VR Scene Inspection: Various fixes and cleanups for preview changes

Besides minor tweaks:
* Always use selected, not active landmark for editing operators
* Fix failure when trying to access non-existant scene camera or custom
  base pose camera
* More consistent naming and descriptions
This commit is contained in:
Julian Eisel 2020-07-22 14:05:48 +02:00
parent fe21f93ae9
commit 362200bfee
1 changed files with 61 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def xr_landmark_active_update(self, context):
xr_landmark_active_base_pose_angle_update(self, context)
if wm.xr_session_state:
class VIEW3D_MT_landmark_menu(Menu):
@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ class VIEW3D_MT_landmark_menu(Menu):
class VRLandmark(PropertyGroup):
@ -369,17 +369,17 @@ class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_add(Operator):
class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_camera(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_from_camera"
bl_label = "Add VR Landmark from selected camera"
bl_description = "Add a new VR landmark from the selected camera to the list and select it"
bl_label = "Add VR Landmark from camera"
bl_description = "Add a new VR landmark from the active camera object to the list and select it"
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'}
def poll(cls, context):
cam_selected = 0
cam_selected = False
vl_objects = bpy.context.view_layer.objects
if vl_objects.active and vl_objects.active.type == 'CAMERA':
cam_selected = 1
cam_selected = True
return cam_selected
def execute(self, context):
@ -400,22 +400,21 @@ class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_camera(Operator):
class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_session(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.vr_landmark_from_session"
bl_label = "Add VR Landmark from session"
bl_description = "Add VR landmark from the current session to the list and select it"
bl_description = "Add VR landmark from the viewer pose of the running VR session to the list and select it"
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'}
def poll(cls, context):
view3d = context.space_data
return bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context)
def execute(self, context):
from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion
scene = context.scene
landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks
wm = context.window_manager
lm = landmarks.add()
lm.type = "CUSTOM"
scene.vr_landmarks_selected = len(landmarks) - 1
loc = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_location
rot = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_rotation.to_euler()
@ -428,38 +427,28 @@ class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_from_session(Operator):
class VIEW3D_OT_update_vr_landmark(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.update_vr_landmark"
bl_label = "Update Custom Landmark"
bl_description = "Update an existing landmark from live session"
bl_label = "Update Custom VR Landmark"
bl_description = "Update the selected landmark from the current viewer pose in the VR session"
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'}
def poll(cls, context):
view3d = context.space_data
scene = context.scene
landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks
active_landmark = scene.vr_landmarks[scene.vr_landmarks_active]
# return bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) and active_landmark.type == 'CUSTOM'
return active_landmark.type == 'CUSTOM'
selected_landmark = VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
return bpy.types.XrSessionState.is_running(context) and selected_landmark.type == 'CUSTOM'
def execute(self, context):
from mathutils import Matrix, Quaternion
scene = context.scene
landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks
wm = context.window_manager
lm = landmarks[scene.vr_landmarks_active]
lm = VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
loc = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_location
rot = wm.xr_session_state.viewer_pose_rotation.to_euler()
