update parent to mesh, update & fix crasher in mesh_round_cube, update init.

This commit is contained in:
Brendon Murphy 2015-06-22 15:28:17 +10:00
parent ffaddb3a6f
commit 1883ee23fb
3 changed files with 208 additions and 193 deletions

View File

@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class INFO_MT_mesh_pipe_joints_add(bpy.types.Menu):
def menu_func(self, context):
self.layout.menu("INFO_MT_mesh_vert_add", text="Single Vert", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
self.layout.menu("INFO_MT_mesh_round_cube_add", text="Round Cube", icon="WIRE")
self.layout.operator("mesh.primitive_round_cube_add", text="Round Cube", icon="MOD_SUBSURF")
self.layout.menu("INFO_MT_mesh_math_add", text="Math Function", icon="PACKAGE")
self.layout.menu("INFO_MT_mesh_pipe_joints_add", text="Pipe Joints", icon="SNAP_PEEL_OBJECT")
self.layout.menu("INFO_MT_mesh_gears_add", text="Gears", icon="SCRIPTWIN")

View File

@ -1,57 +1,115 @@
# GPL # Original Author Liero #
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty, FloatProperty, BoolProperty, FloatVectorProperty
from bpy.props import StringProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
def centro(objetos):
x = sum([obj.location[0] for obj in objetos])/len(objetos)
y = sum([obj.location[1] for obj in objetos])/len(objetos)
z = sum([obj.location[2] for obj in objetos])/len(objetos)
def centro(sel):
x = sum([obj.location[0] for obj in sel])/len(sel)
y = sum([obj.location[1] for obj in sel])/len(sel)
z = sum([obj.location[2] for obj in sel])/len(sel)
return (x,y,z)
class P2E(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'object.parent_to_empty'
bl_label = 'Parent Selected to Empty'
bl_label = 'Parent to Empty'
bl_description = 'Parent selected objects to a new Empty'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
nombre = StringProperty(name='', default='OBJECTS', description='Give the empty / group a name')
grupo = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Create Group', default=False, description='Also link objects to a new group')
cursor = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Cursor Location', default=False, description='Add the empty at cursor / selection center')
renombrar = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Rename Objects', default=False, description='Rename child objects')
grupo = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Create Group', default=False, description='Also add objects to a group')
locat = bpy.props.EnumProperty(name='', items=[('CURSOR','Cursor','Cursor'),('ACTIVE','Active','Active'),
('CENTER','Center','Selection Center')],description='Empty location', default='CENTER')
renom = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Add Prefix', default=False, description='Add prefix to objects name')
def poll(cls, context):
return (context.object and context.object.select)
objs = context.selected_objects
return (len(objs) > 0)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
column = layout.column(align=True)
def execute(self, context):
objs = bpy.context.selected_objects
if self.cursor:
loc = context.scene.cursor_location
objs = context.selected_objects
act = context.object
sce = context.scene
try: bpy.ops.object.mode_set()
except: pass
if self.locat == 'CURSOR':
loc = sce.cursor_location
elif self.locat == 'ACTIVE':
loc = act.location
loc = centro(objs)
loc = centro(objs)
bpy.context.object.name = self.nombre
context.object.name = self.nombre
context.object.show_name = True
context.object.show_x_ray = True
if self.grupo:
for o in objs:
o.select = True
if not o.parent:
if self.grupo:
o.select = False
for o in objs:
if self.renombrar:
if self.renom:
o.name = self.nombre+'_'+o.name
return {'FINISHED'}
return {'FINISHED'}
class PreFix(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = 'object.toggle_prefix'
bl_label = 'Toggle Sufix'
bl_description = 'Toggle parent name as sufix for c'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
def poll(cls, context):
act = bpy.context.object
return (act and act.type == 'EMPTY')
def execute(self, context):
act = bpy.context.object
objs = act.children
prefix = act.name+'_'
remove = False
for o in objs:
if o.name.startswith(prefix):
remove = True
if remove == True:
for o in objs:
if o.name.startswith(prefix):
o.name = o.name.partition(prefix)[2]
for o in objs:
o.name = prefix+o.name
return {'FINISHED'}
class PanelP2E(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = 'Parent to Empty'
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
bl_category = 'Relations'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# GPL # 'author': 'Alain Ducharme (Phymec)'
# GPL # Author: Alain Ducharme (phymec)
import bpy
from bpy_extras import object_utils
@ -15,14 +15,15 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
radius = max(radius, 0.)
