 796e9d442c
1 changed files with 124 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_task.hh"
#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
@ -266,89 +267,54 @@ static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_point(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray
* Each corner's value is simply a copy of the value at its vertex.
* \note Theoretically this interpolation does not need to compute all values at once.
* However, doing that makes the implementation simpler, and this can be optimized in the future if
* only some values are required.
template<typename T>
static void adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_corner_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<T> &old_values,
MutableSpan<T> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totloop);
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(mesh.totloop)) {
const int vertex_index = mesh.mloop[loop_index].v;
r_values[loop_index] = old_values[vertex_index];
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_corner(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
GVArray new_varray;
attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(varray.type(), [&](auto dummy) {
using T = decltype(dummy);
Array<T> values(mesh.totloop);
adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_corner_impl<T>(mesh, varray.typed<T>(), values);
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForContainer(std::move(values));
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(mesh.totloop,
[mesh, varray = varray.typed<T>()](const int64_t loop_index) {
const int vertex_index = mesh.mloop[loop_index].v;
return varray[vertex_index];
return new_varray;
* \note Theoretically this interpolation does not need to compute all values at once.
* However, doing that makes the implementation simpler, and this can be optimized in the future if
* only some values are required.
template<typename T>
static void adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_face_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<T> &old_values,
MutableSpan<T> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totpoly);
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer(r_values);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const T value = old_values[loop_index];
mixer.mix_in(poly_index, value);
/* A face is selected if all of its corners were selected. */
void adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_face_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<bool> &old_values,
MutableSpan<bool> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totpoly);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
if (!old_values[loop_index]) {
r_values[poly_index] = false;
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_face(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
GVArray new_varray;
attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(varray.type(), [&](auto dummy) {
using T = decltype(dummy);
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T>>) {
Array<T> values(mesh.totpoly);
adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_face_impl<T>(mesh, varray.typed<T>(), values);
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForContainer(std::move(values));
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(
mesh.totpoly, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<bool>()](const int face_index) {
/* A face is selected if all of its corners were selected. */
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[face_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
if (!varray[loop_index]) {
return false;
return true;
else {
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(
mesh.totpoly, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<T>()](const int face_index) {
T return_value;
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer({&return_value, 1});
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[face_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const T value = varray[loop_index];
mixer.mix_in(0, value);
return return_value;
return new_varray;
@ -406,11 +372,13 @@ void adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_edge_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
/* Deselect loose edges without corners that are still selected from the 'true' default. */
for (const int edge_index : IndexRange(mesh.totedge)) {
if (loose_edges[edge_index]) {
r_values[edge_index] = false;
threading::parallel_for(IndexRange(mesh.totedge), 2048, [&](const IndexRange range) {
for (const int edge_index : range) {
if (loose_edges[edge_index]) {
r_values[edge_index] = false;
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_corner_to_edge(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
@ -491,11 +459,13 @@ void adapt_mesh_domain_face_to_corner_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totloop);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
MutableSpan<T> poly_corner_values = r_values.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop);
threading::parallel_for(IndexRange(mesh.totpoly), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) {
for (const int poly_index : range) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
MutableSpan<T> poly_corner_values = r_values.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop);
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_face_to_corner(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
@ -566,111 +536,72 @@ static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_face_to_edge(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &v
return new_varray;
* \note Theoretically this interpolation does not need to compute all values at once.
* However, doing that makes the implementation simpler, and this can be optimized in the future if
* only some values are required.
template<typename T>
static void adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_face_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<T> &old_values,
MutableSpan<T> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totpoly);
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer(r_values);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
const int point_index = loop.v;
mixer.mix_in(poly_index, old_values[point_index]);
/* A face is selected if all of its vertices were selected too. */
void adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_face_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<bool> &old_values,
MutableSpan<bool> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totpoly);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
const int vert_index = loop.v;
if (!old_values[vert_index]) {
r_values[poly_index] = false;
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_face(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
GVArray new_varray;
attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(varray.type(), [&](auto dummy) {
using T = decltype(dummy);
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T>>) {
Array<T> values(mesh.totpoly);
adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_face_impl<T>(mesh, varray.typed<T>(), values);
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForContainer(std::move(values));
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(
mesh.totpoly, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<bool>()](const int face_index) {
/* A face is selected if all of its vertices were selected. */
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[face_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
if (!varray[loop.v]) {
return false;
return true;
else {
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(
mesh.totpoly, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<T>()](const int face_index) {
T return_value;
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer({&return_value, 1});
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[face_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
const T value = varray[loop.v];
mixer.mix_in(0, value);
return return_value;
return new_varray;
* \note Theoretically this interpolation does not need to compute all values at once.