# only for testing
# loc = landmarks[0].base_pose_location
# rot = landmarks[0].base_pose_angle
lm.base_pose_location = loc
lm.base_pose_angle = rot
# now activate the landmark again to trigger viewer reset
# Re-activate the landmark to trigger viewer reset and flush landmark settings to the session settings.
xr_landmark_active_update(None, context)
return {'FINISHED'}
@ -486,12 +475,22 @@ class VIEW3D_OT_vr_landmark_remove(Operator):
class VIEW3D_OT_cursor_to_vr_landmark(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.cursor_to_vr_landmark"
bl_label = "Cursor to VR Landmark"
bl_description = "Set the 3D Cursor to the active VR Landmark"
bl_description = "Move the 3D Cursor to the selected VR Landmark"
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'}
def poll(cls, context):
lm = VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
if lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA':
return context.scene.camera is not None
elif lm.type == 'USER_CAMERA':
return lm.base_pose_camera is not None
return True
def execute(self, context):
scene = context.scene
lm = scene.vr_landmarks[scene.vr_landmarks_selected]
lm = VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
if lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA':
lm_pos = scene.camera.location
elif lm.type == 'USER_CAMERA':
@ -503,31 +502,32 @@ class VIEW3D_OT_cursor_to_vr_landmark(Operator):
class VIEW3d_OT_new_cam_to_vr_landmark(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.new_cam_to_vr_landmark"
bl_label = "New Camera from Landmark"
bl_description = "Create a new Camera from active VR Landmark"
class VIEW3d_OT_add_camera_from_vr_landmark(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.add_camera_from_vr_landmark"
bl_label = "New Camera from VR Landmark"
bl_description = "Create a new Camera from the selected VR Landmark"
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'}
def execute(self, context):
scene = context.scene
import math
lm = scene.vr_landmarks[scene.vr_landmarks_selected]
scene = context.scene
lm = VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
cam = bpy.data.cameras.new("Camera_" + lm.name)
new_cam = bpy.data.objects.new("Camera_" + lm.name, cam)
angle = lm.base_pose_angle
new_cam.location = lm.base_pose_location
new_cam.rotation_euler = (1.5708, 0, angle)
new_cam.rotation_euler = (math.pi, 0, angle)
return {'FINISHED'}
class VIEW3D_OT_active_cam_to_vr_landmark(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.active_cam_to_vr_landmark"
bl_label = "Active Camera to Landmark"
bl_description = "Position the active camera at the selected landmark"
class VIEW3D_OT_camera_to_vr_landmark(Operator):
bl_idname = "view3d.camera_to_vr_landmark"
bl_label = "Scene Camera to VR Landmark"
bl_description = "Position the scene camera at the selected landmark"
bl_options = {'UNDO', 'REGISTER'}
@ -535,14 +535,15 @@ class VIEW3D_OT_active_cam_to_vr_landmark(Operator):
return context.scene.camera is not None
def execute(self, context):
scene = context.scene
import math
lm = scene.vr_landmarks[scene.vr_landmarks_selected]
scene = context.scene
lm = VRLandmark.get_selected_landmark(context)
cam = scene.camera
angle = lm.base_pose_angle
cam.location = lm.base_pose_location
cam.rotation_euler = (1.5708, 0, angle)
cam.rotation_euler = (math.pi / 2, 0, angle)
return {'FINISHED'}
@ -681,9 +682,9 @@ class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_pose(GizmoGroup):
self.gizmo.matrix_basis = self._get_viewer_pose_matrix(context)
class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_viz(GizmoGroup):
bl_idname = "VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_viz"
bl_label = "VR Landmark Indicator"
class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_landmarks(GizmoGroup):
bl_idname = "VIEW3D_GGT_vr_landmarks"
bl_label = "VR Landmark Indicators"
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_options = {'3D', 'PERSISTENT', 'SCALE'}
@ -695,24 +696,24 @@ class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_viz(GizmoGroup):
def setup(self,context):
def setup(self, context):
def draw_prepare(self, context):
# first delete the old gizmos
# first delete the old gizmos
for g in self.gizmos:
from math import radians
from mathutils import Matrix, Euler
landmarks = context.scene.vr_landmarks
default_matrix = Matrix(((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)))
scene = context.scene
landmarks = scene.vr_landmarks
for lm in landmarks:
if ((lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA' and not scene.camera) or
(lm.type == 'USER_CAMERA' and not lm.base_pose_camera)):
gizmo = self.gizmos.new(VIEW3D_GT_vr_camera_cone.bl_idname)
gizmo.aspect = 1 / 3, 1 / 4
@ -722,10 +723,8 @@ class VIEW3D_GGT_vr_viewer_viz(GizmoGroup):
self.gizmo = gizmo
if lm.type == 'SCENE_CAMERA':
if context.scene.camera:
lm_mat = context.scene.camera.matrix_world
lm_mat = default_matrix
cam = scene.camera
lm_mat = cam.matrix_world if cam else Matrix.Identity(4)
elif lm.type == 'USER_CAMERA':
lm_mat = lm.base_pose_camera.matrix_world
@ -757,15 +756,15 @@ classes = (
@ -793,7 +792,7 @@ def register():
name="Show VR Camera"
bpy.types.View3DShading.vr_show_landmarks = BoolProperty(
name="Show Landmarks"
name="Show Landmarks"