if not radius:
# No sphere
arcdiv = 1
odd_axis_align = False
if arcdiv <= 0:
arcdiv = max(round(pi * radius * lindiv * 0.5), 1)
arcdiv = max(round(arcdiv), 1)
if lindiv <= 0.:
if radius:
lindiv = 1. / (pi / (arcdiv * 2.) * radius)
if lindiv <= 0. and radius:
lindiv = 1. / (pi / (arcdiv * 2.) * radius)
lindiv = max(lindiv, 0.)
if not lindiv:
subdiv = CORNERS
@ -72,9 +73,9 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
dvc = arcdiv * 4 * sum(fxyz)
if subdiv == ALL:
dvc += sum(p1 * p2 for p1, p2 in permutations(fxyz, 2))
elif subdiv == EDGES:
elif subdiv == EDGES and axis_aligned:
# (0, 0, 2, 4) * sum(dxyz) + (0, 0, 2, 6)
dvc += ec * ec // 2 * sum(dxyz) + ec * (ec - 1) if axis_aligned else 0
dvc += ec * ec // 2 * sum(dxyz) + ec * (ec - 1)
dvc = (arcdiv * 4) * ec + ec * (ec - 1) if axis_aligned else 0
vert_count = int(6 * arcdiv*arcdiv + (0 if odd_aligned else 2) + dvc)
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
return arcdiv, lindiv, vert_count
if not radius and not max(size) > 0:
# Single vertex
return [(0,0,0)], []
# uv lookup table
@ -92,11 +94,11 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
v2 = v*v
uvlt.append((v, v2, radius * sqrt(18. - 6. * v2) / 6.))
v = vi + j * step_size # v += step_size # instead of accumulating errors
# clear precision errors / signs at axis
# clear fp errors / signs at axis
if abs(v) < 1e-10:
v = 0.0
# Round cube sides built left to right bottom up
# Sides built left to right bottom up
# xp yp zp xd yd zd
sides = ((0, 2, 1, (-1, 1, 1)), # Y+ Front
(1, 2, 0, (-1, -1, 1)), # X- Left
@ -105,9 +107,10 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
(0, 1, 2, (-1, 1, -1)), # Z- Bottom
(0, 1, 2, (-1, -1, 1))) # Z+ Top
# side vertex index table
# side vertex index table (for sphere)
svit = [[[] for i in range(steps)] for i in range(6)]
# Extend rows for extrusion
# Extend svit rows for extrusion
yer = zer = 0
if ey:
yer = axis_aligned + (dxyz[1] if subdiv else 0)
svit[4].extend([[] for i in range(yer)])
@ -116,8 +119,7 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
zer = axis_aligned + (dxyz[2] if subdiv else 0)
for side in range(4):
svit[side].extend([[] for i in range(zer)])
ryi = rzi = 0 # row vertex indices
# Extend rows for odd_aligned
# Extend svit rows for odd_aligned
if odd_aligned:
for side in range(4):
@ -129,117 +131,115 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
verts = []
if arcdiv == 1 and not odd_aligned and subdiv == ALL:
# Special case: 3D Grid Cuboid
# Special case: Grid Cuboid
for side, (xp, yp, zp, dir) in enumerate(sides):
svitc = svit[side]
rows = len(svitc)
if rows < dxyz[yp] + 2:
svitc.extend([[] for i in range(dxyz[yp] + 2 - rows)])
vert[zp] = (half_chord + exyz[zp]) * dir[zp]
print(dssxyz, half_chord, exyz, dir)
for j in range(dxyz[yp] + 2):
vert[yp] = (j * dssxyz[yp] - half_chord - exyz[yp]) * dir[yp]
for i in range(dxyz[xp] + 2):
vert[xp] = (i * dssxyz[xp] - half_chord - exyz[xp]) * dir[xp]
if (side == 5) or ((i < dxyz[xp] + 1 and j < dxyz[yp] + 1) and (side < 4 or (i and j))):
print(side, vert)
for j in range(steps):
v, v2, mv2 = uvlt[j]
tv2mh = 1./3. * v2 - 0.5
hv2 = 0.5 * v2
for side, (xp, yp, zp, dir) in enumerate(sides):
svitc = svit[side]
exr = exyz[xp]
eyr = exyz[yp]
ri = 0 # row index
rij = zer if side < 4 else yer
if j == hemi:
# Jump over non-edge row vertex indices
if ey:
ryi += yer
if ez:
rzi += zer
if side == 5:
span = range(steps)
elif side < 4 or odd_aligned:
span = range(arcdiv)
span = range(1, arcdiv)
ri = 1
for i in range(steps):
u, u2, mu2 = uvlt[i]
x = u * mv2
y = v * mu2
z = radius * sqrt(u2 * tv2mh - hv2 + 1.)