* However, doing that makes the implementation simpler, and this can be optimized in the future if
* only some values are required.
template<typename T>
static void adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_edge_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<T> &old_values,
MutableSpan<T> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totedge);
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer(r_values);
for (const int edge_index : IndexRange(mesh.totedge)) {
const MEdge &edge = mesh.medge[edge_index];
mixer.mix_in(edge_index, old_values[edge.v1]);
mixer.mix_in(edge_index, old_values[edge.v2]);
/* An edge is selected if both of its vertices were selected. */
void adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_edge_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<bool> &old_values,
MutableSpan<bool> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totedge);
for (const int edge_index : IndexRange(mesh.totedge)) {
const MEdge &edge = mesh.medge[edge_index];
r_values[edge_index] = old_values[edge.v1] && old_values[edge.v2];
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_edge(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
GVArray new_varray;
attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(varray.type(), [&](auto dummy) {
using T = decltype(dummy);
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T>>) {
Array<T> values(mesh.totedge);
adapt_mesh_domain_point_to_edge_impl<T>(mesh, varray.typed<T>(), values);
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForContainer(std::move(values));
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
/* An edge is selected if both of its vertices were selected. */
new_varray = VArray<bool>::ForFunc(
mesh.totedge, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<bool>()](const int edge_index) {
const MEdge &edge = mesh.medge[edge_index];
return varray[edge.v1] && varray[edge.v2];
else {
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(
mesh.totedge, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<T>()](const int edge_index) {
T return_value;
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer({&return_value, 1});
const MEdge &edge = mesh.medge[edge_index];
mixer.mix_in(0, varray[edge.v1]);
mixer.mix_in(0, varray[edge.v2]);
return return_value;
return new_varray;
@ -787,61 +718,41 @@ static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_edge_to_point(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &
return new_varray;
* \note Theoretically this interpolation does not need to compute all values at once.
* However, doing that makes the implementation simpler, and this can be optimized in the future if
* only some values are required.
template<typename T>
static void adapt_mesh_domain_edge_to_face_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<T> &old_values,
MutableSpan<T> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totpoly);
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer(r_values);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
mixer.mix_in(poly_index, old_values[loop.e]);
/* A face is selected if all of its edges are selected. */
void adapt_mesh_domain_edge_to_face_impl(const Mesh &mesh,
const VArray<bool> &old_values,
MutableSpan<bool> r_values)
BLI_assert(r_values.size() == mesh.totpoly);
for (const int poly_index : IndexRange(mesh.totpoly)) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[poly_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
const int edge_index = loop.e;
if (!old_values[edge_index]) {
r_values[poly_index] = false;
static GVArray adapt_mesh_domain_edge_to_face(const Mesh &mesh, const GVArray &varray)
GVArray new_varray;
attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(varray.type(), [&](auto dummy) {
using T = decltype(dummy);
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T>>) {
Array<T> values(mesh.totpoly);
adapt_mesh_domain_edge_to_face_impl<T>(mesh, varray.typed<T>(), values);
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForContainer(std::move(values));
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
/* A face is selected if all of its edges are selected. */
new_varray = VArray<bool>::ForFunc(
mesh.totpoly, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<T>()](const int face_index) {
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[face_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
if (!varray[loop.e]) {
return false;
return true;
else {
new_varray = VArray<T>::ForFunc(
mesh.totpoly, [mesh, varray = varray.typed<T>()](const int face_index) {
T return_value;
attribute_math::DefaultMixer<T> mixer({&return_value, 1});
const MPoly &poly = mesh.mpoly[face_index];
for (const int loop_index : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) {
const MLoop &loop = mesh.mloop[loop_index];
const T value = varray[loop.e];
mixer.mix_in(0, value);
return return_value;
return new_varray;