Fix T72064, T72158: weight paint shows X/Y/Z symmetry options that don't work

Only X-mirror is supported still. While we should support all these in the
future, the UI should match the current supported functionality.

Ref T65872
This commit is contained in:
Brecht Van Lommel 2019-12-08 13:25:02 +01:00
parent d82d19904b
commit 9569425b02
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 02:10:52 +01:00
Referenced by commit 102fcba855, Revert "Fix T72064, T72158: weight paint shows X/Y/Z symmetry options that don't work"
Referenced by issue #72158, Buggy Weight Paint Mirroring in 2.81
Referenced by issue #72064, In weight paint mode xyz-mirror widget conflicts with x-mirror option
Referenced by issue #65872, X-mirror activated in Edit Mode missleadingly affects symmetry in Weight Paint Mode
2 changed files with 2 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -140,12 +140,8 @@ class VIEW3D_HT_tool_header(Header):
_row, sub = row_for_mirror()
sub.prop(context.object.pose, "use_mirror_x", text="X", toggle=True)
elif mode_string == 'PAINT_WEIGHT':
row, sub = row_for_mirror()
wpaint = context.tool_settings.weight_paint
sub.prop(wpaint, "use_symmetry_x", text="X", toggle=True)
sub.prop(wpaint, "use_symmetry_y", text="Y", toggle=True)
sub.prop(wpaint, "use_symmetry_z", text="Z", toggle=True)
row.popover(panel="VIEW3D_PT_tools_weightpaint_symmetry_for_topbar", text="")
_row, sub = row_for_mirror()
sub.prop(, "use_mirror_x", text="X", toggle=True)
elif mode_string == 'SCULPT':
row, sub = row_for_mirror()
sculpt = context.tool_settings.sculpt

View File

@ -1470,32 +1470,6 @@ class VIEW3D_PT_tools_brush_display_custom_icon(Panel, View3DPaintPanel):
# ********** default tools for weight-paint ****************
# TODO, move to
class VIEW3D_PT_tools_weightpaint_symmetry(Panel, View3DPaintPanel):
bl_context = ".weightpaint"
bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
bl_label = "Symmetry"
def poll(cls, context):
# When used in the tool header, this is explicitly included next to the XYZ symmetry buttons.
return (context.region.type != 'TOOL_HEADER')
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
tool_settings = context.tool_settings
wpaint = tool_settings.weight_paint
draw_vpaint_symmetry(layout, wpaint)
class VIEW3D_PT_tools_weightpaint_symmetry_for_topbar(Panel):
bl_space_type = 'TOPBAR'
bl_region_type = 'HEADER'
bl_label = "Symmetry"
draw = VIEW3D_PT_tools_weightpaint_symmetry.draw
# TODO, move to
class VIEW3D_PT_tools_weightpaint_options(Panel, View3DPaintPanel):
bl_context = ".weightpaint"
@ -2282,8 +2256,6 @@ classes = (