for j in span: # rows
v, v2, mv2 = uvlt[j]
tv2mh = 1./3. * v2 - 0.5
hv2 = 0.5 * v2
for side, (xp, yp, zp, dir) in enumerate(sides):
svitc = svit[side]
ri = rzi if side < 4 else ryi
if j == hemi and rij:
# Jump over non-edge row indices
ri += rij
vert[xp] = x
vert[yp] = y
vert[zp] = z
exr = exyz[xp]
eyr = exyz[yp]
for i in span: # columns
u, u2, mu2 = uvlt[i]
vert[xp] = u * mv2
vert[yp] = v * mu2
vert[zp] = radius * sqrt(u2 * tv2mh - hv2 + 1.)
if (side == 5) or (i < arcdiv and j < arcdiv and (side < 4 or (i and j or odd_aligned))):
vert[0] = (vert[0] + copysign(ex, vert[0])) * dir[0]
vert[1] = (vert[1] + copysign(ey, vert[1])) * dir[1]
vert[2] = (vert[2] + copysign(ez, vert[2])) * dir[2]
rv = tuple(vert)
vert[0] = (vert[0] + copysign(ex, vert[0])) * dir[0]
vert[1] = (vert[1] + copysign(ey, vert[1])) * dir[1]
vert[2] = (vert[2] + copysign(ez, vert[2])) * dir[2]
rv = tuple(vert)
if exr and i == hemi:
rx = vert[xp] # save xp
vert[xp] = rxi = (-exr - half_chord) * dir[xp]
if axis_aligned:
if exr and i == hemi:
rx = vert[xp] # save rotated x
vert[xp] = rxi = (-exr - half_chord) * dir[xp]
if axis_aligned:
if subdiv:
offsetx = dssxyz[xp] * dir[xp]
for k in range(dxyz[xp]):
vert[xp] += offsetx
if subdiv:
offsetx = dssxyz[xp] * dir[xp]
for k in range(dxyz[xp]):
vert[xp] += offsetx
if eyr and j == hemi and axis_aligned:
vert[xp] = rxi
vert[yp] = -eyr * dir[yp]
if subdiv:
offsety = dssxyz[yp] * dir[yp]
ry = vert[yp]
for k in range(dxyz[yp]):
vert[yp] += offsety
svitc[hemi + axis_aligned + k].append(len(verts))
vert[yp] = ry
for k in range(dxyz[xp]):
vert[xp] += offsetx
if subdiv & ALL:
for l in range(dxyz[yp]):
vert[yp] += offsety
svitc[hemi + axis_aligned + l].append(len(verts))
vert[yp] = ry
vert[xp] = rx # restore
if eyr and j == hemi:
vert[yp] = (-eyr - half_chord) * dir[yp]
if axis_aligned:
if eyr and j == hemi and axis_aligned:
vert[xp] = rxi
vert[yp] = -eyr * dir[yp]
if subdiv:
offsety = dssxyz[yp] * dir[yp]
ry = vert[yp]
for k in range(dxyz[yp]):
vert[yp] += offsety
if exr and i == hemi and not axis_aligned and subdiv & ALL:
vert[xp] = rxi
for l in range(dxyz[xp]):
vert[xp] += offsetx
svitc[hemi + k].append(len(verts))
vert[xp] = rx
svitc[hemi + axis_aligned + k].append(len(verts))
vert[yp] = ry
for k in range(dxyz[xp]):
vert[xp] += offsetx
if subdiv & ALL:
for l in range(dxyz[yp]):
vert[yp] += offsety
svitc[hemi + axis_aligned + l].append(len(verts))
vert[yp] = ry
vert[xp] = rx # restore
ryi += 1
rzi += 1
if eyr and j == hemi:
vert[yp] = (-eyr - half_chord) * dir[yp]
if axis_aligned:
if subdiv:
offsety = dssxyz[yp] * dir[yp]
