X3D IO layout

This commit is contained in:
William Reynish 2019-08-21 22:45:10 +02:00
parent 677e5ea2ea
commit 2c18cce570
1 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -78,6 +78,89 @@ class ImportX3D(bpy.types.Operator, ImportHelper):
return import_x3d.load(context, **keywords)
def draw(self, context):
class X3D_PT_export_include(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'FILE_BROWSER'
bl_region_type = 'TOOL_PROPS'
bl_label = "include"
bl_parent_id = "FILE_PT_operator"
def poll(cls, context):
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
return operator.bl_idname == "EXPORT_SCENE_OT_x3d"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.prop(operator, "use_selection")
layout.prop(operator, "use_hierarchy")
layout.prop(operator, "name_decorations")
layout.prop(operator, "use_h3d")
class X3D_PT_export_transform(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'FILE_BROWSER'
bl_region_type = 'TOOL_PROPS'
bl_label = "Transform"
bl_parent_id = "FILE_PT_operator"
def poll(cls, context):
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
return operator.bl_idname == "EXPORT_SCENE_OT_x3d"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.prop(operator, "global_scale")
layout.prop(operator, "axis_forward")
layout.prop(operator, "axis_up")
class X3D_PT_export_geometry(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'FILE_BROWSER'
bl_region_type = 'TOOL_PROPS'
bl_label = "Geometry"
bl_parent_id = "FILE_PT_operator"
def poll(cls, context):
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
return operator.bl_idname == "EXPORT_SCENE_OT_x3d"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.prop(operator, "use_mesh_modifiers")
layout.prop(operator, "use_triangulate")
layout.prop(operator, "use_normals")
layout.prop(operator, "use_compress")
@orientation_helper(axis_forward='Z', axis_up='Y')
class ExportX3D(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
@ -157,6 +240,34 @@ class ExportX3D(bpy.types.Operator, ExportHelper):
return export_x3d.save(context, **keywords)
def draw(self, context):
class X3D_PT_import_transform(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_space_type = 'FILE_BROWSER'
bl_region_type = 'TOOL_PROPS'
bl_label = "Transform"
bl_parent_id = "FILE_PT_operator"
def poll(cls, context):
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
return operator.bl_idname == "IMPORT_SCENE_OT_x3d"
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
layout.use_property_decorate = False # No animation.
sfile = context.space_data
operator = sfile.active_operator
layout.prop(operator, "axis_forward")
layout.prop(operator, "axis_up")
def menu_func_import(self, context):
@ -170,7 +281,11 @@ def menu_func_export(self, context):
classes = (