for k in range(dxyz[yp]):
vert[yp] += offsety
if exr and i == hemi and not axis_aligned and subdiv & ALL:
vert[xp] = rxi
for l in range(dxyz[xp]):
vert[xp] += offsetx
svitc[hemi + k].append(len(verts))
vert[xp] = rx
svitc[hemi + axis_aligned + k].append(len(verts))
ri += 1
# Complete svit edges (shared vertices)
# Sides' right edge
@ -247,13 +247,9 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
for j, row in enumerate(rows[:-1]):
svit[3 if not side else side - 1][j].append(row[0])
# Sides' top edge
for j, row in enumerate(svit[5]):
if not j:
for col in row:
if j == len(svit[5]) - 1:
for col in reversed(row):
for row in svit[5]:
svit[3][-1].insert(0, row[0])
if odd_aligned:
@ -320,14 +316,15 @@ def round_cube(radius=1.0, arcdiv=4, lindiv=0., size=(0. ,0. ,0.), div_type='COR
from bpy.props import BoolProperty, EnumProperty, FloatProperty, FloatVectorProperty, IntProperty
class AddRoundCube(bpy.types.Operator):
class AddRoundCube(bpy.types.Operator, object_utils.AddObjectHelper):
"""Add Round Cube Primitive"""
bl_idname = 'mesh.primitive_round_cube_add'
bl_label = 'Add Round Cube'
bl_description = 'Add mesh primitives: Quadsphere, Capsule, Rounded Cuboid, 3D Grid'
bl_description = 'Add mesh primitives: Quadspheres, Capsules, Rounded Cuboids, 3D Grids, etc.'
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'}
sanity_check_verts = 200000
vert_count = 0
radius = FloatProperty(
name = 'Radius',
@ -344,7 +341,7 @@ class AddRoundCube(bpy.types.Operator):
arc_div = IntProperty(
name = 'Arc Divisions',
description = 'Arc curve divisions, per quadrant; 0 = derive from Linear',
default = 4, min = 0
default = 4, min = 1
lin_div = FloatProperty(
@ -364,61 +361,23 @@ class AddRoundCube(bpy.types.Operator):
odd_axis_align = BoolProperty(
name='Odd Axis Align',
name = 'Odd Axis Align',
description = 'Align odd arc divisions with axes (Note: triangle corners!)',
no_limit = BoolProperty(
name='No Limit',
name = 'No Limit',
description = 'Do not limit to '+str(sanity_check_verts)+' vertices (sanity check)',
preset = EnumProperty(
name = 'Presets',
items = (
('CUSTOM', 'Custom', 'Round Cube'),
('SPHERE', 'Sphere', 'Quadsphere'),
('CAPSULE', 'Capsule', 'Capsule'),
('CUBOID', 'Cube', 'Rounded Cuboid'),
('3DGRID', 'Grid', '3D Grid Cube')),
default = 'CUSTOM', options={'HIDDEN'}
options = {'HIDDEN'}
def execute(self, context):
if self.preset == 'SPHERE':
self.radius = 1.0
self.size = (0.,0.,0.)
self.arc_div = max(self.arc_div, 4)
self.lin_div = 0.
self.div_type = 'CORNERS'
elif self.preset == 'CAPSULE':
self.radius = 0.5
self.size = (0.,0.,3.)
self.arc_div = max(self.arc_div, 4)
self.lin_div = 0.
self.div_type = 'CORNERS'
elif self.preset == 'CUBOID':
self.radius = 0.25
self.size = (2.,2.,2.)
self.arc_div = max(self.arc_div, 4)
self.lin_div = 0.
self.div_type = 'CORNERS'
elif self.preset == '3DGRID':
self.radius = 1.0
self.arc_div = 1
self.lin_div = max(self.lin_div, 5.)
self.div_type = 'ALL'
self.size = (2.,2.,2.)
self.odd_axis_align = False
self.preset = 'CUSTOM'
if self.arc_div <=0 and self.lin_div <= 0:
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'Either Arc Divisions or Linear Divisions must be greater than zero!')
return {'CANCELLED'}
if not self.no_limit:
arcdiv, lindiv, vert_count = round_cube(self.radius, self.arc_div, self.lin_div, self.size, self.div_type, self.odd_axis_align, True)
if vert_count > self.sanity_check_verts:
if self.vert_count > self.sanity_check_verts:
self.report({'ERROR'}, 'More than '+str(self.sanity_check_verts)+' vertices! Check "No Limit" to proceed')
return {'CANCELLED'}
@ -426,54 +385,52 @@ class AddRoundCube(bpy.types.Operator):
mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('Roundcube')
object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=None)
object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=self)
return {'FINISHED'}
def check(self, context):
self.arcdiv, self.lindiv, self.vert_count = round_cube(self.radius, self.arc_div, self.lin_div, self.size, self.div_type, self.odd_axis_align, True)
return True # False
def invoke(self, context, event):
return self.execute(context)
def draw(self, context):
arcdiv, lindiv, vert_count = round_cube(self.radius, self.arc_div, self.lin_div, self.size, self.div_type, self.odd_axis_align, True)
layout = self.layout
layout.prop(self, 'radius')
row = layout.row()
row.column().prop(self, 'size', expand=True)
layout.column().prop(self, 'size', expand=True)
box = layout.box()
row = box.row()
row.alignment = 'CENTER'
row.scale_y = 0.1
row = box.row()# align=True)
row = box.row()
col = row.column()
col.alignment = 'RIGHT'
col.prop(self, 'arc_div', text="")
col.label('[ {} ]'.format(arcdiv))
col.prop(self, 'arc_div', text='')
col.label('[ {} ]'.format(self.arcdiv))
col = row.column()
col.alignment = 'RIGHT'
col.prop(self, 'lin_div', text="")
col.label('[ {:.3g} ]'.format(lindiv))
col.prop(self, 'lin_div', text='')
col.label('[ {:.3g} ]'.format(self.lindiv))
box.row().prop(self, 'div_type')
row = box.row()
row.active = arcdiv % 2
row.active = self.arcdiv % 2
row.prop(self, 'odd_axis_align')
row = layout.row()
row.alert = vert_count > self.sanity_check_verts
row.prop(self, 'no_limit', text='No limit ({})'.format(vert_count))
row.alert = self.vert_count > self.sanity_check_verts
row.prop(self, 'no_limit', text='No limit ({})'.format(self.vert_count))
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.prop(self, 'location', expand=True)
col = layout.column(align=True)
col.prop(self, 'rotation', expand=True)
class INFO_MT_mesh_round_cube_add(bpy.types.Menu):
bl_idname = 'INFO_MT_mesh_round_cube_add'
bl_label = 'Round Cube'
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
layout.operator(AddRoundCube.bl_idname, text = 'Custom', icon='MOD_SUBSURF')
layout.operator(AddRoundCube.bl_idname, text = 'Sphere', icon='META_BALL').preset = 'SPHERE'
layout.operator(AddRoundCube.bl_idname, text = 'Capsule', icon='META_ELLIPSOID').preset = 'CAPSULE'
layout.operator(AddRoundCube.bl_idname, text = 'Cube', icon='META_CUBE').preset = 'CUBOID'
layout.operator(AddRoundCube.bl_idname, text = 'Grid', icon='META_CUBE').preset = '3DGRID'